A simple technique to find solutions and generate ideas

Most of us often falls into a dead end when it comes to brainstorming and making non-standard solutions.
< Website will introduce its readers with a technique that will help with this handle.
The technique is called «The list of 100». It consists in the fact that a clear record your question or problem at the top of a blank sheet of paper and make a list of the 100 responses to it.
The question arises: "Is not it too much?" In fact, this is the amount that makes the technique a powerful tool
. When you begin your list, you may find that to continue and complete its unreal. But a few points when you play around a little bit, your subconscious mind naturally turns to the process.
And then you will discover many new and striking answers, the idea will work again.
There are only two basic rules to keep in mind, making "100 List» makes the list in one go
Eliminate all distractions ul > Eliminate anything that is not related to the generation of ideas for the duration of your session. Just focus on the extraction of the ideas out of your head as soon as possible, while respecting the following rules:
Do not criticize or evaluate ideas; you analyze them later. Do not write words and sentences in full, if it slows down your work. Do not stop to see how much you have already done; better to number the rows from 1 to 100, or create a numbered list, if you are using a text editor. Do not worry that your ideas will be repeated; Duplicates will help you understand your way of thinking.
In compiling the list, you will go through three distinct phases The first of about 30 items The following 40 items most important thing - do not give up at this point The last 30 points. those items which at first seemed ugly to you most as a result of the most consistent theme issue
. Moreover, in the process of drawing up the list you can completely change the attitude to the problem as a whole: you can even come to the conclusion that you should draw up a list of quite a different topic
«List. 100 »100
lists as an illustration of the myriad possibilities of this technique Now exercise: think of a random number from 1 to 100, a look that denotes a number in the list below and make it
. 100 things, for which I am grateful to 100 ways to self-100 ways to hurt yourself 100 cases in which I master 100 qualities that I like a 100 questions that I want to get answers to 100 ways to improve your life 100 cases, which I completed in lives of 100 things that put me off balance 100 things I would have done if I had at this time 100 cases that I need or I want to do 100 things that I have to finish in the next months 100 cases I have to finish, is still alive 100 righteous human affairs 100 poor human misconduct 100 reasons why I want to save your marriage / fidelity 100 reasons why I do not want to save the marriage / fidelity 100 reasons why I do not want A to be my partner / other 100 reasons why I have to offer A partnership / friendship 100 my current fears 100 things that used to be I'm scared, but not now 100 reasons to save money 100 things, for which I miss the 100 victims that I brought 100 business ideas for my business 100 ways to make money 100 opportunities to do good deeds 100 professions, which I would like to take possession of 100 fears multimillionaire 100 values in which I believe 100 achievements (qualities) which I am proud of 100 things that I value in life 100 ways to help people 100 things that I light a 100 things that I inhibit 100 conclusions which I have made in the lives of 100 things that I find it hard to share with the other 100 things that I gave 100 things that I have angered 100 things that saddens me 100 things ( people, places), I like 100 things that will help to distract when I'm depressed 100 things that will help to distract when I'm lonely 100 rules that I broke the 100 skills, I speak 100 the feelings that I feel right now 100 childhood memories 100 things that my parents have told me 100 ways to be generous 100 ways to increase the effectiveness of 100 things that I hate the 100 things that I want to 100 seats, which I would like to visit the 100 things that I would like to hear from anyone 100 items that I would like to hear constantly of 100 things I would like to say to your child 100 things my child needs to know about me 100 reasons to have a baby 100 reasons not to have children 100 adjectives that describe me 100 decisions taken me other 100 successful the decisions taken by my 100 cases I have done if I had left to live 6 months 100 things to expect from me other 100 things that I did expect from him 100 sentences, which I have not made a 100 ways to develop the creativity of 100 items that can be worn in the pockets of 100 items that I'd saved during a fire in my house 100 things I would like to say to my mother (father) 100 things that I never would have told my mother (father) 100 financial fears 100 misdemeanors for which I myself forgive 100 things that I need to keep under review the 100 cases, of which I am afraid of losing control 100 performed prayers of 100 people, with whom I'd like to meet 100 reasons for 100 of my jealousy, I admire 100 cases I put aside "for later" 100 memories of the last 100 things that inspire me 100 my unfinished business 100 cases, which I am proud 100 acts that I never repeat 100 ways to earn income 100 vital principles 100 people, I want to forgive 100 whose forgiveness I want to get 100 acts, for which I should forgive myself 100 errors that I made 100 lessons that I got 100 ways to become healthier 100 reasons to cry 100 reasons to laugh 100 things I would have shifted to the other 100 things I would like to get to the birthday of 100 things I have tired 100 duties, I would avoid 100 things that can make
«100 List"
via ihappymama.ru/spisok-100-ili-prostoj-metod-poiska-reshenij-i-generatsii-idej/
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