Industry lies
"Persuading people to buy things they do not need with money they do not have to make an impression on those who previously do not care - it is a scam today was truly a virtuoso" .Znamenitaya phrase was written by Victor Papanek in his book "Design for the Real World" in 1971, very shaggy year. I would like to say though, that since a damn thing has changed. However, there is no railway. Things got worse.
The advertising industry, with a few rare glimpses and exceptions, takes more nonsense with more serious persons.
"If you do commercials - a smoke marijuana" value of creativity, with pathos and hoisted on a pedestal mounted on the temple gods okoloreklamnyh clearly overrated. Especially in regard to the Creativity with a capital K - "how to come up so that all stunned».
Apple's last decade trolls entire global advertising industry, launching a simple product advertising. Just qualitatively made without rigmarole and lace. Advertising shows the product, referring to the people, showing them how fun and easy to use technology Apple. Zero deep thoughts, zero research strategists. There are no "Digital Case" promo-sites, SMM and advertising festivals. Do they trouble selling?
Sometimes, a simple message, formulated by men and for original words, is much faster and better than a fancy or creative "creative." And (it is strange that this forgotten) simple and elegant message - is also creative. Especially in these days when the TV and on billboards "Feel a sense of purity" and "Because the phone can not see eye».
Make friends with kofevarkoyU most agencies and clients have a wonderful aspiration - to be lit on each of the possible media channels. And be sure to get into the Internet, of course. "Communication 360 degrees - it's so important," objected mediyschikov. "For what?", We ask them to sudden question.
What fenam Public social networks? Discuss the world how cool it buzzes when dry, we just did not occur. And the curse if buzzes and dries not.
On the feasibility of such decisions to think it is not accepted because it is fashionable, because it bequeathed to the guru and because the client gives the budget, after all. The fact that the case with most purchases in the decision does not affect banner and funny flash games, and carefully lined up long-term relationships and corrosiveness of the buyer, too, think it is not necessary.
The contribution to the success of advertising produktaKak often we see in a carefully assembled case studies about the following information: "The video was viewed more than 30,000 times, sales increased by 146%." Or, "We conducted a campaign in social media, sales increased by 146%." Each of the advertisers once added as a friend on facebook PR-manager of the agency and saw heartwarming attempt of managers to raise the campaign with the help of colleagues and friends.
Everyone knows that the advertising share in the success of the product for certain count is impossible in principle. Only in exceptional cases, it can be said that, yes, advertising helped a lot. Even still it does not make sense to talk about specific numbers. But how nice it sounds in the case.
Advertising is not often have a significant impact on the success of the product. To the failure - yes, often. Therefore, swelling of the cheeks Agency - "We created / saved / resurrected the brand" - often does not look appropriate, to put it mildly.
Festivals cheerful kartinokInteres to the festival falls victories. And participation in professional competitions gets applied strictly and entertainment. Hang out, got new acquaintances pleasant and helpful, quite shocked awards over his head, got points in the rating - well done all around.
Advertising aims to show the success of an advertising agency in the first place - that's bad.
Somebody uses "Loh parking?" We have tried - not a damn thing works. Anybody but advertisers have seen prints of Lego? But very internationally conceived and efficiently done. And how it really works; how it works for those for whom it should be - not so important. Agencies concerned are not cool and efficient operation and beautiful presentation, you know?
Just think - «best advertising of the year» is selected not one of those that increased sales. Not the jury finds the toughest cases. Advertisers do not send interesting stories. Its selected from those who have paid money for sabmishen. Those who made the most beautiful prezentashki!
Festivals paid nagradHoroshim with Russian insights, it would seem, is the place to Russian or Russian-speaking festivals. But we all understand that, and on local festivals objectivity as such does not exist.
The jury often really diligently doing their job, but they choose not to work among the most awesome years and among those who paid the claim.
Therefore, Site, or as we would advised not to make their festival in the image of those that already exist. We choose the best for the year of all the things they had seen. And not from what is paid. And immediately confessed his subjectivity - we are people too.
Many good Russian work can not be assessed at international festivals just because they do not understand - for example, the Ekaterinburg "float" will not understand or appreciate, no matter what explanations in the case did not allow its authors. It does not work worse, but deprives the agency points in the rankings, which - like it or not - for some reason, pay attention to the customers.
I wanted to write more about fakes, but what they write about. All and all so aware of. And they continue to do for the sake of their bloody rating being awarded, status and recognition. Ambitions are scratched, pride waving arms and legs Sucitu demanding Fame, well, at least some.
It turns out that we lie, dodge and non-Contracting. Not only customers, not only the final recipient of the message, but also themselves. And pretend that the way it should. A need is something to do their job and think about the people. A simple a phrase with a very simple content, but it is currently very utopian.
