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Who to be in the XXI century, when Dad and Grandpa - energy?

Despite the relative slowness of energy in recent years, it appears the new professions and requires new specialists. Meteoenergetiki, elektrozapravschiki and designers wearable energoustroystv - perhaps today's children should dream to become them?

I will continue to dissect «Атлас new professions » - a forecast of what specialties will be needed in the future in Russia (this is important, because many of them already exist in the world). Today's look at the power generation and grid. The first part (medicine and biotechnology), which tells more about the study can be found here .

power circuit and power management h5>
Professions, which will appear before 2020 i>

Marketer energy markets. B> specialist with a good knowledge of the global and Russian energy market, to address the challenges and sales. Need for such specialists is associated with increased competition in the energy market and the emergence of a large number of private players
While such specialists in Russia are not needed, but soon enough questions microgeneration and distributed networks become truly relevant. In the west, of course, everything is already there, this teach and the demand for such specialists is great. We also now everything is extremely simple: WGCs and ten nuclear power plants in the generation and IDGC networks .
Because in the story, what are profession in energy , the marketer has not yet designated. And in vain.

consumer advocates electricity. B> Checks energy networks on indicators of safety, efficacy and other user requirements, able to give expert advice in the field of legislation on energy saving
In Europe and US consumer protection in the field of electric power carefully designed, there are many experts in this matter. Specialists in this field mainly advise how to pay less.
In Russia, there is some movement in that direction, but so far some kutsee. So, I managed to find the September seminar about the protection of the rights and about ways to reduce energy costs. For 12 thousand. Rubles . But it is clear that the service is needed, not least to deal with incentives and subsidies, to complain about the confusion which even experts

Energy Auditors. B> professionals involved in audit and consulting in the field of energy. Checks homes, apartment complexes, individual buildings, factories for energy losses and optimize energy consumption, makes recommendations for improving energy
In general, it is strange that the profession was in the Atlas, energy auditor, even in Russia is no surprise. This is due to the fact that the energy audit - a mandatory thing for authorities and a number of companies . Hence it is understandable and interesting: there guaranteed money, government contracts, etc. If the view that energy auditors were in the Atlas of the fact that there are problems with training. Mostly offer 72-hour course that if you look at the forums , seems to be more for the crust than actual operation. Ministry of Energy has launched the process подготовки energy auditors and expects that this year it will be held courses about 30 thousand people.

Adjuster / controller for distributed power grid. B> with skills in the analysis of possible system failures, predicting optimum operation, ensure that the design grid security and waste management. Owns NDT methods, can be put into operation "smart grids»
Distributed energy in developed countries entered the active agenda in the early 2000s. In particular, in the United States after the blackout 2003 a law was passed, providing significant benefits small producers of electricity. From that moment the share of electricity produced centrally reduced. There are training and certification engineers distributed energy.


In Russia, despite the fact that only two years later, there was a major accident , of which an estimated 6.5 million affected order. Man nothing like this has happened - except that guide Mosenergo removed. Nevertheless, it is clear that since the money on upgrading backbone networks for companies is not enough, distributed power in Russia - it is a matter shortly, means and will need specialists.

Professions, which will appear after 2020 i>

Developer power systems. B> specialist, designing energy systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings with the objectives of economy, safety and ease of operation for the user.
System engineer smart grid. B> A specialist in the design and modeling of "smart grid" mikrogeneratsionnyh systems, "smart" power environments under a particular problem, as well as the development of technological and infrastructural requirements for the systems throughout their lifecycle
These two works, in fact, on the same question - how best to equip the power supply for the consumer, but it solves the first part of the consumer (what and how best to use to achieve the goals, how to work with the most voracious objects, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, etc .), and the second - from the generation and the network. Today abroad there are companies that provide similar services (eg, Siemens with its decision SureGrid , Mentor with their priborami and others). Ever and has come to Russia.

Elektrozapravschik. B> A specialist who provides services for infrastructure charging electric vehicles and other vehicles (eg commercial UAV)
About freight drones too early to say, but it is already possible to Tesla drive across America . While the card elektrozapravok looks something like this:


In Moscow, according to site MOESK-EV , 27 fueling stations, but the owners of electric cars say that they all tend, not thank God . On the other hand, zero import duties on electric vehicles may spur the market upwards. While it is better to be charged at the stalls.

Power generation and energy storage h5>
Professions, which will appear before 2020 i>

Manager modernization of power generation. B> Controls the modernization of power plants: thermal power station, hydroelectric, nuclear power plants; introducing modern methods of safety, environmental and resource efficiency
It is clear that, despite the general trend towards diversification of sources of electricity generation, the lion's share will soon be made centrally. Production capacity for age and wear, so need experts who can implement best practices in power plants and CHP.

Developer microgeneration systems. B> A specialist in the development and design of new technological solutions related to energy microgeneration to the requirements of the user.

The main reasons for the development of microgeneration today - it's growing environmental consciousness and reduced consumer spending. Therefore, in the West for many specialists in microgeneration, come in the near future and to Russia. Interestingly, in the US there are already precedents deal with such independent comrades. In February, the court ordered the Florida Robin Speronis that about two years lived in his house, disconnect power and water supply systems, подключиться urban water supply , though, with a sigh, and recognized her right not to use it.

Design Specialist recovery systems. B> specialist technology solutions to "capture" the excess energy of the moving means in the first place when braking, for example, road transport, metro, urban electric transport
In principle, energy recovery is nothing revolutionary: rail, trams and trolleybuses regenerative braking is applied and now . But it sounds weighty. Most likely, in the future request for professionals who are able to create such systems demand will grow.

Professions, which will appear after 2020 i>

Meteoenergetik. B> professionals involved in operation optimization of generating capacity due to climatic conditions. Predicts the level of energy production, depending on the long-term weather forecasts

Looks fantastic, but in general, since the 1990s in Germany there are passive houses , which take into account the location of the house, lighting, etc. They can be considered the first sign of this topic. But in general, the existence of such a profession, may help to solve some problems, for example, the same story with the accident in Moscow in 2005, when one of the triggers was a sharp increase in electricity consumption due to the heat.

Specialist local power supply systems. B> is engaged in the development, implementation and maintenance of systems of small power generation (wind, solar, bio, nuclear Microgenerators etc.).
I do not know, not sure about nuclear generators, but that's exactly what scientists think about how to использовать somehow those approximately 100 million. GW infrared radiation that emits our Earth into space. And the rest of the profession looks like packaging "in the box" of those solutions that already exist.

Designer wearable energoustroystv. B> Designer wearable energoustroystv - designer of mobile / wearable generating systems, has been creating private goods (clothes, shoes and so on. D.) With the function of energy microgeneration.

What can I say. It is a pity that this profession (and therefore mass production), the authors include Atlas for 2020. But people are working. There are prototypes micro-wind turbines , ten of which can fit on a grain of rice and a few hundred can be used to charge smartphone, discusses options for creating a ткани, allows you to generate electricity. Let's see.

The designer of energy storage. B> Designer energy storage systems: vysokoemkostnye batteries, thermal storage, flywheels, etc., Allowing to save energy redistribution in "smart networks" between the peaks and dips
Here, all too clear. Apart from generating the necessary storage solutions. For example, regenerative braking, used in electric vehicles, charging the battery, but often such excess energy goes into heating space. Disorder.

Source: habrahabr.ru/post/215347/