"The reason for the good"
With enviable regularity in social networks appear write in the spirit of the Christmas story in the first person: the author met in the shop a poor old woman who paid for her purchases or protection against rudeness of staff listened to the story of a difficult life, if a girl - crying when the man - vowed not to leave in the future ...
Almost two and a half thousand a census in the last day with little gained entry Kamil Magomedov
"Today, the store drew attention to the grandmother - long chose canned cheaper. I noticed that at plus 2 degrees, she was wearing rubber slippers ...
He came and stood close by, to help deal with the price tags, then led through the store, throwing to cart everything in sight.) Bought her a basket full of food, and she wailed, "Oh, do not, my cash will not be allowed, they know that I have no money. " When she realized it was not a joke, that I paid for and that we can take whatever she wanted, she took butter and rice. BUTTER AND RICE !!!
I asked what the house is not of the products to see what is still to take. It turned out that the house is nothing. When thrown in the basket a couple of chocolate bars, in the eyes of the children had such fun ... at the sister 3 years of the same eye when allowed to eat chocolate ... Chocolate grandmother loves, but that's expensive to buy it for 6 years.
Do not know what to do until the cash to go - then refused to take food, he says, "then say that you are my nephew, and that we did not miss at the box office", thanks to cross. If she was so afraid of cash, it was very interesting to find that the monster who once missed it at the box office with her some shopping: 2 canned food and bread. 120 rubles.
She did not leave the house for a month. Ate canned food, they ended a few days ago.
These shining eyes told me: "You know, my son (and called on you and" son "), when I came out of the house, asked the Heavenly Father to send me $ 100 for food. I sometimes find money on the road, and you bought me out much. " I go and I am ashamed. Drove home, picked up the food ... »
This story (continued it below) no wonder so popular with users of social networks. I like the most and what is really there. For clarity, we will assume that all of it was so. However, in the story of Camila, I see a very bright genre affinity with stories just as carefully released under the friends list in recent years with an enviable regularity. Christmas story to users 'Facebook' and LJ ...
Tale of a lie, so it hint
Not so long ago (October issued a search engine entries, although the original text was traveling over the network is much longer) thousands of people shared a similar story about her grandmother, was purchasing oranges in the "Green Crossroads". Partial author (this applies to the female, the male with the account) protection or grandmother of rudeness cashier and packer, and be near the store manager fined the guilty and ordered each week to bring food to her grandmother and two thousand rubles. Christmas time, a miracle, "but justice still there" as a conclusion of the story. Hamyang cashier, to complete the picture, "come in large numbers" from Central Asia who are not in sympathy for veterans nouveaux riches, of course, branded clothes and silicone lips, and the store manager, as in fairy tales the good magician, or has withdrawn, "the people" starry-eyed monarch - a modest and inconspicuous young man. Find thousands of copies of the text it is easy for keyword "Green Crossing, sporty shit Armani, silicone girl, cashier, grandmother, manager", etc., and on its own behalf, for example, the text placed Alex on "Facebook" and, for example, Anton Learn: - without specifying sources. As I recall, thousands repost gained entry from the girl's face.
Much harder to find on the Internet Entry journalist appeals to the "Green Crossing" and make sure that the story - no more than a beautiful and a cautionary tale. At that time, the store was no action "oranges for 29 rubles," and my grandmother came back from recording them. To the change in a rather pretentious store there was no cashier from Central Asia. Managing the entire sales network could hardly be called a "young man." Finally, in a trading network observed the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and just like a wave of the hand to impose fines on the parties to the conflict can not even control the entire distribution network.
I confess that in spite of the fairly large set driven into the keyword search, I found no record of disproving a beautiful story: search for "Facebook" in general is difficult. Believe me, it was.
Yes, grandmothers (and not only) must be protected against rudeness. Maybe a beautiful fairy tale - also a way to education in readers the desire to protect their grandmothers and pay products. Usually only in social networks, if the author writes, "Yesterday I was in the shop and so on," his readers think that's what he really was alive the day before in the store and someone met, not that he decided to write touching and edifying tale.
And you saw the unfortunate grandmother ...
