How to care for your teeth — the experience of ancestors

The wise ancestors-the Slavs in the majority had a healthy and beautiful teeth. Among the "secrets": cleaning the teeth with the powder of chalk or clay, bleaching wood ash treatment toothache a decoction of the seeds of acacia, zapivanie sweets savory drinks. The modern unhealthy habits and, say, a fluoridated toothpaste (fluoride if Your body and without them enough) can cause harm.
When unhealthy teeth develops a lot of human diseases, reducing his vital resources. Advertised hygienic and medical-prophylactic toothpaste to protect teeth from periodontal disease, tooth decay and other diseases do not give the desired result. Moreover, everywhere advertise toothpaste with fluoride, but it is a halo, standing in the first row of the periodic table, and one of the most active. Getting toothpaste in your mouth, fluorine forms hydrofluoric, or fluoro-acid which, among other things, dissolves glass. But glass, like enamel of our teeth, consists of silicon materials which are corroded by this acid. Thus fluoride destroys bone tissue of the tooth, for the same reason, faster fall out fillings.
And I remembered a friend of my grandfather. All his life he brushed his teeth regular table salt, crushed in a metal mortar and sifted through a fine sieve, sometimes adding a touch of fine wood ash from the stove. At that time, especially in the countryside, a toothbrush was not. Grandfather dipped a clean finger in the salt is fine and brushing the teeth and gums (in modern — made massage). Teeth excellent whiteness and beauty he was never sick. And health it was excellent: went to another world at the age of about 100 years, until the end of days was engaged in farming.
I thought about it, it would seem that the fad father, I understood how to care for your teeth. However, amended at the present. Now I brush my teeth with a toothbrush, dipped it in the small and necessarily sea salt, brush 1-2 minutes rinse your mouth, that's all care. Gone bad breath, teeth are white, stronger and gums, and teeth, not feel painful symptoms. Once I decided to brush my teeth regular toothpaste, and they hurt. I realized that I need to clean them with just sea salt.
In addition to the cleaning effect of the teeth and oral cavity sea salt (if it is natural, evaporated from sea water), enriches the saliva trace elements that enter the human body through the mucosa. In addition, sea salt has a bactericidal action. Therapeutic effect of sea water has been proven by scientists.

The word
Modern dentistry does not preclude the use of sea salt, particularly for rinsing of the oral cavity, as proved by the usefulness of sea salt to the teeth and mucosa. You can sprinkle (powder) toothpaste even regular table salt. Brush teeth immediately sea salt can also be used for removing persistent deposits on the teeth. In any case, it is recommended to mix with vegetable oil, better olive oil, in a ratio of 1:1. To the mixture, you can add wood ash to the best whitening. But should not be abused.
Ancient Oriental recipe for whitening toothpaste: banana peel good dry and burn. The resulting ash mixed with sea salt 1:1 and diluted with olive oil.
Cleans teeth and blue clay.
Mix a pinch of pepper and quarter teaspoon of common salt is the best tooth powder. Its daily use prevents tooth decay, eliminate bad breath, bleeding gums, sore gums and teeth. The tool treats teeth sensitivity.
Another view.
When I went to his land, then wanted to eat grass. Well, I picked young wheat grass, walk and chew, sweet, salty and taste fresh milk, how it remember from childhood.
After about ten minutes of chewing grass turned into a small wisp of fiber pulp. But each such fiber is cool, as the brush cleans the teeth! Moreover grass juice is alkaline!
After a series of trial found that this property is good to brush the teeth have almost all of the grasses: wheat, rye, oats, wheat grass, raygrass, bluegrass, Timothy, fescue, etc.
Moreover to give the desired therapeutic properties and smell, it is enough to add the cereal leaf yarrow, peppermint, St. John's wort, oregano, thyme or a sprig of Rowan, willow, wild cherry, shadberry... Any plant of your choice and your health! Experiment!
I tried with wormwood, but it's for fans of absinthe.
Now I understand why this became a popular industry Dalgatov and Blendamed in the cities on the pavement, the grass does not grow! But in their native land is always at hand, and in the winter to dry is not difficult! Let's revive the Russian tradition of thoughtful chewing a blade of grass! published Author: Alexander Danov P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-70586978?own=1&w=wall-70586978_94