Impressions of the work as a waitress in a Vietnamese cafe "Saigon"
The correspondent of the newspaper known for some time worked as a waitress in a Vietnamese cafe and now wants to share his impressions. In this photo essay, you will learn how easy it is to get to the local coffee shop, without documents, such as the Vietnamese refer to its staff and visitors, as you can fry food in the same oil and many other details about the local diner. Bon Appetit. The spacious cafe that the capital market Zhdanovichi, no soul. From plasma screen Natalie literally intermeddle soul: "Oh, God, what a man!". The bar hops haired lady c bright shine on your lips.
"The main condition - not to leave the booze»
I order the green tea and cuddle with a warm mug of a table in the corner. After a couple of minutes because the screen looked rag-old Vietnamese man with black,
eyes like black olives and name badge on his chest. Young lady whispered a few words in his ear and sent it to the utility room, taking pride of place at the cash register
apparatus. Similarly, the owner, I thought.
- Waiters you need? - I do puppy eyes.
- Sankniska there? - Man appreciatively examined me from head to toe.
- No, but I can make quickly!
- Halas, labotniki us nuzny. Sit down. Only one condition: not to leave the booze! Drink only plazdnikam! - Immediately warns me next
the employer.
I laughed: do not smoke - quit! Look, recovered! Gritting his chair, he rose and spun in front of a businessman showing his new
figure. But if you want, I can start again ?!
- Not-ee, natsinat not-a-da! - Vietnamese breaks into ulybke.- children?
- Yes, the child already goes to school, but my grandmother is watching him - to stand a reasonable position for the employer.
- Where labotali lanse?
- A waitress in a restaurant - I remember my student years.
Here is the perfect retracted workplace cook
- Zyvete where?
- I Live in Minsk is not, alas! But I can ride every day on the train. Arriving at nine in the morning.
The black-haired woman, seeing a person doubting Vietnamese, entered in our conversation: Well, just might go, so let him ride, we were full of these!
- I pay 150 000 on weekdays and 200 on weekends. Sanknisku do - priezzayte!
Within a day, my phone is ringing off the hook with an unfamiliar number.
- "Plivet, Olga! As Vasa business? Zavtla labotat smozetse?
- Uh ... So, as sanknizhka? I even in the clinic was not yet!
- On weekends sankniska not necessary - priezzayte!
In one basin journalist could wash up with a hundred plates
"REMEMBER! YOU do not work here, it's easy-to-GUESTS »
I arrived, as promised at 9am. The tables are already full of visitors. Drink men and women - and all without a snack. Some poured
"Little white" right on the spot. And then dissolved in the vast market for their jobs.
- I, Olga, - remember? - I went to the Vietnamese.
- Shh, sit down! - Instead of greeting Hanoi hands me a cup of instant coffee.
From that moment we began our daily game of "guest workers", just like in action movies. My goal - to not get caught the eye of the market administration
(medical certificate is not present). During the visit, administration officials, I like chicken, hen, hiding, sitting at the next table and waited,
when important guests leave.
- You, my friend Natasha, you're not labotaesh here, remember? - Hanoi pointed to the black-haired lady. - When will someone from the administration in the run
toilet. And stay there until they tell you to go! All go back to work!
Passports I have never been asked. And even that is not recorded my name.
- Natasha, and who I need to be afraid of here?
- No one is afraid, everything is fine.
- And what do I do?
- Hmm ... becomes my dishes, dishwasher, our output will come only after lunch - a woman pointed to the two mountains of plates with the remnants of food.
The room in which there is a kitchen, washing, laundry room, Vegetable shop, butcher shop was located only twenty square meters.
Initially, during the construction of "Saigon" it was a mistake - put only two sections for washing dishes instead of three
"Eaten bread is thrown away, the dishes are not wipe glass in chat ENOUGH WATER»
Seeing my confusion, Hanoi held a briefing.
- Warm water is poured into the basin, here is Leu "fairies." Rinse only in cold water. Economy. Plates do not wipe. Glasses, mugs and ashtrays
Throw in another basin, there is a bit of a chat, and exposes the dryer. If the bread is not bitten and wet, giving each visitor. Do it quickly!
- Plates same wet!
- So what! You also need people in the audience have time to serve. Wipe only forks and spoons! Here's a towel! - Vietnamese stuck my hands are always wet rag, which the staff wipes everything from the nose to the hands and shoes.
Later in the sanitary station, I learned that the dishes need to be sure to handle boiling water from a hose, to prevent salmonellosis. Or warming it in a dishwasher at a high temperature. Neither one nor the other is not doing.
In a small room can work simultaneously 7 people: cook, his aides, a couple of the waitresses and the owner of the cafe
- We have a new devuska? - Came up to me to get acquainted compatriots owner. - What is your name?
- Olga, Olga ...
- Klasivaya you Olen!
- Uh, hey, I - Olga! - More than one foreigner so I did not call.
- Do not pay any attention! This in Russian understands only a few words - in the kitchen there was a good-quality red-haired woman of retirement age, that is not from that this guy slapped upside the head. - I am Irina! - She introduced herself.
