Festival holivar
Site considered on all sides by the most contentious issues concerning festivals reklamy.V April in the Russian advertising festival season begins. Out of White Square, less than a month before the Ideas !, a little more to Odessa experiment KIAF there and close to Golden Hammer. After Cannes Lions - a summer vacation, and then MIAF and Golden Drum.
All this time, advertisers will estimate their chances, hope and argue themselves hoarse about the advisability of festivals, the objectivity and fake. Eternal story - no matter how many years pass, and the theme for the former holivarov.
The editors decided to make a preemptive move in the early half of the festival and to discuss all of the most contentious issues surrounding creativity in a separate article.
We took the most popular controversial hypothesis compiled opinion "for" and opinion "against", and also decided to express its point of view and.
Hypothesis number 1DOES fakes - this is normal
The most difficult question, disturbing the public advertising and flashing during each festival is related to fake. On the one hand we have a fundamental Instinct and Sunrise, on the other hand Saatchi, even slept in the year with the placement of entries in one place, and one of the units of BBDO, whose leader has repeatedly responded loyally to fakie. Integrity and loyalty at the same time does not affect the rating results. All four of these agencies, as well as neutral Leo Burnett for a couple of years, do not leave the top 5 in the ratings being awarded.
Before proceeding to the pleadings, I would like to clarify the definition. Under the fakes we have in mind not only the job of the client does not even know, but those that were first invented and then formally handed over to the client and formally placed in order to legitimize the contest. About them and talking. If the idea was first conceived and then as it should be sold to the customer with adequate accommodation, this is not fake, and so-called agency initiative. And it is quite another matter.
The opinion "for" One of the most common arguments in favor of the festival fakie - "it allows you to show your true level." The harsh and stubborn customers often do not give creatives turn to full power, we have to make concessions, to make safe decisions and to think about the success of their business. But the dream of an ideal client have everyone here and we have to demonstrate their capabilities in using a one-time work placement in standard media and in return receive a non-standard. For communication with a potential client - festival statue and references in specialized publications.
In addition, many believe that the festival strictly work - a kind of locomotive that drags the industry. Lack of client and his comments could result in a higher level of performance and operation - the benchmark for all others, believes that "we are no worse».
Another reason not to criticize fakie - not the most common, but very adequate. It is hidden in the hope of an advertising agency that received the award, they will be able to convince the client that they have not adopted the idea is actually very good, and it is urgently necessary to buy and place in the required quantities.
We conclude the arguments "for" a popular saying, "Yes, everyone is doing it!»
The whole creative outdoor advertising Saatchi proved placed on one sitilayte i> . i>
The opinion "against" present their skills and endless creative possibilities show artists and other creators of modern art at their job. But the current level of advertising agency determine not only the idea of wandering in the mind of creativity, but also the ability of the agency to work with their customers and to convince them of the need to take bold decisions. And supplying fakes the festival - is a kind of recognition that the Agency can not. Do not know how to respect the necessary balance of the interests of both sides.
Active use of non-client work can also be seen more honest peers as a disrespectful attitude to the industry and to the essence of advertising.
A lot of initiatives coming agency in the implementation of socially-oriented projects. On the one hand it is fine - the agency for free (often) give voice and raise some important issues, if not always a large audience. But on the other hand it is a speculation on strong emotions and feelings. Speculative impressive part of the social advertising are well aware, for example, the organizing committee of Cannes Lions - a purely social project can not take the Grand Prix in any category. And in general the number of winners from this segment is limited to one or two representatives. History, of course, remember the Grand Prix of 2007, when the award took polusotsialny project Dove The Real Beauty, but in fact the fault was not happening, and the campaign was super efficient.
Fakes are destroying the very essence of advertising festivals, which originally was not to get-together and carding vanity from scratch, and in determining the best advertising and promotion of its authors. Now, sometimes it turns out that not encourage professionals in their field, are able to nicely solve the problems of the client, and those who simply has good tools and techniques a couple of times a year to give birth to an idea. Roughly speaking, this is a reward for the most interesting creative masturbation.
And most important, though, and most naive argument against: Lying is bad.
Opinion redaktsiiMy against. Although well aware that to expel all the fakes from all festivals - a utopian task. It is impossible to check everyone. We need a very flexible approach to work before her hang the label "fake».
And by the way, customers are much more likely to go to an agency whose work they really have seen on TV or on the streets.
