20 amazing facts about IKEA, customers who do not know

People around the world love IKEA. This store is not just selling high-quality and very affordable furniture - IKEA wins hearts! But how can she do that? Do the main furniture store in the world of secrets? Of course there is, and a lot! Website enjoys sharing with his readers a selection of little-known facts and stunts company IKEA.
1. At IKEA stores have a plan code-named h3> In fact, almost any store or the company's stand resembles a maze, which is designed so that the buyer saw on the road all the possible items. Among employees, this layout is called "Long Natural Way».
2. There are secret passageways h3> For those who want to quickly get to the bedding, but do not want to pass through departments of textile products for the bathroom, and so on. E., It is necessary to know that in any IKEA stores have hidden passages, through which you can maximize quickly reach any place. Usually, they are open to visitors, but they are not easy to notice.
3. "Quick path" through the maze of shops, often change h3> This is due to the fact that customers eventually will learn all the secret passages and are beginning to use them. A goal of the guidelines IKEA - so that the buyer saw on the road the entire range.
4. Walls can be moved h3> Almost all the walls inside the cabin IKEA mounted on wheels and can be moved. Typically, wheels are locked, so that people do not move the partition.
5. People tend to buy furniture, which is exhibited in the demonstration stands h3> Usually people do not bother on a huge selection of catalog and just order what they saw on the display stand.
6. Departments that are made to "empty the wallets» h3> IKEA stores are literally inundated with piles of cheap mineral sector in detail, from the acquisition of which is difficult to resist. Departments, where they are sold, departments are called "emptying the wallet».
7. Bulla Bulla h3> Another way to get people to buy what they did not plan, is a "method of Bull-Bull", as nicknamed his staff. Large containers packed to capacity with hundreds of varieties of products, to create the impression of a large number and, therefore, cheap.
8. At any couch you can take a nap h3> All exhibitor furniture can be tested. The client has the right to lie down on any couch or bed and take a nap. Staff will wake him only 2-3 hours. This is done to make people feel at home in the stores, as well as for the reason that after such "test-drive" the customers are willing to buy furniture.
9. People who know about the nuances prefer not to sleep on the furniture in the store h3> cushions exhibition bedding changed only once a month, and pillowcases only change when they look dirty looks. The same goes for blankets and duvet covers.
10. Opening packages h3> Clients at IKEA may feel any goods and willing to use this opportunity. They relate to products, check out how they can sit or lie down. But often, customers open the packages of goods, and then stores simply can not sell these products and are forced to send them to the cleaning and repackaging or withdrawal.
11. Store employees prohibited from offering aid and imposed by the h3> Buyers are passive-aggressive type, for sure, will be disappointed in the store IKEA. Staff give advice: "If a customer needs help, it must address itself to the sales assistant. We need to explain anything to customers only when they are asked about it ».
12. Books in the exhibition hall often bring workers home from the library h3> At IKEA stores, among other goods sold bookshelves, but empty shelves are not particularly attractive. Therefore, employees are asked to bring books from their own collections, to fill the vacancy. As a rule, the management asked to bring books that match a particular color scheme.
13. Most popular products h3> The most popular products in the range are IKEA BILLY wardrobe and a table LACK.
14. The serial number can be found almost everything about the product h3> The eight-digit code assigned to each product IKEA, hides a lot of useful information. For example, if the code ends at 40, which means the blue product. The penultimate number 4 - range of blue colors, but if at the end is one - it is light blue, and 2 - dark blue.
15. Quarrels in the store h3> Couples who really want to test your relationship, you need to go at IKEA and choose something. Quarrels of lovers happen to us so often that some psychologists advise their patients to go to the store if they doubt their feelings.
16. Staff speaks coded phrases in the event of accidents h3> In the event of any incident at the store on the selector transmitted coded messages. For example, "Code 22" refers to the incident near the cash register associated with the payment, and "Code 99" means that the store lost a child.
17. In just a few hours before the opening h3> At the end of the night shift all the internal walls (which, as mentioned above, stand on wheels). This is done so as to form a large empty space in the center of the store. There are imported pallets with the new product, which is packed up to the opening of the store.
18. Christmas gifts h3> The company IKEA is quite well known that providing good benefits to its employees for the year. Often distributed gifts - from electronics to tickets to anywhere in the world.
19. Sales IKEA grow thanks to Pinterest h3> Employees networks argue that if any goods began to be sold very quickly, so he posted a photo and description of some of the customers on the service Pinterest.
via www.novate.ru/blogs/100116/34521/
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