Funny quotes from AUTOFORUM

Corvette Forum
- Why should I pay $ 150,000 for a wheelbarrow with the same driving as that of the Lacetti?
Ford Focus Forum
- Help! I changed everything! Still will not start!
Mustang Forum
- Some freak tried to chase me on my dohlenkih Civic-e.
Civic Forum
- Some freak tried to chase me on my ugly Mustang-e.
McLaren F1 forum
- Some freak tried to chase me on my old dead ugly and slow as the grandmother's truck F-16.
VW Passat forum
- I have this week, even hacking attempts were not
Mazda MX-5 forum
- What a freak on his fat-Tahoe moved my car! (Pichu)
Chevy Tahoe Forum
- Mazda has stuck in my running board left the door ... As it is safe to remove? (Pichu)
WHA forum
- Which service beam ... // BAN ON IP //
Delorean forum
- Just back from the future ... I burned head gasket. Help, I'm from 1985.
Mercedes Forum
- My wife and her sneaky lawyer trying to fill me in divorce proceedings. How would I kill them both so that it does not impact on the health insurance of his wife?
Firebird forum
- My chick fucking bratelnik sleeps with my wife and ... How can I better soak these freaks? And I already have a criminal record and back to jail, I will not go!
Hummer Forum
- Slightly pokolbasitsya today. I scratch the wing. 24 wounded and 10 killed. How would I get the black paint on the stealth and the dealer's up to 25 kilometers and I have to spend 50 bucks on gasoline.
Bentley forum
- Today nasoril in the ashtray. I called the dealer - they have no separate ashtrays. Maybe you advise what to do? Maybe, again to buy Mercedes - they were ashtrays dealers?
Chevy Monte Carlo Forum
- I prus from this yo yo cars, ptamushta it stolen yo.
VW Beetle Forum
- The concept of salvation of the world (Pichu)
Renault forum
- Guys, here you can survey - when the last time you start the car? I in 1992.
Lamborghini Forum
- Odd noise after 310 km / h.
Pontiac forum
- I bought a new pink suit with ruffles. Aaaatpaaaad. (Pics)
BMW 7-series forum
- Hey, is anyone where to repair a fake Rolex and?
Cadillac Forum
- Problems with parking. Buy Police bumper.
Chevy Suburban Forum
- Table of gasoline prices. Cry together.
Ford Crown Victoria forum
- How to carry out of the way of those who does not let me on the highway, and not to scratch the paint?
Honda Accord Forum
- My mother gave me to mashyna vyhadnye. Paedem Sima sosak. Urgent buy dishovye drives on vasimnatsat dyuymav.
Toyota Echo forum
- Honey, can see you?
- Yes, naughty, today I'll be in a lilac typewriter.
Ferrari forum
- Any idea how to organize a business tour for Colombia? I have to quickly go back and very quickly. Advise?
Porsche Forum
- Wheel descends. The service said I was a fool and kicked. Disgusting machine - no respect from the people. I'd better sell the car through the dealer or the Internet itself?
Jaguar forum
- Guys, club purchase carboxylic overlays on instruments still in force? It seems to have promised to throw up to 1,500 dollars.
Dodge Viper Forum
- I clocked up to 280 km / h in the weekend. How to wash the shit off the seat? (I velor)
Dodge Forum
- What is the best place in the cabin schedule of football matches, not to be distracted from the road for more than a minute? And I'm here all the bumper scratched ...
Fiat Forum
- Ay! I'm here alone whether that is online?
Subaru WRX Forum
- I hate cops. Fined for drifting in the parking lot in front of the supermarket. I have the same insurance! I'll pay for all repairs!
tuning forum
- This will affect the warranty period?
- And this?
Oka forum
- And I, personally, I love everything tight!
Supra forum
- Reason for sale: do not fit in the car. Or exchanged for the same, but without a roof and doors.
Mazda 3 Forum
- A machine that we have a rare, today in the morning to work in Irkutsk went just 119 counted.