Photos from the opening of the fighting robots "Bronebot 2016"
If you are still thinking where to go to February 23 is Bronebot Olympic is the most podhodlyaschee place. Dozens of robots from five European countries of which 12 - Russian fans of the team. One of them will win and go to London to represent Russia at the world championships in combat robots.
On the side of Europe there were multiple champions like bottle openers and Ripper on our - the enthusiasm and courage. And Belgians brought tysyachetonnogo-judge robot that gave markedly dynamics fights. Even in the arena added a huge hammer by which each is at fault robot. It was especially fun to watch fights tysyachakilogramovogo judge with desyatikilogramovym robot "Perun" created by Belgian team specifically for the Russian championship.
This time, even the spectators were allowed in for the scene where the team repaired his robots and were happy to answer questions from the audience. In this under the cut a lot of pictures from backstage, where the team pulled their robots to repair after each fight.
Tickets for the final battle February 23 can be purchased online
Source: geektimes.ru/company/balrobotov/blog/271482/
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