A married Irina, who lives in one of the suburbs of Minsk - ordinary primary school teacher. This year's first-graders scored himself. And on weekends, it is already the fifth year, it is the dishwasher.
- So why did not you teach Russian? - I ask.
- Yes, he went to teach him yet!
Café no dishwasher, no hoses with hot water rinsing milking utensils
On the day of the teacher, I heard a lot of juicy Russian mat.
- Sasi Huai (translated from Vietnamese - grilled sausage with fries)! - Quickly flown to the kitchen, the owner shouted to the cook.
- Come quickly Carry order in the tenth table! - Cook put on my dirty hands from the food waste, large plate with scattered along the edges of oily potatoes.
Sorokoletny visitor pleased me - the waitress who brought delicious yummy. After a few minutes in the hall there was a piercing scream, I had already heard in the back.
These cliché years lattices are glasses, mugs and ashtrays, which only enveloped by water
- Used to be "Saigon" as "Saigon", and now has become worse than fast food for the homeless - all cafes shouted one of the visitors.
It turned out, while the man went to the bar to order a coffee, a colleague Natasha briskly swept away his plate from the table and a glass of vodka. Food thrown in the trash, and the "little white" drunk. Order had to be repeated.
Soups on the dirty floor, dirty potatoes for fries (ready for roasting) - a usual thing in the kitchen
- Come on ... Get off me! - A couple of minutes in the back with vegetables heard a woman screaming.
Hanoi beat Natasha. So much so that the walls were shaking tin, which fell the delicate female body.
- Do not let her drink, to select and poured - in broken Russian chef advised. - And if you want to eat, tell me, I'll feed you forever.
In one container can wash rag, and then meat ribs
Ribs can be washed in the sink immediately after it visited doormat
"I wore more gold than the hair»
Hanoi lived in Belarus for more than 15 years. At home he has a wife and two adult daughters, whom he does not even see. Minsk - treshka in a new building, in Vietnam - two-storey house, which he rents for just $ 200.
Natasha with higher 'cultural' education comes from an intellectual family: my mother - an engineer, father - a military man. The dashing 90 jumped to marry money changers, later she gave birth to a daughter, who is now a grandmother.
- There was a time when I was more gold than the hair - recalls his best years had just beaten Natasha, lighting a cigarette from a gas stove where the soup is cooked. - With her husband lived beautiful: fur, gold, expensive restaurants every evening. During one sitting could spend on a car. In the month of calm had four pieces of green. And then there was a collapse, my twisted, and we lost the apartment. The marriage ended in divorce. He began to knock off in Russian, and I
fighting for a better life in a managerial position. Now here I sit on the glass. I do not go to the store to me with constant shortages.
- Hanoi beat you, and you stand ?!
- He - duuuurak - already tipsy waitress holding out the letter. - But to say that without me he was bored!
In this oil roast all hot foods
Dumb, Chara made few easy days, and even weeks ago, are fried in the same oil
"You have a beautiful girl, DELICIOUS AND VODKA many dresses»
When I appeared in the kitchen, out of the corner watching me two Vietnamese. To use the space allotted to them no more than two meters. It also - two refrigerators, non-working sink, where they often soak the chicken and the tin table for cutting meat.
- Where's your ICC, Ola? I want Belarusian Zhen - a potential beau Suhl constantly attacked me with questions and suggestions.
33-year-old Suhl six months ago left his young wife, a teacher with two preschool children in Vietnam and rushed to work in Belarus, like many of his friends and relatives. He lives at Hanoi. There lives and cook with the name of Russian Roma. On weekdays Suhl builder, and on weekends the kitchen worker. Two days received $ 50. Most pointedly pulls currency and its publicly sniffing, enjoying the smell of money. Suhl perfectly speaks Russian only those words that do not exist in any decent explanatory dictionary.
- Why did you come to Belarus, you have no work at home? - Almost gestures Asiatic your question.
- Labota - no. You pay Halas. Devuski klasivye vodka tasty.
To move to the land of the former CIS Vietnamese started back after the American Revolutionary War. Since then, it has been almost 40 years, but the habit to seek a better life abroad remained. Some are moving to Belarus. Get the Belarusian citizenship, passports, and even ringed beautiful Slavic wives.
Journalist helped launder fries from greenish mucus. About vegetables soaked in a barrel for a couple of days forgot to cook. By the way, children often bought fries.
"OIL fried MODIFY AND ONLY topped up»
- Go help - beckons me to cook and gives hold keg with sliced potatoes for fries, gurgling water and plenty of lush white foam.
When my big basin Roma laundered it from greenish mucus. Then the potatoes roasted in black as soot, oil.
- Natasha, and how often the oil change?
- You laugh? - Colleague looked at me like I was insane. - It does not change, only topped up once a week. There's a live-carcinogenic poison! I was settled here, and diarrhea for days. Neither tablet did not help. When stopped eating fried, everything will have passed.
