Roboforum 2014: Dossier 40 speakers and one big question

Do not worry about copyright - the author of the picture, too, will come to the forum. i>
Almost a week will start Roboforum , which will gather a critical mass of robotics. 1,000 delegates, 40 speakers, 35 media. Their lectures, presentations and performances will allow finally to outline the contours brave new world waits for us beyond the threshold massovogoy robotics. The program is four days of the forum - online .
Just below the list of participants, but first I would like to raise one topic.
Imagine what the world would have been without the First World War? Probably he would have even more different from the one that emerged. Peaceful change is not so visible, but they are changing the lives of more radical. If the Cuban missile crisis led to the third world, we would have said that consumer electronics and mass pop culture is the result of a fracture of the military, not the consumer revolution.

iPhone could look like, and so after the Cuban missile crisis. i>
Household revolution will shake the XXI century and XX will soon become distant, distant past. Some robots are so hit on the brain that will not find it. This collapse of the entire traditional life in post-antiquity. The revolution is comparable only to that of the agrarian revolution.
Take hold of all this whining about the twentieth century "slavery." And what people will face more in this century? With him, my dear. Man will be surrounded by anthropoid robots, they purchased and held by a wholly-owned. And he will use them as a servant and as a sexual obёkty. And it will require significant changes in consumer culture and the culture of communication. Can you talk to a robot? Roman - able. And we simply do not have the appropriate "culture of consumption».
This robot will have the intelligence and decisions (why else would they do?) - But who will be responsible for those decisions? Now every drone priglyadyvaet human operator, but it is.
Military robots today fill the land, air and sea, and with each new model they are becoming more lethal, autonomous and even intelligent. "Robot that you see today, like 'Model T' Ford. We see only the early stages of technology development, "remarked a senior official of one of the companies developing robots. As you know, Henry Ford sold only 239 copies of his sverhznamenitogo car in the first year - and 15 million over the next 19 years. The demand for robotic systems is growing extremely rapidly.

you're not a robot in a loincloth native i>
What will happen in some ni6ud 2030? Fortunately, not only we have these questions. The Government of the United Kingdom and the United States have attended to the matter. In 2006 futurological on research on robotics risprudentsii and was commissioned by the British Department of Science and the Center for Studies in Innovation. Its participants were experts of the company Ipsos-MORI , consultancy Outsights and United States-based Institute for the Future .
This document states that:
Mass production anthropoid robots will begin in about 20 years. Robots will have artificial intelligence comparable to a human, and will be capable of self-reproduction and self-programming. The robots will become a "digital citizens", in contrast to the things that have legal rights and responsibilities. Robots will participate in the elections, pay taxes and mandatory to serve in the army. By the way something podo6noe 6ylo in the Soviet Union - all jeeps and Shepherd were registered in military enlistment offices and requisitioned in the event of war. Getting civil rights robots will take place in several stages and is likely to be accompanied by greater social tension. Similarly, the process of the civil rights of blacks in the United States.
In the study, or at least in its published part, it said nothing about the main problem robotic society anthropoid robots make it unnecessary social existence of the vast majority of humanity. In addition, the economic gap between the robot and the ordinary state is so deep that makes the most advanced robot does not state the reservation obsolete equipment, outdated and obsolete culture of social relations.

Military use of robots - it's soldiers having demonstration value. Res talking about the world turn in the economy, industry, or even equal to the agricultural revolution. With the advent of robots economy begins to grow itself, without human involvement as a production unit. Imposition of a person of their sphere ekornomiki turn it into an absolute consumer, and the cost of goods will make close to zero.
This anthropomorphic robot is fundamental, because the whole machinery of the Earth is tuned for a standard person. In fact, the robot is not a mechanical man with artificial intelligence, and free (!) Mechanical man with artificial intelligence. Toy something for millird dollars you can build - it's not that. It is not a manual assembly golden carriage to a dozen European kings, talking about the Ford T and the assembly line. The era of robots is when out of 8 billion people 7.8 billion say: All are free. Eat popcorn, watch cartoons.
It is interesting to ask how professionals see the future of robots. Now, in fact, the defendants:

Yung Ho O (JUN-HO OH) professor leading the Korean Institute of Science and Technology, the creator of robot Hubo / Korea
Over the past ten years he has created a unique model of a humanoid robot series KHR-1, KHR-2, Hubo Hubo and 2, as he developed and Albert Hubo Hubo FX-1. The professor is the director of the research center Hugo Lab Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He participated in many industry and government research projects to study innovative technologies. Moreover, Yung Ho O is a member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Korea. Currently its activities are aimed at the development and improvement of models of robots, namely, the search for technologies that allow the robot to move at a higher speed and have a reliable system integration.

