How to build the kitchen with his hands.
Good day to all. I sit on the counter for the second year, but it turned out that this is my first post, so not much kick.
I'm 25. I'm a confirmed bachelor. It Was. I have not met that same. I live, not as an example of the young Moscow bourgeoisie modest odnushke on the outskirts Belokamennoy.Sovmestnoe cohabitation along with a number of dubious benefits imposes serious obligations on the man, one of which was the purchase of a new kitchen complete with all related equipment and other unnecessary in everyday life of an ascetic nonsense .
The budget was limited, so the options with their vaunted wop stone countertops immediately brushed aside. The choice fell on ikeevsky sample. Not very high quality, so sawdust pressed paper, but quite suitable for the money.
We came to Ikea, drafted (waiting in line an hour and a half), the total value of the kitchen corner 2, 80 1, 30 with a dishwasher, oven, hob and other shells was 120,000 timber. However, after a detailed analysis of the project and a series of simple manipulations ikeevskogo psevdodizaynera been removed all the excess and the amount miraculously decreased by 15 000. (Incidentally, advice for prospective buyers - do not hesitate to talk ikeevskim draftsmen that the project is necessary to reduce the cost, initially in any kitchen they laid a bunch of unnecessary nonsense, such as the cabinet frame in place dishwasher, oven shelves, and at the same time the metal dryer of the same cabinet, etc.). Total - 105 000 in the dry residue.
They brought the kitchen as it is necessary for the next day, everything was unloaded, brought raised (10th floor with freight elevator, the total cost of delivery to the apartment of 1,000 rubles, we live close)) checked. But then the adventure began.
I went to Ikea to process the above assembly. Assembling IKEA itself is not engaged and cooperating with the company-contractor "Aran", which carries out all rukozhopstvo. Manager "ARANA" checked all the documents, posheburshil computer and taking pre-payment of 8% (about 6000 b.) The value of the pieces of wood (without equipment) assured that in 2 weeks will come a team of workers and a moment will bring and install our shopping .
It took 2 weeks, waiting for workers (specially asked for leave from work) at 11 am (agreed on 10) call. They say so and so, with the collector 'apenditsita "was taken to hospital, all the teams are busy, come tomorrow and do everything.
Not that I was very disappointed, but in my heart there was some feeling of anxiety caused by FSUs * ism working the whole situation.
The next day, the house remained Ma Cherie, I'm on the phone, I think now go back to work, and there is a new small kitchen sparkles. Certainly not. The 12 day call macaws in broken Turkish attempts to explain to me that the room I did not quite prepared. Namely: to 30 cm lower outlet under the oven and carry flag apron (house repairs have walked apron was) because it is not at the level that is needed to do the wiring in the cold water for dishwashers and others.
To say that I was furious - not to say anything. Throwing work nesus headlong home, but did not manage to catch him (fast bitch coal). At home my darling, paying 700 p. for "false alarm" collectors have caused electricians and other riffraff from the same office cowboy "Aran". I called the electrician, ask how much he will receive for his work unheard presumptuously answer is "only for work 3000 p. + Socket." I send it to x * k is the same story with the plumber. Flying to Ikea, sternly I express to them all that I think about them and Ara company, take away their hard-earned 6 rubles paid for the assembly, come home ...
Strung in mind estimate, 6000+ 3000+ 3000, then the entire sheet plyusuem ext. Workers work of Aran, such as: drinking countertops in double volume, connect all equipment, cabling water extensions on the crane, drilling holes in the sink tap ... and so the list is quite impressive. Each item is priced from 400 to 800 rubles, but the amount obtained is still a plus about a dozen ...
Generally prikinuv to nose sexual organ decided that even 20+ thousand will not give, was Friday night, the weekend ahead, decided to kill two day benefits and experience for the sake of))
However, one in two hands to collect the kitchen is quite difficult, besides insanely dreary and boring, so I decided to call loved Druganov Lehi, incidentally lives 250 km away. I explained to him the situation in a nutshell, they say so and so come to help.
