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6 worlds of samsaric existence in the Tibetan Bon tradition

According to the teachings there are six realms of existence (Lok), which are all abiding in the delusion of substance. This is the worlds of gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell dwellers. In essence, these six realms are six dimensions of consciousness, six dimensions of possible experience. In each of us they appear as the six negative emotions: anger, greed, ignorance, jealousy, pride and confusion (blessed confusion is an emotional state in which the other five emotions are present in equal measure, staying in harmonious balance). Of course, these six worlds — not only the varieties of emotional experiences, but also the real worlds in which beings are born as we are born in the human world, and the lion in the animal world.

photo: Christy Turlington

Each world can be considered as a spectrum of experiences. For example, the range of the world of hell covers both the internal emotional experience of anger and hatred, and behavior is rooted in anger, strife and war, and the institutions, the prejudices and preconceptions that are based on anger, army, racial hatred and intolerance, and the true world in which live creatures. All measurement experiences in General, from human emotions to a genuine world, called "hell".

These worlds, like dreams, are manifestations of karmic traces, but when we are talking about the realms, the karmic traces are collective rather than individual. As karma here is collective, the beings of each dimension they live in the same world and have the same experiences as you and have the same experiences with other people. Thanks to the collective karma creates the body, senses and mental abilities, which allow entities to share common opportunities and variety of experiences making other types of experiences available. For example, all dogs can hear sounds that are not available to people, and people understand it that is inaccessible to the dog.

Although these worlds seem as clearly and specifically as we see our world, in fact, they are ghostly and immaterial. They permeate each other, and we connected with each of them. We carry the seeds of rebirth in other worlds and experiencing different emotions, partaking of the qualities and suffering prevailing in other worlds. For example, when we are overwhelmed by selfish pride, or malicious envy, we have the experience, characteristic of the world of the demigods.

In the nature of some people is dominated by the quality of a single measurement: animals, hungry ghosts, gods or demigods. It is the main trait and can be identified by the fact how these people talk, walk, communicate. Among our friends there may be people that seem to be eternal prisoners of the world of hungry ghosts: it is never enough, they always want more — from friends, from others, from life, but never satiated. Or, perhaps, we know a man, like a denizen of hell: evil, hot-tempered, violent, rebellious. But most people tend to combine the character traits of all measurements at once.

When these dimensions of consciousness are manifested in the emotions, it becomes clear how they are universal. For example, jealousy is known to any culture. Externally, the jealousy can be expressed differently, as a manifestation of emotions is a means of communication, sign language, defined as biology and culture, and the culture tends to be variables. But jealousy is the same everywhere. In the Bon and Buddhist teachings explain this universality and are correlated with the reality of the six realms.

We should not think that the list of emotions confined to the six negative emotions. It is useless to discuss what the world can be attributed sadness and fear. Fear may be present in any of the worlds, as well as sadness or anger, jealousy or love. Although negative emotions are emotional experiences that we experience and emotional experience, are typical of the other world, they are also key words that Express all measurement experiences, the whole spectrum, from personal emotional experiences to real worlds. And each of these dimensions covers a broad scope of experiences, including a variety of emotional experiences.

These six qualities of consciousness are called paths because they lead somewhere: they take us where we'll be born again and also in different worlds of experiences of this life. If the creature identifies himself with one of the negative emotions or obsessed, this leads to concrete results. That is exactly how karma operates. For example, to be born a man, must be in a past life to strictly observe the rules of morality. Even in popular culture for this reason there is a belief that a "real man" — one who is ripe for love of neighbor and care about them.

If our life has such inherent negative emotions, like hatred or anger, we will get a different result: the birth in hell. This can happen in a literal sense — that is, being born in a dimension of hell, and psychologically. The connection with the dimension of hatred gives rise to experiences which we even in this life called hell.

Of course, this does not mean that all people try to avoid such experiences. Karma can so strongly lead a man to the measurement of an experience that negative emotion becomes attractive. If you perceive hatred, murder and war as "fun", you can feel the taste for everything. We say "war is hell", however, many war attracts.