Oil never changes
"Give plaintive book»
During the first day of work, I never sat down: washing dishes, wiped the glasses, cool cloths, preparing salads, serve visitors, mopping the floors before closing.
By evening my colleague Natasha fell asleep on the table when twisted napkin. At the next table sat a man of middle age that directly attacked the cafe owner and went behind him.
In the evening a colleague Natalia slept directly on the table
- This girl give grant or award for book reviews, Olga, we write to thank for the excellent work! - Visitor showed me the finger. - Or working less. Next time will come - check.
It turned out a grateful visitor was once in love with a girl named Olga. And still keeps affection in my heart. When you meet the namesake of his first love, he tries to help her.
During the day in the cafe gone about 300 people. Main category aged 25 to 50 years. Come and families with children. On the day we can count
about ten minors. Three of them - under the age of three years.
Charan with fries - one of the most popular dishes in the "Saigon»
The most popular dish -kartoshka stock with silent and Charan. Take as chicken and veal stewed vegetables.
The average price of hot within 35 - 55 thousand. The price depends on the size of the portions. Everything is fried in vegetable oil. In the same capacity - deep fried.
"The black oil IS carcinogens which promotes cancer development»
- Oil is darkened, already can not be used - told in the department of investigation of fats and oils GNU VNIIIZH RAAS Saint-
Petersburg. - When reheating oil oxidation product is released. Dangerous for health carcinogen that with frequent use in food contributes to the development of cancer cells in humans. And not all vegetable oil for frying. Subject oils have long been studied, in the restaurants use expensive high oleic sunflower, which can be used repeatedly. In order to assess the damage caused to human health "black" oil, it is necessary to take samples on the spot. But the methods by which you can check the dishes prepared in a cafe on the "black oil" does not exist yet. This still has not been studied.
Dumb and Caranas lie near the hand cook outdoors all day. And despite the fact that they have prepared a week ago
Sunday sunny morning. The next working day. Half asleep I'm out of crowded trains. Barely had time to open the door to the cafe as me runs alarmed Hanoi rotated 180 degrees and literally pushed into the back room where yesterday beat Natasha. The dream vanished.
In the dark back room correspondent sat for about 20 minutes
I am trying to somehow get in terrible trouble: hear comforting:
- 10 minutes, then sit down, Halas? The administration realized that you did not order the documents. Do not get caught their eye!
After 20 minutes of Hanoi has set me free from forced captivity.
- That's nothing, you're in luck. A nephew of Hanoi hiding more than an hour in the cold between the two cafes - saw me, Natasha smiled.
- They have also not been sanknizhki? - I shake off the sand suede boots from vegetables.
- Yes, as soon as arrived from Vietnam, there were no documents. Then he paid 600 thousand for the "orderly».
- So you buy?
- Do you think I ever passed a medical examination? But you're out of luck. From this month in Minsk we introduced special chips on the certificates, in the hypermarkets on the packaging of the products.
Trays with ready-made pancakes all day standing on the refrigerator
"Dismiss and POINT!»
Job waitress overgrown with new responsibilities.
- Olya, come on out! - Calling me without explanation, Hanoi.
Near the cafe stood a dozen crates of vodka and beer, which we with Natasha in the freezing temperatures had to drag behind the bar.
Visitors in the morning was a little bit. I decided to be a good employee and washed the sticky grease tables and chairs. They periodically complained meticulous
- Wipe off immediately, wipe it ... Anyway bold!
By the way, no gloves, we were not given.
When customers buhteli, Natasha did not skimp on tips: go to restaurants for lunch and glossy expensive service!
Seeing my enthusiasm, Hanoi, smiling sweetly, and asked at the same time to wash windows. Both inside and outside.
- Ol, and how much he paid you yesterday? - Asked just join me Irina dishwasher.
- 200 thousand ...
He rolled his eyes, threw a cloth Ira squishing in a basin of water and ran to the kitchen. Natasha they heard a long discussion, and then went to the owner to make trouble.
- Give my sanknizhku, I'll wash your windows - the teacher cried.
- Do not give up, go labotay! - Hanoi was incorruptible.
During an argument a colleague repeatedly plucked apron, put on the robe, saying goodbye. Soothing and returning to work. Those demonstrations partially repeated and Natasha.
- Ola, what happened? - I whispered to Hanoi at the bar while I rubbed the towel waffle glasses.
- I just asked how much you paid me yesterday ...
- Be quiet, do not say anything to them - you labotaesh Halas! You hammer! And they are always in my vodka and cigarettes stolen and do nothing.
In general, to make friends with the girls I was not easy, but in time we got used to each other and they even started to call me kindly Lyolik.
The owner of the cafe forbidden to provide first aid to the visitor, who was bleeding on the verge of a cafe
"ENOUGH TO TRANSLATE wipes his blood»
One afternoon I noticed a man on the threshold of the cafe, bleeding. The visitor drank too much.
It was fun.
- No!

