Article cycle: Liz Bourbeau. Five injuries. Trauma of Betrayal
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Description: This article examines the “Trauma of Betrayal” theory of Liz Bourbeau. Its psychological mechanisms, typical manifestations and ways of overcoming, supported by popular scientific exposition, are revealed. The material is aimed at a wide range of readers and helps to better understand how this trauma is formed and manifested.
When people hear the word “betrayal,” scenes of dramatic stories or personal memories that cause pain and frustration usually pop up in the imagination. In the context of psychology, however, the term encompasses something broader and deeper than just the unpleasant case of a breach of trust. The Trauma of Betrayal, described in the works of Liz Bourbeau, is a complex condition that develops in childhood against the background of difficult or unhealthy relationships with parents or other authority figures. A survivor may experience a constant need for control in adulthood, difficulty trusting, or a sense that the world around them is unpredictable.
Modern research (see Wikipedia) confirms that psychological trauma can significantly affect the formation of personality and affect various areas of life – from building interpersonal connections to general well-being. Many people, after reading about the five Liz Bourbeau injuries, recognize in them fragments of their own history. Understanding the nature of these deep wounds opens the way to healing and improving quality of life.
Main part
1. Theoretical Basis of the Five Traumas
French-Canadian researcher and practitioner of personal growth Liz Bourbeau has devoted her career to analyzing how childhood experiences leave strong “marks” in the psyche. In her popular book, Five Traumas That Keep You From Being Yourself, she summarizes clinical and counseling experiences. The most common emotional wounds are Rejection, Abandonment, Humiliation, Betrayal and Injustice.
The trauma of Betrayal is distinguished by the fact that it is connected primarily with the loss of trust in loved ones, and subsequently to oneself. If the child sees that the parents do not keep promises, violate personal space or behave inconsistently, he begins to doubt the stability of the outside world. The wound of betrayal thus formed is expressed in adulthood in the fear of being deceived or used, as well as in the desire to constantly control everything.
2. Mechanisms of formation of trauma of betrayal
In childhood, the most important emotional experience is the stability and predictability of adult behavior. When these expectations are not met, the child feels betrayed or betrayed. We highlight several key factors that contribute to the formation of this injury:
According to some psychologists, the wound of betrayal can be “rooted” especially deeply if in adolescence a person is faced with a sharp withdrawal or “switching” the attention of a parent to another child, a new partner or personal problems. This forms the attitude: “I am easy to betray, I do not deserve loyalty and care.”
3. The Controller's "Mask"
Each trauma, according to Liz Bourbeau, is associated with a certain “mask” – a set of behavioral strategies with which a person tries to protect himself from emotional pain. The trauma of betrayal is characterized by the “mask” of the Controller. Its main manifestations are:
Interestingly, such a “hard” line of conduct is essentially aimed at meeting the need for security. However, it can lead to conflict, breakdown of relationships and self-isolation. The more a person tries to “hold everything in his hands”, the harder it is for him to relax and trust his loved ones.
4. Influence on the psyche, health and career
Like other deep emotional traumas, the trauma of betrayal can affect not only the psyche, but also the physical state of a person. Chronic tension associated with constant distrust or fear of deception is often accompanied by a stressful background, weakening of the immune system and increased anxiety. Frequent mood swings, feelings of anger or disappointment can negatively affect the health of the heart and blood vessels.
In a professional environment, people suffering from the trauma of betrayal may manifest themselves either as “controlling bosses” or as employees who find it difficult to delegate tasks. The desire to “do everything yourself to be sure of the result” sometimes leads to burnout and irrational expenditure of energy. On the other hand, if the injury is not recognized, it often interferes with teamwork, because for a healthy interaction you need a basic trust in colleagues.
5. Manifestations in interpersonal relationships
The most striking area where the trauma of betrayal makes itself felt is relationships with loved ones. From friendship to romantic relationships, distrust and fear of deception can become the main obstacle to harmonious intimacy. A person suffering from this trauma often:
The trauma of betrayal is a vicious cycle. Expecting a new deception, a person behaves in a way that causes a negative reaction from the partner. The result is a crisis that confirms the initial fear: “I can’t trust people.”
6. Steps to Awareness and Healing
Although the trauma of betrayal may seem insurmountable, psychological research and practical experience of specialists demonstrate that focused work on yourself can help a person to free himself from the heavy burden of childhood resentments and disappointments. There are several key areas to overcome this injury:
7. The role of the environment in the healing process
If you have a loved one with signs of betrayal, an important factor in their recovery can be your sensitive and steady presence. It is necessary to understand that constant doubt in the sincerity of the interlocutor is not a whim and not malicious intent, but automatic protection from possible pain. Try to remain calm when you are presented with illogical accusations or suspicions. Show unwavering loyalty to your words and deeds: if you promise something, try to keep it.
It is important not to “hide” a person with endless guardianship and not to play the savior. Sometimes the attitude of “I will save you from your injuries” can only increase distrust, as it is perceived as manipulation. It is more effective to show stability, openness and give a partner or friend space for reflection, and, if necessary, friendly encouragement to consult with a specialist.
