The concept of genus and genetic trauma
Of great importance for our ancestors was the concept of genus, tribe, heredity, traditions that were passed down from generation to generation. It turns out that in many ways the life of a person is determined not only by his birth, fate (program), but also by the heritage of his ancestors.
Mostly from our ancestors, we absorb all the unconscious reactions and structure of our body, as well as those lessons and problems that they could not pass.
Are you wondering how much this will help you know your ancestors before the 7th generation? Whoever has the information has the situation.
1 Generation - We Are Ourselves
Generation 2 - Our Parents
Number 2 is the number of the moon. Through the second generation, our attitude to the surrounding world, resonance with this world, emotions, perception and most importantly, it forms Our Childhood of the first 7 years. For the first seven years, we are programmed and inculcated with our habits, inclinations, the way we talk and communicate, the basics of partner and personal relationships, and most importantly, responsibility. If the child was not brought up and not shown what responsibility is, everything was decided for him and protected everywhere - then such a person falls into the most difficult series of misunderstandings of himself and other people in real life, which leads to rather sad consequences.
How this will manifest itself in a child’s life depends almost half on our parents.
Based on the relationship with the second generation, it is possible to determine to what extent the Popes and Mothers opened the way to the world, or closed it. Therefore, the relationship with parents is very important, understanding who they are, how they grew up and in what environment they were brought up, what they carried and what they aspired to.
Generation 3 – Two Grandparents, Two Grandparents
The number 4 is the number of Mercury. This generation has a more complex agenda. The four ancestors form a square or vara (protection). Assimilation of information, its comprehension, intellectual abilities, inclinations, contacts are transmitted to us in the third generation. Talents are passed on from our grandparents.
If we consider each ancestor separately on the 4 elements, or primary elements, which are Fire, Earth, Air and Water, it looks like this.
The father’s grandfather embodies the element of Fire – our creative beginning, initiative, active initiatives. My father's grandmother is Mother Earth. This is our relationship to the material side of life.
The wrong life of a grandmother (greed or waste) will create material problems for grandchildren.
The mother's grandfather represents the element of Air. And this is our contacts, communications, information, communication.
My mother’s grandmother is associated with the element of water. It gives us everything secret, hidden, incomprehensible, as well as fears and complexes. She is the guardian of our family, protecting us from the beginning.
Fire is maternal grandmother, Earth is maternal grandfather, Air is paternal grandmother, Water is paternal grandfather.
4 generations
These are 8 ancestors associated with the planet Venus. These are the eight corners of the world, the veil that extends over us. Each fourth-generation ancestor determines our orientation in space. Righteous forefathers will help in the path associated with their direction, thereby indicating the place of power for us. The unjust will hinder and destroy our program.
The starting point here will be the place of birth.
Venus helps us to love, acquire material goods, strengthen and multiply them. And if our ancestors of the fourth generation were beautiful, harmonious, correctly treated the material and earned well, then in our lives there will be harmony and well-being.
5 generations
In the fifth generation, we have 16 ancestors. For us, this is the core generation, associated with balance, law enforcement or evasion. In the fifth generation, we determine what problems we pay for. The fifth-generation ancestors also communicate with the earth, one of the 16 landscapes where there may be a place of power for us.
The righteousness of our ancestors protects us from temptation and helps us to do good deeds. Negative behavior of ancestors leads to the fall, descendants can make the same mistakes as ancestors.
This generation is also associated with willpower, energy, drive, ability to achieve, win. Or silence, paralysis of will, misdirection.
6 generations
In 6 generations 32 ancestors. They shape the harmony of our lives. We have 32 teeth associated with these ancestors. Crooked and affected teeth indicate the problems of ancestors. If we have problems with a tooth (it is deformed or sick), then the normal relationship with the corresponding ancestor is disturbed. We are beginning to get not the best from him, but the worst.
In extreme moments of life, we are protected by the spirits of our ancestors. They help us to hear and understand the world around us: pay attention to weather conditions, the movement of clouds, the flight of birds, various signs. They manifest themselves through signs, or rather, they direct our consciousness to what we should pay attention to.
And we pay attention to this, we do not pass by, and therefore we think about something, that is, intuition, some process that helps us to avoid trouble.
Our ancestors are the guardians of our family. They are the guardians of our children. The lower jaw is the ancestors of the mother, the upper - the father. Compare which teeth are better on the top or bottom. Based on this, you can understand which kind you have purer, what you need to focus on: paternal heredity or maternal.
However, the sixth generation level will only work if you have all your wisdom teeth. The absence of wisdom teeth indicates the absence of a magnet of attraction of all ancestors of the 6th generation.
