The theme of destiny is hidden a lot of illusions.
The first illusion is the idea that the mission - this is some profession or activity. In fact, the purpose is somewhat different content for us - a way of interacting with the world. Someone way to interact with the world is connected with the mediation between man and nature, someone - a human-human communication, and someone interacts with the world through some technocratic things. Such people can easily interact with virtual applications, networks, ideas, information, and beds in this to find their destination. It may refer to a completely different professions: economist from the ordinary individual enterprise and ending with the software or the creation of some countable systems on the scale of the environmental disaster.
The question is not in the profession and in which we are engaged, the issue in your state - which currently makes you happy? Do not think that you will find his life's work, and then you want to live with gusto. This, incidentally, is the second illusion - the desire to pass on some hypothetical thing that comes into your life, the things that you can not afford to sprout today. All the opposite: first you learn to live with gusto, and then it turns out that some little thing that you do, is precisely your case.
This illusion exists in the topic of relations: here I will meet your ideal partner, tested unearthly love and be happy. No! First you love yourself, uncover your heart, you feel his treasure, and then will attract someone who will reflect this and you will share with you the happiness.
Similarly to the case. First, you learn to take pleasure in the smallest classes, and then it turns out that a certain activity takes more time and give you more returns.
Therefore, the fastest progress towards the activities that would be best for you, is when every day you do something that you kayfovo. Can you help the animals can, put some unique seedlings may, paints, maybe, embroider something, maybe weaves baskets can you organize a group of healthy lifestyle and runs in the park with your neighbors ... < br />
Learn to feel its value simply from the fact that you are alive, just the fact that you are talking with people, wearing his body on this earth, pass through you our close energy, commune with nature, perform some simple steps ... What would you do, if you do it with the feeling that you are comfortable with it, you start to coincide with your inner soul flow, and the flow of your inner peace necessarily attract the circumstances in which you better prove yourself.
Your mission - to be satisfied and happy at the moment. So, as far as possible.
Because only in this state, you open a channel to your future. Only in this state, you will begin to flow to the circumstances that have changed. The steps that bring us closer to self-realization, it is not steps in the field of professional activity, it is not mastering the skills of sales, not the development of communications, it is the moments of happiness that are available to us at the present moment, momentary.
The main thing is doing what draws you in at the moment, do not link it to any of the global self-realization, because self-realization can not be found, it can only sprout from you. Just as you can not find love, you can only it grow in itself, and it is reflected in the eyes of a man who looks at you, just the same way you can not find your destination, you can only cultivate a feeling of fullness, values , gratitude and happiness that spilled out an action that would be useful to others.
The third illusion - the idea that the mission should be one forever. This is not true. Especially in our time, because we live in an era of very rapid change.
We ourselves are changing very quickly. I Club has a section diaries transformation, where the students were asked: "What kind of changes have taken place in you since you started working on courses Svetlana?" And a woman remarkably formulated: "In general, I can barely remember what I had prior work here. I changed everything - goals, desires, use ... I am now - a completely different person ».
Therefore, just as a child in the class of 3 years and 7 years - a radically different, just as classes at 30 years and 50 years - a radically different. Because you are constantly changing, you become a different person, so for my life change a lot of different activities.
And do not think that you can find the current session for your future. But you can definitely do one thing - to find something for you to present. Occupation it may be a week, for three months or six months, it is not linked with a profit, with a career in glory, it is associated with only one - you kayfovo to do.
Changing classes it is also connected with the fact that we are going to live much longer, and a whole new way. In our current culture of proactive person commits to fifty to a maximum of sixty years, and then reaping the benefits. And in the culture in which we are now entering, after forty-five years, we are just starting to understand who we are, and after fifty roughly be flourishing power when someone else's opinion you are no longer sways, the children grew up, parents have already made your way . And that would not be life bodrenkim old man, and a completely new activity that is difficult to imagine.
And another important point. If you have the need to do something it does not matter to draw, sing, speak, cut it out, make something), so be sure to already have people who are waiting for it to materialize. And they will find you.
And if you fear, or fear that is not your thing, or because of some other things not yet done so, these people will stay in the feeling of being lost and will move in a certain direction, so how could move . In a global sense, everything will be right, everyone will find its target. But in this sense, when you're afraid of something to bring to life, think of those who need it. If you were born is something from the heart, then there really is those who are at the heart of this will take.
"Purpose - it is my every step and every intake of air my lungs. Here I sit now, klatsat the keys, and it's - my destiny. And then I'll go behind the wheel, and will again be realized my destiny. And then I embrace and kill their children - and then realizing his destiny ... »
I knew what my destiny. My purpose is to be yourself, and it is extremely difficult, and it is my global mission ».
In essence, nothing to add. Because "be yourself" - which means to manifest God himself. Namely, the divinity is the creative force.