TASK №1. Taking a favorite with the stars.
Each star soul comes into incarnation with a certain peace mission. Let us consider in detail the problem №1 «Working out of karma kindred spirits or redemption of people of the Earth." Often, bright star of the soul, incarnating in the world, take over some of the load of karmic soul mates, having a large debt. It is a selfless deed of love - to take responsibility for things that you did not commit, and the answer to the cosmic law of error loved ones. On this with the permission of the Lords of Karma are the strongest and bravest souls. They are the most difficult in the world, misfortune rained on them in abundance. Most of their life is from the obstacle, but the end is usually a happy, as a reward for the passed test. An example of such work is the work of Jesus Christ.
A few decades remaining before 2065, given to us, the starry voploschentsam, the completion of our earthly karmic deeds. Retribution for the karmic debts of kindred souls needed to help them go home with us - with those who are more aware, clean and bright. Not all star soul managed to pass the test of material things, not all will be able to overcome the Earth's gravity on their own when switched beam Ascension. The task of the strongest and most pure souls - to lead his fellow by taking over part of their karmic load. Various bindings and hooks for things, money, carnal desires, relationships - is also part of the cargo of our relatives karma that we are CONSCIOUSLY took over, agreeing to this latest incarnation. So many stellar soul who suffers greatly in this life do not suffer for their mistakes, and literally burn through his spiritual fire of the heavy ballast material to their favorite star brothers and sisters were able to go back into space together.
Of course, it is very difficult to distinguish where you get the blows of fate for their sins, and where to pay for the mistakes of relatives, but still it can be understood, even on a horoscope. For example, if you have the birth of a planet in the first degree of Aries, so in this lifetime you are karmic responsibility not only for themselves but also for their spiritual relatives, thus saving their souls from extinction in the material world. Aries leads the, leader. So people who have a planet in 1 degree Aries, lead souls entrusted to them. Even though in many ways it happens unconsciously, but the karmic level, is a powerful process of burning-off of the old ties and all unnecessary accumulated over thousands of years of incarnations on Earth. For the individual soul is painful, and for karma starry kind - helpful.
Permit is to bear the burden of mistakes loved ones, give the Lords of Karma. Before incarnation They assess the power of the Spirit and the personal karma of the human soul, which is going to take on this responsibility, and defines the measure of suffering that may make this soul on Earth. Everything depends on the power of the Spirit and the strength of the love of neighbor, for whom bright and clean soul star again plunge himself into the swamp of material existence. Crippling pain Lords of Karma do not give. Any problems arising in the course of life in the process of distribution of debts is solved.
As embodied, the Lords of Karma facilitate the collective destiny of humanity. The stronger and ancient spirit, for the more people it may be liable. Therefore, each of us is responsible for so many relatives, as far as he lacks wisdom, experience and spiritual power.
Sometimes working out of karma occurs during lucid dreaming. Man asleep and dream consciously live the moments of the past, at the same time simulating the situation for the better. In the dream, you can not only relive the moments of past lives, but also the most likely future events, composed on the basis of personal karma or karma of another person. This is called "karmic dream." Such dreams also give the Lords of Karma for accelerating the transformation of the most difficult karmic knots. In the dream experience stressful events is easier, although after such dreams in my soul still remains an unpleasant aftertaste.
If you are sure you are carrying the burden of their star brothers and sisters, remember that otmuchilsya one embodiment, not only will you save your soul, but the soul and neighbors opened their way to the stars. Their cosmic fate depends on your courage, will and self-control. Let this thought give you strength in the difficult earthly path. Carry this load with love, let love of kindred souls will be your guiding light throughout life.
For many of you this is a priority task. You are clean and bright, you are very strong-willed people. That is why the Creator will give you more strength, energy and spiritual benefits, when you finish with dignity embodied by performing the collective karmic program.
Each star soul comes into incarnation with a certain peace mission. Program realization of cosmic soul consists of individual karmic plan and social function, which depends on the experience and spiritual power. So the kinds of earthly tasks performed by space workers in the embodied world:
1. Testing of karma kindred spirits or redemption of people on Earth. Often, bright star of the soul, incarnating in the world, take over some of the load of karmic soul mates, having a large debt. It is a selfless deed of love - to take responsibility for things that you did not commit, and the answer to the cosmic law of error loved ones. On this with the permission of the Lords of Karma are the strongest and bravest souls. They are the most difficult in the world, misfortune rained on them in abundance, and it seems it will never end. Most of their life is from the obstacle, but the end is usually a happy, as a reward for the passed test. An example of such work is the work of Jesus Christ.
