9 countries where people are paid money for nothing
The idea of basic income has appeared in the last century. Every month you just get a certain amount of money to spend at their discretion.
The site tells which countries and cities are already today citizens pay money just so what difference does it make in the world.
By decision of governmental organizations 2017 2 000 unemployed residents of Finland aged 25 to 58 years receive monthly 560 euros. Recipients chosen at random and lose all social benefits, but will continue to receive the money if you find a job. In case of positive results the number of participants will increase next year. The experiment will last 2 years.
Average salary in Finland — 2 € 202.
Livorno, Italy
From 1 June 2016 by the decision of the mayor's 100 poorest families of the city receive an unconditional basic income of EUR 517 per month. From January 2017 for another 100 families were included in the project. According to the mayor, such an approach is a way out of difficult multistage system of distribution of social benefits. Naples and Ragusa are watching the experiment, planning to introduce similar programs.
The average salary in Livorno — 1 480 euros.
Thanks to the nonprofit organization GiveDirectly 6 000 rural people of Kenya will receive a monthly $ 22 for the next 12 years. For local people this is huge: 45 % of them never kept in the hands of the money. Many participants said that the money spent on repair of houses, purchase of drinking water, livestock, gave the money for development of schools.
The average wage in urban Kenya — $ 291.
Utrecht, Netherlands
From may 2017 250 residents of Utrecht will receive from the state every month 960 € for 2 years. The participants divided into 6 groups in which the payout is tied to certain requirements related to the work. For example, participants in one group can receive an additional 150 eurosif you are volunteering. If the experiment proves successful, several other cities plan to support the project.
The average salary in Utrecht — 2 227 euros.
Marica, Brazil
According to the decision of the mayor Marika 150 000 inhabitants of the municipality receive monthly $ 30 regardless of their status on the labor market. Low-income families receive an additional $ 28. In case of positive result of the payment increase.
The average salary for the state of Rio de Janeiro, which includes Marika, — $ 642.
The government of India in 2017 is going to rerun the pilot project 7 years ago has shown excellent results. Then the 6 000 inhabitants of the villages through the support of UNICEF for 18 months, received a small payout of a few dollars. The project has affected the lives of families of untouchables, giving them virtual freedom, independence and the opportunity to change your life in the future. Recognized as untouchable outcasts and slaves by birth in India. They do the heavy work, they are forbidden to visit temples and learn to communicate with representatives of other castes.
The average salary in India is $ 535.
Ontario, Canada
From may 2017 4 000 people aged 18 to 64 with low income level from 3 subjects Ontario will receive a basic income from the government that is formed in relation to their current earnings. For example, if a person in a year earns $ 10 thousand, then a basic income will total $ 11 989, and in total for the year employees will receive $ 21 989. People with disabilities get additional $ 500 per month.
Average salary in Ontario — $ 2 216.
2017 non-profit organization, Eight in one village pays 50 families weekly at $ 8. The experiment will last 2 years and will be the basis for a documentary film about the impact of unconditional basic income and the quality of life in small towns.
The average salary in the cities of Uganda — $ 168.
Oakland, United States
From January 2017 100 families receive monthly up to $ 2 000 from a venture capital Fund Y Combinator. The families were identified by random sampling. Participants can refuse to work, to volunteer and even to leave the country. The organizers plan to include in the experiment, another 900 families. A basic income would be paid until the end of 2021.
The average salary in Auckland — $ 3 215.
First results:
- Many use the money to improve the quality of life: renovating housing, invest in education, improve the quality of the food.
- Part of the funds spent on the purchase of medicines and payment of medical services.
- Low-income families are using a new source of income for children: clothes and buy more products, pay school fees and transport.
- People started to repay debts, demand for short-term loans and credits.
- People don't refuse to work, with the exception of the elderly, to whom the money was given the opportunity to rest more and recuperate.
- Most of the participants of the experiment recognized that the presence of a constant regular income, not tied to work, helps them to better plan for the future and take more risky but profitable decisions in the present.
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