12 most good things in 2016, thanks to which we are proud of humanity

The world is not without kind people, and 2016 has again convinced us of the existence of those who are generous of heart and great soul. In order to do good, do not need any special skills or a great opportunity. All this is the work of ordinary people. So, as everyone can.
The website invites you to learn about the brightest acts from around the world committed this year. Let's do some good together!
The world Boxing champion has built a thousand houses for the poor Filipinos

Once Manny Pacquiao was an ordinary Filipino boy from a poor family, but now he's the world's only boxer to win a world championship in 8 weight categories. The first big fee he built homes for the residents of his native village of tango. Today on his money was built a thousand houses.
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The Syrian left in the abandoned Aleppo to take care of the cats

Ala Jaleel (Jaleel Alaa) from Aleppo every day risked his life to provide the needy with food and shelter. And when people left the city, he stayed behind to care for their Pets. He has more than a hundred cats, including a kitten, which left him leaving, one little girl. "I said I'll take care of it, until she gets back," says Ala.
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The teacher organized a "Gentlemen's club" for boys from single-parent families

Raymond Nelson (Raymond Nelson) — a teacher at a school in South Carolina. He could not cope with the bullies from your class. And then he bought the jackets and ties and created a "Gentlemen's club" where the boys once a week learn which usually tell their sons fathers: how to tie a tie, how to address elders and how to be courteous with my mother, grandmother or sister. Strict dress code, invented by Nelson, serves a purpose, after all, a man dressed in a tuxedo, you're not gonna fight. "I know, they misbehave not because they are bad, but because they simply do not have enough attention and love," says the teacher.
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The Dane saved two year old Nigerian boy who has been abandoned by parents

Almost a year has passed since Dane Anya Ringgren Loven (Anja Ringgren Loven) was found on the street emaciated two year old toddler. She called it the hope (hope — hope). Own parents kicked the boy out of the house, finding "sorcerer". He was little more than a year, and he survived only thanks to the handouts of passersby. Anna took him in her shelter, which contains together with her husband David Emmanuel Homemom. Live in it rescued 35 children from one year to 14 years.
When Anna posted a photo with the Hope Facebook users from around the world began to transfer her the money. All was assembled $ 1 million In plans at Ani and her husband — a large orphanage and clinic for children. And hope now does not look like a "skeleton legs". This is a fun kid who, according to foster mom, "enjoy life in full".
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Runner future donated the medal to help an injured rival

At the Olympics, in the race at 5,000 meters, the new Zealand runner Nikki gamble clashed with the American Abby D'agostino. Nikki helped his opponent up, and then they fled together, supporting each other. Both athletes not only passed the final, but was awarded the medal of Pierre de Coubertin for the manifestation of generosity and the true spirit of sport during the Olympic games.
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Thousands of people supported the girl, for a birthday where no one came

None of the invited did not come to a birthday party for 18-year-old Halle Sorenson (Sorenson Hallee). Then her cousin Rebecca asked the users of the network to support Halle postcard with a couple of warm words. And an amazing thing happened — the post office in Maine was filled with letters and cards. Just a girl received 10 thousand cards and gifts.
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The students repeated the prom, for a classmate who was in a car accident

Scott Dunn (Scott Dunn) was in a severe car accident just before graduation. Coming out of the coma, Scott was terribly upset that I missed such an important day. But as soon as the young man went to the amendment, his parents called the headmaster and said, "We want to do something special for your son." It turned out that Scott's classmates were putting him through a personal graduation. Repeated and celebration, and congratulatory speeches, and the outfits of graduates, but this time was awarded only one diploma. Scott was amazed to depth of soul: "I Have no words. Incredible to realize how many people happen to have before me the case."
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Thai homeless received housing and work in gratitude for his honest act

44-year-old homeless Thai named Warlop (Waralop) found at the metro station purse. Despite the fact that he had no money, and the purse lying 20 thousand baht ($ 580) and credit cards, he didn't spend it on your needs, and attributed the find to the police. The owner of the wallet was a 30-year-old owner of the factory, Neeti Pangrango (Niity Pongkriangyos), which was struck by the honesty of the homeless. He admitted that if he were in this situation, it is unlikely that would have returned the wallet. In gratitude, NEITI provided Varalaru service apartment and a job in his factory. Now the former homeless man earns 11 thousand baht ($ 317) per month and no longer spends the night in the subway.
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In the Altai fisherman saved from sinking hole elk

A resident of Barnaul Ivan Drachev was coming back from fishing and noticed fell through the ice moose. Ivan the third attempt threw a rope lasso in his hoof and pulled animal. Moose froze and was shaking, had his grind. "It was funny when I sat down, he told me the face on the knee put and nozzles. Sort of like a cow, but everyone understands," wrote Ivan in his blog.
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Neighbors free repaired the house of a poor old teacher

Former retired teacher Ann Glancy (Anne Glancey) faced a fine of urban community — $ 3 million per day if it does not repair your home and tidy the lawn. She had no one to help, but her neighbors Adam and Christine Polhemus with other volunteers, have devoted an entire summer to free recover housing single woman. Here's how the house looked before and how it became to look after.
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Canadian airlines broke its own rules to rescue the animals after a fire

After the fire spread to the canadian Fort McMurray residents were forced to evacuate. Rules of transportation of animals in aircraft are usually very strict — they are documented, and they must be in carriers in the cargo hold. But this time, the airline withdrew from its rules, and have placed Pets in the cabin with their owners. Saved everyone!
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The stewardess were sheltered dog, who spent six months waiting for her at the door of the hotel

The flight attendant Olivia Sievers (Sievers Olivia) often flew to Buenos Aires and met at the door of the hotel dog. She stroked and fed her, and since then, the dog waited for her flight. Olivia lived in Germany, so she came looking for Rubio new home. But he escaped again and waited for the girl. During this time, Olivia had become attached to the dog, so this time she took Rubio to his home, and he is now happy.
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Photos on the preview Anja Ringgren Lovén/Instagram
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