5 injuries by Liz Bourbeau soul

Still from the film "Ashes and Snow», © Gregory Colbert
It is about five injuries, namely the trauma of rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. We are all born with a few injuries, but they live in different ways, with different intensity. Injuries occurred in a previous life and are present in our new life, since we have not learned to heal and take them.
Thus, we can conclude that, for example, rejected the injury originates in a situation when a person rejects the other person, and does not take itself in this situation. This experience of rejection associated with rejection of yourself, it becomes a vicious circle: I deny myself, I reject others and others will reject me .... All of this - to help me to realize that I reject itself. And so - for kazhdoytravmy soul. Injury occurs immediately as soon as a person stops taking itself, just as suddenly in the human body can cause many wounds, injury or illness. If a person does not take the healing of the injury, it is becoming more and more dangerous and, at the slightest touch, it will be more and hurt more. Therefore, only we ourselves must personally aware of the importance of healing the soul of his own injuries, to create a completely different quality of life.
All that happens to us in trouble, problems, stress may be associated with one of the traumas of the soul. Difficulties can be mental (anxiety, fear, etc.), emotional (feelings of guilt, emotion, anger, etc.) or to manifest on the physical level (illness, illnesses, accidents, etc).
Since its conception, the child's injuries are starting to become more active parents or those who played the role of parents. Therefore it is important to remember that we are suffering from trauma not because of our parents, but rather, because we needed just such parents with their own injuries, so that we can recognize their own trauma and begin the process of healing.
As soon as one of the five active injuries and we do not accept, our reactions are instantaneous. It looks as if someone touches an open wound on your body, it gives you pain and you react badly to touch. Your response depends on how severe your wound. The painful wound, the greater and faster your reaction. Speaking of injuries, I call these reactions "wearing masks". Why? Because we experience pain, and if you do not understand their responsibility, we blame other people for what they have wounded us (or we blame ourselves for what felt pain), and we cease to be ourselves. Take responsibility - is to feel the pain and trauma, and be aware of what the other person did not hurt us, but that suffering arose from the fact that we have not yet engaged in the healing of injuries.
For example, someone comes to you on the wounded and their swollen toe. Of course, you react: you are likely to say something unpleasant, alienate the person or even injure it themselves. Of course, such a reaction is natural. But think about it: if your finger was healthy and you someone stepped on the foot, you probably would not have this reaction. This means that if we are to some events or people react too sharply, we cease to be ourselves. And that's why the reaction we call masks. Each mask has its own injury and his reactions.
Full description of the five souls of injuries and masks associated with them, you can read the book "Five injuries that hinder be yourself." Recognize the mask and is easy to injury, if you look closely at the structure of the body. The more the characteristics of a particular injury is present in your body, the more it is this your injury.
How to recover from the trauma of the soul?
The first step in the healing of injuries is the adoption and supervision is when your injury is active, and you feel the pain. You may feel rejected, for example, or abandoned, but it does not wear an appropriate mask. At such moments, you just need to tell yourself that now you feel rejected, and watch your thoughts, feelings and localization of the pain in the physical body. You will see how wonderfully simple observation work for you! Only observation is enough to the pain receded and make you feel much better. Your breathing becomes smooth and the pain goes away. This technique is also called the adoption of surveillance.
Another stage of healing from injury - a decision that all people, without exception, are born stravmami. The more you give yourself the right to reside injury, the more compassion and tolerance for others you will have. You will not perceive the acute moments when other people would wear masks or emotionally react. So, the more you observe yourself, the easier it will be to watch the others without judgment and blame.
Excellent efficient way of healing from the injuries of the soul - is to be very attentive to the relationship with other people. As soon as you notice that you respond to other people's pain, from injury, take a deep breath and ask yourself: "If I had listened to your needs, no matter what I do now?".
Take, for example, a woman who was tired after a day's work. She sees that her son (or husband) wants her attention. She would like to be alone and relax. However, due to injuries abandoned she is afraid that if she did, her son or husband will feel abandoned. Most likely, she will not tell anyone about his desire, and will make every effort to give proper attention. If so, then won her injury, and she was wearing a mask.
For the healing of the injury to this woman need to recognize their own to leave those whom she loves to share with them their fears and tell them that tonight you need to spend it alone. So, she dares to meet the object of his fear, remembering that this fear is related to her trauma abandoned. In this situation, it is likely that a woman will react very badly, for example, she would say to her husband: "In the end, leave me alone! I need a rest, decide all by myself! "If she would react that way, then, after the rest, it will need to recognize that there is still her fear to leave the other person was so strong that she could not hear their needs, but now she should learn to listen to their needs without sharp emotional reactions. It should give itself the right to pass through the necessary steps. And so - for each injury.
Gradually, as the healing of the injury, and you will become the way you want to be: a fugitive learn to be approved and occupy its rightful place; dependent will be happy to be left alone, will be able to ask for help only when necessary, not to attract attention; masochist will exhibit their sensuality without shame and guilt, listening and meeting their needs before others. Controller will remain the leader and the leader, but will not seek to control and suppress all, using lies and manipulation; rigid acquire their natural sensuality and give yourself the right to be imperfect.
And it is - only a small fraction of those wonderful changes that you will see in your life to the extent that, as you begin to heal from the trauma of the soul. And your surroundings will also be pleasantly surprised by the TEC, as you start to my eyes! Now you just have one thing to decide to do the healing of the soul of injuries right now, without waiting for other people will change for you. The only way you can get better quality of life, and this will happen only through a unique tool - the adoption, which treats all!