The employees who are paid more
Why do you pay less when you seem to be doing better than others? Understanding this issue can be difficult. But it is necessary to do this, because at work a person conducts lion's share of his time. It is necessary to make every effort so that the work does not look like real suffering. Let’s understand the causes of low wages and figure out how to ask for a raise.
Why they pay less is an interesting story. It said that once a simple worker Kuzma decided to ask his landlord why he receives 2 rubles a week, and another worker Ivan as much as 16 rubles. Kuzma came to the landlord and asked, “How is this so, master?” Ivan and I came to work with you. But you pay him 16 rubles, and I'm only 2. Why is there such injustice? But the landlord looked interestedly out the window and said to the servant: We need to buy hay for cattle. There's someone full of luck. Go see if they're selling it. And Kuzma went outside.
I came back and confirmed to the owner that the hay was really selling. "Isn't that the hay meadow near the forest?" But Kuzma didn't know that. The landlord sent him back to the street. The servant returned and confirmed that the hay was indeed from the meadows near the forest. “What haybite? First or second? How much are they selling for? Will it be possible to bargain?” Each time Kuzma ran to the street and asked the man with hay new questions.
He returns once again to the landlord, and after him Ivan enters the room and says: Master, you are pleased to buy hay today, so I have already driven one cart into the yard to unload. We took him from the meadows near the forest. The hay is good, smelly, first prick. They asked for 20 rubles, but I bargained to 17. And he arranged for the next bite to be sold to us. Two more wagons will be delivered by evening.” Kuzma left the landlord with nothing, but at least understood why he was paid less.
Proverbs may not be as relevant now, but still truthfulness I stayed. After all, almost every job management welcomes the initiative of employees. Their responsibility, stress resistance, multitasking. Such an employee is more valuable for management, because he helps the company earn, and therefore brings profit. In theory, the work of such an employee should be well paid.
Of course, it will not do without those leaders who are not clean on hand. They do their best. overlooked The work of his subordinate for various reasons. They do not want to raise wages, praise, support the initiative. Moreover, some bosses are trying to morally crush the employee. To convince him that he does not deserve higher wages, to find fault with every little thing, to intimidate him with fines or dismissal.
In order to make the right decision for yourself, you need to take a short time out and think carefully about everything. Is this job really so important to you that you are willing to tolerate an angry boss or meager pay? Try to admit it honestly to yourself. If you're not ready, then act decisively.
On various job search sites, you can post your resume and see what salary other companies offer for the position you are applying for. In addition, be sure to study the list of requirements. You need to assess whether your skills match those you might expect. new employer.
Moreover, along with the resume, you can send a motivation letter created for each company separately. It is worth briefly talking about yourself, your motivation, hobbies. In general, write everything that is not suitable for a resume. You also need to have a portfolio, if the specifics of the work, or illustrative examples. successfully closed transactions. This can speak for itself, and the superiors will accurately assess such an employee.
Why pay less and how to ask for a raise? If you do not want to leave your previous job, you can try to talk to your boss about a salary increase. Only do it better at the right time. Ideally, such a company should not have serious financial problems, and you should not have any working failures recently. And, of course, it is best to use the case when the boss will be in a good mood.
Don’t try to blackmail your boss, shout, or give ultimatums like, “Either you raise my salary, or I’m leaving!” Such a conversation can end very sadly. But you can take a risk only if you have nothing to lose, or vice versa – you already have a potential offer from a new employer.
Add specifics. Don’t be afraid to give the exact numbers you would like to see on your payday card. Don't forget your arguments. Tell us how you have improved your workflows, how you have successfully closed contracts, or how long and productive you have been with this company. That tactic should work. If the chief doesn't agree to your terms, he can. compromise.
Work is complicated. We can't agree more. To build a competent relationship with the boss, so that he noticed and encouraged you, you still need to be able to. But we sincerely wish you good luck, career growth and successful self-development. Let everything be fine..

Why they pay less is an interesting story. It said that once a simple worker Kuzma decided to ask his landlord why he receives 2 rubles a week, and another worker Ivan as much as 16 rubles. Kuzma came to the landlord and asked, “How is this so, master?” Ivan and I came to work with you. But you pay him 16 rubles, and I'm only 2. Why is there such injustice? But the landlord looked interestedly out the window and said to the servant: We need to buy hay for cattle. There's someone full of luck. Go see if they're selling it. And Kuzma went outside.
I came back and confirmed to the owner that the hay was really selling. "Isn't that the hay meadow near the forest?" But Kuzma didn't know that. The landlord sent him back to the street. The servant returned and confirmed that the hay was indeed from the meadows near the forest. “What haybite? First or second? How much are they selling for? Will it be possible to bargain?” Each time Kuzma ran to the street and asked the man with hay new questions.
He returns once again to the landlord, and after him Ivan enters the room and says: Master, you are pleased to buy hay today, so I have already driven one cart into the yard to unload. We took him from the meadows near the forest. The hay is good, smelly, first prick. They asked for 20 rubles, but I bargained to 17. And he arranged for the next bite to be sold to us. Two more wagons will be delivered by evening.” Kuzma left the landlord with nothing, but at least understood why he was paid less.

Proverbs may not be as relevant now, but still truthfulness I stayed. After all, almost every job management welcomes the initiative of employees. Their responsibility, stress resistance, multitasking. Such an employee is more valuable for management, because he helps the company earn, and therefore brings profit. In theory, the work of such an employee should be well paid.
Of course, it will not do without those leaders who are not clean on hand. They do their best. overlooked The work of his subordinate for various reasons. They do not want to raise wages, praise, support the initiative. Moreover, some bosses are trying to morally crush the employee. To convince him that he does not deserve higher wages, to find fault with every little thing, to intimidate him with fines or dismissal.

In order to make the right decision for yourself, you need to take a short time out and think carefully about everything. Is this job really so important to you that you are willing to tolerate an angry boss or meager pay? Try to admit it honestly to yourself. If you're not ready, then act decisively.
On various job search sites, you can post your resume and see what salary other companies offer for the position you are applying for. In addition, be sure to study the list of requirements. You need to assess whether your skills match those you might expect. new employer.

Moreover, along with the resume, you can send a motivation letter created for each company separately. It is worth briefly talking about yourself, your motivation, hobbies. In general, write everything that is not suitable for a resume. You also need to have a portfolio, if the specifics of the work, or illustrative examples. successfully closed transactions. This can speak for itself, and the superiors will accurately assess such an employee.

Why pay less and how to ask for a raise? If you do not want to leave your previous job, you can try to talk to your boss about a salary increase. Only do it better at the right time. Ideally, such a company should not have serious financial problems, and you should not have any working failures recently. And, of course, it is best to use the case when the boss will be in a good mood.
Don’t try to blackmail your boss, shout, or give ultimatums like, “Either you raise my salary, or I’m leaving!” Such a conversation can end very sadly. But you can take a risk only if you have nothing to lose, or vice versa – you already have a potential offer from a new employer.
Add specifics. Don’t be afraid to give the exact numbers you would like to see on your payday card. Don't forget your arguments. Tell us how you have improved your workflows, how you have successfully closed contracts, or how long and productive you have been with this company. That tactic should work. If the chief doesn't agree to your terms, he can. compromise.

Work is complicated. We can't agree more. To build a competent relationship with the boss, so that he noticed and encouraged you, you still need to be able to. But we sincerely wish you good luck, career growth and successful self-development. Let everything be fine..