Patrick Tress (PATRICK TRESSET) / Artist and scientist, creator of robot artist Paul / Russia
For several years, he engaged in the creation of the robot fields, who can draw better than a living person. To create this robot, Patrick Tresse many years studied and analyzed thousands of graphic works by artists of different styles and eras. The idea was embodied programming thanks to software that supports the algorithm for the movement of the arm, which is the construction of the robot. At the moment, Patrick Tresse activities aimed at improving their creations and attempt to teach him different manners of drawing well-known artists, that in the future the robot has its own style of painting.

Adam Ben Dror (ADAM BEN-DROR) / Industrial designer, Victoria University of Wellington / Australia
He studied industrial design at the Victoria University of Wellington. Mainly engaged in the creation of Adam objects that are representative of the balance between the aesthetic and functional utility. The catalyst for their activity considers the passion to explore the synergy between beauty and utility. The basis of its activity are experimenting with different materials, balance and scale. It is also interested in creating products for animals and introduction of the projects of new media technologies. In recent years, Adam has received numerous awards, among them Click Suite prize for innovation in Media Design (2012) and gold New Zealand Best Awards in the category of interactive (2013).

Umberto Giraudo (UMBERTO GIRAUDO) / Teacher British Higher School of Design and the curator of the course "Industrial Design", the founder of Studio Design Zavod / Italy
Teacher British Higher School of Design and the curator of the program "Industrial Design". He graduated from the Polytechnic University of Milan with a degree in "Industrial design". In 2002, he worked in collaboration with Professor Toshiro Ikegami for the Japanese "Network of eco-design." I engaged in car design, design management and organizational issues at the Geneva Motor Show. In the subsequent time developing a concept for the development and modeling of the surface for the new fire fighting equipment at airports.

Gor Nakhapetyan (GOR NAKHAPETYAN) / Founder BALA robot entrepreneur and advisor to the rector of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO / Russia
His professional career began in the Mountains 1992 "DialogBank." Troika Dialog has passed in 1993 and was behind the creation of the company. From February to September 2013 Nakhapetyan Gore held the position of vice-president of the Savings Bank. As part of this role, he oversaw the unit HR, among the key task - the formation and development of corporate culture, improvement and development of the system of motivation of employees, creating a corporate university, to build a system of effective communications within the organization.
Since 2006 he is member of the Coordination Council of Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO and the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

FRANCESCO CUTTER (FRANCESCO FREZA) / architect, founding partner of Studio Piuarch, the best architect in 2013 Italy / Italy
Today studio Piuarch resume includes dozens of projects, including the development of show rooms, business centers, fashion headquarters, houses and shops. It is the studio responsible for the style of Dolce & Gabbana boutiques and it is this studio has developed a functional design Passage 15, and Helen Marlen 2.
He believes that in both areas of its activity are the same principles - the success of the work as a designer and architect depends on the precise proportions of weathered, harmonious combination of volumes and choice of materials.

Giorgio METTA (GIORGIO METTA) / creator humanoid robot ICub, director of the Italian Institute of Technology iCub (IIT) / Italy
The research activities of scientists is concentrated in the area of biologically motivated robots. Giorgio also participates in the development of humanoid robots that can adapt and learn from their experiences. His research was developed in collaboration with leading European and international scientists from different disciplines: neuroscience, psychology, computer science and robotics. Giorgio Metta is the author of about 250 publications. He has served as principal investigator in more than ten international and national projects.

VLADIMIR Konishev (VLADIMIR KONYSHEV) / CEO Neyrobotiks / Russia
Vladimir Konishev - MD, CEO Neyrobotiks, which specializes in developing and supplying systems for the study of human and animal physiology. It is one of the key figures of the initiative group of strategic social movement "Russia 2045", which stands for human development, including by accelerating technological progress and the integration of modern technology.