"The main condition - not to leave the booze»
I order the green tea and cuddle with a warm mug of a table in the corner. After a couple of minutes because the screen looked rag-old Vietnamese man with black,
eyes like black olives and name badge on his chest. Young lady whispered a few words in his ear and sent it to the utility room, taking pride of place at the cash register
apparatus. Similarly, the owner, I thought.

- Waiters you need? - I do puppy eyes.
- Sankniska there? - Man appreciatively examined me from head to toe.
- No, but I can make quickly!
- Halas, labotniki us nuzny. Sit down. Only one condition: not to leave the booze! Drink only plazdnikam! - Immediately warns me next
the employer.
I laughed: do not smoke - quit! Look, recovered! Gritting his chair, he rose and spun in front of a businessman showing his new
figure. But if you want, I can start again ?!
- Not-ee, natsinat not-a-da! - Vietnamese breaks into ulybke.- children?
- Yes, the child already goes to school, but my grandmother is watching him - to stand a reasonable position for the employer.
- Where labotali lanse?
- A waitress in a restaurant - I remember my student years.
Here is the perfect retracted workplace cook

- Zyvete where?
- I Live in Minsk is not, alas! But I can ride every day on the train. Arriving at nine in the morning.
The black-haired woman, seeing a person doubting Vietnamese, entered in our conversation: Well, just might go, so let him ride, we were full of these!
- I pay 150 000 on weekdays and 200 on weekends. Sanknisku do - priezzayte!
Within a day, my phone is ringing off the hook with an unfamiliar number.
- "Plivet, Olga! As Vasa business? Zavtla labotat smozetse?
- Uh ... So, as sanknizhka? I even in the clinic was not yet!
- On weekends sankniska not necessary - priezzayte!
In one basin journalist could wash up with a hundred plates

