5 books about love. Tender, weird...
This is not a ranking of the category of "the best". It's just a book about love. Some of them are gentle, some strange.
But each of them at the time, left me with trail, gave a wonderful finish. Who knows, maybe we will sampadam.
In the end, to read about love for the month prior to the spring means to bring the sun.
Viktor Shklovsky
"Zoo, or Letters not about love"
This book was written in 1922, contains four of the Foreword and consists of letters to a woman who was forbidden to write to her about love. The text of this very small works are like a winter day somewhere in the North – the same sad, bright and cold. Almost all sentences start with a paragraph indent, which makes the narrative very similar to a diary.
The author speaks of love so artless and simple, if the dictates of news in the newspaper over Breakfast, but at the same time, so the metaphorical subtly, that it's not impossible to release the pencil from his hands.
Sometimes there is no remarkable observations about the weather, writers-contemporaries or leaky pants he suddenly inserts such awesome beauty and depth of the revelation that comes heart.
I recommend this book to all those whose love is similar to Berlin in the winter – and it was there he wrote his letters to Elsa Shklovsky. And let no one ever forbids you to write about love. And if they will not listen to it: write.
"... psychotic people go consciously, as in a monastery".
"You are very busy, so busy that my time is now free".
"I'm confused, because this pavement, polished by tires of cars, these illuminated signs and women, well-dressed, all of this changes me. I'm not here to be what it was, and I guess I'm bad".
"I'm not a femme fatale, I – Ala, pink and plump".
Ángela Becerra
Fiamma – a psychologist who daily listens to people with problems and getting used to them more than to their own. Until one day discovers that cheating on her husband, with whom they lived together for 18 years and decided to get revenge retaliatory affair... And the great irony ofthe new patient Flammy Estrella is the mistress of her husband.
Here begins the "long road home": inside yourself. It turns out that under layers of habitual indifference to her husband and life in General, the glaciers of the soul and the mines of the heart are hidden feelings and desires, referred to by her clients and crazy in the movies, but whose existence she never believed.
It is a novel about loneliness together, and about love without a couple of missed kisses and not a manifestation of passion. And on that stage a breakup in a marriage usually nobody notices, because he is "filled with festivals, dinners, mutual friends, made smiles, travelling to places, where to go all fashionable clothes and waiting for the concerts that are pre-purchased tickets".
Especially I would recommend to read for those who began to doubt in his love, which is increasingly annoying little things and habits.
Easy enough reading for one time, perfect for the road.
"She died from Alzheimer's, but it was in those days, when Alzheimer's was unheard of, so everyone thought she died of love".
"Estrella didn't know that there are ties stronger than those born in wedlock children, broken promises, a long-standing dream, shared memories, and experienced together troubles associated sometimes very hard and in the moment of parting is sometimes mean more than the absence of love."
"One day, sitting under the ancient oak, she realized that doubt is not to be afraid of. Let them be, let them help her decide what to do next. She learned to wash clothes in the river and the same river washed away all the sadness..."
Jonathan SAFRAN Foer
"Full illumination"
Because the plot is wrapped up pretty smartly, "what" book, I find it easier to tell, leading to the annotation.
So, the young American-Jewish art collector named Jonathan SAFRAN Foer goes to Ukraine in search of a woman who during the Second world war saved his grandfather from the Nazis in the Ukrainian town of Trachimbrod. Armed with maps, cigarettes, and old photos of Augustine and his grandfather, Jonathan begins his journey. Companions of the guy in these searches become Alex – a student who, despite the almost complete lack of knowledge of English becomes a translator Jonathan, and his weird "blind" grandfather-an anti-Semite with a dog...
And adventure that began worse than ever, gradually acquires a deeper meaning and becomes a reason of serious changes in the lives of all involved people.
Throughout the story you constantly hurled into the past of the town Trachimbrod with its crazy inhabitants. Of each letter of the novel rushing crazy energy, she is incredibly juicy and vividly written – so much so that sometimes freeze and re-read paragraphs several times.
The film based on the novel also took a very worthy. Only the first book.
"I asked you to do only one thing, and you made her a disaster!"
"Guilty fly caught in the net of the student, whose identity has not been established. The boy raised his hand to slap her, realizing that we need a lesson, but the fist dropped, the fly pulled the wing, but did not take off. The boy (and it was a sensitive boy) suddenly grasped the sense of the fragility of life, and he let fly. Fly, too, something befell, died appreciation. The lesson was taught".
"I'm sorry you got such a life. Thank you, that we pretend to be together."
If you, like me, love in literature imagery and lushness of language, with great pleasure I recommend to you my favorite book in the genre of magical realism – "Atlas, compiled sky" Goran Petrovic. It's magical.
D. B. C Pierre
"Vernon God Little"
The novel, which received in 2003 the Pulitzer prize. The book is fantastic. The translator is a genius. Because of such a beautiful and perfect form of literary speed with the Mat I have not seen anywhere, ever.
The essence: a teenager from a provincial Texas town becomes a accidental witness to mass murder their own classmates. The police then takes it in turn first as a possible accomplice, and then as a murderer, simultaneously hanging on him all the new dogs. And the kid decides to run away to Mexico...
The narrative style is amazing: juicy, bold metaphors, famously wrapped in mate choice. But reading, do not feel terror, only admiration – the author's word, and such a disarming teenage honesty that's impossible to put down. Smart and evil "of the 21st century Comedy in the presence of death".
For me, as a professional editor, there are no bad words – there are not accurate enough. However, I believe that it is ethical to warn you: do not read if you cringe word "ass" is submitted as is, with no points. Read if you love literature invigorating as shed on your knees hot coffee, and vigorous, like garlic.
"I had learned that parents always win because ever since you collect a database in which are entered every made you rubbish or nonsense, and at any moment ready to use it. Eye blink of an eye, and you have cut as pretty; just think, what would so they start looking, and you already carry the face on the asphalt. And when they have nothing to do, they e...t you just nothing to do. So the gloss is not faded".
"Such longing, like you're the anode in the Packed sand acid battery. N...n everything – but with love."
"Papa God raised us until we got into long pants; then he sold the rights for placement of his name on the dollar left on the table the car keys on the x...y...... I'm from the city. Don't stare into the sky, from there will not help. Look at the people who are caught up in dreams, as in the nozzle. You are the Lord. Take responsibility. And use the power that you're given".
Erich Maria Remarque
"Arc de Triomphe"
This, of course, a classic. Beloved classic about love.
The protagonist of the novel, the surgeon Ravic, embodies the qualities I love in men: the ability to fully concentrate on work, sincere admiration of female, reticence and inner loneliness.
He knows how to drink and knows how to wait. To see the essence of things and to celebrate life even in the most inhuman conditions. He is one of those men who is impossible to tame and make a pet because they're always in the way to their goal, albeit for the last time and becomes obsessed.
Ravic likes things simple and clear feelings, values male friendship and female beauty. And in his mouth a Note was enclosed a phrase that I always remember when you find yourself howling into the pillow some:
"The night everything is always complicated. Cheap despair of the dark night. How can the words spoken in it, be true? For real words need bright light".
"Everything can be settled with money is cheap".
"You're as good as all the dreams of men, as all his dreams and one that he did not know".
"No man can become more a stranger than someone you loved in the past".published
Author: Olga Primachenko
Also interesting: 11 books to lift the mood, if you suddenly come the Blues
100 of the most romantic books that are worth reading
Source: gnezdo.by/review/i-love-love/
But each of them at the time, left me with trail, gave a wonderful finish. Who knows, maybe we will sampadam.
In the end, to read about love for the month prior to the spring means to bring the sun.

