Tasting: grandmother from the village try the national cuisine of the restaurants

Our heroine Nina since 1966, when she married a local groom, lives in the village of Cherven Turets area. Itself born near the infamous Katyn. Store recipes of traditional cuisine from his mother. Despite the fact that in the village a few years ago there was a gas oven and kept Russian feel to it the warmest feelings.

- This is my sister and Rabotnicki - smiling Nina. The oven is the "face" to the door, that it was not uncommon for rural interiors. - When the oven was built, I specifically insisted on this. Stove - it is a joy for the whole family, warmth and comfort.
Below we explain that Nina has prepared for our arrival. In the meantime - that in the farmhouse brought ourselves.
The restaurant "Kamyanіtsa" we took the mushroom soup (50 000) and the shtetl hodgepodge (60 000), the second - Pana Machanka (157 000), sorcerers with meat (108 000) and pig ears (83 000) as well as a portion of cake with cheese and blueberries (50 000) as a dessert.
In the "talaq" limited potato pancakes with sour cream (62 950 rubles) and Machanka (259,390 rubles), and for dessert took a couple of baked apples with honey and cranberries (65 700 rubles and 82,400 rubles, respectively), and two servings of cranberry juice (53 600 rubles).
Despite the agreement to prepare a meal for a client, this function is not the strengths of both institutions. In the "talaq" no packages for soups (and as it turned out for drinks) and "Kamyanіtsa", while others advertise a discount on food with a kindly took about 35 thousand. For disposable tableware.
The food was promptly delivered to our warm, so Nina and her neighbor Maria Ivanovna resolutely embarked tasting.

We start with the first courses.

- Do you cook hodgepodge?
- Of course, the winter canning cabbage - it is obvious that the grandmother have in mind dishes of cabbage.
- Clear. But in our case we are talking about the first dish.
- And ...

- Very similar to the soup. Tasty, with myasko - food tastes Maria Ivanovna. - Salt? It's soup. We usually cook with such bone and sliced myasko here.
Queue of mushroom soup.

- Sour some. Typically, mushroom soup is not the same - says Nina. - Maybe by acid cream is that? Pearl barley - very good and right for mushroom soup. But if a cook in the oven for dry borovichki, will taste better.
Turning to the second dishes. It is striking that on pancakes to Machanka of "Kamyanіtsy" are slices of radish. We appeal to the people's source of information, but both grandmothers have no idea about the combination of radish and pancakes.

- Oh, how delicious. Try Nina - seizing a pancake, invites her neighbor Maria Ivanovna. The panelists agreed that machanka like a traditional secret that - in a saturated meat Navara.

When my grandmother heard that next pot pig ears, then much alert. A few seconds of silence - and it became clear: the national dish is a novelty for the village.

- Ears? - Asked Nina. - Of course, we also do not throw pig ears, but they usually go to jelly, saltisons. How many of us as pigs - 1-2 on the year. 2-4 turns ear. Strongly not ready from the ears.
Try. Recognize: edible, but bland. In fact, in many potato dish with sour cream and so few own ears, the taste really do not rasprobovat.
Next - magicians. There are in the village?

- Yes! Warlocks we do. But it is not a circular shape, and the flat to make it easier to roast. Put potatoes, then meat, potatoes on top of another - that's you and a wizard - explains Nina. - In Turkey, saying "golduny».
Tasters felt that the restaurant lacks wizards fried onions and minced in juiciness.

Interrupted for a few minutes to enjoy Morse "Talakі." The restaurant said he was of their own production.
- Cranberry juice is good - agree grandmother. - The measure of sweetness and acidity. We also regularly brew beverages from berries.

Grandma, of course, do not pay attention, but we turn: in the "talaq" frankly admitted that a meal with a few books. Therefore, for example, can be prepared first: no liquid. Morse did not refuse to sell, although the dishes seem to either. Drink for 53 thousand. Rubles in a 500 ml bottle of Vittel - that's fine.
After a rest, we return to the table. Machanka of "Talakі" looks different than it was from the "Kamyanіtsy." It is not lush and thin pancakes, sausage and gravy. Pancakes just interested in Nina Ivanovna.

- Delicious pancakes. And I could not figure out what they are added. My husband loves thin. I in them, in addition to flour and sour, always add grated kartoshinu. They then softer and lighter. But even sausage and tasty, but somehow almost without garlic. Without it, in a strange way.
Traditional pancakes in restaurants is extremely difficult to find. Cheap, in fact, is not profitable in the production of food, so the chef always adds something to bring down the price target buyer (sauce, fish, eggs, cracklings ...). In the "talaq" we found the menu usual potato pancakes with sour cream. But the portion of costs over 60 thousand. - For potatoes, of course, expensive. Even though some cranberry sour cream. If you close your eyes to the price - delicious tasters agreed.

- Taste and Quality pancakes are largely dependent on the type of potatoes. From what I had to try, it is best approached variety Adretta - advises Nina. - Cranberries in sour cream - it's beautiful, but it is the first time we are seeing. Usually cranberries add to sauerkraut or jelly.
For dessert - cake and baked apples with honey and cranberries.

- Apples - good. And I do not peel them. But, of course, we often do not put honey or fruit, and the usual sugar. The best variety for baking - "Antonio." Here's what they have - our expert condemns, cutting off a piece. - A little bit half-baked apples. Well, if you are more ruddy crispy. Then softer inside.
As for the blueberry pie from the "Kamyanіtsy", the pastry grandmother seemed tjazhelovatym.

- We see it settled on the berries. Filling in general always a bad influence on baking quality - says Nina, behind which the experience of hundreds of cooking in the oven cakes and loaves.
- The Belarusian cuisine in general is such a dish?
- Pies? Of course there is. Always on Easter baked, but they are not filling.
- And for no reason that the baked?
- Just do not pies. Festive cakes long prepared and quickly eaten up in a large family (and the other did not exist). Who was this time? I'll bake a simple diamonds made from dough with sugar. Or pancakes, pancakes with sweet cream. This is the Belarusian national cake.
Belarusian cuisine hospitable, so Nina also cooked in the oven the most ordinary national food: soup, scrambled eggs, hash browns and grandmother.
- Cabbage in my native village, and there are prepared the same way - the hostess tells about soup. - There is a secret: if cooking right of sauerkraut, you get a very sweet, so first you need to cook a fresh cabbage, then add the sauerkraut and fried onion without cracklings.

On the second - the omelet.

- If there is a family-Dedkov grandmother and children, it is usually always cooked soft scrambled eggs - for those who have no teeth - laughing Nina.
Omelette actually air. It consists of only four eggs, half a liter of milk and a pinch of salt. Nina takes the knife and cut the omelet like pizza:
- We shared an omelette mother like that. Each took his share and no more.

Potato grandmother with fried onions and bacon cooked in two ways: in a pot, covered and open Latushko. First liked.

- Headstock to eat quickly: to open the pot, and ate dumped. She does not like to be - says Nina Ivanovna, taking his grandmother. For the right to receive crackling in any family in the traditional competition of dexterity and impudence. The best companion for grandmother - a glass of milk.

And for dessert we got air pancakes made from flour and sour, filled with sweet cream - the same "Belarusian national cake».

- On the stove, such will never receive, - says Nina. - Because it is necessary for better cooking at the same time a flame of fire, and the heat from the furnace.

At the end of the meal we pay attention that there was no meat on the table.
- Meat? It used to be a luxury! - Grandmother cry. - We have not seen that sausage. Kumpyak - the best delicacy. Few pigs kept. Not out of laziness - from poverty, of course.

Source: news.21.by