"REMEMBER! YOU do not work here, it's easy-to-GUESTS »
I arrived, as promised at 9am. The tables are already full of visitors. Drink men and women - and all without a snack. Some poured
"Little white" right on the spot. And then dissolved in the vast market for their jobs.
- I, Olga, - remember? - I went to the Vietnamese.
- Shh, sit down! - Instead of greeting Hanoi hands me a cup of instant coffee.
From that moment we began our daily game of "guest workers", just like in action movies. My goal - to not get caught the eye of the market administration
(medical certificate is not present). During the visit, administration officials, I like chicken, hen, hiding, sitting at the next table and waited,
when important guests leave.
- You, my friend Natasha, you're not labotaesh here, remember? - Hanoi pointed to the black-haired lady. - When will someone from the administration in the run
toilet. And stay there until they tell you to go! All go back to work!
Passports I have never been asked. And even that is not recorded my name.
- Natasha, and who I need to be afraid of here?
- No one is afraid, everything is fine.
- And what do I do?
- Hmm ... becomes my dishes, dishwasher, our output will come only after lunch - a woman pointed to the two mountains of plates with the remnants of food.
The room in which there is a kitchen, washing, laundry room, Vegetable shop, butcher shop was located only twenty square meters.
Initially, during the construction of "Saigon" it was a mistake - put only two sections for washing dishes instead of three

"Eaten bread is thrown away, the dishes are not wipe glass in chat ENOUGH WATER»
Seeing my confusion, Hanoi held a briefing.
- Warm water is poured into the basin, here is Leu "fairies." Rinse only in cold water. Economy. Plates do not wipe. Glasses, mugs and ashtrays
Throw in another basin, there is a bit of a chat, and exposes the dryer. If the bread is not bitten and wet, giving each visitor. Do it quickly!

- Plates same wet!
- So what! You also need people in the audience have time to serve. Wipe only forks and spoons! Here's a towel! - Vietnamese stuck my hands are always wet rag, which the staff wipes everything from the nose to the hands and shoes.

Later in the sanitary station, I learned that the dishes need to be sure to handle boiling water from a hose, to prevent salmonellosis. Or warming it in a dishwasher at a high temperature. Neither one nor the other is not doing.
In a small room can work simultaneously 7 people: cook, his aides, a couple of the waitresses and the owner of the cafe

- We have a new devuska? - Came up to me to get acquainted compatriots owner. - What is your name?
- Olga, Olga ...
- Klasivaya you Olen!
- Uh, hey, I - Olga! - More than one foreigner so I did not call.
- Do not pay any attention! This in Russian understands only a few words - in the kitchen there was a good-quality red-haired woman of retirement age, that is not from that this guy slapped upside the head. - I am Irina! - She introduced herself.
A married Irina, who lives in one of the suburbs of Minsk - ordinary primary school teacher. This year's first-graders scored himself. And on weekends, it is already the fifth year, it is the dishwasher.
- So why did not you teach Russian? - I ask.
- Yes, he went to teach him yet!
Café no dishwasher, no hoses with hot water rinsing milking utensils

On the day of the teacher, I heard a lot of juicy Russian mat.
- Sasi Huai (translated from Vietnamese - grilled sausage with fries)! - Quickly flown to the kitchen, the owner shouted to the cook.
- Come quickly Carry order in the tenth table! - Cook put on my dirty hands from the food waste, large plate with scattered along the edges of oily potatoes.
Sorokoletny visitor pleased me - the waitress who brought delicious yummy. After a few minutes in the hall there was a piercing scream, I had already heard in the back.
These cliché years lattices are glasses, mugs and ashtrays, which only enveloped by water

- Used to be "Saigon" as "Saigon", and now has become worse than fast food for the homeless - all cafes shouted one of the visitors.
It turned out, while the man went to the bar to order a coffee, a colleague Natasha briskly swept away his plate from the table and a glass of vodka. Food thrown in the trash, and the "little white" drunk. Order had to be repeated.
Soups on the dirty floor, dirty potatoes for fries (ready for roasting) - a usual thing in the kitchen