Hypothesis number 2Kopirovanie ideas - is not plohoMnenie "for" in art school students forced to endlessly copied paintings of masters. And at some point, a student suddenly starts to understand the nature of these paintings, the technique of their execution, the line of thought of the author. And it helps him to begin to create, as the main studied. It's such a convoluted way to incorporate their own brains. And because our industry is still damn young and inexperienced as we tychemsya like blind kittens looking for a suitable to us, meanwhile endlessly stamping the same, this method seems very appropriate. Recycling successful ideas, their improvement - this is not plagiarism, many argue, and are actively using this method in their work.
We do not have their own style in advertising, and 20 years of unsuccessful digging in this direction prove it. You can already stop digging away and before dinner, and bring more rationality to the process and stand on the shoulders of giants to reach even higher.
"Creative recycling ', as everyone knows, are engaged in very, very many Western agencies. If this were not so, in "Mysterious coincidences" would have no meaning.
The opinion "against" Do not use other people's achievements, to do only their own, because the only way you can be original and visible to your target audience. And honestly, of course. In his eyes, the eyes of the customer and rather enlightened retsepient advertising, some of which can be immediately considered secondary and make a huge scandal in the network, as it happened with the movie "Princess" for Beeline agency Lowe Adventa.
Borrowing - this is a very easy way, which is the active use of the brain can easily dry kreatora. Why bother, what to think, what to do research, if you can just qualitatively formulate a request in the search bar Encyclopedia, and then choose the most suitable and adapted it slightly.
We conclude these arguments another main and naive argument: Stealing is bad.
Opinion redaktsiiMy for "studies on examples." And for sharing ideas and borrowing borrowing ekzekyushena. These are different things, and sometimes each of them has a meaning and benefits. A worthy example of the campaign "based on" - a recent project for chewing gum Five with five directors. The roots of the campaign very clearly seen in the campaign Philips, the Grand Prix at Cannes in the category Craft Lions. But the performance of the Russian version makes a good impression.
Reverse an example of copying - opposes revision - roller mayonnaise "Sloboda" stolen outright advertising Finnish bread. And this stolen without the understanding of the movie, without the right accents and so on and so forth.
Hypothesis number 3Delayte festival sponsor! Here we are not talking about fake, opisannnyh detail above, but the bright Creative, which is not always necessary that sometimes it is useless, and even, in the opinion of many, is harmful. By advertising festival also includes many bold low-budget projects for small customers.
The opinion "for" Festivals - a massive gallery of the most interesting personalities from the world of advertising. For several days, all busy talking about advertising, about its future, about new trends and technologies. And advertising festival that looks and discuss these days, it is precisely the impetus for the development of all advertising in the country, and for the individual agencies.
Lists of winners determined upper limit creativity, difficulty attainable result. And only a few are at the top year after year. Geniuses be given not for everyone, but if you make known the efforts, it will already be on you.
Adults can engage in creative and achieve solid results most often when they are still alive inner child. A child who can come up with, surprise, joke and play pranks. And every child is vital to praise and encouragement. Festival victory give advertisers an incentive to continue to develop, to surprise and delight even more.
The opinion "against" Festival advertising creatives can inspire so much that they forget about the real problems of the client. Vanity agency is fully satisfied at parties and giveaways, but the customer will be hurt. Festival divorced from reality and will certainly affect the business of the client and agency business, the credibility of which would be undermined.
Another downside of such advertising - too much skontsentrirovannost specifically on this project, which promises to bring a few figurines. All the other projects may be affected. Does it make sense to do a hundred pieces of garbage only weak masterpiece?
And the very famous self-sufficiency and snobbery creatives, which should be enough that they're just doing their job and doing it well?
Opinion redaktsiiMy festival for creativity, firmly tied to efficiency. Bright and original solutions based on client objectives - is a means to do good to all three sides of the communication. The client will earn money, the agency express themselves, get a bunch of awards and also earn money, and the audience would not be contrary to become a party to this process, people feel that they are respected, and sneak back respect for the brand.
The only thing that will never do under any circumstances: to satisfy the community, spending time on the relevant sites. It should immediately take for granted and accept - these laws so the network and the network of anonymity.
