Lise Bourbeau in his book "Your body says" Love yourself! '"Writes about the possible metaphysical causes dental problems:
Emotional lock h4>
Since teeth are chewing food, they are related to the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze situations in life. Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and not able to in real life to bite someone to stand up for themselves.
Below I present an excerpt from the results of years of research of the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Kaf-dryer:
- eight rules of the upper jaw are associated with the human desire to demonstrate, to express themselves in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that man is hard to find its place in the outside world.
- EIGHT LEFT upper jaw associated with the inner world of man, with his desire to express their feelings, emotions and desires ; problem with one of these teeth suggests that the person finds it difficult to disclose their identity, to become himself.
- eight rules of teeth on the lower jaw associated with the ability to specify, specify; problem with one of these teeth suggests that the person finds it difficult to give his life a definite direction.
- EIGHT LEFT teeth on the lower jaw are associated with susceptibility; problem with one of these teeth suggests that the person is not in harmony with his family on an emotional level. By the above-mentioned characteristics should be classified and uneven arrangement of the respective teeth.
Mental lock h4>
Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with the father, the problems with teeth located on the right , point to the fact that in this relationship still exists some conflict. This means that you should change your attitude to his father, to show greater tolerance.
If toothache to the left , you must establish a relationship with her mother.
Additionally, FOUR upper incisors (front teeth) are the place that you want to take a close with your parents, and FOUR lower incisors - a place that is occupied by your parents. Any problem with the teeth suggests that you ought to take action, to specify their desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with that, if you see the need. Instead of having a grudge against someone, loans better their desires. Reestablish contact with their power and allow yourself to protect yourself.
If you suffer from tooth wear - that is, if they are gradually erased with enamel - this means that you let your loved ones you use. As a rule, most often allows himself to use someone who actively criticized internally, but does not manifest itself outwardly. Such a person always wants to change others. If you do not want to close your continued use you, try to feel them real, unconditional love.
Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in his book, "" Reiki "- the universal life energy," write about the possible metaphysical causes dental problems:
Problems in the mouth show you that you are to a certain extent is not able to take a new impressions and ideas. You rukovodstvueshsya ossified views and stick to old patterns of behavior. Say to new ideas and concepts, "Welcome!" And receive a new readily. Be fluid and open your mouth and then again become able to take food.
Our teeth we bite. They are an expression of that, can we seek his vigorous pitch in and overcome difficulties, if we can show teeth to someone snap. Bad teeth are a sign that you're not demonstriruesh its penetrating power and can not demonstrate to the outside world its aggressiveness, and not see it or do not want this notice. What do you so hard vgryztsya? Often you can not decide on something and suppress their inner aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and acceptance of others, if you let manifest their aggression or desire. Whether fully itself, regardless of the fact that you expect other. Take your aggressiveness, let her appear, do not judge yourself for it. So aggression can be transformed into a positive creative force that will help you to easily achieve your goals. Be honest with myself.
Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book "The connection with the nature of disease," writes about the possible metaphysical causes dental problems:
Skeletal system and teeth have the force of faith, hardness and cleanliness in desires, will, speech, emotions, thoughts and actions of man.
Vera strengthens the immune system of the bone, as it gives the joy and enthusiasm in work, which leads to increased strength bone and teeth.
-Nedoverie Reduces immunity. And strength of the skeletal system and teeth.
-Bezverie Causes immunosuppression and causes infectious processes in the skeletal system and teeth.
Grit gives firmness and elasticity of the skeletal system and teeth.
-Slaboharakternost Leads to a decrease in resistance and increase the softness of bone and teeth.
-Rigidity causes an increase in the fragility of bones and teeth.
Cleanliness in nature leads to a reduction of inflammatory processes in the bone.
-Neryashlivost Increases inflammation in the bone.
-Schepitilnost Causes increased sensitivity of bone and teeth.
There are external and internal cleanliness. External cleanliness means the purity of the body. Inner purity is the purity of actions. And that is another kind of purity depends on the purity of mind and purity of mind. Often dirty, desecrated mind and a pure mind. A pure mind is always pure elevated thoughts. You can check our mind clean or not. What do we think such a mind. If the mind is dirty, there is a high probability of development of inflammatory processes in bone and oral cavity.
If the thought and will of man is not hard, not persistent, the teeth are not too strong, they quickly begin to crumble and fall. And there are thoughts too rigid, categorical, then the teeth will also suffer from the left. The quality of perseverance, firmness, confidence. Nenastoychivost, indecision, insecurity, defilement, immorality, injustice, zhёskost aggressiveness thoughts give teeth suffering from this side.
If a person loses a tooth - it means that he did not act as expected. Excessively violent activity leads to the fact that a person is deprived of teeth. You see that all natural and there are no coincidences.
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Technological mandala Julian Leonard (Leonard Ulian)