In addition, our predisposition to a particular dimension can be determined by culture. For example, if in our society a warrior is considered a hero of such a romance can inspire. This is an example of this ignorance was due to the culture, which was mentioned above.

Though Western people may seem that the six worlds belong to the realm of fantasy, their manifestation can be noticed in our experiences, dreams and waking, and in the lives of the people around us. For example, sometimes we feel confusion. We are able to cope with the routine routine of life, but its meaning continues to elude us. The meaning has disappeared not because we are free, but because we lack understanding. We dream that we are caught in mud in a dark room or outside where there are no pointers. We're in a room with no way out, or are not sure what direction you need to go. Such dreams can be manifestations of ignorance, the animal world (it is different from innate ignorance, is a stupidity, lack of intelligence).

Indulging in a blissful distraction, experiencing phantom periods of bliss and happiness, we experience glimpses of the world of the gods. But a time inevitably ends. But while it lasts, our awareness is always narrowed. We are forced to slide over the surface, avoiding too deep to penetrate into what is happening around, avoiding to be aware of the suffering around us. Good to enjoy at times, but if we don't practice, if not continue to free themselves from erroneous and our limiting habits to identify with what we are not, in the end, we pass the period of happiness and end up in a much more difficult position to which you're not ready and where is likely to become a victim of suffering. So, returning home after a party or a very pleasant day, we often experience emotional recession or depression. Or, sometimes, coming to work after a good weekend, we feel disappointment.

We all have periods in life when we experience the state of the worlds: lounging or walking with friends — the happiness of the gods; seeing that we would like to get a fit of greed; and sometimes the suffering of wounded pride, the pangs of jealousy, infernal torments of anger and hatred, stupidity and confusion of ignorance. We often and easily move between experiences peculiar to different worlds. We all know the feeling of happiness associated with the world of gods: the sun is shining, people seem to be beautiful, we like myself. Then we find out the bad news or a friend tells us something offensive. And suddenly the world itself becomes different. Laughter seems empty, the sky cold and indifferent, the surrounding look attractive, and we don't like myself. We have moved into another dimension of experience, and the world changed with us. And creatures of other worlds constantly connected to all the worlds: and the cat, and the demigod can show anger, jealousy, emotional hunger, etc.

Being in dreaming we can have experiences of the six States. Six negative emotions not only determine the nature of waking experiences, but also give rise to the mood and content of dreams. Dreams can be infinitely different, but all karmic dreams are connected with one of the six dimensions or more.

Will give a brief description of each of the six worlds. Traditionally, they look like descriptions of places and creatures that inhabit them. For example, there are eighteen Hells-nine hot and nine cold. All the details of the traditional definitions has its meaning, but we focus on what experiences correspond to each of the world here in this life. Connection with each measurement of the experience occurs at the level of energy through the energy centers (chakras*) of the body. Their location is given below. Chakras play an important role in many practices, particularly in yoga dreams.

The world of hell

The root emotion of the world of hell is anger. When manifest as karmic traces of anger, they can be expressed in different ways. It can be hostility, the tension, the disgust, the condemnation, quarrel, violence. Anger is the cause of many devastating wars, because of him die every day a lot of people. However, anger never solves problems. When we are overcome by anger, we lose self-control and self-awareness. When we are obsessed or blinded by hatred, violence and anger, then are in a world of hell.

Energy centers of wrath are on the soles. The antidote to anger — pure, unconditional love that arises from the unconditional "I am".

Traditionally believe that the Ada is divided into nine hot and nine cold. Their inhabitants are experiencing immense suffering: they die from pain and immediately come back to life. And all this is repeated again and again.

The world of hungry spirits (pret).

The root emotion of the world of hungry spirits (pret) — greed. Greed arises as a feeling of excessive hunger that is impossible to satisfy. Trying to satisfy greed is like drinking salty water when thirsty. The greed, we are looking for satisfaction outside, not inside, but never can fill the void, which aim to get rid of. The true essence of thirst, which torments us, a need to understand your true nature.

Greed is associated with carnal desire: it is the energy center — chakra, located behind the genitals. Generosity, the ability of the soul to give what others need, unties the hard knot of greed.