After 3 hours of Lech me, I arranged a meeting with the planning meeting (after all, Friday night). The meeting lasted until late at night, so decided to start work in the morning.
We took all the necessary tools (something I had something brought Lech) - Punch, drill two Shurik, jig saw, screwdriver, level, tape measure, other trash and began rukozhopit.
Assembling cuisine, it has proved to be not difficult if you know a few tricks, but very dreary and tedious. Putting frames the bottom drawer. In ikeevskom form simple enough, with a screwdriver (or Shura in the advanced version) with the task to handle even a schoolboy.
Drawers, shelves. Filling each cabinet was previously thought out and chosen.
Lech with the patient after a long Friday meeting of the head and enthusiastic gathering kilogram boxes. Further along the post will flash when he, for fotkal just me, and he was yelling and swearing, that short of time and we did not have time to fuck.
Frameworks bottom assembled, we begin to put them on a level. The photo shows bad, but turned out to be a full leg ikeevskie gov * Oh, they are very much high, wobbly and flimsy, they then need to adjust the level of each cabinet-level to achieve full harmony.
The water at this stage does not merit special attention. The drain plugs bought for hot and cold - 2 locking tap 250 rubles.
Electricity engaged exclusively Alex, since I after certain events in childhood (stuck a fork into a socket on the radio 220)) to the electricity did not fall.
Make 3 sockets, 10 cm from the floor (smallish course) with the ground, for dishwashers, cupboards and varpaneli.
We arrange bottom. The gap then materializes dishwasher. About her I would like to separate a pair of words: buy a small, 45 cm for two at the time. Company Elspam (ikeevskoe name, whether in the original Electrolux, or whirlpool). Price 13 000 rubles.
Right doborchik that all was beautiful.
Bottom displayed on the level, put the countertop (laminate particle board)
We measure out, cut, alignment. It seems to be precisely laid down (new house, monolitkirpichny, like smooth walls).
True hell ikeevskie short piece slightly scratched on the corner was taken, but we will survive.
Jigsaws Scrollsaw openings under the sink and cooking. On the Internet a lot of different tips for cutting out the case, we do not bother, rascherchivali, pasted along the contour masking tape, drill holes in the corners on a jigsaw, a trick. The main thing is no hurry, worktop - the person kitchen!
After drank necessarily treat sections of particle silicon, we did it twice.
Contractible cabinet frame special ties, attract slightly in some places for the inviolability of the wall construction. Then came the shelves, drawers, facades ... Sink is so just figured. With her own hemorrhoids, mixer hole and there was nothing to make it (the nearest market for metal heads were not available, and time to spare). Fortunately I found on the market ushlogo Jew drilled me for 300 rubles.
While Lech finished off the bottom, he decided to start collecting skeletons top.
The hand came out and quickly stuffed it vigorously enough.
Top assembled, we decided to pull up technique. Prospective buyers appliances IKEA can say in advance that the cooktop and the oven are without wires. Meals are organized independently. I did not know, so I had more time to go over the wire and forks (the good market close).
By the way the dishwasher has been with the wire, such miracles.
And nothing complicated: stick a, connected and ready. Cooking on silicone plant did not, the assurances of Alexei, "she has to find its place."
Shamans sink.
Set the mixer. Hoses from him proved too short, had to buy extensions.
Ikeevskaya sink was quite well thought-out and easy to install. Moreover, the assurances of the Jewish market metal quality is excellent.
The layout of water. Actually we bought the cold counterpart, Italian, ridges 200, one end of a dishwasher, the other to the mixer. When you first install it flowed treacherously. It turned out it's not there, and in low-quality fomlente. Tip: do not experiment, just buy flax (linen thread is wound on the thread) and a layer of fat on top of the mineral paste. Set pasta + thread = 100 rubles. (For comparison, a small coil of worthless fomlenty also worth a hundred).
I'm 25. I'm a confirmed bachelor. It Was. I have not met that same. I live, not as an example of the young Moscow bourgeoisie modest odnushke on the outskirts Belokamennoy.Sovmestnoe cohabitation along with a number of dubious benefits imposes serious obligations on the man, one of which was the purchase of a new kitchen complete with all related equipment and other unnecessary in everyday life of an ascetic nonsense .
