The secret to keeping your teeth healthy into old age
On the island of Sri Lanka has an ancient temple in the underground part of which in a mortar of gold-plated silver, gold box, decorated with precious stones, is kept sacred relic. Seeing her honor awarded to only the highest Buddhist ranks. Only once a year, this relic comes to light and becomes the center of attention in the grand festival. This sacred object of worship - Buddha Tooth
"And the inevitable end of the road»
What do we know about our teeth? What developments have planned for them, and thus, in the end and realize? Judge for yourself: the appearance of milk teeth, replacing them with permanent molars, then, depending on the genetic predisposition and the living conditions (water, food, disease, etc...), Their more rapid or slow destruction, treatment and removal, prosthesis ... < br>
"All that is born, dies." But really there is no alternative to a fatal destruction of our teeth? There is. And all living things in nature in all its splendor shows us that resists the destruction of another power - the power of recovery, revival, "all that is born, dies and is reborn ...»
. And in humans, this force manifests itself constantly, "visually" - in the renewal of the skin, nail and hair growth, wound healing, bone accretion; and more discreetly - in a batch (from a few hours to months and years), the restoration of all the cells of our internal organs and tissues. And our teeth, which are also composed in a very close relationship with the aforementioned skin and bone, are not out of this universal law.
Our teeth are not lonely dead stones, windswept and defenseless before their destructive onslaught, but alive and well protected by full-fledged part of the harmonious whole - the human body. What is the secret security of our teeth?
"Armor is strong", or the hard dental tissues
The first "line of defense" is tooth enamel - the hardest tissue of the human body. No wonder the Greek name of the enamel (substantia adamantina, adamant) is translated as "a diamond; invincible, irresistible, very solid, characteristic iron. " Under the enamel of the tooth is the main ingredient - dentin, structurally similar to the bone, but it is much more solid. In the area of the neck and root of the tooth dentin outside protected cement - very strong, reminiscent of the bone surface. But no matter how strong the material, the main destroyer - time - able to inflict serious damage. If the protection snaps universal mechanism for the maintenance of life - the recovery process - regeneration. What do you need?
Well restore tooth enamel carrot, beet and cabbage juices, wheat bran.
Contact center or Alive
tooth Can recover itself destroyed home time? Just living is able to recover. Only life is able to recreate what once it has been created. And the main condition of recovery is the resumption of the center ( "center of life"). For the tooth so nourishes and regenerates the center serves the pulp (or "nerve"). Blood vessels and nerves in the tooth support life, provide it with the necessary materials, energy, information, purified from the end-of-century elements, protect against "uninvited guests" and convey the needs and requirements of the tooth to the "higher authorities" of the body. Pulp - tooth communication center with all the body (nerves and blood vessels are connected to a pulp on the tip of the root with the nervous and circulatory systems of the body). Therefore, to restore the tooth tissue as necessary to "nerve" was alive.
What and how we feed our teeth?
To sustain life and restore damaged teeth in need of uninterrupted delivery of nutrients - sources of energy and building materials (glucose, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals - calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, silicon). From the pulp of blood vessels to all tissues of the tooth differ special channels - the spread of these substances. But it turns out, the pulp - is not the only source of supply of the tooth. It turns out that such solid tooth tissue as enamel, dentine and cement, permeable to glucose, amino acids, vitamins, calcium and so forth., Are in the mouth, where these substances can freely pass through the entire thickness of the tooth pulp and reach.
Therefore, the tooth is able to extract everything you need for your nutrition and recovery directly from what we eat ourselves. It becomes more apparent, many tips. For example, chew long and carefully brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with a variety of healing and cleansing compositions at least two minutes (or better, especially in the case of mouthwashes, and all ten) so that the tooth had to obtain the necessary substances from the "original source».