Hypothesis number 4Obychnaya advertising in the West is as bad as we
The opinion "for" We only see the tip of the iceberg, the most attractive, sparkling in the sun of the huge ice blocks west of advertising. The one that gets on the festivals. And accordingly we have the impression that in the United States, Brazil, the UK and other countries, caressed in Cannes, the contents of the advertising blocks far more interesting than the movies and programs running between them. But in reality, in a television broadcast, on the streets and in the print media there - a huge amount of mediocre and banal messages grocery clips.
Analytical publications annually cheerfully warn about reducing costs advertisers on print advertising. And the same is sent to Cannes every year more than five thousand prints. And if reconcile these two facts, that comes to mind is the idea that the agency sculpt prints are strictly for the festival, based on the first hypothesis about fakes. And then we're sitting with zapudrennymi brains, admire and envy the cultural, educated and advanced West. Our housewife understand something only videos with CG-spot demonstration of dissolution by means of colored balls.
The most irrefutable argument "for" usually provide witnesses: "We were there on vacation / business trip / weekend. The TV is the same shit as we have ».
The opinion "against" If the situation really was so deplorable, festivals awarded to the best of the worst, and the Russian advertising would be on par with the rest. Awarded to mediocrity, who just raised his head a little higher. Yet Award winner for the most part really take a genius to see the work with a wider audience on a national scale.
The site has recently tried to prepare the material that poduspokoil to many. We would like to collect, or plain idiotic commercials grocery those agencies and those customers who are a model of creativity and own not one dozen awards of various festivals. Maybe, of course, it is not there and not looking for, but after a few hours of searching it became clear that soothing pills from a material will fail. All nefestivalnaya advertising brands such as Vodafone, VW, Nike, M & M's, Orange and so on is about the same level, which in the Russian reality is unattainable. They, at least, do not address the audience condescending as to kids or moron.
Opinion redaktsiiSlabyh and migratory work in the West is certainly lacking. But we would like to draw an analogy with the movie. Hollywood, too, is not churning out one after another, an Oscar winner, weekly box office worldwide falls on dozens of new films. But if we talk about the average temperature in the hospital, they have it all the same movie - it is better thought out, better shot better detailed, more logical, more spectacular and more interesting. And we have a movie, such small letters. The advertisement - about the same thing. When we last visited the Oscar? A Golden Lion? That's just it ... We just less and less able to try, but too good excuses.
Xenia Lukicheva
Speak up, gentlemen.
via / sloboda / von-iz-professii-248655 /
All this time, advertisers will estimate their chances, hope and argue themselves hoarse about the advisability of festivals, the objectivity and fake. Eternal story - no matter how many years pass, and the theme for the former holivarov.
The editors decided to make a preemptive move in the early half of the festival and to discuss all of the most contentious issues surrounding creativity in a separate article.
We took the most popular controversial hypothesis compiled opinion "for" and opinion "against", and also decided to express its point of view and.
Hypothesis number 1DOES fakes - this is normal
The most difficult question, disturbing the public advertising and flashing during each festival is related to fake. On the one hand we have a fundamental Instinct and Sunrise, on the other hand Saatchi, even slept in the year with the placement of entries in one place, and one of the units of BBDO, whose leader has repeatedly responded loyally to fakie. Integrity and loyalty at the same time does not affect the rating results. All four of these agencies, as well as neutral Leo Burnett for a couple of years, do not leave the top 5 in the ratings being awarded.
Before proceeding to the pleadings, I would like to clarify the definition. Under the fakes we have in mind not only the job of the client does not even know, but those that were first invented and then formally handed over to the client and formally placed in order to legitimize the contest. About them and talking. If the idea was first conceived and then as it should be sold to the customer with adequate accommodation, this is not fake, and so-called agency initiative. And it is quite another matter.
The opinion "for" One of the most common arguments in favor of the festival fakie - "it allows you to show your true level." The harsh and stubborn customers often do not give creatives turn to full power, we have to make concessions, to make safe decisions and to think about the success of their business. But the dream of an ideal client have everyone here and we have to demonstrate their capabilities in using a one-time work placement in standard media and in return receive a non-standard. For communication with a potential client - festival statue and references in specialized publications.
In addition, many believe that the festival strictly work - a kind of locomotive that drags the industry. Lack of client and his comments could result in a higher level of performance and operation - the benchmark for all others, believes that "we are no worse».
Another reason not to criticize fakie - not the most common, but very adequate. It is hidden in the hope of an advertising agency that received the award, they will be able to convince the client that they have not adopted the idea is actually very good, and it is urgently necessary to buy and place in the required quantities.