Kamil Magomedov, whose story spread now, has done a lot: it is not only paid for his grandmother products, but also has brought them to her apartment, and promised not to leave her grandmother in the future, including to try systematically to solve her problem with the exchange of property for a budget.
"The son died six years ago, there was one ... Rose products took place in the apartment. On the floor board in the kitchen wrested all appliances (you can see that it is taken out of the kitchen, broken dishes and sides). Explain that it is the daughter and sister of the grandmother together immediately after the death of his son endured all the furniture, all technique and no longer there - waiting for my grandmother would not to go flat ... her sister calls every six months to learn she died or not. And every time the "relative" to hear that my grandmother is still alive, damn it, and hangs up. She has a grandson, daughter in law, which is also waiting for her to leave us.
In general, comrades, relatives, do not wait. It will be all right with my grandmother. And the food, and clothes, and go to the resort ... »
Of course, these are relatives, as well as hamyang cashiers in stores. Of course, trusting grandmother, leading to the apartment for the first time seen a man come in a variety of (and let into his home scams, selling them to the unknown - and happiness even if harmless - placebo or meaningless "appliances" for tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles). Without prejudice to the specific plot (and not of the night trying to check it out), we note once again that it is too easy to disassemble at the fabulous role of evil and good characters. There hamyang saleswoman here - vile relatives (as well it is necessary to mention that my grandmother telling the first comer like a native, does not always tell the truth, even themselves believe that talk: diverse disorders that we run the risk of not escape in this age).
Of course, if you met my grandmother clearly needs and are confident that it is ready to accept help, you really should not just invite her to buy additional products, but also to bring them. Immediately the question arises about whether you are willing to spend enough time on it, and that if the grandmother is ready to put home a stranger (and often present a benefactor households).
And if my grandmother - not a veteran or a beggar?
Offended world grandmother certainly are veterans - not war, astronautics. In the spring of 2012, all internet rushed to help sell knitted scarves in the subway 89-year-old woman Anastasia Grigorevne Glazkova.
Young volunteers went to her home with medals admired, listened to the story of heroism - to blow up enemy ferry ... The investigation was carried out while journalists "Komsomolskaya Pravda", calling the grandmother Anastasia, the Antonina. And the trouble is not that my grandmother was the workers in the rear, and a hero of the front (home front workers could hardly have been a lot easier, and deserve all the help, including those born after the victory). The trouble is that the handkerchiefs that the grandmother allegedly knitting from morning till night, she gave out a comparatively young woman, every day brings it to the point of trade. Bloggers have become compassionate sacrifice for scarves double and triple the price, but the "hostess" grandmother's attention and generosity somehow not pleased: gathering in the subway began to attract the attention of the police, and her grandmother and then began to fade from his seat. Positive stories have tried to reveal the contents of the journalists "Moskovskaya Pravda" - they met with the author records his grandmother Irene Molchanova ("Irenochka Multipasport") and with the grandmother wrote that Anastasia G. not poor, and even refuses services social worker. Wrote and created on the wave of enthusiasm for the salvation of the elderly group in the "Contacts" "Heart People" - is now there for more than 5000 people and its "wall" is updated every week or two, although much less clear than the pages of other well-known groups of similar subjects. In the discussion of "whether to continue to visit the grandmother with the Belarus" dated August 2012, and has no answer. Let check the work of the "Heart People" behind the scenes discussions about "Christmastide" stories in social networks - since we are here and now is not about transferring money.
In the story "of the store," distributed today Kamil Magomedov writes not about war veterans - so at least on Space and veteran singer of the Bolshoi Theater. "Researcher, PhD. She sang at the Bolshoi once. I looked at the pictures of distant youth - what was a beautiful woman! And such an old age ... »
This spring, the "shaft" of help from the readers won social networks as a poet and translator Galina Usov sold in the metro in St. Petersburg his books. She rushed to serve on poverty and on the pages of "Arguments and Facts" grandmother argued that it is not hungry, but want to bring their creativity to the reader. Then she organized a recital, which accounted for about 40 people ... About Galina Usova an article in "Wikipedia", dedicated to her group in the "Facebook" and "Touch».
And if you are not a veteran, not a poet, not a scientific staff member and did not sing in the theater? Help is still needed, but difficult to observe Yule genre: the contrast is not obtained.