- Come on ... Get off me! - A couple of minutes in the back with vegetables heard a woman screaming.
Hanoi beat Natasha. So much so that the walls were shaking tin, which fell the delicate female body.
- Do not let her drink, to select and poured - in broken Russian chef advised. - And if you want to eat, tell me, I'll feed you forever.
In one container can wash rag, and then meat ribs

Ribs can be washed in the sink immediately after it visited doormat

"I wore more gold than the hair»
Hanoi lived in Belarus for more than 15 years. At home he has a wife and two adult daughters, whom he does not even see. Minsk - treshka in a new building, in Vietnam - two-storey house, which he rents for just $ 200.
Natasha with higher 'cultural' education comes from an intellectual family: my mother - an engineer, father - a military man. The dashing 90 jumped to marry money changers, later she gave birth to a daughter, who is now a grandmother.
- There was a time when I was more gold than the hair - recalls his best years had just beaten Natasha, lighting a cigarette from a gas stove where the soup is cooked. - With her husband lived beautiful: fur, gold, expensive restaurants every evening. During one sitting could spend on a car. In the month of calm had four pieces of green. And then there was a collapse, my twisted, and we lost the apartment. The marriage ended in divorce. He began to knock off in Russian, and I
fighting for a better life in a managerial position. Now here I sit on the glass. I do not go to the store to me with constant shortages.
- Hanoi beat you, and you stand ?!
- He - duuuurak - already tipsy waitress holding out the letter. - But to say that without me he was bored!
In this oil roast all hot foods

Dumb, Chara made few easy days, and even weeks ago, are fried in the same oil

"You have a beautiful girl, DELICIOUS AND VODKA many dresses»
When I appeared in the kitchen, out of the corner watching me two Vietnamese. To use the space allotted to them no more than two meters. It also - two refrigerators, non-working sink, where they often soak the chicken and the tin table for cutting meat.
- Where's your ICC, Ola? I want Belarusian Zhen - a potential beau Suhl constantly attacked me with questions and suggestions.
33-year-old Suhl six months ago left his young wife, a teacher with two preschool children in Vietnam and rushed to work in Belarus, like many of his friends and relatives. He lives at Hanoi. There lives and cook with the name of Russian Roma. On weekdays Suhl builder, and on weekends the kitchen worker. Two days received $ 50. Most pointedly pulls currency and its publicly sniffing, enjoying the smell of money. Suhl perfectly speaks Russian only those words that do not exist in any decent explanatory dictionary.
- Why did you come to Belarus, you have no work at home? - Almost gestures Asiatic your question.
- Labota - no. You pay Halas. Devuski klasivye vodka tasty.
To move to the land of the former CIS Vietnamese started back after the American Revolutionary War. Since then, it has been almost 40 years, but the habit to seek a better life abroad remained. Some are moving to Belarus. Get the Belarusian citizenship, passports, and even ringed beautiful Slavic wives.
Journalist helped launder fries from greenish mucus. About vegetables soaked in a barrel for a couple of days forgot to cook. By the way, children often bought fries.

"OIL fried MODIFY AND ONLY topped up»
- Go help - beckons me to cook and gives hold keg with sliced potatoes for fries, gurgling water and plenty of lush white foam.
When my big basin Roma laundered it from greenish mucus. Then the potatoes roasted in black as soot, oil.
- Natasha, and how often the oil change?
- You laugh? - Colleague looked at me like I was insane. - It does not change, only topped up once a week. There's a live-carcinogenic poison! I was settled here, and diarrhea for days. Neither tablet did not help. When stopped eating fried, everything will have passed.
Oil never changes

"Give plaintive book»
During the first day of work, I never sat down: washing dishes, wiped the glasses, cool cloths, preparing salads, serve visitors, mopping the floors before closing.
By evening my colleague Natasha fell asleep on the table when twisted napkin. At the next table sat a man of middle age that directly attacked the cafe owner and went behind him.
In the evening a colleague Natalia slept directly on the table

- This girl give grant or award for book reviews, Olga, we write to thank for the excellent work! - Visitor showed me the finger. - Or working less. Next time will come - check.
It turned out a grateful visitor was once in love with a girl named Olga. And still keeps affection in my heart. When you meet the namesake of his first love, he tries to help her.
During the day in the cafe gone about 300 people. Main category aged 25 to 50 years. Come and families with children. On the day we can count
about ten minors. Three of them - under the age of three years.
Charan with fries - one of the most popular dishes in the "Saigon»