Viktor Shklovsky
"Zoo, or Letters not about love"

This book was written in 1922, contains four of the Foreword and consists of letters to a woman who was forbidden to write to her about love. The text of this very small works are like a winter day somewhere in the North – the same sad, bright and cold. Almost all sentences start with a paragraph indent, which makes the narrative very similar to a diary.
The author speaks of love so artless and simple, if the dictates of news in the newspaper over Breakfast, but at the same time, so the metaphorical subtly, that it's not impossible to release the pencil from his hands.
Sometimes there is no remarkable observations about the weather, writers-contemporaries or leaky pants he suddenly inserts such awesome beauty and depth of the revelation that comes heart.
I recommend this book to all those whose love is similar to Berlin in the winter – and it was there he wrote his letters to Elsa Shklovsky. And let no one ever forbids you to write about love. And if they will not listen to it: write.
"... psychotic people go consciously, as in a monastery".
"You are very busy, so busy that my time is now free".
"I'm confused, because this pavement, polished by tires of cars, these illuminated signs and women, well-dressed, all of this changes me. I'm not here to be what it was, and I guess I'm bad".
"I'm not a femme fatale, I – Ala, pink and plump".
Ángela Becerra

Fiamma – a psychologist who daily listens to people with problems and getting used to them more than to their own. Until one day discovers that cheating on her husband, with whom they lived together for 18 years and decided to get revenge retaliatory affair... And the great irony ofthe new patient Flammy Estrella is the mistress of her husband.
Here begins the "long road home": inside yourself. It turns out that under layers of habitual indifference to her husband and life in General, the glaciers of the soul and the mines of the heart are hidden feelings and desires, referred to by her clients and crazy in the movies, but whose existence she never believed.
It is a novel about loneliness together, and about love without a couple of missed kisses and not a manifestation of passion. And on that stage a breakup in a marriage usually nobody notices, because he is "filled with festivals, dinners, mutual friends, made smiles, travelling to places, where to go all fashionable clothes and waiting for the concerts that are pre-purchased tickets".
Especially I would recommend to read for those who began to doubt in his love, which is increasingly annoying little things and habits.
Easy enough reading for one time, perfect for the road.
"She died from Alzheimer's, but it was in those days, when Alzheimer's was unheard of, so everyone thought she died of love".
"Estrella didn't know that there are ties stronger than those born in wedlock children, broken promises, a long-standing dream, shared memories, and experienced together troubles associated sometimes very hard and in the moment of parting is sometimes mean more than the absence of love."
"One day, sitting under the ancient oak, she realized that doubt is not to be afraid of. Let them be, let them help her decide what to do next. She learned to wash clothes in the river and the same river washed away all the sadness..."
Jonathan SAFRAN Foer
"Full illumination"