These records tearfully
Kamil Magomedov, fortunately, does not write that cried - limited to the comment "I was ashamed." Crying author of the record you are now, with a little less enthusiasm - with photographs of my grandmother, which sells at the underground Marxist Moscow small paintings with acrylic paint. "I bumped into a stream of endless, indifferent and aggressive people hurrying when it was noticed. He came up and asked, "and how much the painting, Grandma?" She looked up at me with Nakata in the eyes with tears and efficient way in a business began in a trembling voice to arrange a presentation of their creations ... I gave the money, picked up the picture and a little more ney.A suddenly spoke with a young girl approaches us and asks the price of paintings, answering me mutual smile. I depart from them, with tears in his eyes. My spawned indifferent indifferent ».
Traditionally, such records are full of references to tears and grandmothers, and their benefactors.
What to do?
Genre features stories about the grandmothers in the shops and the subway can not override the point: to help the needy. If a person is in need of attention - attention. If the products - buy something and bring products. If the legal aid - that help settle problems with the documents. The main thing - to understand what the person is willing to accept help.
At the end of the history of Kamil Magomedov is a "recipe", which in the history of the load, already shared two and a half thousand people. And if the story does not cause serious problems (it is plausible), the "recipe" is not just questions and objections.
"Let us each time when we see the store grandmothers pay for their basket. You've seen these baskets? They are there for 300 rubles a maximum gain for yourself ... Just come, throws her grandmother in a basket of food on hand will pay. 500-1000 rubles for those who are my friends - a trifle, and for the grandmother, who you help, perhaps a matter of life and death ».
The stories in social networks as required by law Yule genre grandmother at first did not believe in aid, then cry and thank. In reality, a reaction to the invasion of an old man in his private life in the spirit of "throws into another basket of products and pay" can be unpredictable. We assume that the authors of the top publications for meetings with the old ladies in the supermarket are not just writing about when grandmothers strictly prevent attempts to "do them good." After all, if my grandmother long compares various canned food, it does not necessarily choose the cheapest: on the banks written many things, and who is looking for a shelf life, and some list of additives with the code "E».
By the way, if you walk into a shop in a residential area, for example, around noon, there will be many more pensioners than employees of the Moscow firms meet, returning home around 11 pm and looking for the chicken and biscuits. Yesterday morning, in front of me in line at the box office were two old women and me - two old women. People our age with Kamil in store at this time is not enough. Despite all the democratic prices in the "Pyaterochka", I did not have enough money to pay systematic baskets of all pensioners. And most importantly, as proposed figure of 30 seconds, such an intrusion would offend them or delight.
It would be interesting to hear the story of the old lady how an unfamiliar young man commented on canned food, it became no "extra" words strongly cast products to cart. What matters is that, too nervous, grandmother has acquired heart problems.
Kamil together with relatives brands neighbors grandmother of 19-storey house of a business class, saying that a person can starve to death despite the fact that all the "up to date". Not the fact that in the course of at least someone. Check easily if you live in a house like heights, you need to ask yourself, how many apartments you in the stairwell and on the everyday circumstances, what percentage of neighbors you know.
Help, of course, necessary. The emotion called "pity" is also nothing wrong with that. Only it is desirable at the time of the meeting with his grandmother in the supermarket do not disable the brains and enhance a sense of tact. Offer to help - this is no small step. If you need assistance to be able to provide - a victory. Then on the "Facebook" will be useful to share practical advice.
You can at the same time put in the phone book Russian hotline assistance to elderly: 8-985-862-95-02. Old people know about its existence on Radio Russia and in the program "addresses mercy" on the radio "Mayak" (line - a joint project funds, "Old age is a joy", "Addresses of Charity" and fund families Timchenko). Can learn from you - just write off the phone on a paper and give an elderly person. There may have household help, bring food or medication, find though not new, but working TV or fridge. Often older people understand by comparison with the "Timurovtsev».
Well still not forget to dial the same number and offer assistance, "timurovtsi" - is the same Internet users. Funds for wheelchairs, artificial lenses and firewood for the winter to pensioners from the regions, call the same hotline number, also collected the same readers of social networks. Grandma in the supermarket, of course, the best thing to help himself, without attracting the funds, once the Lord brought you in one shop. The main rule is always: do no harm.