We conclude the arguments "for" a popular saying, "Yes, everyone is doing it!»

The whole creative outdoor advertising Saatchi proved placed on one sitilayte i> . i>
The opinion "against" present their skills and endless creative possibilities show artists and other creators of modern art at their job. But the current level of advertising agency determine not only the idea of wandering in the mind of creativity, but also the ability of the agency to work with their customers and to convince them of the need to take bold decisions. And supplying fakes the festival - is a kind of recognition that the Agency can not. Do not know how to respect the necessary balance of the interests of both sides.
Active use of non-client work can also be seen more honest peers as a disrespectful attitude to the industry and to the essence of advertising.
A lot of initiatives coming agency in the implementation of socially-oriented projects. On the one hand it is fine - the agency for free (often) give voice and raise some important issues, if not always a large audience. But on the other hand it is a speculation on strong emotions and feelings. Speculative impressive part of the social advertising are well aware, for example, the organizing committee of Cannes Lions - a purely social project can not take the Grand Prix in any category. And in general the number of winners from this segment is limited to one or two representatives. History, of course, remember the Grand Prix of 2007, when the award took polusotsialny project Dove The Real Beauty, but in fact the fault was not happening, and the campaign was super efficient.
Fakes are destroying the very essence of advertising festivals, which originally was not to get-together and carding vanity from scratch, and in determining the best advertising and promotion of its authors. Now, sometimes it turns out that not encourage professionals in their field, are able to nicely solve the problems of the client, and those who simply has good tools and techniques a couple of times a year to give birth to an idea. Roughly speaking, this is a reward for the most interesting creative masturbation.
And most important, though, and most naive argument against: Lying is bad.
Opinion redaktsiiMy against. Although well aware that to expel all the fakes from all festivals - a utopian task. It is impossible to check everyone. We need a very flexible approach to work before her hang the label "fake».
And by the way, customers are much more likely to go to an agency whose work they really have seen on TV or on the streets.
Hypothesis number 2Kopirovanie ideas - is not plohoMnenie "for" in art school students forced to endlessly copied paintings of masters. And at some point, a student suddenly starts to understand the nature of these paintings, the technique of their execution, the line of thought of the author. And it helps him to begin to create, as the main studied. It's such a convoluted way to incorporate their own brains. And because our industry is still damn young and inexperienced as we tychemsya like blind kittens looking for a suitable to us, meanwhile endlessly stamping the same, this method seems very appropriate. Recycling successful ideas, their improvement - this is not plagiarism, many argue, and are actively using this method in their work.
We do not have their own style in advertising, and 20 years of unsuccessful digging in this direction prove it. You can already stop digging away and before dinner, and bring more rationality to the process and stand on the shoulders of giants to reach even higher.
"Creative recycling ', as everyone knows, are engaged in very, very many Western agencies. If this were not so, in "Mysterious coincidences" would have no meaning.
The opinion "against" Do not use other people's achievements, to do only their own, because the only way you can be original and visible to your target audience. And honestly, of course. In his eyes, the eyes of the customer and rather enlightened retsepient advertising, some of which can be immediately considered secondary and make a huge scandal in the network, as it happened with the movie "Princess" for Beeline agency Lowe Adventa.
Borrowing - this is a very easy way, which is the active use of the brain can easily dry kreatora. Why bother, what to think, what to do research, if you can just qualitatively formulate a request in the search bar Encyclopedia, and then choose the most suitable and adapted it slightly.
We conclude these arguments another main and naive argument: Stealing is bad.

Opinion redaktsiiMy for "studies on examples." And for sharing ideas and borrowing borrowing ekzekyushena. These are different things, and sometimes each of them has a meaning and benefits. A worthy example of the campaign "based on" - a recent project for chewing gum Five with five directors. The roots of the campaign very clearly seen in the campaign Philips, the Grand Prix at Cannes in the category Craft Lions. But the performance of the Russian version makes a good impression.
Reverse an example of copying - opposes revision - roller mayonnaise "Sloboda" stolen outright advertising Finnish bread. And this stolen without the understanding of the movie, without the right accents and so on and so forth.
Hypothesis number 3Delayte festival sponsor! Here we are not talking about fake, opisannnyh detail above, but the bright Creative, which is not always necessary that sometimes it is useless, and even, in the opinion of many, is harmful. By advertising festival also includes many bold low-budget projects for small customers.