The same principle (the dependence of the effect on the duration of exposure) is also valid in the case of destructive substances (especially for the already weakened teeth). What is the matter? It is primarily the acid, sugars and microbial toxins. And sugar is doubly insidious: he not only is a favorite food for the bacteria that produce harmful acids, and, getting into the body, in the process of digestion takes away precious tooth calcium. For example, sugar is seen as food affects the state of our teeth: directly (that remains and how long we have in the mouth) and indirectly - through the blood. And the blood can either strengthen or erode the teeth, depending on the composition and purity. Purity of blood - a sure sign of the health of all our organs. And our teeth (in their color, size, shape, degree of preservation), as in a mirror, reflected the state of the organism as a whole. No wonder the old days of the good health of the future bride or groom was judged very simply - for healthy teeth
. The toothbrush of fruits and vegetables
Blood and saliva not only nourish our teeth and clean them from unnecessary and toxic substances. Therefore, we eat food can be both supply and cleaning (or, on the contrary that bring to our mouth and the body additional garbage). Clean teeth properties are juicy fruits and vegetables (such as raw apples, carrots, beets and cabbage), wheat bran.
Fruits and vegetables contributes to the process of self-purification of the teeth, because they cause excessive salivation. In addition, fresh fruits contain harmful bacteria Phytoncidal substance.
The branches of fruit trees and bushes (shoots of pear, viburnum, mountain ash, currant, sea buckthorn), vegetable stalks (carrots, celery) can be used as high-grade toothbrush.
For this twig at one end you need to chew and continue to use as an ordinary brush. After a 2-3-fold application of a twig should be replaced by fresh. These natural toothbrushes have long enjoyed the Indians.
Roman patricians for dentifrice use powder-based eggshell or crushed bones, mixed with honey, rose petals, walnuts and myrrh. After brushing mouth rinse grape wine.
Occupation -
builder The presence of blood and nutrition needed to repair the tooth substance, organized system to deliver them to the place of repair and debris removal - conditions important, but insufficient. There should be also a "major experts" who know how to make a saving repair and able at the right time and the right place to implement their knowledge. These are special cells (blasts odonto-). Such builders cells there are in the next of kin of the tooth - bone (called osteoblasts are). After all, our bones are not only able to grow together in fractures.
Throughout the life of the bone is constantly rebuilt: the old fabric dissolves and delivers the body the necessary minerals (such as calcium and phosphorus), new forms again. And we do not notice (unless, of course, the destruction will not occur faster recovery). The same constant changes are typical for hard dental tissues (enamel, dentin, cementum).
failure-recovery cycle is shown in which a reduction-increasing quantities of mineral salts. And if necessary - and in the restoration of impaired integrity of the tooth tissue. All this - the work of builders cells. They also live in all parts of the tooth, and in the outer layer of its "center of life" - the pulp. These cells and realize communication between the pulp and the remaining tooth structure. How? With his long, branching and interacting processes that go through the entire thickness of the dentin and even go to the "territory" of enamel. According to him, both the channels to the damaged tissues and rush necessary to restore the substance. Even the death of the cell - is not a reason for the final tooth decay, because in the slurry have a spare cell, which in this case qualify
«builders». The tooth includes a protruding crown cavity mouth, neck and immersed in the jawbone root. The main substance of the tooth - dentin, enamel covered crown, neck and root - cement
. Enamel - transformed epithelium; to 96-98% consists of mineral substances (phosphate, calcium carbonate and hydrogen fluoride, silicon salts), and 2-4% of the organic elements (eukeratina type proteins). The structure of enamel ordered, presented homogeneous prisms and mezhprizmennym gluing substance.
The color of the enamel. Ivory with matte shine - ideal from the point of view of medicine. Too pure white may indicate a violation of mineral metabolism, pearl - for anemia, yellow - on liver problems or abuse of nicotine, brown - a violation of the immune system or intestinal pathology
. Dentine. The chemical composition is identical to the bone, but it is much harder. 2/3 consists of mineral salts (mainly calcium phosphate and carbon) and 1/3 of organic substances (collagen). dentin structure represented substance permeated by a plurality of thin dentinal tubules (thin tubes extending radially from the pulp to the enamel and cement). In the cavity of the tubules are processes of odontoblasts (tooth cells).
Cement. Very close in composition to bone. 66% consists of mineral salts (mainly phosphate and calcium carbonate).
So far, from the category of miracles ...
