The most popular idea of robots on Kickstarter
Hello everyone!
In my last entry about finding ideas robots respected nemilya in the comments suggested a great idea, or rather, the method of brainstorming to create robots - is widely known kraudfaundingovy Kickstarter project.
Began to gather, first for himself, the top most popular funded projects, but on reflection decided that favorite Habré can get valuable comments and habrovchan habrovchanok.
Below is the top 15 most successful Kickstarter projects from the category "Robots", and even lower a bit of reflection on this sample.
Sampling of these projects здесь, not to overdo it with reference to this entry.
Also, do not bring the amount of money collected these projects, because take other people's money is unethical, just write that projects below collected from 40 to 361 thousand dollars on Kickstarter.
MOSS, robokonstruktor cubes
A set of modules to create different robots for children and adolescents.
uArm, miniature industrial manipulator
Managed computer with a miniature table manipulator.
Bartendro, robot for mixing cocktails
An open source project to create a robot cocktails.
Sparki, simple robot to Arduino
Simple miniature robot with sensors and Arduino, do not require high programming skills.
Makeblock, the constructor to create a robot
A set of components for creating interesting caterpillar robot.
Romo, the smartphone robot from
Driving platform transforms your smartphone into a robot.
Hexy the Haxapod, cheap hexapod robot
Open a project to create a cheap hexapod robot.
Multiplo, building your own robot
System for the design and construction of the robot's own ideas, open source.
OpenROV, an open source underwater robot
Kits for creating the underwater robot for research and education.
Stompy, large walking robot
The project to create a large, 5, 5-meter walking robot with a place for the operator.
Botiful, telepresence robot for Android
"Driving truck" for Android based devices, converting it into a telepresence robot.
Robobot Mark VI, a floating sailing robot
Robot with sails to explore the ocean.
KIBO, a training robot for children from wooden cubes
Robokonstruktor of wooden blocks with electronics, from which children can build robots. Also, the method of visual programming of robots block.
Mirobot, WiFi-training robot for kids
An open source robot "do it yourself" to teach children new technologies and programming.
TJ, puppet robot
Animatronic puppet-children, moving by means of servo and Arduino.
And now a little order thoughts on this sample.
7 projects from top - it's educational projects, telepresence robot 2, extending the functions of smartphones, cheap 1-hexapod platform, 1 miniature table manipulator, 1 underwater research and 1 overwater Research sailing, as well as a huge walking robot with a place for the operator and the robot-1 bartender.
What can "squeeze" the conventional robotics from this set of information? B>
Followers Kickstarter - a training projects, and it is clear, people are sponsoring what they are interested in, and projects for the initiation to the world of robotics, to develop skills of designing, prototyping and programming both for themselves and for their children - a priority than kakoy- a flying combat drone reconnaissance or farm robot hawk to save the crops, which are unlikely to be donated donateram. Such projects and find funding themselves, without kraudfaundinga.
As for me, because of all these projects is the most interesting as robots, as the use of technologies and ideas - this ocean underwater robot, the robot catamaran with an elegant solution in the form of thrust and a sailing robot bartender.
Educational "cubes", I believe, on the contrary, are harmful because do not give the learner develop an approach offering plug & play, producing habit to think about creating robots surface and within the pre-engineered designer. But already from 9-10 years old children could and from Arduino something to collect, and even a soldering iron in hand to take under the guidance of adults, thereby producing useful skills and in-depth learning the world of electronics, electrical engineering and mechatronics. With a limited set of dice Well no imagination and room for creativity. Maybe even get to that little man just can not think beyond the finished cube-sensor "sees" the space of 20 cm, whereas custom he could collect sensor 9 times more effective.
What projects were not considered:
- Evaluation Board for the creation of robots,
- Sailing robot for cleaning oil spills on water,
- Telepresence robot from a netbook,
- Flying drone-development platform for specialized applications such drones,
- Robo-hand drawing for teaching online courses,
- Powerful controller for robots,
- Robo-hand printed on a 3D-printer,
- Balancing two-wheeled robot on Arduino,
- Anthropomorphic robot animatronic,
- Robot artist "by hand" draws sketches,
- Manipulator,
- Robots animatronics for learning microcontrollers, mechanics and creating crafts out of paper,
- Tracked robot controlled from a smartphone,
- Robot for the cultivation of biomass in the sea and its transformation into biofuels,
- Arena battles robots,
- Robot competitions Projects school teams,
- Sets of robots on the Raspberry Pi to study or hobby,
- Roomba with a laptop and Kinect,
- Set to create a robot with Arduino,
- The creation of a robot for competition robots,
- The robot, able to fold into a ring,
- Another robot for competitions,
- Robotic boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean,
- Universal roboplatforma,
- Another robot for school competitions,
- Similarly, robot competitions,
- 5 more projects robots for competitions,
- Make friends Raspberry Pi and quadrocopter,
- Telepresence robot in the form of clothes hangers,
- For LEGO-robot competitions,
- ROV-robot (Remotely Operated Robot, remotely controlled robot) for underwater exploration,
- 4 more project for robotic competitions,
- Cocktail robots as an art project,
- And again the robot competition,
- Art robozhuk robot driving on the table,
- Robot for competition.
The following projects have robots that do not gain the required amount on Kickstarter or were canceled:
- Robot shestispitsevoe wheel,
- Gear-designer,
- Again 2 projects robots for competitions,
- Controller for collector \ brushless DC motors,
- Pattern recognition system for robots,
- Plush robots for training, managed with Android,
- Robo-chair for the non-ambulant people,
- Six-wheeled rover Mars.
The general impression now, after several hours of viewing and Kick this writing - some are all utilitarian, everyday, no swing, no power, as in the same industrial robots, robots for nuclear materials (which began the development of robotics) some exceptions.
Q - what do you think, dear habrovchane has a chance to get into the top Kickstarter project that is not cubes, trolley telepresence for a smartphone or a cheap plastic robot with the sole aim to attract the attention of others to robots?
Thank you!
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227489/
In my last entry about finding ideas robots respected nemilya in the comments suggested a great idea, or rather, the method of brainstorming to create robots - is widely known kraudfaundingovy Kickstarter project.
Began to gather, first for himself, the top most popular funded projects, but on reflection decided that favorite Habré can get valuable comments and habrovchan habrovchanok.
Below is the top 15 most successful Kickstarter projects from the category "Robots", and even lower a bit of reflection on this sample.
Sampling of these projects здесь, not to overdo it with reference to this entry.
Also, do not bring the amount of money collected these projects, because take other people's money is unethical, just write that projects below collected from 40 to 361 thousand dollars on Kickstarter.