Because the plot is wrapped up pretty smartly, "what" book, I find it easier to tell, leading to the annotation.
So, the young American-Jewish art collector named Jonathan SAFRAN Foer goes to Ukraine in search of a woman who during the Second world war saved his grandfather from the Nazis in the Ukrainian town of Trachimbrod. Armed with maps, cigarettes, and old photos of Augustine and his grandfather, Jonathan begins his journey. Companions of the guy in these searches become Alex – a student who, despite the almost complete lack of knowledge of English becomes a translator Jonathan, and his weird "blind" grandfather-an anti-Semite with a dog...
And adventure that began worse than ever, gradually acquires a deeper meaning and becomes a reason of serious changes in the lives of all involved people.
Throughout the story you constantly hurled into the past of the town Trachimbrod with its crazy inhabitants. Of each letter of the novel rushing crazy energy, she is incredibly juicy and vividly written – so much so that sometimes freeze and re-read paragraphs several times.
The film based on the novel also took a very worthy. Only the first book.
"I asked you to do only one thing, and you made her a disaster!"
"Guilty fly caught in the net of the student, whose identity has not been established. The boy raised his hand to slap her, realizing that we need a lesson, but the fist dropped, the fly pulled the wing, but did not take off. The boy (and it was a sensitive boy) suddenly grasped the sense of the fragility of life, and he let fly. Fly, too, something befell, died appreciation. The lesson was taught".
"I'm sorry you got such a life. Thank you, that we pretend to be together."
If you, like me, love in literature imagery and lushness of language, with great pleasure I recommend to you my favorite book in the genre of magical realism – "Atlas, compiled sky" Goran Petrovic. It's magical.
D. B. C Pierre
"Vernon God Little"

The novel, which received in 2003 the Pulitzer prize. The book is fantastic. The translator is a genius. Because of such a beautiful and perfect form of literary speed with the Mat I have not seen anywhere, ever.
The essence: a teenager from a provincial Texas town becomes a accidental witness to mass murder their own classmates. The police then takes it in turn first as a possible accomplice, and then as a murderer, simultaneously hanging on him all the new dogs. And the kid decides to run away to Mexico...
The narrative style is amazing: juicy, bold metaphors, famously wrapped in mate choice. But reading, do not feel terror, only admiration – the author's word, and such a disarming teenage honesty that's impossible to put down. Smart and evil "of the 21st century Comedy in the presence of death".
For me, as a professional editor, there are no bad words – there are not accurate enough. However, I believe that it is ethical to warn you: do not read if you cringe word "ass" is submitted as is, with no points. Read if you love literature invigorating as shed on your knees hot coffee, and vigorous, like garlic.
"I had learned that parents always win because ever since you collect a database in which are entered every made you rubbish or nonsense, and at any moment ready to use it. Eye blink of an eye, and you have cut as pretty; just think, what would so they start looking, and you already carry the face on the asphalt. And when they have nothing to do, they e...t you just nothing to do. So the gloss is not faded".
"Such longing, like you're the anode in the Packed sand acid battery. N...n everything – but with love."
"Papa God raised us until we got into long pants; then he sold the rights for placement of his name on the dollar left on the table the car keys on the x...y...... I'm from the city. Don't stare into the sky, from there will not help. Look at the people who are caught up in dreams, as in the nozzle. You are the Lord. Take responsibility. And use the power that you're given".
Erich Maria Remarque
"Arc de Triomphe"

This, of course, a classic. Beloved classic about love.
The protagonist of the novel, the surgeon Ravic, embodies the qualities I love in men: the ability to fully concentrate on work, sincere admiration of female, reticence and inner loneliness.
He knows how to drink and knows how to wait. To see the essence of things and to celebrate life even in the most inhuman conditions. He is one of those men who is impossible to tame and make a pet because they're always in the way to their goal, albeit for the last time and becomes obsessed.
Ravic likes things simple and clear feelings, values male friendship and female beauty. And in his mouth a Note was enclosed a phrase that I always remember when you find yourself howling into the pillow some:
"The night everything is always complicated. Cheap despair of the dark night. How can the words spoken in it, be true? For real words need bright light".
"Everything can be settled with money is cheap".
"You're as good as all the dreams of men, as all his dreams and one that he did not know".
"No man can become more a stranger than someone you loved in the past".published
Author: Olga Primachenko
Also interesting: 11 books to lift the mood, if you suddenly come the Blues
100 of the most romantic books that are worth reading
Source: gnezdo.by/review/i-love-love/