Strategy and tactics of rehabilitation work borrowed "builders" of the deep childhood - the period of the formation of milk, and then the permanent tooth. As the cells build a tooth? First, they produce dental tissue in a "soft" state, then, in order to make it invincible firmness, impregnated with the frame with mineral salts (mainly - calcium phosphate). And then, when the tooth was finally formed, constantly concerned about how to keep it in good order. Sometimes they do it.
Miracle One: caries can not be. A similar phenomenon was observed Italian dentists who visited several monasteries in Tibet. Of the 150 surveyed, 70% of the monks was not a single tooth of the patient, and the remaining cavities are extremely limited. What is the reason? Partly - in power supply features. Traditional Tibetan monks menu includes scones, from the milk of yak butter, Tibetan tea; summer added turnips, potatoes, carrots, a little rice, sugar and meat are excluded.
And if you have damaged teeth caries?
The miracle of the second: tooth decay can be reversed. An example of this are the cases of self-healing observed by dental caries, when the affected tissues become strong again, and restored tooth portion becomes a darker shade. And such cases are not rare. How does this happen? Cells builders discover the damage and restore the integrity of the tooth in the same order in which it was originally created. Well, if you won caries, and tooth-nothing left? Then the prosthesis, of course. Or ...
Miracle third, can grow new teeth. It is called the "third shift teeth" and observed people very advanced age. Even though a person has no rudiments of the third generation of teeth, but there are the remains "eternally young" tissues that suddenly, for reasons not fully understood remember their destiny to become the teeth and successfully realize their potential. Similar posts lately is not uncommon: in a 110-year old resident of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh grew two new tooth; new teeth began to be cut in 94-year resident of Cheboksary and 104-year-old woman of Tatarstan; as many as six of the teeth came from 85-year-old novgorodka ... Of course, to the sensations can be treated with skepticism. If not ... the latest scientific discoveries.
Science-based miracle. A team of scientists from the American Research Center of Texas, led by Dr McDougall studied special cells that produce dental tissues (enamel and dentin). The genes responsible for this production, are only active during tooth formation, and then turned off. Scientists managed these genes again "switch on" and grow a full tooth (until the "in vitro", outside the body). However, do not count on an early change in the practice of prosthetics. On the widespread technology of growing your own teeth will take at least 20 years ...
Over a lifetime, there is a change of teeth in most fishes, amphibians and reptiles. Sharks certainly are not threatened to remain without teeth! For the life of sharks changes their thousands. Place broken front teeth occupy the new from the next row.
And now the question naturally arises: why our teeth are endowed with such tremendous recovery potential, is still broken? Why age erased enamel and dentin and decreases their permeability channels paths become impassable (the so-called "dead path"), the blood supply deteriorates, builders cells die, and the remaining dental tissue to form irregular structure and lack of strength? Why the destruction of creation begins to dominate over? Why is the harmony is broken?
Why would a man his teeth? Not only to chew (grind food), but also to have the correct diction. In cooperation with the language of teeth involved in the formation of sounds T, D, G, H, P, C, D, H; with the lips in the formation of sounds V and F.
The causes of tooth decay can be vast. And we can certainly look for them and try to prevent or, generally happening now, to deal with their consequences. We can fight with the power of destruction. But we can also call for help different strength - strength of the recovery, regeneration. And in the wake of this power will play an important role our knowledge and belief that this is possible.
Yogi Pasta (by VV Vostokov)
Pour into a saucer few drops of olive oil, add a pinch of sea salt, milled in a coffee grinder. Brushing your teeth (and gums) can be a conventional toothbrush, you can with your fingers, but you can sprig (shoots of pear, lime, viburnum, mountain ash, carrot stalks, celery) with one end of the chew
. Tincture mouthwash (for B. Bolotov)
Preparation: 0, 5 liters of vodka mixed with 0, 5 cups of crushed roots of sweet flag,
infuse for two weeks.
0, 5 liters of vodka mixed with 10-20 g of finely chopped propolis, infuse for two weeks. Mix 1 tbsp. l. tincture of sweet flag to 0, 5-1 hours. l. propolis tincture, 2-3 minutes to rinse. Apply for a month.