Tradition depicts rushing like creatures with huge, ever-empty belly, tiny mouth and thin neck. Some live in the parched area where hundreds of years no one even heard of water, others may find food and drink, but is a tiny mouth to swallow even a drop, as food is ignited in the stomach, causing severe pain. Rushing was plagued by various tortures, and they are all a result of greed and obstruction of the generosity of others.

The world of animals

The root of the world of animals is ignorance. It is experienced as a sense of confusion, stupidity, uncertainty or misunderstanding. A lot of people feel the darkness and sadness, the source of which — such ignorance; they feel some need, but don't even know what they want or what to do to get satisfaction. In the West, man is often considered happy if he was constantly busy in Affairs, but even the business man can remain in the power of ignorance if he does not know his true nature.

Chakra is associated with ignorance, is at the level of the navel. The antidote to ignorance is knowledge which we gain by turning inward and discover your true self.

The inhabitants of the animal world shrouded in darkness of ignorance. Animals live in fear, because they constantly threaten their fellow humans. Even large animals plagued by insects which gnaw through tunnels under skin and feed on their flesh. Pets are milked, castrated, load, put them in the nostrils of the iron ring, ride them on horseback, and kept in captivity. Animals familiar feelings of pain and pleasure, but owns them ignorance that prevent to see the true nature of the circumstances.

The world of men

The root emotion of the human world — jealousy. When us owns the jealousy, we want to keep and not give to anyone what you have: an idea, thing, communication. We see the source of happiness in something external, and this has been increasing our attachment to the object of desire.

Jealousy is correlated with heart center. The antidote to jealousy — full openness of the heart that occurs after we refer to your true nature.

To see the suffering of your own world easy. Our destiny is birth, disease and death. Because of the constant change we are haunted by loss. Having obtained the object of their desires, we try to keep him, but in the end certainly lose. Instead of rejoicing in the happiness of others, we often fall prey to envy and jealousy. Despite the fact that the birth in the human world is considered the greatest luck, because we have the chance to listen and practice the exercises, only a tiny part of the human race cannot find this great opportunity and take advantage of it.

The world of the demigods

The main problem of the world of demigods (Asuras) — pride. Pride is a feeling associated with achievement, and often also with the territory. One of the reasons for wars — that is the pride of the people and peoples who are convinced that we can solve the problems of others. Hidden kind of pride is manifested in those cases when we believe in something — it can be an ability or character trait is inferior to the other. This inverted self-love separates us from others.

Pride relates to the throat chakra. It frequently manifests itself in angry outbursts, and the antidote to it — complete peace and humility that arise when we abide in his true nature.

Asuras are enjoying happiness and wealth, but prone to anger and envy. They are constantly fighting among themselves, but the greatest pain to fall upon them, when they declare the warrior gods, whose wealth even more. The gods are stronger than the Asura, and kill them very difficult. In wars they always win, while the Asuras remained to suffer from the pangs of wounded pride and envy. In the end, they feel slighted and it makes them again and again to start a futile war.

The world of the gods

The root world of the gods — blessed distraction. In this dimension the five negative emotions are present in equal measure — they are balanced, as five harmonious voices in the choir. Gods immersed in the intoxication of bliss lazy and selfish bliss. Their life, which lasts the whole of the Alicante that is full of prosperity and serene. All their needs met and desires fulfilled. As some people and whole countries, the gods are absorbed by the pleasures and the pursuit of pleasure. Their experiences are not based on a sense of reality. Indulging in meaningless entertainment and pleasure, they are distractions and tread on the path of liberation.

But in the end the karmic causes of life in the world of the gods are spent, and with them changes the situation. When death approaches, friends and acquaintances leaving a dying God, for it is not to bear the testimony of our own mortality. The once perfect body is aging and ailing. The period of happiness comes to an end. Divine vision God can see the atmosphere of the world of suffering in which he is doomed to be born, so the suffering of the life to begin even before death.

The world of the gods corresponds with the head chakra. The antidote to selfish happiness of the gods is a comprehensive compassion that spontaneously arises in the knowledge of reality underlying the self and the surrounding world.
A quote from the book Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche "the TIBETAN YOGA of SLEEP AND DREAMS"


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