Why a stupid friend is worse than a smart enemy
We feel that everything is in our hands and we are able to decide our own destiny. Or, on the contrary, we believe that nothing depends on us and only providence can somehow affect our boring and meager life. Maybe that’s why you need to pay attention sometimes. life-quote. A different look can help you feel reality again.
Editorial "Site" Offers to get acquainted with the Persian poet-Sufi, who lived in the distant XIII century on the territory of modern Tajikistan. His name is Rumi or Mawlana, although the real name is Mawlana Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi. The influence of this sage went far beyond ethnic, religious and national boundaries.
After more than seven centuries, quotes from his inquiring mind seem profound and no less relevant in our age. It is said that Rumi’s contemporaries could not resist the power of his words, which could create special revolutionary moods and even spontaneous changes. revoltAlthough they were exposed as forms of religious idealism. Here are some of them.
Write in the comments whether these quotes were found response in your heart Do they really seem modern to you? We believe that there really is something to look at and listen to, or even to take up arms. It’s never too late to learn something new, is it?
Wise quotes about life Sometimes they look like bright stars - they point the way to lost souls in the direction from which it is necessary to wait for the dawn! Read our article about what quotes of Academician Dmitry Likhachev help to live. Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" Offers to get acquainted with the Persian poet-Sufi, who lived in the distant XIII century on the territory of modern Tajikistan. His name is Rumi or Mawlana, although the real name is Mawlana Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi. The influence of this sage went far beyond ethnic, religious and national boundaries.
After more than seven centuries, quotes from his inquiring mind seem profound and no less relevant in our age. It is said that Rumi’s contemporaries could not resist the power of his words, which could create special revolutionary moods and even spontaneous changes. revoltAlthough they were exposed as forms of religious idealism. Here are some of them.

- I have sought God everywhere: among Christians, among Buddhists, and among us Muslims. I didn't find him anywhere. Only when I looked into my heart did I know he was there.
- “Maybe one day you will find yourself in such a bind that there will be no other choice but to turn to God. Do not tell him that you are in great trouble, but tell your trouble that you have an almighty God.
- “If you are looking for something, something is looking for you.”
- “The greater the love, the greater the trial”
- “It is better to be friends with the wise than with the stupid. Stupid friends are more dangerous than smart enemies.
- “You must first cultivate your own heart and then your own language. Because through the tongue comes that which begins in the heart.
- “Either be very close so that you can be held, or be very far so that you can be forgotten.”
- “Adversity can come from all sides. And there will be so many of them that you will experience despair. It is at this moment that we must show our will, not give up. From now on, the course of events will change.
- “The language of God is silence. Everything else is not the best interpretation.
- “There is no point in resisting the changes that come into your life. Let them go through you. Scared of everything turning upside down? But are you sure that life will be better than the one that is about to come?
- “In a life that is half a day long or half a century long, it doesn’t matter if you make no plans other than love”
- “Love is living water. Life moisture. It is necessary to drink it not only with your mouth, but also with your heart and soul. Without love, all life is meaningless.
Write in the comments whether these quotes were found response in your heart Do they really seem modern to you? We believe that there really is something to look at and listen to, or even to take up arms. It’s never too late to learn something new, is it?

Wise quotes about life Sometimes they look like bright stars - they point the way to lost souls in the direction from which it is necessary to wait for the dawn! Read our article about what quotes of Academician Dmitry Likhachev help to live. Thank you for staying with us!
The employees who are paid more
Started to do the practice of gratitude every month, the money immediately flooded the river.