The opinion "for" Festivals - a massive gallery of the most interesting personalities from the world of advertising. For several days, all busy talking about advertising, about its future, about new trends and technologies. And advertising festival that looks and discuss these days, it is precisely the impetus for the development of all advertising in the country, and for the individual agencies.
Lists of winners determined upper limit creativity, difficulty attainable result. And only a few are at the top year after year. Geniuses be given not for everyone, but if you make known the efforts, it will already be on you.
Adults can engage in creative and achieve solid results most often when they are still alive inner child. A child who can come up with, surprise, joke and play pranks. And every child is vital to praise and encouragement. Festival victory give advertisers an incentive to continue to develop, to surprise and delight even more.
The opinion "against" Festival advertising creatives can inspire so much that they forget about the real problems of the client. Vanity agency is fully satisfied at parties and giveaways, but the customer will be hurt. Festival divorced from reality and will certainly affect the business of the client and agency business, the credibility of which would be undermined.
Another downside of such advertising - too much skontsentrirovannost specifically on this project, which promises to bring a few figurines. All the other projects may be affected. Does it make sense to do a hundred pieces of garbage only weak masterpiece?
And the very famous self-sufficiency and snobbery creatives, which should be enough that they're just doing their job and doing it well?
Opinion redaktsiiMy festival for creativity, firmly tied to efficiency. Bright and original solutions based on client objectives - is a means to do good to all three sides of the communication. The client will earn money, the agency express themselves, get a bunch of awards and also earn money, and the audience would not be contrary to become a party to this process, people feel that they are respected, and sneak back respect for the brand.
The only thing that will never do under any circumstances: to satisfy the community, spending time on the relevant sites. It should immediately take for granted and accept - these laws so the network and the network of anonymity.
Hypothesis number 4Obychnaya advertising in the West is as bad as we
The opinion "for" We only see the tip of the iceberg, the most attractive, sparkling in the sun of the huge ice blocks west of advertising. The one that gets on the festivals. And accordingly we have the impression that in the United States, Brazil, the UK and other countries, caressed in Cannes, the contents of the advertising blocks far more interesting than the movies and programs running between them. But in reality, in a television broadcast, on the streets and in the print media there - a huge amount of mediocre and banal messages grocery clips.
Analytical publications annually cheerfully warn about reducing costs advertisers on print advertising. And the same is sent to Cannes every year more than five thousand prints. And if reconcile these two facts, that comes to mind is the idea that the agency sculpt prints are strictly for the festival, based on the first hypothesis about fakes. And then we're sitting with zapudrennymi brains, admire and envy the cultural, educated and advanced West. Our housewife understand something only videos with CG-spot demonstration of dissolution by means of colored balls.
The most irrefutable argument "for" usually provide witnesses: "We were there on vacation / business trip / weekend. The TV is the same shit as we have ».
The opinion "against" If the situation really was so deplorable, festivals awarded to the best of the worst, and the Russian advertising would be on par with the rest. Awarded to mediocrity, who just raised his head a little higher. Yet Award winner for the most part really take a genius to see the work with a wider audience on a national scale.
The site has recently tried to prepare the material that poduspokoil to many. We would like to collect, or plain idiotic commercials grocery those agencies and those customers who are a model of creativity and own not one dozen awards of various festivals. Maybe, of course, it is not there and not looking for, but after a few hours of searching it became clear that soothing pills from a material will fail. All nefestivalnaya advertising brands such as Vodafone, VW, Nike, M & M's, Orange and so on is about the same level, which in the Russian reality is unattainable. They, at least, do not address the audience condescending as to kids or moron.
Opinion redaktsiiSlabyh and migratory work in the West is certainly lacking. But we would like to draw an analogy with the movie. Hollywood, too, is not churning out one after another, an Oscar winner, weekly box office worldwide falls on dozens of new films. But if we talk about the average temperature in the hospital, they have it all the same movie - it is better thought out, better shot better detailed, more logical, more spectacular and more interesting. And we have a movie, such small letters. The advertisement - about the same thing. When we last visited the Oscar? A Golden Lion? That's just it ... We just less and less able to try, but too good excuses.
Xenia Lukicheva
Speak up, gentlemen.
via / sloboda / von-iz-professii-248655 /