The budget was limited, so the options with their vaunted wop stone countertops immediately brushed aside. The choice fell on ikeevsky sample. Not very high quality, so sawdust pressed paper, but quite suitable for the money.
We came to Ikea, drafted (waiting in line an hour and a half), the total value of the kitchen corner 2, 80 1, 30 with a dishwasher, oven, hob and other shells was 120,000 timber. However, after a detailed analysis of the project and a series of simple manipulations ikeevskogo psevdodizaynera been removed all the excess and the amount miraculously decreased by 15 000. (Incidentally, advice for prospective buyers - do not hesitate to talk ikeevskim draftsmen that the project is necessary to reduce the cost, initially in any kitchen they laid a bunch of unnecessary nonsense, such as the cabinet frame in place dishwasher, oven shelves, and at the same time the metal dryer of the same cabinet, etc.). Total - 105 000 in the dry residue.
They brought the kitchen as it is necessary for the next day, everything was unloaded, brought raised (10th floor with freight elevator, the total cost of delivery to the apartment of 1,000 rubles, we live close)) checked. But then the adventure began.
I went to Ikea to process the above assembly. Assembling IKEA itself is not engaged and cooperating with the company-contractor "Aran", which carries out all rukozhopstvo. Manager "ARANA" checked all the documents, posheburshil computer and taking pre-payment of 8% (about 6000 b.) The value of the pieces of wood (without equipment) assured that in 2 weeks will come a team of workers and a moment will bring and install our shopping .
It took 2 weeks, waiting for workers (specially asked for leave from work) at 11 am (agreed on 10) call. They say so and so, with the collector 'apenditsita "was taken to hospital, all the teams are busy, come tomorrow and do everything.
Not that I was very disappointed, but in my heart there was some feeling of anxiety caused by FSUs * ism working the whole situation.
The next day, the house remained Ma Cherie, I'm on the phone, I think now go back to work, and there is a new small kitchen sparkles. Certainly not. The 12 day call macaws in broken Turkish attempts to explain to me that the room I did not quite prepared. Namely: to 30 cm lower outlet under the oven and carry flag apron (house repairs have walked apron was) because it is not at the level that is needed to do the wiring in the cold water for dishwashers and others.
To say that I was furious - not to say anything. Throwing work nesus headlong home, but did not manage to catch him (fast bitch coal). At home my darling, paying 700 p. for "false alarm" collectors have caused electricians and other riffraff from the same office cowboy "Aran". I called the electrician, ask how much he will receive for his work unheard presumptuously answer is "only for work 3000 p. + Socket." I send it to x * k is the same story with the plumber. Flying to Ikea, sternly I express to them all that I think about them and Ara company, take away their hard-earned 6 rubles paid for the assembly, come home ...
Strung in mind estimate, 6000+ 3000+ 3000, then the entire sheet plyusuem ext. Workers work of Aran, such as: drinking countertops in double volume, connect all equipment, cabling water extensions on the crane, drilling holes in the sink tap ... and so the list is quite impressive. Each item is priced from 400 to 800 rubles, but the amount obtained is still a plus about a dozen ...
Generally prikinuv to nose sexual organ decided that even 20+ thousand will not give, was Friday night, the weekend ahead, decided to kill two day benefits and experience for the sake of))
However, one in two hands to collect the kitchen is quite difficult, besides insanely dreary and boring, so I decided to call loved Druganov Lehi, incidentally lives 250 km away. I explained to him the situation in a nutshell, they say so and so come to help.
After 3 hours of Lech me, I arranged a meeting with the planning meeting (after all, Friday night). The meeting lasted until late at night, so decided to start work in the morning.
We took all the necessary tools (something I had something brought Lech) - Punch, drill two Shurik, jig saw, screwdriver, level, tape measure, other trash and began rukozhopit.
Assembling cuisine, it has proved to be not difficult if you know a few tricks, but very dreary and tedious. Putting frames the bottom drawer. In ikeevskom form simple enough, with a screwdriver (or Shura in the advanced version) with the task to handle even a schoolboy.