Propolis and calamus alkaloids penetrate into the tooth tissue, anesthetized before sealing hairline cracks. Stop the development of caries, periodontal disease and other oral diseases.
Author: Natalia Adnoral

"And the inevitable end of the road»
What do we know about our teeth? What developments have planned for them, and thus, in the end and realize? Judge for yourself: the appearance of milk teeth, replacing them with permanent molars, then, depending on the genetic predisposition and the living conditions (water, food, disease, etc...), Their more rapid or slow destruction, treatment and removal, prosthesis ... < br>
"All that is born, dies." But really there is no alternative to a fatal destruction of our teeth? There is. And all living things in nature in all its splendor shows us that resists the destruction of another power - the power of recovery, revival, "all that is born, dies and is reborn ...»
. And in humans, this force manifests itself constantly, "visually" - in the renewal of the skin, nail and hair growth, wound healing, bone accretion; and more discreetly - in a batch (from a few hours to months and years), the restoration of all the cells of our internal organs and tissues. And our teeth, which are also composed in a very close relationship with the aforementioned skin and bone, are not out of this universal law.
Our teeth are not lonely dead stones, windswept and defenseless before their destructive onslaught, but alive and well protected by full-fledged part of the harmonious whole - the human body. What is the secret security of our teeth?
"Armor is strong", or the hard dental tissues
The first "line of defense" is tooth enamel - the hardest tissue of the human body. No wonder the Greek name of the enamel (substantia adamantina, adamant) is translated as "a diamond; invincible, irresistible, very solid, characteristic iron. " Under the enamel of the tooth is the main ingredient - dentin, structurally similar to the bone, but it is much more solid. In the area of the neck and root of the tooth dentin outside protected cement - very strong, reminiscent of the bone surface. But no matter how strong the material, the main destroyer - time - able to inflict serious damage. If the protection snaps universal mechanism for the maintenance of life - the recovery process - regeneration. What do you need?
Well restore tooth enamel carrot, beet and cabbage juices, wheat bran.
Contact center or Alive
tooth Can recover itself destroyed home time? Just living is able to recover. Only life is able to recreate what once it has been created. And the main condition of recovery is the resumption of the center ( "center of life"). For the tooth so nourishes and regenerates the center serves the pulp (or "nerve"). Blood vessels and nerves in the tooth support life, provide it with the necessary materials, energy, information, purified from the end-of-century elements, protect against "uninvited guests" and convey the needs and requirements of the tooth to the "higher authorities" of the body. Pulp - tooth communication center with all the body (nerves and blood vessels are connected to a pulp on the tip of the root with the nervous and circulatory systems of the body). Therefore, to restore the tooth tissue as necessary to "nerve" was alive.
What and how we feed our teeth?
To sustain life and restore damaged teeth in need of uninterrupted delivery of nutrients - sources of energy and building materials (glucose, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals - calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, silicon). From the pulp of blood vessels to all tissues of the tooth differ special channels - the spread of these substances. But it turns out, the pulp - is not the only source of supply of the tooth. It turns out that such solid tooth tissue as enamel, dentine and cement, permeable to glucose, amino acids, vitamins, calcium and so forth., Are in the mouth, where these substances can freely pass through the entire thickness of the tooth pulp and reach.
Therefore, the tooth is able to extract everything you need for your nutrition and recovery directly from what we eat ourselves. It becomes more apparent, many tips. For example, chew long and carefully brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with a variety of healing and cleansing compositions at least two minutes (or better, especially in the case of mouthwashes, and all ten) so that the tooth had to obtain the necessary substances from the "original source».