Source: www.pravmir.ru


Almost two and a half thousand a census in the last day with little gained entry Kamil Magomedov
"Today, the store drew attention to the grandmother - long chose canned cheaper. I noticed that at plus 2 degrees, she was wearing rubber slippers ...
He came and stood close by, to help deal with the price tags, then led through the store, throwing to cart everything in sight.) Bought her a basket full of food, and she wailed, "Oh, do not, my cash will not be allowed, they know that I have no money. " When she realized it was not a joke, that I paid for and that we can take whatever she wanted, she took butter and rice. BUTTER AND RICE !!!
I asked what the house is not of the products to see what is still to take. It turned out that the house is nothing. When thrown in the basket a couple of chocolate bars, in the eyes of the children had such fun ... at the sister 3 years of the same eye when allowed to eat chocolate ... Chocolate grandmother loves, but that's expensive to buy it for 6 years.
Do not know what to do until the cash to go - then refused to take food, he says, "then say that you are my nephew, and that we did not miss at the box office", thanks to cross. If she was so afraid of cash, it was very interesting to find that the monster who once missed it at the box office with her some shopping: 2 canned food and bread. 120 rubles.
She did not leave the house for a month. Ate canned food, they ended a few days ago.
These shining eyes told me: "You know, my son (and called on you and" son "), when I came out of the house, asked the Heavenly Father to send me $ 100 for food. I sometimes find money on the road, and you bought me out much. " I go and I am ashamed. Drove home, picked up the food ... »
This story (continued it below) no wonder so popular with users of social networks. I like the most and what is really there. For clarity, we will assume that all of it was so. However, in the story of Camila, I see a very bright genre affinity with stories just as carefully released under the friends list in recent years with an enviable regularity. Christmas story to users 'Facebook' and LJ ...

Tale of a lie, so it hint
Not so long ago (October issued a search engine entries, although the original text was traveling over the network is much longer) thousands of people shared a similar story about her grandmother, was purchasing oranges in the "Green Crossroads". Partial author (this applies to the female, the male with the account) protection or grandmother of rudeness cashier and packer, and be near the store manager fined the guilty and ordered each week to bring food to her grandmother and two thousand rubles. Christmas time, a miracle, "but justice still there" as a conclusion of the story. Hamyang cashier, to complete the picture, "come in large numbers" from Central Asia who are not in sympathy for veterans nouveaux riches, of course, branded clothes and silicone lips, and the store manager, as in fairy tales the good magician, or has withdrawn, "the people" starry-eyed monarch - a modest and inconspicuous young man. Find thousands of copies of the text it is easy for keyword "Green Crossing, sporty shit Armani, silicone girl, cashier, grandmother, manager", etc., and on its own behalf, for example, the text placed Alex on "Facebook" and, for example, Anton Learn: - without specifying sources. As I recall, thousands repost gained entry from the girl's face.
Much harder to find on the Internet Entry journalist appeals to the "Green Crossing" and make sure that the story - no more than a beautiful and a cautionary tale. At that time, the store was no action "oranges for 29 rubles," and my grandmother came back from recording them. To the change in a rather pretentious store there was no cashier from Central Asia. Managing the entire sales network could hardly be called a "young man." Finally, in a trading network observed the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and just like a wave of the hand to impose fines on the parties to the conflict can not even control the entire distribution network.
I confess that in spite of the fairly large set driven into the keyword search, I found no record of disproving a beautiful story: search for "Facebook" in general is difficult. Believe me, it was.
Yes, grandmothers (and not only) must be protected against rudeness. Maybe a beautiful fairy tale - also a way to education in readers the desire to protect their grandmothers and pay products. Usually only in social networks, if the author writes, "Yesterday I was in the shop and so on," his readers think that's what he really was alive the day before in the store and someone met, not that he decided to write touching and edifying tale.
And you saw the unfortunate grandmother ...
Kamil Magomedov, whose story spread now, has done a lot: it is not only paid for his grandmother products, but also has brought them to her apartment, and promised not to leave her grandmother in the future, including to try systematically to solve her problem with the exchange of property for a budget.