The trauma of betrayal, according to Liz Bourbeau, is one of the most complex emotional wounds formed in childhood. Its victims learn to live in an atmosphere of distrust of the world and are constantly afraid of being hit again by loved ones. In adulthood, this manifests itself in the form of the “Controller mask,” whose motto is “It is better to defend yourself in advance than to be deceived again.” However, such a strategy often leads to chronic tension, conflict in relationships, and reduced quality of life.
Understanding the nature of trauma and understanding its deep roots is an important step towards healing. Systematic psychotherapeutic work, joint efforts with loved ones and gradual practice of trust help to remove the “armor” and feel the joy of sincere communication. The essence of recovery is to recognize that childhood experiences no longer dictate the future scenario. Trusting yourself, people, and the world is a skill that can and must be developed, turning a painful wound into a source of strength and wisdom.
Description: This article examines the “Trauma of Betrayal” theory of Liz Bourbeau. Its psychological mechanisms, typical manifestations and ways of overcoming, supported by popular scientific exposition, are revealed. The material is aimed at a wide range of readers and helps to better understand how this trauma is formed and manifested.

When people hear the word “betrayal,” scenes of dramatic stories or personal memories that cause pain and frustration usually pop up in the imagination. In the context of psychology, however, the term encompasses something broader and deeper than just the unpleasant case of a breach of trust. The Trauma of Betrayal, described in the works of Liz Bourbeau, is a complex condition that develops in childhood against the background of difficult or unhealthy relationships with parents or other authority figures. A survivor may experience a constant need for control in adulthood, difficulty trusting, or a sense that the world around them is unpredictable.
Modern research (see Wikipedia) confirms that psychological trauma can significantly affect the formation of personality and affect various areas of life – from building interpersonal connections to general well-being. Many people, after reading about the five Liz Bourbeau injuries, recognize in them fragments of their own history. Understanding the nature of these deep wounds opens the way to healing and improving quality of life.
Main part
1. Theoretical Basis of the Five Traumas
French-Canadian researcher and practitioner of personal growth Liz Bourbeau has devoted her career to analyzing how childhood experiences leave strong “marks” in the psyche. In her popular book, Five Traumas That Keep You From Being Yourself, she summarizes clinical and counseling experiences. The most common emotional wounds are Rejection, Abandonment, Humiliation, Betrayal and Injustice.
The trauma of Betrayal is distinguished by the fact that it is connected primarily with the loss of trust in loved ones, and subsequently to oneself. If the child sees that the parents do not keep promises, violate personal space or behave inconsistently, he begins to doubt the stability of the outside world. The wound of betrayal thus formed is expressed in adulthood in the fear of being deceived or used, as well as in the desire to constantly control everything.
2. Mechanisms of formation of trauma of betrayal
In childhood, the most important emotional experience is the stability and predictability of adult behavior. When these expectations are not met, the child feels betrayed or betrayed. We highlight several key factors that contribute to the formation of this injury:
- Breaking promises. A parent promises something meaningful - a trip together, a gift, support - but doesn't keep the promise. Repeated situations teach a child that words have no value, and trusting another is dangerous.
- Lack of security. Aggressive behavior, chaotic situation in the family, lack of emotional contact - all this deprives the child of a sense of protection. There is a strong desire to “keep everything under control” to avoid pain.
- Inconsistency between words and actions. If parents declare some values but do otherwise, the child faces cognitive dissonance. He begins to realize that he cannot seriously rely on what he sees or hears.
According to some psychologists, the wound of betrayal can be “rooted” especially deeply if in adolescence a person is faced with a sharp withdrawal or “switching” the attention of a parent to another child, a new partner or personal problems. This forms the attitude: “I am easy to betray, I do not deserve loyalty and care.”

3. The Controller's "Mask"
Each trauma, according to Liz Bourbeau, is associated with a certain “mask” – a set of behavioral strategies with which a person tries to protect himself from emotional pain. The trauma of betrayal is characterized by the “mask” of the Controller. Its main manifestations are:
- The desire to dominate. People who have a deep fear of being betrayed tend to be in charge in a relationship to reduce the risk of an unexpected turn of events.
- Distrust of others' words. Always looking for an ulterior motive, the second bottom, trying to “catch the inconsistencies” of the interlocutor. This prevents you from making sincere connections.
- Increased demands on yourself and others. There is often maximalism and perfectionism. The person believes that only with strict self-control and control of others can he avoid new pain.
- Jealousy and possessiveness. In a relationship, the Controller seeks to track each step of the partner, suspecting the possibility of cheating or cheating.
Interestingly, such a “hard” line of conduct is essentially aimed at meeting the need for security. However, it can lead to conflict, breakdown of relationships and self-isolation. The more a person tries to “hold everything in his hands”, the harder it is for him to relax and trust his loved ones.
4. Influence on the psyche, health and career
Like other deep emotional traumas, the trauma of betrayal can affect not only the psyche, but also the physical state of a person. Chronic tension associated with constant distrust or fear of deception is often accompanied by a stressful background, weakening of the immune system and increased anxiety. Frequent mood swings, feelings of anger or disappointment can negatively affect the health of the heart and blood vessels.