The same principle (the dependence of the effect on the duration of exposure) is also valid in the case of destructive substances (especially for the already weakened teeth). What is the matter? It is primarily the acid, sugars and microbial toxins. And sugar is doubly insidious: he not only is a favorite food for the bacteria that produce harmful acids, and, getting into the body, in the process of digestion takes away precious tooth calcium. For example, sugar is seen as food affects the state of our teeth: directly (that remains and how long we have in the mouth) and indirectly - through the blood. And the blood can either strengthen or erode the teeth, depending on the composition and purity. Purity of blood - a sure sign of the health of all our organs. And our teeth (in their color, size, shape, degree of preservation), as in a mirror, reflected the state of the organism as a whole. No wonder the old days of the good health of the future bride or groom was judged very simply - for healthy teeth
. The toothbrush of fruits and vegetables
Blood and saliva not only nourish our teeth and clean them from unnecessary and toxic substances. Therefore, we eat food can be both supply and cleaning (or, on the contrary that bring to our mouth and the body additional garbage). Clean teeth properties are juicy fruits and vegetables (such as raw apples, carrots, beets and cabbage), wheat bran.
Fruits and vegetables contributes to the process of self-purification of the teeth, because they cause excessive salivation. In addition, fresh fruits contain harmful bacteria Phytoncidal substance.
The branches of fruit trees and bushes (shoots of pear, viburnum, mountain ash, currant, sea buckthorn), vegetable stalks (carrots, celery) can be used as high-grade toothbrush.
For this twig at one end you need to chew and continue to use as an ordinary brush. After a 2-3-fold application of a twig should be replaced by fresh. These natural toothbrushes have long enjoyed the Indians.
Roman patricians for dentifrice use powder-based eggshell or crushed bones, mixed with honey, rose petals, walnuts and myrrh. After brushing mouth rinse grape wine.

Occupation -
builder The presence of blood and nutrition needed to repair the tooth substance, organized system to deliver them to the place of repair and debris removal - conditions important, but insufficient. There should be also a "major experts" who know how to make a saving repair and able at the right time and the right place to implement their knowledge. These are special cells (blasts odonto-). Such builders cells there are in the next of kin of the tooth - bone (called osteoblasts are). After all, our bones are not only able to grow together in fractures.
Throughout the life of the bone is constantly rebuilt: the old fabric dissolves and delivers the body the necessary minerals (such as calcium and phosphorus), new forms again. And we do not notice (unless, of course, the destruction will not occur faster recovery). The same constant changes are typical for hard dental tissues (enamel, dentin, cementum).
failure-recovery cycle is shown in which a reduction-increasing quantities of mineral salts. And if necessary - and in the restoration of impaired integrity of the tooth tissue. All this - the work of builders cells. They also live in all parts of the tooth, and in the outer layer of its "center of life" - the pulp. These cells and realize communication between the pulp and the remaining tooth structure. How? With his long, branching and interacting processes that go through the entire thickness of the dentin and even go to the "territory" of enamel. According to him, both the channels to the damaged tissues and rush necessary to restore the substance. Even the death of the cell - is not a reason for the final tooth decay, because in the slurry have a spare cell, which in this case qualify
«builders». The tooth includes a protruding crown cavity mouth, neck and immersed in the jawbone root. The main substance of the tooth - dentin, enamel covered crown, neck and root - cement
. Enamel - transformed epithelium; to 96-98% consists of mineral substances (phosphate, calcium carbonate and hydrogen fluoride, silicon salts), and 2-4% of the organic elements (eukeratina type proteins). The structure of enamel ordered, presented homogeneous prisms and mezhprizmennym gluing substance.
The color of the enamel. Ivory with matte shine - ideal from the point of view of medicine. Too pure white may indicate a violation of mineral metabolism, pearl - for anemia, yellow - on liver problems or abuse of nicotine, brown - a violation of the immune system or intestinal pathology
. Dentine. The chemical composition is identical to the bone, but it is much harder. 2/3 consists of mineral salts (mainly calcium phosphate and carbon) and 1/3 of organic substances (collagen). dentin structure represented substance permeated by a plurality of thin dentinal tubules (thin tubes extending radially from the pulp to the enamel and cement). In the cavity of the tubules are processes of odontoblasts (tooth cells).
Cement. Very close in composition to bone. 66% consists of mineral salts (mainly phosphate and calcium carbonate).
So far, from the category of miracles ...
Strategy and tactics of rehabilitation work borrowed "builders" of the deep childhood - the period of the formation of milk, and then the permanent tooth. As the cells build a tooth? First, they produce dental tissue in a "soft" state, then, in order to make it invincible firmness, impregnated with the frame with mineral salts (mainly - calcium phosphate). And then, when the tooth was finally formed, constantly concerned about how to keep it in good order. Sometimes they do it.