MOSS, robokonstruktor cubes
A set of modules to create different robots for children and adolescents.

uArm, miniature industrial manipulator
Managed computer with a miniature table manipulator.

Bartendro, robot for mixing cocktails
An open source project to create a robot cocktails.

Sparki, simple robot to Arduino
Simple miniature robot with sensors and Arduino, do not require high programming skills.

Makeblock, the constructor to create a robot
A set of components for creating interesting caterpillar robot.

Romo, the smartphone robot from
Driving platform transforms your smartphone into a robot.

Hexy the Haxapod, cheap hexapod robot
Open a project to create a cheap hexapod robot.

Multiplo, building your own robot
System for the design and construction of the robot's own ideas, open source.

OpenROV, an open source underwater robot
Kits for creating the underwater robot for research and education.

Stompy, large walking robot
The project to create a large, 5, 5-meter walking robot with a place for the operator.

Botiful, telepresence robot for Android
"Driving truck" for Android based devices, converting it into a telepresence robot.

Robobot Mark VI, a floating sailing robot
Robot with sails to explore the ocean.

KIBO, a training robot for children from wooden cubes
Robokonstruktor of wooden blocks with electronics, from which children can build robots. Also, the method of visual programming of robots block.

Mirobot, WiFi-training robot for kids
An open source robot "do it yourself" to teach children new technologies and programming.