With love and faith in a better,
Xenia Lukicheva
Also read: What made Cannes
Festival holivar
Dear people
via www.adme.ru/articles/uvazhaemye-lyudi-368755/
The advertising industry, with a few rare glimpses and exceptions, takes more nonsense with more serious persons.
"If you do commercials - a smoke marijuana" value of creativity, with pathos and hoisted on a pedestal mounted on the temple gods okoloreklamnyh clearly overrated. Especially in regard to the Creativity with a capital K - "how to come up so that all stunned».
Apple's last decade trolls entire global advertising industry, launching a simple product advertising. Just qualitatively made without rigmarole and lace. Advertising shows the product, referring to the people, showing them how fun and easy to use technology Apple. Zero deep thoughts, zero research strategists. There are no "Digital Case" promo-sites, SMM and advertising festivals. Do they trouble selling?
Sometimes, a simple message, formulated by men and for original words, is much faster and better than a fancy or creative "creative." And (it is strange that this forgotten) simple and elegant message - is also creative. Especially in these days when the TV and on billboards "Feel a sense of purity" and "Because the phone can not see eye».
Make friends with kofevarkoyU most agencies and clients have a wonderful aspiration - to be lit on each of the possible media channels. And be sure to get into the Internet, of course. "Communication 360 degrees - it's so important," objected mediyschikov. "For what?", We ask them to sudden question.
What fenam Public social networks? Discuss the world how cool it buzzes when dry, we just did not occur. And the curse if buzzes and dries not.
On the feasibility of such decisions to think it is not accepted because it is fashionable, because it bequeathed to the guru and because the client gives the budget, after all. The fact that the case with most purchases in the decision does not affect banner and funny flash games, and carefully lined up long-term relationships and corrosiveness of the buyer, too, think it is not necessary.
The contribution to the success of advertising produktaKak often we see in a carefully assembled case studies about the following information: "The video was viewed more than 30,000 times, sales increased by 146%." Or, "We conducted a campaign in social media, sales increased by 146%." Each of the advertisers once added as a friend on facebook PR-manager of the agency and saw heartwarming attempt of managers to raise the campaign with the help of colleagues and friends.
Everyone knows that the advertising share in the success of the product for certain count is impossible in principle. Only in exceptional cases, it can be said that, yes, advertising helped a lot. Even still it does not make sense to talk about specific numbers. But how nice it sounds in the case.
Advertising is not often have a significant impact on the success of the product. To the failure - yes, often. Therefore, swelling of the cheeks Agency - "We created / saved / resurrected the brand" - often does not look appropriate, to put it mildly.
Festivals cheerful kartinokInteres to the festival falls victories. And participation in professional competitions gets applied strictly and entertainment. Hang out, got new acquaintances pleasant and helpful, quite shocked awards over his head, got points in the rating - well done all around.
Advertising aims to show the success of an advertising agency in the first place - that's bad.
Somebody uses "Loh parking?" We have tried - not a damn thing works. Anybody but advertisers have seen prints of Lego? But very internationally conceived and efficiently done. And how it really works; how it works for those for whom it should be - not so important. Agencies concerned are not cool and efficient operation and beautiful presentation, you know?
Just think - «best advertising of the year» is selected not one of those that increased sales. Not the jury finds the toughest cases. Advertisers do not send interesting stories. Its selected from those who have paid money for sabmishen. Those who made the most beautiful prezentashki!
Festivals paid nagradHoroshim with Russian insights, it would seem, is the place to Russian or Russian-speaking festivals. But we all understand that, and on local festivals objectivity as such does not exist.
The jury often really diligently doing their job, but they choose not to work among the most awesome years and among those who paid the claim.
Therefore, Site, or as we would advised not to make their festival in the image of those that already exist. We choose the best for the year of all the things they had seen. And not from what is paid. And immediately confessed his subjectivity - we are people too.
Many good Russian work can not be assessed at international festivals just because they do not understand - for example, the Ekaterinburg "float" will not understand or appreciate, no matter what explanations in the case did not allow its authors. It does not work worse, but deprives the agency points in the rankings, which - like it or not - for some reason, pay attention to the customers.
I wanted to write more about fakes, but what they write about. All and all so aware of. And they continue to do for the sake of their bloody rating being awarded, status and recognition. Ambitions are scratched, pride waving arms and legs Sucitu demanding Fame, well, at least some.
It turns out that we lie, dodge and non-Contracting. Not only customers, not only the final recipient of the message, but also themselves. And pretend that the way it should. A need is something to do their job and think about the people. A simple a phrase with a very simple content, but it is currently very utopian.
With love and faith in a better,
Xenia Lukicheva
Also read: What made Cannes
Festival holivar
Dear people
via www.adme.ru/articles/uvazhaemye-lyudi-368755/