As students learn robotics Spain
The project BQ DIY KIT De Robotica
System KIT De Robotica allows you to learn and build robots that differ in appearance design (3D modeling skills development, mechanics) and behavior (programming sensors and systems) of the standard (set of delivery) and completely individual (details printed on the 3D printer) components. < br />
KIT De Robotica refers to the DIY robotics projects for beginners as it does not require soldering skills and equipment. Due to this, and an integrated approach to the design of the system has gained popularity in schools in Spain.
What is a KIT De Robotica and why this is the system? B> h4> When ordering KIT De Robotica, you get a nice little box, but that's not all. Just sensors, wiring and motors can be easily bought separately - and it will be cheaper, but that is not enough to create a robot. BQ KIT De Robotica includes:
basic sensors and components; online visual programming system; pribotov concepts and assembly instructions; management program based smartphones Android; block of training and development in the form of a website, a video channel and offline.
Portal project, characters and content h5>
The main portal of the project can be found at http://diy.bq.com/ . From the very first glance it is evident that this portal managed by a professional team. Designers have come up with cute characters: Man, Woman and professors chose a great combination of colors, lots of animated objects in general is beautiful.
Characters and content
Man helps to make robots and a character all assembly instructions printbotov:
Instructions made as clear and colorful, not in all cases they give a quick answer, offering first to understand and solve the problem.
Girl tells about other robotics kit and shows how to use more sensors. By the way, she has a real prototype, a leading video channel and blog Anita:
Professor helps in physics in a separate section and is involved in loading the code examples on the board on the description page printbotov or individual kit components.
Video guide
Perhaps the most difficult to adapt to the Russian portal will find the master (master) on the video guide. Simple Russian voice acting can not do here. Anita is just gorgeous video lessons, constantly coming up with some theatrical moments. It was such emotion and feed can attract or at least not alienate younger audience:
On the forum you can ask questions and share practices on improving the robot, as did the girl:
It is clear that now the project is completely in Spanish and just preparing for translation into Russian, but to experience and perception of the basic principles is enough machine translation browsers and embedded translation of titles on the channel YouTube. Translation quality will be slightly higher if you choose from Spanish to English, not Russian. However, I think that seeing 3-4 times a video, you can begin to understand and Spanish.
Set of basic sensors and components h5>
The kit is assembled on a "necessary and sufficient" to create a robot that can perform multiple functions (motion capture and light objects) and react with light and sound, to change the environmental conditions, as well as be controlled by Bluetooth.
The kit is easy to find on the box and lid. So, to create a robot will need:
Battery compartment for 8 AA batteries; Brain future robot fee Feduino UNO; 2 sensor IR (infrared); button as you press; 2 light sensor; Bluetooth and USB cable; rheostat; 2 LEDs on the board; li > 2 mini servo; 2 continuous rotation servo motor. All these components are packed and placed in a small, having a color, digital and graphic marking boxes. Such a rigorous approach to design package is due purpose kit for educational institutions. The teacher can give the entire set as a whole, and separately for items, such as wages and actuator. This principle of storage is very well suited for groups and classes of robotics in school when classes after the children will need to remove all the places. Will make it very simple. Total 13 mini-boxes and one manual connection, which can be used as a basic hint or instruction in the classroom:
For educational institutions (wholesale purchase) Available to order additional sensors from a standard set (eg, servos) and advanced sensors, such as ultrasound. Additional sensors and motors may be needed for more sophisticated robots, such as crab. Instruction which has already been shown above: