Lie to me or calibration of lies
Forty five million fifty one thousand four hundred twenty four
© "Lie To Me"
You watched the show "lie to me"? If you have not watched, you probably heard the harsh Dr. cal Lightman in the performance of Tim Roth looks at the man and determines he is lying or not. Realizing the dream of millions of people. Surely you'd want to look at the person and understand whether he is speaking the truth right now. To clearly understand. With absolute certainty. And right during a conversation.
Upset you unequivocally establish whether a person is lying, at the moment, impossible. Even with the use of special equipment, like polygraphs – their accuracy is estimated at 60-70%. By the way, specially trained to detect the lies of people the accuracy is about the same. But 60% is also good. So how can you spot a lie?
A lie as it is
People lie. Constantly. Because I don't want to offend the interlocutor, I want to look better, awaiting approval or are aimed at getting benefits. There are a hundred reasons why they do it. Most variants of this lie is quite harmless, and particularly not to hurt anyone can. The question "how many times can catch up" I said "ten," although more than eight times usually does not work. Or said that weighs 45 pounds, although obviously 47. People love to embellish. But other than that there are very specific attempts to deceive in important matters.
— The first time I see this man.
— Honey, I've never lied to you.
I didn't take the money.
— I did not have sex with that woman.
And this is something that really can be attributed to the lie: "the intentional distortion of the truth." But imagination and a small embellishment of reality is also "a deliberate distortion of the truth." But will it be a lie?
Depending on what is considered a lie, and how to identify will be different. For example, there are ways to notice, that the person currently knows what lying is and its annoying. But there are ways to notice that he "distorts the truth", and that this moment a person comes up with something. Here are the latest method we now discuss. But first a bit of theory.
The Eye Accessing Keys
All of our experiences in the form of images, sounds and sensations. In psychology this is called beautiful sensory modalities. Think of the sofa. And someone will see him – upholstery color, scuffs, spots is a visual modality. The other hears the creak of springs, the rustling of the moment on the sofa sit – auditory modality. Someone will remember the feeling of firmness, of a support under the back, the roughness of the upholstery fabrics – kinesthetic modality. And some will say to myself: "Sofa — the kind of upholstered furniture for sitting and lying, with long backrest and handles" — the so-called digital or auditory-digital modality.
Another name of digital modalities for internal dialogue. Because the person in it something is discussing with himself, pronounces. This is also the auditory representation method, though quite specific.
When we think, reflect, remember, analyze, we use only these four way of thinking. And, apparently, there are differences in the inner experience, when a person is telling the truth and when lying. And it consists in the following – the lie, invent, design. It will not work just take out the memory information should be slightly — and sometimes greatly — to correct. Here is the moment when a person comes up with something, and can be tracked – this is just one of the ways, as they say in NLP, "calibration" lies.
This is just one of the ways – there are other signs.
So, depending on what's inside a person does, sees, hears, feels or talks with him – he in different ways would move the eyes. This so-called Eye accessing Keys.
First described the Eye accessing Keys American psychologist William James. He divided the internal processes into three types: visual, auditory and motor. This is what in NLP is now called sensory modalities. He first described the division of people, depending on the preferred modality. He lived, incidentally, in the late 19th – early 20th centuries.
And most important: depending on recalls or invents man, his eyes move in different ways. Cool, really – looked at the man and immediately understand what he's doing inside.
As a metaphor: the eye movements like blinking light bulbs computer: one light flashes when data is read from the hard disk, the other when from a DVD, and the third when you have to read the flash drive.
And what will we have to show eye movement?
Major point six:
In visual recollection.
Previous visual experience and visual memory.
All that people can think visually: the color of the front door to the apartment looks like 100 rubles, etc.
While this would include a previously constructed images, if people remember them.
VC — visual construction.
The creation of a new experience, planning, mathematical calculations.
All visual design person in the moment: how it will look this man, if getting a haircut bald, African elephant smeared with pink paint, etc.
Also this will include the visualization of mathematical calculations.
A — auditory recall.
Sound memory – intonation, voice, sounds, music.
All the memories of aural experience: the sound of dripping water tap, the sound of the flute, the voice of your head, etc.
AK — aural design.
Create a new aural experience, the composition of music.
In fact, everything that people have not heard before, but can come up with. New tones, sounds, voices.
Ad — internal dialogue.
Control of speech and pronunciation.
Talking to yourself, speaking. Ask yourself the question and answer it: "Ask yourself: — What does it all mean?"
Internal dialogue also responsible for the control of speech, that is, the analysis of the proper construction of phrases and what to say and what is not.
K — kinesthetic.
Bodily memory, feeling, taste, smell, touch.
Everything to do with sensations, feelings and so on. Remember that to touch a cat, feel the joy or the taste of salt.
And now – amazing music – scheme of Eye accessing Keys:
The eye position "up" is usually also a visual recollection (In), and down — kinesthetic (K).
This scheme is correct, approximately nine out of ten people.
This scheme was tested in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Asia – everywhere the General scheme is working. With the exception of Basque – a nation in Spain. For them, the scheme approximately the such: – from the top, – sides – To- bottom, with no units on the design and memory.
But for left handed and retrained left-handers, there may be an inversion: the diagram is mirrored. That is, when a normal person recalls some image (In), he looks left, up, left handed the same is likely to be to look right up. It may be a partial inversion of, for example, swapped kinesthetic (K) and internal dialogue (Ad), or just the design, and recall (b and A). So each person need to check.
Learn how to calibrate the Eye accessing Keys is not as easy as it seems. Need to remember this chart – and this is one of the easiest skills to learn to notice rapid eye movement and not be distracted from the conversation, it would be good to understand what's inside a person makes and that is what the eye movement means. But – exhale – for the calibration of lies it's not necessarily, although very useful.
But to learn to notice the eye movements and not be distracted from the conversation anyway.
Calibration of lies
And now, actually, about how to calibrate the lie using Eye accessing Keys. When man invents and inventing is false in the usual sense – he needs to do two things:
Again, this is not a strategy of lies and fantasy strategy. There are many people who are constantly thinking about how better or more interesting to tell – and they do not so much distort the truth, embellish it much. A little bit.
BUT! If the first man, when told the truth, used the same strategy and then you start designing – it is quite a sure sign.
a sign of a lie is to change the sequence of Eye accessing Keys.
Sometimes even will not be "designing internal dialogue", but something else. But the abrupt change of strategy of the eye movement is a pretty clear signal that something has changed. A reason to be suspicious.
So you
first, you need to calibrate the "base" sequence of eye movements.
So we need a level to build from. What can be considered the "basis" for this person in this situation.
When working with the polygraph, by the way, do the same thing. All these questions about the name, gender, weight and education – identifying the "basic" level of excitement, which is increasing and can be interpreted as a lie.
But the "basic" strategy can be very different. For example, first something visually says, then feels, and then something says. Or first visually remembers, and then something visual designs, and then he remembers. Or all of the time about something talking to him. But if suddenly everything changes, and first, before the sentence is construction, and then the internal dialogue.
Or varies as something different.
This is just a sign that maybe now the man is lying. Again, PERHAPS lying.
Americans from the University of Buffalo have recently developed an automated system for the determination of lie on the trajectory of the eyes motion. It just says when eye movement begins to differ from the "basic" model. Here this system has an impressive accuracy of about 80%.
And when it doesn't work?
If the person is all his idea, he will take the information from memory. But here again you can catch on the small things – to not think. And at some point the man will have to start designing. But here may be that it was all true, but that is what people don't remember or don't want to talk about it, and starts to think.
Some people have Eye accessing Keys unobtrusive, and need a lot of experience or videography for their definition.
There are still people who have eye movements continually very many and different, and notice a "base" strategy is difficult.
Some people when told go into a trance, and then Eye accessing Keys will not be visible – in this case, the person seems to be looking right through you and eyes do not move.
And the most important thing. In most cases, not enough to notice that a person is lying – you need to understand what and why. Maybe the husband really paid attention to this woman, but he couldn't even speak, especially not have sex with her. The employee went half an hour early, and didn't take the money from the safe. Son keeps under the mattress of pornography, not drugs. And so on. Big science is lie detection. published
Author: Alexander Lyubimov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: psytop.com/content/view/520/6/
© "Lie To Me"
You watched the show "lie to me"? If you have not watched, you probably heard the harsh Dr. cal Lightman in the performance of Tim Roth looks at the man and determines he is lying or not. Realizing the dream of millions of people. Surely you'd want to look at the person and understand whether he is speaking the truth right now. To clearly understand. With absolute certainty. And right during a conversation.
Upset you unequivocally establish whether a person is lying, at the moment, impossible. Even with the use of special equipment, like polygraphs – their accuracy is estimated at 60-70%. By the way, specially trained to detect the lies of people the accuracy is about the same. But 60% is also good. So how can you spot a lie?
A lie as it is
People lie. Constantly. Because I don't want to offend the interlocutor, I want to look better, awaiting approval or are aimed at getting benefits. There are a hundred reasons why they do it. Most variants of this lie is quite harmless, and particularly not to hurt anyone can. The question "how many times can catch up" I said "ten," although more than eight times usually does not work. Or said that weighs 45 pounds, although obviously 47. People love to embellish. But other than that there are very specific attempts to deceive in important matters.
— The first time I see this man.
— Honey, I've never lied to you.
I didn't take the money.
— I did not have sex with that woman.
And this is something that really can be attributed to the lie: "the intentional distortion of the truth." But imagination and a small embellishment of reality is also "a deliberate distortion of the truth." But will it be a lie?
Depending on what is considered a lie, and how to identify will be different. For example, there are ways to notice, that the person currently knows what lying is and its annoying. But there are ways to notice that he "distorts the truth", and that this moment a person comes up with something. Here are the latest method we now discuss. But first a bit of theory.
The Eye Accessing Keys
All of our experiences in the form of images, sounds and sensations. In psychology this is called beautiful sensory modalities. Think of the sofa. And someone will see him – upholstery color, scuffs, spots is a visual modality. The other hears the creak of springs, the rustling of the moment on the sofa sit – auditory modality. Someone will remember the feeling of firmness, of a support under the back, the roughness of the upholstery fabrics – kinesthetic modality. And some will say to myself: "Sofa — the kind of upholstered furniture for sitting and lying, with long backrest and handles" — the so-called digital or auditory-digital modality.
Another name of digital modalities for internal dialogue. Because the person in it something is discussing with himself, pronounces. This is also the auditory representation method, though quite specific.
When we think, reflect, remember, analyze, we use only these four way of thinking. And, apparently, there are differences in the inner experience, when a person is telling the truth and when lying. And it consists in the following – the lie, invent, design. It will not work just take out the memory information should be slightly — and sometimes greatly — to correct. Here is the moment when a person comes up with something, and can be tracked – this is just one of the ways, as they say in NLP, "calibration" lies.
This is just one of the ways – there are other signs.
So, depending on what's inside a person does, sees, hears, feels or talks with him – he in different ways would move the eyes. This so-called Eye accessing Keys.
First described the Eye accessing Keys American psychologist William James. He divided the internal processes into three types: visual, auditory and motor. This is what in NLP is now called sensory modalities. He first described the division of people, depending on the preferred modality. He lived, incidentally, in the late 19th – early 20th centuries.
And most important: depending on recalls or invents man, his eyes move in different ways. Cool, really – looked at the man and immediately understand what he's doing inside.
As a metaphor: the eye movements like blinking light bulbs computer: one light flashes when data is read from the hard disk, the other when from a DVD, and the third when you have to read the flash drive.
And what will we have to show eye movement?
Major point six:

In visual recollection.
Previous visual experience and visual memory.
All that people can think visually: the color of the front door to the apartment looks like 100 rubles, etc.
While this would include a previously constructed images, if people remember them.
VC — visual construction.
The creation of a new experience, planning, mathematical calculations.
All visual design person in the moment: how it will look this man, if getting a haircut bald, African elephant smeared with pink paint, etc.
Also this will include the visualization of mathematical calculations.
A — auditory recall.
Sound memory – intonation, voice, sounds, music.
All the memories of aural experience: the sound of dripping water tap, the sound of the flute, the voice of your head, etc.
AK — aural design.
Create a new aural experience, the composition of music.
In fact, everything that people have not heard before, but can come up with. New tones, sounds, voices.
Ad — internal dialogue.
Control of speech and pronunciation.
Talking to yourself, speaking. Ask yourself the question and answer it: "Ask yourself: — What does it all mean?"
Internal dialogue also responsible for the control of speech, that is, the analysis of the proper construction of phrases and what to say and what is not.
K — kinesthetic.
Bodily memory, feeling, taste, smell, touch.
Everything to do with sensations, feelings and so on. Remember that to touch a cat, feel the joy or the taste of salt.
And now – amazing music – scheme of Eye accessing Keys:
The eye position "up" is usually also a visual recollection (In), and down — kinesthetic (K).
This scheme is correct, approximately nine out of ten people.
This scheme was tested in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Asia – everywhere the General scheme is working. With the exception of Basque – a nation in Spain. For them, the scheme approximately the such: – from the top, – sides – To- bottom, with no units on the design and memory.
But for left handed and retrained left-handers, there may be an inversion: the diagram is mirrored. That is, when a normal person recalls some image (In), he looks left, up, left handed the same is likely to be to look right up. It may be a partial inversion of, for example, swapped kinesthetic (K) and internal dialogue (Ad), or just the design, and recall (b and A). So each person need to check.
Learn how to calibrate the Eye accessing Keys is not as easy as it seems. Need to remember this chart – and this is one of the easiest skills to learn to notice rapid eye movement and not be distracted from the conversation, it would be good to understand what's inside a person makes and that is what the eye movement means. But – exhale – for the calibration of lies it's not necessarily, although very useful.
But to learn to notice the eye movements and not be distracted from the conversation anyway.
Calibration of lies
And now, actually, about how to calibrate the lie using Eye accessing Keys. When man invents and inventing is false in the usual sense – he needs to do two things:
- to construct the image or sound;
- to think of how to say it.

Again, this is not a strategy of lies and fantasy strategy. There are many people who are constantly thinking about how better or more interesting to tell – and they do not so much distort the truth, embellish it much. A little bit.
BUT! If the first man, when told the truth, used the same strategy and then you start designing – it is quite a sure sign.
a sign of a lie is to change the sequence of Eye accessing Keys.
Sometimes even will not be "designing internal dialogue", but something else. But the abrupt change of strategy of the eye movement is a pretty clear signal that something has changed. A reason to be suspicious.
So you
first, you need to calibrate the "base" sequence of eye movements.
So we need a level to build from. What can be considered the "basis" for this person in this situation.
When working with the polygraph, by the way, do the same thing. All these questions about the name, gender, weight and education – identifying the "basic" level of excitement, which is increasing and can be interpreted as a lie.
But the "basic" strategy can be very different. For example, first something visually says, then feels, and then something says. Or first visually remembers, and then something visual designs, and then he remembers. Or all of the time about something talking to him. But if suddenly everything changes, and first, before the sentence is construction, and then the internal dialogue.
Or varies as something different.
This is just a sign that maybe now the man is lying. Again, PERHAPS lying.
Americans from the University of Buffalo have recently developed an automated system for the determination of lie on the trajectory of the eyes motion. It just says when eye movement begins to differ from the "basic" model. Here this system has an impressive accuracy of about 80%.
And when it doesn't work?
If the person is all his idea, he will take the information from memory. But here again you can catch on the small things – to not think. And at some point the man will have to start designing. But here may be that it was all true, but that is what people don't remember or don't want to talk about it, and starts to think.
Some people have Eye accessing Keys unobtrusive, and need a lot of experience or videography for their definition.
There are still people who have eye movements continually very many and different, and notice a "base" strategy is difficult.
Some people when told go into a trance, and then Eye accessing Keys will not be visible – in this case, the person seems to be looking right through you and eyes do not move.
And the most important thing. In most cases, not enough to notice that a person is lying – you need to understand what and why. Maybe the husband really paid attention to this woman, but he couldn't even speak, especially not have sex with her. The employee went half an hour early, and didn't take the money from the safe. Son keeps under the mattress of pornography, not drugs. And so on. Big science is lie detection. published
Author: Alexander Lyubimov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: psytop.com/content/view/520/6/
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