Drawers, shelves. Filling each cabinet was previously thought out and chosen.

Lech with the patient after a long Friday meeting of the head and enthusiastic gathering kilogram boxes. Further along the post will flash when he, for fotkal just me, and he was yelling and swearing, that short of time and we did not have time to fuck.

Frameworks bottom assembled, we begin to put them on a level. The photo shows bad, but turned out to be a full leg ikeevskie gov * Oh, they are very much high, wobbly and flimsy, they then need to adjust the level of each cabinet-level to achieve full harmony.

The water at this stage does not merit special attention. The drain plugs bought for hot and cold - 2 locking tap 250 rubles.

Electricity engaged exclusively Alex, since I after certain events in childhood (stuck a fork into a socket on the radio 220)) to the electricity did not fall.
Make 3 sockets, 10 cm from the floor (smallish course) with the ground, for dishwashers, cupboards and varpaneli.

We arrange bottom. The gap then materializes dishwasher. About her I would like to separate a pair of words: buy a small, 45 cm for two at the time. Company Elspam (ikeevskoe name, whether in the original Electrolux, or whirlpool). Price 13 000 rubles.
Right doborchik that all was beautiful.

Bottom displayed on the level, put the countertop (laminate particle board)

We measure out, cut, alignment. It seems to be precisely laid down (new house, monolitkirpichny, like smooth walls).
True hell ikeevskie short piece slightly scratched on the corner was taken, but we will survive.

Jigsaws Scrollsaw openings under the sink and cooking. On the Internet a lot of different tips for cutting out the case, we do not bother, rascherchivali, pasted along the contour masking tape, drill holes in the corners on a jigsaw, a trick. The main thing is no hurry, worktop - the person kitchen!
After drank necessarily treat sections of particle silicon, we did it twice.

Contractible cabinet frame special ties, attract slightly in some places for the inviolability of the wall construction. Then came the shelves, drawers, facades ... Sink is so just figured. With her own hemorrhoids, mixer hole and there was nothing to make it (the nearest market for metal heads were not available, and time to spare). Fortunately I found on the market ushlogo Jew drilled me for 300 rubles.

While Lech finished off the bottom, he decided to start collecting skeletons top.

The hand came out and quickly stuffed it vigorously enough.

Top assembled, we decided to pull up technique. Prospective buyers appliances IKEA can say in advance that the cooktop and the oven are without wires. Meals are organized independently. I did not know, so I had more time to go over the wire and forks (the good market close).
By the way the dishwasher has been with the wire, such miracles.

And nothing complicated: stick a, connected and ready. Cooking on silicone plant did not, the assurances of Alexei, "she has to find its place."

Shamans sink.

Set the mixer. Hoses from him proved too short, had to buy extensions.

Ikeevskaya sink was quite well thought-out and easy to install. Moreover, the assurances of the Jewish market metal quality is excellent.

The layout of water. Actually we bought the cold counterpart, Italian, ridges 200, one end of a dishwasher, the other to the mixer. When you first install it flowed treacherously. It turned out it's not there, and in low-quality fomlente. Tip: do not experiment, just buy flax (linen thread is wound on the thread) and a layer of fat on top of the mineral paste. Set pasta + thread = 100 rubles. (For comparison, a small coil of worthless fomlenty also worth a hundred).

Subwoofer gazelle in their own hands.
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