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The karmic laws of cause and effect


Strange you didn't think it was, but all that we call disease and misery, is actually good for us. The fact that through them the mechanisms of the Universe are sending us a signal that we their actions break the harmony, i.e. not doing our karmic task.

In our Universe, quite strong mechanisms to stop such actions. They will not allow people to destroy it. On Earth we can live only by keeping the necessary laws of harmony. Specify – that to live, not to exist in misery and pain. Attempt to live without regard to the interests of the body of the Universe as a whole and focus only on themselves and their own offspring, intersect. So the cause of misery and disease are setup to receive more than give.

In the human mind rather firmly seated the notion that to is good. To obtain means to survive in any way. And if you cannot realize this aspiration, then he has internal aggression. His brain into the Universe the energy emitted signals (hatred, resentment, anger) that pose a serious threat to others and to the Universe. Interestingly, the more we get interested in our values, the stronger grows our inner aggression. It is a consequence of orientation, only itself, and the cause of all misfortunes and diseases. But what to do if signals from the Universe every day, life "get", everything falls and goes as you had planned? First, we need to stop. Second, to rethink and to change the attitude of the world (close a program), to remove the aggression, then the world will start to change their attitude towards you. We get only what they deserve, created in your own mind. And if we in your dreams created hell for his enemies, then you will receive it. All returns!

Repentance will purify the soul. Sometimes it happens that after a perfect repentance, a person undergoes any unpleasant events. But you should not consider them bad. They show what people did in the past, however, quickly and in a milder form. If they don't show up, you have accumulated, can cause rebirth in the Bad Realms. That's why it is better as soon as possible to get rid of them. The basic meaning of repentance is that it gives people the opportunity pretty quickly to return the Karma. There is no point in regretting any past atrocities.

From regrets nothing is born, they only narrow the mind and gradually lead to self-destruction. Should repent, not to regret. You need to create in themselves the mood to continue to afford such mistakes. So, having made an unseemly business, having accumulated bad Karma, we need to repent. Thus it is possible to purify the negative Karma. Due to the accumulation of merit and various other practices may subsequently receive good Karma.

Many people believe that Karma is fate or destiny. But it's too far from the truth. After all, the lot or destiny is unchangeable predestination of life circumstances (mostly of a negative character). Actually, Karma is changeable and variable. It is a "cause and effect". In other words, your life we create for ourselves. This means that we are always responsible for what happens in our lives. Don't say "something happened", because you yourself have done so, what would it happened.

From the point of view of Karma, coincidences and there are no coincidences. Some of the events at first glance may seem random, but upon closer examination, we already find that they themselves have prepared the ground for them. To give in to one or the other situation – it means voluntarily keep it forever (even if this decision subconsciously). You believe what choice you simply can not. But the concept of Karma implies that you have considerable choice. No one but you creates your personal Karma. If you believe in something else, then that is really your Karma. By its definition, you choose your point of view. If that happens to you, you blame someone else, then you deny personal responsibility for your Karma.

To work with your Karma it is important to know:

You are not only created but also continue to create a life of its own.

You always have the opportunity to change their own past.

In Sanskrit Karma means deed. Karma means the retribution for negative and positive thoughts, sins and good deeds. No trouble or nuisance does not happen with us just like that. All this is the result of perfect ever negative actions. With the concept of "karma" is quite closely related to a concept such as "reincarnation" (rebirth). In real life the person is liable not only for their negative actions committed in this life, but also paying for the misdeeds of their past incarnations. Here we see a vivid example of causality: cause – indecent act investigation – trouble, problem, disease. If the people do not have time to atone, then it will accumulate Karma it will get worse and more will appear in its next incarnations.

Most interesting is that Karma can become our teacher if look at the ongoing troubles with your personal guilt, not to shift the responsibility on the shoulders of other people or mysterious circumstances. For example, faced with betrayal, the person must first understand for what offense he was punished this betrayal. According to the law of Karma is always evil is tantamount to evil, i.e. people will get there trouble, which he delivered when others. We call it the law of the boomerang. The Indians – the law of Karma. Generous reward for a committed righteous acts, however, is not worth waiting for. They first neutralize past negative actions (as in the present life and past incarnations). And only when this "evil credit" to be repaid, constructive action will work for a person and give him a well-deserved award.

Is it possible to calculate the number of his karmic debt?

The mistakes, the negative deeds committed in this life, we usually remember quite clearly. But in order to know what are the deeds committed in our past incarnations, was a reason of bad Karma, you need to turn to numerology.

