Eight weddings Elizabeth
Sometime in the mid 50s at the start-up of a young and incredibly beautiful actress Elizabeth Taylor interviewed. Liz spoke briskly and willingly: in the nearest future she had a second marriage, and she liked the plan. Belle told me how she was tired of her "Cadillac" and she wants to have another. And she'd like mink stole. Liz shared that all her passionate spender, for example, once in Paris, went shopping, she found herself on her bank account is nothing else. Even then, Elizabeth would take everything from life and subject only to their own desires, subordinating them to other like true Cleopatra. She had a lot of fame, luxury, money, diamonds, love, men, or, more precisely, muzhey.Ya slept only with those of whom has been married. Are there many women can say the same? So, years later, already a little grown-up says Taylor. Although 18 years old, she married for the first time, she, like many girls, believed that once and for all. But, as few, I decided to believe in a fairy tale, a dip in it and put on a wonderful bride as many times as she wanted.
The first wedding, or "grand failure": Conrad Hilton. 1950.
Elizabeth and Nicky Hilton, socialite and heir to the hotel chain Hilton, met in Los Angeles in a nightclub «Mocambo», in October 1949, and their engagement was announced in the February 20, 1950-th. Needless marriage took place on May 6 in Beverly - Hills. Liz was only 18 years old. At the wedding, she received a gift from her future husband engagement ring with diamond in a four-carat value of 50 thousand. Dollars, more luxurious mink coats, personal "Cadillac" and even a stake in its hotel business.
Wedding bride her bridesmaids, and even entire outfits for honeymoon Elizabeth sewed studio «MGM» as a wedding gift for his actress. Board design developed costume designer Helen Rose, who is also the designer of well-known wedding dress Grace Kelly. In those days the studio was under the control of not only the image of the stars on the big screen, but also in the private / social life.
Wedding dress designer called Taylor "a simple and dramatic" .If you have a great gem, you put it in a simple frame, not going to detract from it a lot of attention to detail. As a result, this dress cost the studio $ 1,500 (adjusted for inflation, this dress today would be worth more than 12 thousand.). It was made of satin, embroidered with beads and pearls, work on it took two months.
Wedding reception arranged at the Bel Air. It invited nearly 700 guests, including Mickey Rooney, Ginger Rogers, Joan Bennett, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Spencer Tracy, Wang, and Evie Johnson, Esther Williams, Greer Garson, and Roddy McDowall ... On it drank 100 crates of champagne Dom Perignon and We ate a huge five-tier wedding cake.
Honeymoon couple held in Europe, and already there once it became clear that the marriage is a big mistake. Nicky turned narcissistic alcoholic, completely attuned to the adoration of his young wife. And a marriage that began so beautifully, collapsed after only nine months. Already during the honeymoon Nicky just drank and lost in the casino. Lit them fairly quickly and without problems. Over time, call Taylor his first marriage, "a grand failure».
Second wedding, or children, career, routine ...: Michael Wilding. 1952.
Exactly 20 days after the divorce in 1952, Elizabeth married again in London. His second narrowed, British actor Michael Wilding, Taylor pretty quickly repulsed by his lawful wife.
Wedding of newlyweds celebrated all in the same hotel the famous Los Angeles Bel-Air. Only this time, the wedding dress was not nearly as luxurious as the first.
The dress was a style of new look, complete with a jacket with sleeves in three quarters, string of pearls, pumps and clutches. In the hands of Liz was a modest bouquet of flowers, the same colors the bride and wove into the hair, but on the veil refused.
This marriage Taylor called the most peaceful and productive period in the life of the actress. Liz immersed himself in the work, a lot of time to take pictures, and in the intervals between films quietly gave birth to two sons, Michael and apparently always looked generally happy and contented married women.
Unfortunately, "Cleopatra" has not stood the test routine. "Everyday experience" - that's the recipe for apathy and cooling Taylor. From them, she just wanted to run into the arms of stormy passions and complex relationship. The second marriage lasted 5 years, Taylor.
And soon the case was presented to her - she met Michael Todd.
The third wedding, or stormy happiness and tragedy Michael Todd. 1957.
He was one of my two real men. - Says Elizabeth on his third husband - Michael Todd, Taylor reminds her father and by type, and character. He was a successful Hollywood producer, original and brilliant man known extravagant and breadth of the soul. Although the Elizabeth called him unrestrained (sometimes it even Tapping) "crazy quirks." And the incredible heat of passion, which they indulged in a one - "intense relations».
Third, in the life of Liz's wedding was held in Acapulco. His "yes" again up to his ears in love while the actress said in a white flowing dresses with a deep neckline and modest veil. A jewelry on the bride of that day were just earrings.
Mike loved to indulge his beautiful wife as a little girl. With him in what Elizabeth did not know failure, he presented her collection of paintings by Degas, a variety of unique decoration, laid the foundation for its famous collection of jewelry, diamond 30 carat and beautiful "Rolls-Royce".
Todd liked to organize in honor of his wife banquets, which sometimes even subscribed elephants from Africa and India.
And she, in turn, gave him a daughter. Their family, though sometimes the storm of passion, but they were very happy.
Once he even gave Elisabeth a plane and called it "Happy Liz." Alas, but this plane had taken from Taylor happiness.
In a tragic twist of fate, Michael crashed on him in 1958. So after his death to Liz forever pasted image of the femme fatale, which brings misfortune. From marriage to Todd, the daughter, Taylor left another state and severe depression.
The fourth wedding, or a modest henpecked: Eddie Fisher. 1959.
2 years after the death of Elizabeth Todd re-married a close friend of Michael - Eddie Fisher. At first it seemed that Taylor has lost all interest in his career and fame, he began to drink alcohol excessively, and was almost ready to roll down. It Liz Fischer brought out of this state.
He was a young singer, and finally became the fourth husband of Elizabeth. Since I fell in love with her passionately and selflessly. Eddie was married to a famous actress Debby Reynolds, too beautiful, but soon divorced, and has become a real shadow Liz.
The wedding ceremony took place in Las Vegas at the local synagogue. Taylor was in a green silk dress and the same scarf, which replaced her traditional fatu.Eto was the usual Jewish wedding. As usual, Elizabeth too late even for his own wedding. - As Fisher would later write in his memoirs.
Eddie was intelligent, shy young man without much willpower and by nature a greater slave than a master. He is always and everywhere accompanied by his famous wife, he gave her the limo, the unique beautiful emerald is worn for Liz heavy mink coat constantly suffered its folly and giddiness and soon became because of this good object of ridicule for a Hollywood party.
Their relationship lasted only until the filming of the famous Oscar-winning "Cleopatra" in 1961. Liz even appointed Fischer on one of the roles in this film. But there was, and Richard Burton in the form of Mark Antony, who eclipsed the sun for Taylor. Secular gossip fastest saw changes in mood Elizabeth. She fell in love again, passionately, and without looking back. Thus came to an end the fourth marriage Taylor.
To be continued…