The most popular dish -kartoshka stock with silent and Charan. Take as chicken and veal stewed vegetables.
The average price of hot within 35 - 55 thousand. The price depends on the size of the portions. Everything is fried in vegetable oil. In the same capacity - deep fried.
"The black oil IS carcinogens which promotes cancer development»
- Oil is darkened, already can not be used - told in the department of investigation of fats and oils GNU VNIIIZH RAAS Saint-
Petersburg. - When reheating oil oxidation product is released. Dangerous for health carcinogen that with frequent use in food contributes to the development of cancer cells in humans. And not all vegetable oil for frying. Subject oils have long been studied, in the restaurants use expensive high oleic sunflower, which can be used repeatedly. In order to assess the damage caused to human health "black" oil, it is necessary to take samples on the spot. But the methods by which you can check the dishes prepared in a cafe on the "black oil" does not exist yet. This still has not been studied.
Dumb and Caranas lie near the hand cook outdoors all day. And despite the fact that they have prepared a week ago

Sunday sunny morning. The next working day. Half asleep I'm out of crowded trains. Barely had time to open the door to the cafe as me runs alarmed Hanoi rotated 180 degrees and literally pushed into the back room where yesterday beat Natasha. The dream vanished.
In the dark back room correspondent sat for about 20 minutes

I am trying to somehow get in terrible trouble: hear comforting:
- 10 minutes, then sit down, Halas? The administration realized that you did not order the documents. Do not get caught their eye!
After 20 minutes of Hanoi has set me free from forced captivity.
- That's nothing, you're in luck. A nephew of Hanoi hiding more than an hour in the cold between the two cafes - saw me, Natasha smiled.
- They have also not been sanknizhki? - I shake off the sand suede boots from vegetables.
- Yes, as soon as arrived from Vietnam, there were no documents. Then he paid 600 thousand for the "orderly».
- So you buy?
- Do you think I ever passed a medical examination? But you're out of luck. From this month in Minsk we introduced special chips on the certificates, in the hypermarkets on the packaging of the products.
Trays with ready-made pancakes all day standing on the refrigerator

"Dismiss and POINT!»
Job waitress overgrown with new responsibilities.
- Olya, come on out! - Calling me without explanation, Hanoi.
Near the cafe stood a dozen crates of vodka and beer, which we with Natasha in the freezing temperatures had to drag behind the bar.
Visitors in the morning was a little bit. I decided to be a good employee and washed the sticky grease tables and chairs. They periodically complained meticulous
- Wipe off immediately, wipe it ... Anyway bold!
By the way, no gloves, we were not given.
When customers buhteli, Natasha did not skimp on tips: go to restaurants for lunch and glossy expensive service!
Seeing my enthusiasm, Hanoi, smiling sweetly, and asked at the same time to wash windows. Both inside and outside.
- Ol, and how much he paid you yesterday? - Asked just join me Irina dishwasher.
- 200 thousand ...
He rolled his eyes, threw a cloth Ira squishing in a basin of water and ran to the kitchen. Natasha they heard a long discussion, and then went to the owner to make trouble.
- Give my sanknizhku, I'll wash your windows - the teacher cried.
- Do not give up, go labotay! - Hanoi was incorruptible.
During an argument a colleague repeatedly plucked apron, put on the robe, saying goodbye. Soothing and returning to work. Those demonstrations partially repeated and Natasha.
- Ola, what happened? - I whispered to Hanoi at the bar while I rubbed the towel waffle glasses.
- I just asked how much you paid me yesterday ...
- Be quiet, do not say anything to them - you labotaesh Halas! You hammer! And they are always in my vodka and cigarettes stolen and do nothing.
In general, to make friends with the girls I was not easy, but in time we got used to each other and they even started to call me kindly Lyolik.
The owner of the cafe forbidden to provide first aid to the visitor, who was bleeding on the verge of a cafe

"ENOUGH TO TRANSLATE wipes his blood»
One afternoon I noticed a man on the threshold of the cafe, bleeding. The visitor drank too much.
It was fun.
- No!