So, let's start:

Number name is a numeric expression letters of your first name, patronymic and surname, the rolled up numbers from one to nine.

The ratio of letters with numbers is:

A — And — b means 1

P — t — T — S — means 2

V — K — U — K — means 3

G — L — f — e — mean 4

D — M — X — th — means 5

E — N — C — I — 6 means

E — a — H — means 7

W — P — W — 8 means

S — P — U — 9 means

First, configure a separate name, patronymic and surname of the letters into numbers, then count the results, then put them together and turn to a simple number (one through nine). But you need to pay attention will not be on the final results and intermediate calculations. Look closely at number 13 or 14 or 16 or 19. They just indicate that you have a karmic debt. The presence of a karmic debt indicates the presence in the intermediate calculations of your birthday.

Number the life path is the sum of all the numbers in your date of birth (year, month, day). They, too, are formed separately, and then sum all three results. If the amount obtained of the number 13 or 14 or 16 or 19, then you can not curtail, the Number of your Karmic Debt has already been found.

Next, a calculated Number of Implementation, which is the sum of the Number Name and Number of your Life Path. Then again, an important intermediate results, i.e., the presence in your calculations above "insidious" numbers.

Now let's see for what pay.

13 – using other people to achieve their personal well-being; actions only for the sake of personal interests; the search for easy ways for your benefit, not for the benefit of others; an idle life.

What you need to do more to give than to take. To concentrate on their main goal, not to squander on trifles. Try to avoid the chaos in various cases, as well as in relations with other people.

14 – freedom from any obligations that don't fulfill their promises, which led to disease, big trouble or even death of another person; the abandonment of further self-improvement for the sake of any enjoyment; involuntary restriction of someone's freedom.

What to do: need to define for yourself a high goal in life and to faithfully serve her. Sure to fulfill all of its obligations, or not to promise anything that can not realize. Don't tie other people sense of duty. Release into the wild song birds.

16 – incest, rape, adultery – unlawful sexual relations, or actions, because of which people suffered. And the worse these effects, the stronger the punishment.

What to do: never force anyone to physical intimacy, not to engage in unlawful and unnatural love relationship. To avoid any manifestations of selfishness. The interests of loved ones are always put above personal. Responsible for all, "tamed".

19 – abuse of power, greed, enforced discipline, for example, the slave trade.

What to do: Without regrets, to be generous, and to value human relationships, to help the needy. Timely and fairly pay for the labor of others. To give more than you take (both in material terms and in morale ).

How to fix your Karma.

These recommendations will help to correct the mistakes of the past and to the next incarnation to come with good Karma. And, perhaps, in this life will receive a positive reward.

Never avenge. People who hurt you, so will definitely be punished.

Carefully think over the consequences of all their actions. If due to any your actions can hurt other people, refrain from these actions.

Bring the world of light and goodness.

Without reminders and requests help others. Good deed done under compulsion, will not affect Karma in a positive way.

Responsibility for their own actions and for everything that happens to you, not passed on to other people. All your troubles are the consequence of past negative actions.

Always draw conclusions from what is happening to you and it will help you not to commit actions, leading to the appearance of additional negative Karma.

Help the people around you, take care of their Karma. Try to keep them from negative actions. All this you too will be counted.

Be sure to consider past karmic debts, fix them.

To mitigate Karma use self-punishment, i.e. if you realized that you had made a negative act, not wait for the manifestation of his Karma, atone for your sin. In this case, it is likely that your Karma will not be spoiled even more. For example, take anything to its detriment and for the benefit of the victim of your actions.

Take a rule have to make at least one good thing a day. Try it and you will understand that it is not difficult. No you do not need feats, enough careful attention to the needs and interests of others, to be polite and friendly person.

Do not wish evil to others. Pronounced mentally, is equivalent to say out loud. But, if this happened, use self-punishment.

Don't be selfish, be righteous, care for those who need it and do not pass by other people's troubles. This will help you in getting rid of burdensome cargo.

But all of these tips will apply only in the case that you'll turn on the button of awareness. Your actions must be made only from the heart, not by calculation.

If Karma is not purified in this life, you have to work on it in their next incarnations. Karma (in its broad sense) is the total amount of all committed by human actions and their consequences. It defines the nature of his new reincarnation. And in the narrow sense – is the impact of any committed man of action, the nature of his life and subsequent existence.