Miracle One: caries can not be. A similar phenomenon was observed Italian dentists who visited several monasteries in Tibet. Of the 150 surveyed, 70% of the monks was not a single tooth of the patient, and the remaining cavities are extremely limited. What is the reason? Partly - in power supply features. Traditional Tibetan monks menu includes scones, from the milk of yak butter, Tibetan tea; summer added turnips, potatoes, carrots, a little rice, sugar and meat are excluded.
And if you have damaged teeth caries?
The miracle of the second: tooth decay can be reversed. An example of this are the cases of self-healing observed by dental caries, when the affected tissues become strong again, and restored tooth portion becomes a darker shade. And such cases are not rare. How does this happen? Cells builders discover the damage and restore the integrity of the tooth in the same order in which it was originally created. Well, if you won caries, and tooth-nothing left? Then the prosthesis, of course. Or ...
Miracle third, can grow new teeth. It is called the "third shift teeth" and observed people very advanced age. Even though a person has no rudiments of the third generation of teeth, but there are the remains "eternally young" tissues that suddenly, for reasons not fully understood remember their destiny to become the teeth and successfully realize their potential. Similar posts lately is not uncommon: in a 110-year old resident of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh grew two new tooth; new teeth began to be cut in 94-year resident of Cheboksary and 104-year-old woman of Tatarstan; as many as six of the teeth came from 85-year-old novgorodka ... Of course, to the sensations can be treated with skepticism. If not ... the latest scientific discoveries.
Science-based miracle. A team of scientists from the American Research Center of Texas, led by Dr McDougall studied special cells that produce dental tissues (enamel and dentin). The genes responsible for this production, are only active during tooth formation, and then turned off. Scientists managed these genes again "switch on" and grow a full tooth (until the "in vitro", outside the body). However, do not count on an early change in the practice of prosthetics. On the widespread technology of growing your own teeth will take at least 20 years ...
Over a lifetime, there is a change of teeth in most fishes, amphibians and reptiles. Sharks certainly are not threatened to remain without teeth! For the life of sharks changes their thousands. Place broken front teeth occupy the new from the next row.
And now the question naturally arises: why our teeth are endowed with such tremendous recovery potential, is still broken? Why age erased enamel and dentin and decreases their permeability channels paths become impassable (the so-called "dead path"), the blood supply deteriorates, builders cells die, and the remaining dental tissue to form irregular structure and lack of strength? Why the destruction of creation begins to dominate over? Why is the harmony is broken?
Why would a man his teeth? Not only to chew (grind food), but also to have the correct diction. In cooperation with the language of teeth involved in the formation of sounds T, D, G, H, P, C, D, H; with the lips in the formation of sounds V and F.
The causes of tooth decay can be vast. And we can certainly look for them and try to prevent or, generally happening now, to deal with their consequences. We can fight with the power of destruction. But we can also call for help different strength - strength of the recovery, regeneration. And in the wake of this power will play an important role our knowledge and belief that this is possible.
Yogi Pasta (by VV Vostokov)
Pour into a saucer few drops of olive oil, add a pinch of sea salt, milled in a coffee grinder. Brushing your teeth (and gums) can be a conventional toothbrush, you can with your fingers, but you can sprig (shoots of pear, lime, viburnum, mountain ash, carrot stalks, celery) with one end of the chew
. Tincture mouthwash (for B. Bolotov)
Preparation: 0, 5 liters of vodka mixed with 0, 5 cups of crushed roots of sweet flag,
infuse for two weeks.
0, 5 liters of vodka mixed with 10-20 g of finely chopped propolis, infuse for two weeks. Mix 1 tbsp. l. tincture of sweet flag to 0, 5-1 hours. l. propolis tincture, 2-3 minutes to rinse. Apply for a month.
Propolis and calamus alkaloids penetrate into the tooth tissue, anesthetized before sealing hairline cracks. Stop the development of caries, periodontal disease and other oral diseases.
Author: Natalia Adnoral
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