"The son died six years ago, there was one ... Rose products took place in the apartment. On the floor board in the kitchen wrested all appliances (you can see that it is taken out of the kitchen, broken dishes and sides). Explain that it is the daughter and sister of the grandmother together immediately after the death of his son endured all the furniture, all technique and no longer there - waiting for my grandmother would not to go flat ... her sister calls every six months to learn she died or not. And every time the "relative" to hear that my grandmother is still alive, damn it, and hangs up. She has a grandson, daughter in law, which is also waiting for her to leave us.
In general, comrades, relatives, do not wait. It will be all right with my grandmother. And the food, and clothes, and go to the resort ... »
Of course, these are relatives, as well as hamyang cashiers in stores. Of course, trusting grandmother, leading to the apartment for the first time seen a man come in a variety of (and let into his home scams, selling them to the unknown - and happiness even if harmless - placebo or meaningless "appliances" for tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles). Without prejudice to the specific plot (and not of the night trying to check it out), we note once again that it is too easy to disassemble at the fabulous role of evil and good characters. There hamyang saleswoman here - vile relatives (as well it is necessary to mention that my grandmother telling the first comer like a native, does not always tell the truth, even themselves believe that talk: diverse disorders that we run the risk of not escape in this age).
Of course, if you met my grandmother clearly needs and are confident that it is ready to accept help, you really should not just invite her to buy additional products, but also to bring them. Immediately the question arises about whether you are willing to spend enough time on it, and that if the grandmother is ready to put home a stranger (and often present a benefactor households).
And if my grandmother - not a veteran or a beggar?
Offended world grandmother certainly are veterans - not war, astronautics. In the spring of 2012, all internet rushed to help sell knitted scarves in the subway 89-year-old woman Anastasia Grigorevne Glazkova.
Young volunteers went to her home with medals admired, listened to the story of heroism - to blow up enemy ferry ... The investigation was carried out while journalists "Komsomolskaya Pravda", calling the grandmother Anastasia, the Antonina. And the trouble is not that my grandmother was the workers in the rear, and a hero of the front (home front workers could hardly have been a lot easier, and deserve all the help, including those born after the victory). The trouble is that the handkerchiefs that the grandmother allegedly knitting from morning till night, she gave out a comparatively young woman, every day brings it to the point of trade. Bloggers have become compassionate sacrifice for scarves double and triple the price, but the "hostess" grandmother's attention and generosity somehow not pleased: gathering in the subway began to attract the attention of the police, and her grandmother and then began to fade from his seat. Positive stories have tried to reveal the contents of the journalists "Moskovskaya Pravda" - they met with the author records his grandmother Irene Molchanova ("Irenochka Multipasport") and with the grandmother wrote that Anastasia G. not poor, and even refuses services social worker. Wrote and created on the wave of enthusiasm for the salvation of the elderly group in the "Contacts" "Heart People" - is now there for more than 5000 people and its "wall" is updated every week or two, although much less clear than the pages of other well-known groups of similar subjects. In the discussion of "whether to continue to visit the grandmother with the Belarus" dated August 2012, and has no answer. Let check the work of the "Heart People" behind the scenes discussions about "Christmastide" stories in social networks - since we are here and now is not about transferring money.
In the story "of the store," distributed today Kamil Magomedov writes not about war veterans - so at least on Space and veteran singer of the Bolshoi Theater. "Researcher, PhD. She sang at the Bolshoi once. I looked at the pictures of distant youth - what was a beautiful woman! And such an old age ... »
This spring, the "shaft" of help from the readers won social networks as a poet and translator Galina Usov sold in the metro in St. Petersburg his books. She rushed to serve on poverty and on the pages of "Arguments and Facts" grandmother argued that it is not hungry, but want to bring their creativity to the reader. Then she organized a recital, which accounted for about 40 people ... About Galina Usova an article in "Wikipedia", dedicated to her group in the "Facebook" and "Touch».
And if you are not a veteran, not a poet, not a scientific staff member and did not sing in the theater? Help is still needed, but difficult to observe Yule genre: the contrast is not obtained.