The first wedding, or "grand failure": Conrad Hilton. 1950.

Elizabeth and Nicky Hilton, socialite and heir to the hotel chain Hilton, met in Los Angeles in a nightclub «Mocambo», in October 1949, and their engagement was announced in the February 20, 1950-th. Needless marriage took place on May 6 in Beverly - Hills. Liz was only 18 years old. At the wedding, she received a gift from her future husband engagement ring with diamond in a four-carat value of 50 thousand. Dollars, more luxurious mink coats, personal "Cadillac" and even a stake in its hotel business.

Wedding bride her bridesmaids, and even entire outfits for honeymoon Elizabeth sewed studio «MGM» as a wedding gift for his actress. Board design developed costume designer Helen Rose, who is also the designer of well-known wedding dress Grace Kelly. In those days the studio was under the control of not only the image of the stars on the big screen, but also in the private / social life.

Wedding dress designer called Taylor "a simple and dramatic" .If you have a great gem, you put it in a simple frame, not going to detract from it a lot of attention to detail. As a result, this dress cost the studio $ 1,500 (adjusted for inflation, this dress today would be worth more than 12 thousand.). It was made of satin, embroidered with beads and pearls, work on it took two months.

Wedding reception arranged at the Bel Air. It invited nearly 700 guests, including Mickey Rooney, Ginger Rogers, Joan Bennett, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Spencer Tracy, Wang, and Evie Johnson, Esther Williams, Greer Garson, and Roddy McDowall ... On it drank 100 crates of champagne Dom Perignon and We ate a huge five-tier wedding cake.