2. Explore the world of star shower the Earth - a very common feature of women. The woman - is the gateway to the soul incarnate in the world, so motherhood is a sacred and noble features stellar women in the world. Spiritual woman can give earthly body souls future spiritual masters, saints and prophets. Less function conductor of souls to the Earth perform male fathers if their spiritual level above the level of the couple. Now the era of the Mother of the World, so women can become a new era of the Virgin in the truest sense of the word - that is, they may give rise to the gods - to give life to the bodies of high cosmic hierarchy. This function was performed by the mother of all the prophets and the saints - Mary (mother of Jesus), Maya (mother of Buddha), and others.
3. highlights the embodied world and its thin layers. This multi-faceted work on the purification of the astral and mental layers of the Earth by recycling the emotions of other people with the help of the heart chakra. Heart of Light employee plays a role alchemical reactor, which transformed the pain, grief, suffering, fear, anger and other negative emotions earthly people. Sensitive soul star is automatically absorb the emotions of others, experiencing acute cardiac pain and melting the negative in the sense of love, mercy and compassion. The darkness and dirt, which dumped unconscious Earthlings into space, passing through the heart of the worker of Light, becoming pure energy of Light. It is very hard work, sometimes resulting in disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system. In large cities, the mental atmosphere is very heavy, people are constantly poisoning the space of your negative mental "exhausts" sensitive souls stellar at times unbearable to be in such places. They are automatically cleaned space, burning the negative in his fiery aura. It certainly requires energy costs and their impact on the psycho-emotional state. To successfully carry out the work required strong nerves, a philosophical attitude to life and self-reliance.
4. Healing wildlife. This feature is available starry souls who have gained a lot of potential energy in past lives. They radiate vitality, and to share it with others, helping to restore the health and integrity of all living beings. It so happens that in the process of healing strained labor star soul deplete their reserves, because the energy of one person was not enough. Here you need to know when to stop and recharge power through purification and union with the forces of nature. If this is not done, the aura of the healer can drain, as in the world of the Earth energy is rapidly and slowly work enough. Therefore, healing work, it is important to comply with the energy balance and health of the subtle bodies. As highlights the aura of a man transformed and he becomes sensitive to the energies of the environment. Star souls who came to Earth with the healing function may not work as healers, but they automatically clean energy space, and the aura of people with whom to communicate. Such stellar people-treaters feel pain of others on himself, as if it were their own pain. Thus they process negative energy, partially freeing the sick from physical suffering. This leads to improved health and recovery of all living beings, which touches the star people.
5. Bulletin. Explore information from the higher realms of the cosmos. This function is performed in the ancient prophets, conveying the good news of the Hierarchy of Light to people of the Earth. Work conductor is related to communication, education, training, information dissemination. Messengers can bring into the world, not only embodied spiritual knowledge. Drawing insights from the Subtle World, we can make improvements in different spheres of human life through invention, innovation, creativity and high art. It is also a multi-faceted work, contributing to the development of spirit, mind and soul.
6. Protection of life. This is the function that take the most experienced and the most powerful star of the soul, past a serious spiritual preparation. Defenders of the Earth for its powerful energies of Will and Spirit Shield creates the planet, contributing to the preservation of the integrity of the world. Advocates are directly involved in repelling the attacks of the aggressive forces of cosmic and terrestrial origin. They are covered with delicate immature souls with their boards on the energy of will and spirit, so that they did not feel the blows and did not notice the hostile forces. This is the most thankless job of all. Young souls flitting in the energy of love, and the blows intended them assume the star people-backs. As a result, young soul, which most believe that there are no fights, and nothing to fear, they humiliate their keepers and consider them unworthy of sovereign grace.
7. Construction and maintenance of the integrity of the fine structures of the Earth. Builders - a star of the soul, which rests on the energies of the crystal lattice frame of the Earth. Mankind by uncontrolled wildlife constantly violates the structure of the crust and the natural biocenoses. To save the world from global catastrophe, stellar people-builders of their energies zalatyvayut holes in the lattice sites of the world, restoring the integrity of energy. Such people often travel by healing their wounds powerful energy of the Earth. Thanks to the builders managed to avoid many destructive cataclysms and smooth natural disasters have occurred.
8. The conductor of souls in the higher worlds. The spiritual master. This function is performed by a few stellar soul, possessing deep knowledge of the laws of evolution. The spiritual master - a master of the earth, who directs other people on the spiritual path, helping them to understand themselves and to know the essence of things, to fulfill his destiny and forever leave the circle of incarnations. Often spiritual masters work in lucid dreams, freeing souls stuck in the dense layers of the Astral. Through such work, many terrestrial and cosmic consciousness find freedom and a chance of accelerated evolution.
Sometimes the star man in the world, incarnated performs several functions listed above. It depends on the experience of his previous incarnations and individual earthly karma.
The overall objective of stellar souls embodied in the world - is SPIRITUALIZATION dense matter as an aid to the process of transition of the Earth into a higher dimension. We're all with you acting as agents of spiritual energy into the dense layers of the Earth. The more spiritual energy, the more light each one of us will make in this world, the more likely there will complete purification and transformation of the planet.

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