These records tearfully
Kamil Magomedov, fortunately, does not write that cried - limited to the comment "I was ashamed." Crying author of the record you are now, with a little less enthusiasm - with photographs of my grandmother, which sells at the underground Marxist Moscow small paintings with acrylic paint. "I bumped into a stream of endless, indifferent and aggressive people hurrying when it was noticed. He came up and asked, "and how much the painting, Grandma?" She looked up at me with Nakata in the eyes with tears and efficient way in a business began in a trembling voice to arrange a presentation of their creations ... I gave the money, picked up the picture and a little more ney.A suddenly spoke with a young girl approaches us and asks the price of paintings, answering me mutual smile. I depart from them, with tears in his eyes. My spawned indifferent indifferent ».
Traditionally, such records are full of references to tears and grandmothers, and their benefactors.
What to do?
Genre features stories about the grandmothers in the shops and the subway can not override the point: to help the needy. If a person is in need of attention - attention. If the products - buy something and bring products. If the legal aid - that help settle problems with the documents. The main thing - to understand what the person is willing to accept help.
At the end of the history of Kamil Magomedov is a "recipe", which in the history of the load, already shared two and a half thousand people. And if the story does not cause serious problems (it is plausible), the "recipe" is not just questions and objections.
"Let us each time when we see the store grandmothers pay for their basket. You've seen these baskets? They are there for 300 rubles a maximum gain for yourself ... Just come, throws her grandmother in a basket of food on hand will pay. 500-1000 rubles for those who are my friends - a trifle, and for the grandmother, who you help, perhaps a matter of life and death ».
The stories in social networks as required by law Yule genre grandmother at first did not believe in aid, then cry and thank. In reality, a reaction to the invasion of an old man in his private life in the spirit of "throws into another basket of products and pay" can be unpredictable. We assume that the authors of the top publications for meetings with the old ladies in the supermarket are not just writing about when grandmothers strictly prevent attempts to "do them good." After all, if my grandmother long compares various canned food, it does not necessarily choose the cheapest: on the banks written many things, and who is looking for a shelf life, and some list of additives with the code "E».
By the way, if you walk into a shop in a residential area, for example, around noon, there will be many more pensioners than employees of the Moscow firms meet, returning home around 11 pm and looking for the chicken and biscuits. Yesterday morning, in front of me in line at the box office were two old women and me - two old women. People our age with Kamil in store at this time is not enough. Despite all the democratic prices in the "Pyaterochka", I did not have enough money to pay systematic baskets of all pensioners. And most importantly, as proposed figure of 30 seconds, such an intrusion would offend them or delight.
It would be interesting to hear the story of the old lady how an unfamiliar young man commented on canned food, it became no "extra" words strongly cast products to cart. What matters is that, too nervous, grandmother has acquired heart problems.
Kamil together with relatives brands neighbors grandmother of 19-storey house of a business class, saying that a person can starve to death despite the fact that all the "up to date". Not the fact that in the course of at least someone. Check easily if you live in a house like heights, you need to ask yourself, how many apartments you in the stairwell and on the everyday circumstances, what percentage of neighbors you know.
Help, of course, necessary. The emotion called "pity" is also nothing wrong with that. Only it is desirable at the time of the meeting with his grandmother in the supermarket do not disable the brains and enhance a sense of tact. Offer to help - this is no small step. If you need assistance to be able to provide - a victory. Then on the "Facebook" will be useful to share practical advice.
You can at the same time put in the phone book Russian hotline assistance to elderly: 8-985-862-95-02. Old people know about its existence on Radio Russia and in the program "addresses mercy" on the radio "Mayak" (line - a joint project funds, "Old age is a joy", "Addresses of Charity" and fund families Timchenko). Can learn from you - just write off the phone on a paper and give an elderly person. There may have household help, bring food or medication, find though not new, but working TV or fridge. Often older people understand by comparison with the "Timurovtsev».
Well still not forget to dial the same number and offer assistance, "timurovtsi" - is the same Internet users. Funds for wheelchairs, artificial lenses and firewood for the winter to pensioners from the regions, call the same hotline number, also collected the same readers of social networks. Grandma in the supermarket, of course, the best thing to help himself, without attracting the funds, once the Lord brought you in one shop. The main rule is always: do no harm.
Source: www.pravmir.ru