Honeymoon couple held in Europe, and already there once it became clear that the marriage is a big mistake. Nicky turned narcissistic alcoholic, completely attuned to the adoration of his young wife. And a marriage that began so beautifully, collapsed after only nine months. Already during the honeymoon Nicky just drank and lost in the casino. Lit them fairly quickly and without problems. Over time, call Taylor his first marriage, "a grand failure».

Second wedding, or children, career, routine ...: Michael Wilding. 1952.

Exactly 20 days after the divorce in 1952, Elizabeth married again in London. His second narrowed, British actor Michael Wilding, Taylor pretty quickly repulsed by his lawful wife.

Wedding of newlyweds celebrated all in the same hotel the famous Los Angeles Bel-Air. Only this time, the wedding dress was not nearly as luxurious as the first.

The dress was a style of new look, complete with a jacket with sleeves in three quarters, string of pearls, pumps and clutches. In the hands of Liz was a modest bouquet of flowers, the same colors the bride and wove into the hair, but on the veil refused.

This marriage Taylor called the most peaceful and productive period in the life of the actress. Liz immersed himself in the work, a lot of time to take pictures, and in the intervals between films quietly gave birth to two sons, Michael and apparently always looked generally happy and contented married women.

Unfortunately, "Cleopatra" has not stood the test routine. "Everyday experience" - that's the recipe for apathy and cooling Taylor. From them, she just wanted to run into the arms of stormy passions and complex relationship. The second marriage lasted 5 years, Taylor.
And soon the case was presented to her - she met Michael Todd.
The third wedding, or stormy happiness and tragedy Michael Todd. 1957.

He was one of my two real men. - Says Elizabeth on his third husband - Michael Todd, Taylor reminds her father and by type, and character. He was a successful Hollywood producer, original and brilliant man known extravagant and breadth of the soul. Although the Elizabeth called him unrestrained (sometimes it even Tapping) "crazy quirks." And the incredible heat of passion, which they indulged in a one - "intense relations».

Third, in the life of Liz's wedding was held in Acapulco. His "yes" again up to his ears in love while the actress said in a white flowing dresses with a deep neckline and modest veil. A jewelry on the bride of that day were just earrings.

Mike loved to indulge his beautiful wife as a little girl. With him in what Elizabeth did not know failure, he presented her collection of paintings by Degas, a variety of unique decoration, laid the foundation for its famous collection of jewelry, diamond 30 carat and beautiful "Rolls-Royce".

Todd liked to organize in honor of his wife banquets, which sometimes even subscribed elephants from Africa and India.

And she, in turn, gave him a daughter. Their family, though sometimes the storm of passion, but they were very happy.

Once he even gave Elisabeth a plane and called it "Happy Liz." Alas, but this plane had taken from Taylor happiness.

In a tragic twist of fate, Michael crashed on him in 1958. So after his death to Liz forever pasted image of the femme fatale, which brings misfortune. From marriage to Todd, the daughter, Taylor left another state and severe depression.

The fourth wedding, or a modest henpecked: Eddie Fisher. 1959.

2 years after the death of Elizabeth Todd re-married a close friend of Michael - Eddie Fisher. At first it seemed that Taylor has lost all interest in his career and fame, he began to drink alcohol excessively, and was almost ready to roll down. It Liz Fischer brought out of this state.

He was a young singer, and finally became the fourth husband of Elizabeth. Since I fell in love with her passionately and selflessly. Eddie was married to a famous actress Debby Reynolds, too beautiful, but soon divorced, and has become a real shadow Liz.

The wedding ceremony took place in Las Vegas at the local synagogue. Taylor was in a green silk dress and the same scarf, which replaced her traditional fatu.Eto was the usual Jewish wedding. As usual, Elizabeth too late even for his own wedding. - As Fisher would later write in his memoirs.

Eddie was intelligent, shy young man without much willpower and by nature a greater slave than a master. He is always and everywhere accompanied by his famous wife, he gave her the limo, the unique beautiful emerald is worn for Liz heavy mink coat constantly suffered its folly and giddiness and soon became because of this good object of ridicule for a Hollywood party.

Their relationship lasted only until the filming of the famous Oscar-winning "Cleopatra" in 1961. Liz even appointed Fischer on one of the roles in this film. But there was, and Richard Burton in the form of Mark Antony, who eclipsed the sun for Taylor. Secular gossip fastest saw changes in mood Elizabeth. She fell in love again, passionately, and without looking back. Thus came to an end the fourth marriage Taylor.

To be continued…