In a professional environment, people suffering from the trauma of betrayal may manifest themselves either as “controlling bosses” or as employees who find it difficult to delegate tasks. The desire to “do everything yourself to be sure of the result” sometimes leads to burnout and irrational expenditure of energy. On the other hand, if the injury is not recognized, it often interferes with teamwork, because for a healthy interaction you need a basic trust in colleagues.
5. Manifestations in interpersonal relationships
The most striking area where the trauma of betrayal makes itself felt is relationships with loved ones. From friendship to romantic relationships, distrust and fear of deception can become the main obstacle to harmonious intimacy. A person suffering from this trauma often:
- He suspects his partner of infidelity. Even small inconsistencies in behavior or small secrets make him suspect that he is being betrayed again.
- Can't ask for help. Believing that they will be betrayed anyway, a person tries to cope independently, increasing the degree of tension and stress on the psyche.
- Expecting the worst. It suggests that a partner, friend, or relative is probably already up to something unseemly. This position of “initial distrust” provokes quarrels and alienates loved ones.
- Creates conflict situations. Unconsciously trying to “test the strength” of the relationship, testing other people on loyalty. This can be expressed in the form of provocations, baseless accusations or manipulations.
The trauma of betrayal is a vicious cycle. Expecting a new deception, a person behaves in a way that causes a negative reaction from the partner. The result is a crisis that confirms the initial fear: “I can’t trust people.”

6. Steps to Awareness and Healing
Although the trauma of betrayal may seem insurmountable, psychological research and practical experience of specialists demonstrate that focused work on yourself can help a person to free himself from the heavy burden of childhood resentments and disappointments. There are several key areas to overcome this injury:
- Recognizing the problem. Understanding that too much control and mistrust is not the “norm” but is associated with childhood resentment is half the success.
- Psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy, the Gestalt approach, and deep forms of psychoanalysis can help find the roots of childhood betrayal and change dysfunctional beliefs.
- Bodywork.. Because trauma is often expressed not only in thoughts but also in bodily tension (such as muscle clamps), body-oriented practices, yoga, and meditation can be effective.
- Trust training. Small, conscious steps toward trusting others—such as delegating a small task at work or talking honestly with a friend—will help shape new positive behaviors.
- Self-compassion. The ability to treat yourself with care, recognize the right to mistakes and difficulties without total criticism. When a person ceases to “betray himself” through constant self-blame, he learns to more calmly accept the possible mistakes of others.
7. The role of the environment in the healing process
If you have a loved one with signs of betrayal, an important factor in their recovery can be your sensitive and steady presence. It is necessary to understand that constant doubt in the sincerity of the interlocutor is not a whim and not malicious intent, but automatic protection from possible pain. Try to remain calm when you are presented with illogical accusations or suspicions. Show unwavering loyalty to your words and deeds: if you promise something, try to keep it.
It is important not to “hide” a person with endless guardianship and not to play the savior. Sometimes the attitude of “I will save you from your injuries” can only increase distrust, as it is perceived as manipulation. It is more effective to show stability, openness and give a partner or friend space for reflection, and, if necessary, friendly encouragement to consult with a specialist.
The trauma of betrayal, according to Liz Bourbeau, is one of the most complex emotional wounds formed in childhood. Its victims learn to live in an atmosphere of distrust of the world and are constantly afraid of being hit again by loved ones. In adulthood, this manifests itself in the form of the “Controller mask,” whose motto is “It is better to defend yourself in advance than to be deceived again.” However, such a strategy often leads to chronic tension, conflict in relationships, and reduced quality of life.
Understanding the nature of trauma and understanding its deep roots is an important step towards healing. Systematic psychotherapeutic work, joint efforts with loved ones and gradual practice of trust help to remove the “armor” and feel the joy of sincere communication. The essence of recovery is to recognize that childhood experiences no longer dictate the future scenario. Trusting yourself, people, and the world is a skill that can and must be developed, turning a painful wound into a source of strength and wisdom.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)An approach in psychology aimed at understanding and correcting useless thought patterns and associated behavior patterns.
- Gestalt approachThe direction of psychotherapy, in which special attention is paid to the awareness of their feelings and needs in the present moment and the desire for the integrity of the individual.
- Body-oriented practicesA set of psychotherapeutic techniques that focus on working with physical manifestations of emotional states (muscle clips, breathing, etc.).
- PerfectionismThe desire for an ideal result, accompanied by severe self-criticism and intolerance of mistakes.
- Cognitive dissonanceA psychological state of discomfort that occurs when there is a contradiction between a person’s attitudes, knowledge or values and real circumstances.
- JealousyFear of losing an object of love or attention. In the context of the trauma of betrayal, it is the fear of being cheated or betrayed.
- Psychological burnoutA state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion resulting from prolonged stress and excessive stress without adequate recovery.
- Self-compassionCareful, friendly and understanding attitude to yourself, allowing you to admit your own mistakes without excessive self-blame.