MUNSANG KIM (KIM MUNG SUN) / Director, Center for Intellectual robotics at the Korean Institute of Technology, a member of the team founders robots Mero, Kibo, Ciros and Silbot / Korea
Kim Munsang received a master's degree from Seoul National University, followed by a doctorate in technical sciences at the Technical University of Berlin (Germany). He is the author of numerous scientific articles and books on robotics and regularly participates in conferences. He received more than 20 awards for research and technological development.
He currently holds the position of Director of the Center for Intelligent Robotics at the Korea Institute of Technology, and is also involved in the creation of robots Mero, Kibo, Ciros and Silbot.

Louis-Philippe Demers (LOUIS-PHILIPPE DEMER) / Designer blind robot (Blind robot) Professor of the School of Arts, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University / Singapore
Louis Philippe Demerc known for his large-scale theatrical productions robotic and interactive media projects. In the past two decades, he participated in 70 art projects and designed over 300 robots. His work has been presented at major venues, he has participated in numerous international exhibitions and festivals. Louis-Philippe Demers is the recipient of many prizes and awards, including first prize at the international competition of projects on artificial life VIDA 2.0 (Madrid, 1999). From 2001 to 2005 he was a professor at the Higher Art School of the Center for Art and Media (ZKM, Karlsruhe).

Francesco FERRO (FRANCESCO FERRO) / CEO PAL Robotic, create a robot REEM / Italy
An expert in the field of robotics. He received a master's degree at the Higher Institute of Electronics (Lille, France), as well as an MBA with a degree in "Business in the area of high technology." Since 2011, he is the CEO of PAL Robotics (Barcelona, Spain), which specializes in the creation of humanoid robots. The main development of the company - line of humanoid robots REEM; currently released five models. The latest generation - the robot REEM-C is able to see, speak, recognize faces and speech in multiple languages on their own to navigate the terrain.

Maxim Kashulinsky (MAXIM KASHULINSKY) / Chief Editor Portal SLON / Russia
Business journalist and media manager, business expert. He graduated from the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov. Journalistic career began in 1994, the news agency Skate. He then worked as a correspondent department "Business" newspaper "Today", the chief editor of the magazine "Company", served as deputy editor - editor of the "consumer market" newspaper "Vedomosti". In September 2003, Kashulinsky began working at the publishing house Axel Springer Russia, where he was appointed chief editor, and later - the chief editor of the magazine Forbes. Director-General and head of the portal Slon.ru since March 2011, from January 2012 - Acting General Director of "Big City».

Billy Jackson (WILL JACKSON) / Head of Engineered Arts Ltd, creator of robot RoboThespian / US
Design engineer, creator of Robo Thespian and SociBot. Last Will Jackson designed the interactive displays for museums and exhibitions. After receiving several orders for the development of a "mechanical actors", he concluded that it was necessary to create a universal programmable model. Later, he decided that "the actors' ability to interact is needed. So a company Engineered Arts, dedicated to the creation of humanoid robots. The first versions of the robots were pretty clumsy, but the creators have continued to improve the robots and have achieved considerable success.

CHRIS WAKE (CHRIS WAKE) / Vice President, Business Development Direction of the company's products NanoSatisfi / US
Chris Wake - a strategy in the field of commercial products company NanoSatisfi, a serial entrepreneur, a graduate of Oxford. Wake Chris worked and was a leader in both large and small companies. His work has been featured in publications such as Forbes, The Huffington Post, and Wired. Since February 2013 the company operates Nanosatisfi, which runs on open-source orbit satellites. In just one year, they were able to independently create and run three models, but they do not intend to stop.
Words written by Chris Wake of himself in his blog: «I do cool things. In space. »« I consistently transform chaos into process ».

NICK HAYES (NICK HAWES) / Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at Birmingham, a specialist in the field of artificial intelligence / England
The major activities of Nick constitute the scope of artificial intelligence techniques and the development of intelligent autonomous robots that could work for people. Nick Hayes for many years worked on building intelligent information processing systems, the introduction of AI planning methods in a variety of robotic systems. Currently he is the coordinator of "STRANDS" project focused on the production of intelligent mobile robots. Nick Hayes also participated in many programs and activities: BBC News; BBC World Service; British Science Festival; Cheltenham Science Festival, where he actively conducted lectures on their research.

TIMANDRA Harkness (TIMANDRA HARKNESS) / Writer, journalist, BBC Radio 4, the famous British popular science leading, scientific stand-up comedian / England
Timandra professionally comedy on scientific topics. She performs solo show "BrainSex". In the past, worked on a research project comedy with Matt Parker, the project resulted in a stand-up show, which they performed in England and Australia.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/balrobotov/blog/222049/
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