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Nina Mel: Why I quit the yoga business

I spent 27 days in a closed spiritual retreat, a place lost in time and space, and hidden from eyes that don't see. Location not indicated on the map of the guide, where the “life” stops, where the outside world disappears. Is the meeting with the Teachers and myself, the opportunity to hear what you always told us our inner Truth.

27 days without Internet and phone — and understand me, those who I did not respond to calls and emails. 27 days of practice of silence and shrill of silence, the restructuring of the work of the mind and deconstruction accumulated over the years knowledge that on arrival resulted in 3 books, numerous articles and an overwhelming gratitude for the fact that I had a chance to stop and return to yourself.

Eighty nine million eight hundred forty five thousand three hundred nine

At some point it becomes impossible to continue to do what used to do. At some point you have to choose whether to support this system that focuses on fame and popularity, a system of popularization of yoga teaching and teachers themselves, who freely employ mental and social knowledge under the guise of spiritual knowledge, or to retreat and not to waste time on something that doesn't matter. At some point you realize that there is no Way, if you have the Understanding. “I'm” embarking on this Path does not reach the end...

What would we do here on Earth, whatever we think and whatever called, everything is just a karmic school, the essence of which was how to deal with it. We all have strength enough to do it. The question is, is there a desire.

The choice is yours.

On the material plane of Earth are no longer any Masters. The wizard went to the other plan and now, after the Transition of 2012, we're on our own. Freedom of will and expression to which we have sought from the greedy desire of power and the aspirations of the Ego, given to us now in full force — we got what we wanted and fought for. But where it led us and how things turn out for us?

We learned to use the right words to say that will affect others and cause them resonance. No need to be a doctor of Economics — we all know that and as for sale, even in yoga.

No, we don't do it deliberately and consciously. Just the opposite. If only we saw, in an instant, immediately and entirely all This, our place and our role in it, the effect it has on us and others — we would not do, did not participate and no longer be able to support it.

But we do not see.

We see fragmentirovannoj with something agreeing with something does sometimes, something feeling — but we don't see whole, volume. If we saw this whole infernal mechanism, all the spiritual wheel of Samsara would stop at the same moment and never moved. If at least one of the famous yoga teachers, those who supports, cultivates, yearns, and encourages this spiritual depravity themselves, if all the newly-fashionable or old-tested Guru do for a second, just for a second Brightened and could see, this mechanism would collapse.

A vision is action. While there is no vision, there is no action.

After all, we and only we have the mechanism and driven it into action in order to then playfully “fight” with him. We played with him, rolls back and forth like children — their toy cars.

All these yogic systems, yoga organizations, yoga projects, yoga conferences, yoga festivals, yoga Federation, yoga platform, yoga-missions and other toys in the hands of adolescent spirituality is a deeply corrupt in its very essence. You and corrupted in its essence, even if Spirituality could make the Game.

Damaged relationship “Yoga Student”, “Student – Teacher”, “Teacher — Yoga Studio, Student Yoga Studio”, “Teacher – Teacher”. In this relationship there is no purity, no spiritual essence, no love — and because they simply don't need. Not needed, no matter how clean and yoga-comprehensible phrases we did not disguise himself and deceived others. Not needed, no matter how we tried to silence his conscience and consciousness with the phrase from books of Advaita Vedanta that “everything must be exactly as is,“ “all is well” and therefore “nothing should be changed”.

Yes, everything exactly “as is” — appearance, but at the same time everything is different inside of us.

Deep down each of us knows our weaknesses and knows that inside is all different. That's just not the same as internal with the external, and therefore something needs to be changed. It is the eternal opposition between good and evil within each of us, our second choice. The balance and Union of opposites — each of us the balance is different.

A yoga teacher says to himself and to his disciples: “This is my Mission. I just want to share and help people.” And he believes in it, preferring not to see another. The mission wrapped in the cover of the exciting videos, PR campaigns, ceo-optimization yoga sites, colorful yoga photo shoots, promotional texts, announcements screaming “places are limited”, bought Facebook likes and own daily “struggle” for the handstand — it's a little different “Mission”.

Convenient to hide behind the Mission, this “spiritual shield” ignorance, even when unaware, for all his “enlightenment”, and that there is no other mission of every human being except the one to move to the one.

This mission — within us. And she's the only one. This battle — on a personal level, within ourselves, within each of us. Just on a personal level. It is the internal relationship of the Individual with the Spirit, which concern only You and other people have nothing to do with.

Get rid of this ridiculous idea of what you need to do something worthwhile and important in this life that you need to leave a mark or to help the greatest number of people, free from the desire to do something high — all mind games. There is no Mission and there was never — no one — no one. This spiritually-justified trap of the mind. Ego comes up with many Missions. This is a new drug of modern yoga-junkie.

No one does never help — if people didn't come to that myself, and anyone anything can't be taught — if he did not come to this understanding. Don't go the way of the other for him. Otherwise it will only be intellectual knowledge, transferred from one person to another. From him no good, rather, it does more harm than good.

Way — only inside, and this battle — just on a personal level.

Intellectual knowledge about yoga and spirituality abound in the shelves of super-markets of spirituality — from their shelves, under different packages, we all consume and consume intellectual goods-knowledge empty knowledge that has no end and which are sucking our time, energy, hope, money, and energy only take us away from ourselves and our direct connection with Spirit. Perhaps someone with the time they suck and illusion — but not everyone is so lucky.

Spiritual knowledge is not transmitted from person to person. It is always “down on us” from above, directly inside of our Being. Listen to him, hear him and follow him every second — only Mission and the only straight and true Path to the one. Until, while the pupils will take intermediaries between themselves and Spirituality, and teachers rave about its Missions, the person will “fail” his only “Mission” on Earth and spending years following after the other — the same imperfect mortals-losing the same time in their own illusions.

How long are you going to lose it and encourage others into losing their time? How long will you wander in yoga studios not admitting to yourself that yoga is not a group activity, not party and not a group fun, intimate, sacred practice, a quiet and reverent communion of your spirit?

How long will to create and search Teachers, to find them, fascinated by them, disappointed in them? How long will choose their level of mass popularity, appearance, photos, number of likes, smiles, comments, Serov and pins on their pages in social networks?

How long will marvel at their “feet behind head” (like it though when someone put the head in place)?

How long we, the teachers are going to kill each other by competition, to spread words about your authenticity, push prices of the seminars in Bali, crush abundance of Instagram photos in handstands, dazzle each other with bright leggings, photo-effects or covers of Yoga Journal?

The choice is yours. For whom and what to follow, how to practice and why, how to teach and why, what to worship and how to spend the allotted time.

I'm not a Teacher. I have no Mission, and educational including. I have no system, no school, no instructors, there are no techniques to accomplish something. All I could do was to show How I practice. But even in this there was no need after I wrote a book in which every curious can find out.

The creators of the system and to destroy its followers. Followers destroy the creators of the systems that follow. Nobody does it on purpose. None of this simply not aware.

The choice is yours. I did.  published 


P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

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Source: ezotera.ariom.ru/2013/10/30/mel.html