TJ, puppet robot
Animatronic puppet-children, moving by means of servo and Arduino.
And now a little order thoughts on this sample.
7 projects from top - it's educational projects, telepresence robot 2, extending the functions of smartphones, cheap 1-hexapod platform, 1 miniature table manipulator, 1 underwater research and 1 overwater Research sailing, as well as a huge walking robot with a place for the operator and the robot-1 bartender.
What can "squeeze" the conventional robotics from this set of information? B>
Followers Kickstarter - a training projects, and it is clear, people are sponsoring what they are interested in, and projects for the initiation to the world of robotics, to develop skills of designing, prototyping and programming both for themselves and for their children - a priority than kakoy- a flying combat drone reconnaissance or farm robot hawk to save the crops, which are unlikely to be donated donateram. Such projects and find funding themselves, without kraudfaundinga.
As for me, because of all these projects is the most interesting as robots, as the use of technologies and ideas - this ocean underwater robot, the robot catamaran with an elegant solution in the form of thrust and a sailing robot bartender.
Educational "cubes", I believe, on the contrary, are harmful because do not give the learner develop an approach offering plug & play, producing habit to think about creating robots surface and within the pre-engineered designer. But already from 9-10 years old children could and from Arduino something to collect, and even a soldering iron in hand to take under the guidance of adults, thereby producing useful skills and in-depth learning the world of electronics, electrical engineering and mechatronics. With a limited set of dice Well no imagination and room for creativity. Maybe even get to that little man just can not think beyond the finished cube-sensor "sees" the space of 20 cm, whereas custom he could collect sensor 9 times more effective.
What projects were not considered:
- Evaluation Board for the creation of robots,
- Sailing robot for cleaning oil spills on water,
- Telepresence robot from a netbook,
- Flying drone-development platform for specialized applications such drones,
- Robo-hand drawing for teaching online courses,
- Powerful controller for robots,
- Robo-hand printed on a 3D-printer,
- Balancing two-wheeled robot on Arduino,
- Anthropomorphic robot animatronic,
- Robot artist "by hand" draws sketches,
- Manipulator,
- Robots animatronics for learning microcontrollers, mechanics and creating crafts out of paper,
- Tracked robot controlled from a smartphone,
- Robot for the cultivation of biomass in the sea and its transformation into biofuels,
- Arena battles robots,
- Robot competitions Projects school teams,
- Sets of robots on the Raspberry Pi to study or hobby,
- Roomba with a laptop and Kinect,
- Set to create a robot with Arduino,
- The creation of a robot for competition robots,
- The robot, able to fold into a ring,
- Another robot for competitions,
- Robotic boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean,
- Universal roboplatforma,
- Another robot for school competitions,
- Similarly, robot competitions,
- 5 more projects robots for competitions,
- Make friends Raspberry Pi and quadrocopter,
- Telepresence robot in the form of clothes hangers,
- For LEGO-robot competitions,
- ROV-robot (Remotely Operated Robot, remotely controlled robot) for underwater exploration,
- 4 more project for robotic competitions,
- Cocktail robots as an art project,
- And again the robot competition,
- Art robozhuk robot driving on the table,
- Robot for competition.
The following projects have robots that do not gain the required amount on Kickstarter or were canceled:
- Robot shestispitsevoe wheel,
- Gear-designer,
- Again 2 projects robots for competitions,
- Controller for collector \ brushless DC motors,
- Pattern recognition system for robots,
- Plush robots for training, managed with Android,
- Robo-chair for the non-ambulant people,
- Six-wheeled rover Mars.
The general impression now, after several hours of viewing and Kick this writing - some are all utilitarian, everyday, no swing, no power, as in the same industrial robots, robots for nuclear materials (which began the development of robotics) some exceptions.
Q - what do you think, dear habrovchane has a chance to get into the top Kickstarter project that is not cubes, trolley telepresence for a smartphone or a cheap plastic robot with the sole aim to attract the attention of others to robots?
Thank you!
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227489/
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