The child, because of karmic predetermination, born to parents whose Karma coincide with his own. Through the birth is the latest launch "test of the race of the soul" (race in the name of development). And yet babies are born, in order to become one of the most important instruments of the karmic upbringing of their parents and their environment.

So, caring for a child suffering from down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, etc., parents thereby purify their Karma.

Before his incarnation the soul of the child chooses the parents. And she does this for 2-4 years before the moment of conception. She performs according to its specific development objectives. This choice is very important because parents are one of the main karmic tests that future person. Choosing parents, the child knows all their shortcomings and commits to love them no matter what. When the soul with their spiritual mentors planning the next incarnation, she will know in advance what trials are waiting for her.

Quite often for 2-4 years before having a child, i.e. during the occurrence the soul of the child in the field of their parents, they begin life a very important event. If the kid is clean, and her chosen parents not quite ready to take such a soul, then their fates may have some serious problems (health, fate). These problems clean expectant parents, preparing their souls to bring into the world the light of the soul of the child. It often happens that the soul cannot physically be born until the parents will not lead in order your state of mind. And you chose the purer the soul, the more work you will have to spend. Women and men who are many years can't have functional or hormonal reasons, or from whom the unexplained cases of infertility, are similar work on themselves, to chose their bright soul. The most important factor in a child's development during pregnancy is the women, rather, her feelings. As they form its energy health and future character.

Being born, the child begins to develop not only your Karma, but the karma of the Kind.

Personal Karma are personal, taken during one or several lives. In a certain Kind of person comes to his Karma, in tune with the Karma of this Kind. Karma Kind are referred to as destructive program, transmitted from generation to generation in this Family. The program is kind of always in tune with personal Karma. As mentioned above, the soul chooses its future parents (nationality, gender, place and date of birth). Each of us is a definite link in the chain of generations. Born with one hand is a source of Strength, gives us life, and on the other, which is our Karma our Way. There is both our Path and the Path Kind. Without each other they cannot exist. Each of us has its specific purpose, which is closely woven into the destiny of our Kind. Something we need to do to get through something in order to change your personal karma and the Karma of the family.

To our ancestors it was known that people who reach adulthood helps his Family for seven generations into the future, and seven in the past. So gradually accumulated and passed on from generation to generation, the Power of Godliness Kind. Conversely, if we devote our lives to the negative acts, we thereby not only degrading, but siphoning off energy from his own Kind, and for tens of generations both forward and backward. By the way, this explains why one person at the birth is any good and the other not. Why some are born healthy, others sick. And it's not only their personal Karma but also the Karma of the family. How do we dispose of this force depends only on ourselves. The power of Godliness is the basis for the birth of a child genius. The legacy of the Kind we get not only the mental, mental and physical abilities, but also certain patterns of repetition of the fate of relatives. So, if a girl was born and grew up in a family where drinking father, that is, the probability that the husband (and maybe son) she will also be drinking. But this can be avoided if you pay proper attention to the cleansing of his personal Karma and Karma of a Sort. Personal Karma is always closely connected with the Karma family, a team, etc. Working out your personal Karma, you help remove the Karma of the family, or exacerbates it. Everything is in very close relationship.

I also want to say that the destiny of man is largely influenced by his name. After choosing a baby name, it is in the form of a specific code (program) is fixed in his life. The name can be good for the person may be neutral or to distort his life. With extreme caution we need to give a name in honor of someone else (a friend, relative, etc.). After calling a child in someone's honor, you karmically associate it with that person and connect to the egregore of the name. Better to name their child in honor of the Saint manifested himself in this day.

And now I want to give a specific example, how does the Karmic Law. For example, the child was born, he had cerebral palsy. This is a karmic disease, received the denial in their past incarnations of the unity of humanity and the hierarchical structure of the world, resulting from aggression, destructive behavior and conscious violations of the laws of universal development. And this retribution for abuse of power in a few incarnations. A person suffering from this disease, you must accept his condition, to find the meaning of life in his limited space and try to expand it. In this he can be of great help to his parents who, above all, a realization of the true causes of this disease, and their mental distortion. They should exercise tolerance, love, and wisdom in making justice our world, dearly love your child, take care of it, take it for what it is. This way they will be able to clear your Karma and the Karma of the family, in tune with the Karma of their child.

In conclusion, work on your Karma, remember that everything is only in your hands

Source: elena-yasevich.com/poleznye-stati/163-zakon-karmy