The sixth generation is associated with Jupiter. Through this generation, we are connected with the great, enormous forces that unite many people, with power, traditions, commandments, teachings.
7 generations
It includes 64 ancestors. The seventh generation is associated with the planet Saturn. These are the strongest ancestors, ancestors-magicians, each of whom pours us a piece of his power.
There are 64 streams of invisible forces that enable us to change, to become different, to become a magician.
64 is a number that is reflected in genetics. Genetic triplets can only be composed 64 times in various combinations.
Each of the ancestors of the seventh tribe can be represented as one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, which in its original form was completely different and belonged to the Aryans. It was presented in binary codes 1 and 0. The main male ancestor is six units, the main female ancestor is six zeros.
You see, even a brief review of seven generations shows how important information about our ancestors is, what a huge role they play in our destiny, how many mysteries and mysteries about our lives. It makes you think about a lot. In due time, each of us will also become an ancestor: first, the second generation will give birth to their children, then the third generation, passing on the acquired abilities during life to their grandchildren, then the fourth generation, becoming one of the directions.
Birth genetic trauma is in everyone – it must be recognized and healed!
Birth trauma is the unconscious first reaction to any action outside and outside. In general, the set of main problems and birth factors that interfere with us during life can be divided into six components.
There are 6 types of major injuries:
1. Trauma of suppression.
2. The trauma of denial.
3. Trauma of shame.
4. Trauma of rejection.
5. Guilt trauma.
6. Trauma of separation.
We all have genetic trauma in us. Through the prism of our trauma, we build numerous layers of defenses that literally seal the gifts hidden within us. Over time, we get used to living this way, and recognizing our trauma becomes increasingly difficult.
1 Genetic trauma - Suppression
The trauma of suppression is familiar to many. This is the very archetype of the game of victim and persecutor, the despot and his poor maid. With the trauma of suppression, you may find yourself on different sides, or you may be stuck in one of the extremes. You are either depressed or you are suppressed. And every time you have a resentment or a desire to blame someone, look honestly and candidly as you provoke such situations as you like to suppress yourself from the inside, playing over and over again childish patterns.
The trauma of suppression has a favorite scheme for life - to find the person or situation that will put you in maximum restraint, to become unhappy in it. To at some point break all the “ways” and break free to feel pleasure in contrast! But only to find a situation in which you suppress yourself.
Remember, suppression is an absolute illusion, which of course looks like an absolute reality if it’s your own trauma. Learn to recognize it, take it as part of your life, let it play out, but stay conscious.
On the other hand, suppression is limitless creativity!
The flip side of this trauma is boundless creative energy, and the gene key shows you where your creative nature can unfold. Don't suppress your talents!
Suppression is the first of all injuries. On a collective level, it expresses a hidden and repressed fear. Very few people willingly look into the source of their suffering. Our world offers so many distractions to keep this wound securely locked!
Yet life constantly invites us to explore the nature of suffering, the greatest reflection of which is death. Our human way of responding to suffering is through shallow breathing and closure, cut off from our own feelings and from others. However, a more powerful and effective approach is to open your heart and fully embrace what life has to offer. When you look at all the first lines, you can always think about it. Fear makes us shrink. It's like a snake wrapping around your body. At some very deep level, you remain self-absorbed.
Healing: Honesty
Look carefully and honestly at the shadow of this sphere and consider it as an archetype that mankind has suppressed for centuries. All your life you have been called to deal with the trauma of suppression don’t take it personally, it’s just in your nature, watch it.
Admit what is happening to you and tell your loved ones about it. Open your heart and go deep, without fear of being controlled and suppressed. To unblock this topic, it is extremely important to be honest with yourself. Allow yourself to breathe deeper.
Look at your life and tell yourself how happy you are. Ask yourself what is missing. Ask yourself what hurts you the most. When you learn to live with the answers to these questions, it will be a very powerful inclusion for you. No more pretending that everything is okay! This is where honesty begins with yourself.
But you need to remember that to be completely honest with other people should be very careful. It doesn't always make sense. Sometimes kindness is more important than truth. After all, it's your truth. However, it should never be an excuse for lying within yourself.
2 Genetic Trauma - Denial
There are most misunderstandings and questions, we will try to put out as much as possible all the information that is available on this topic.
The subject of this trauma is an exploration of the nature of anger.
Key to you. Pay attention to why you are angry with other people. This is where the secret of your denial is buried.
1. Denial doesn't hold back. It always looks outward, blaming the other.
2. Your life is full of signs,So it's time for you to look inside and look for the reason there, but denial can be very stubborn in finding the culprits, or rather, it doesn't even have time to look anywhere, it immediately falls on the person / circumstances.
3. Others can provoke you. They deny your point of view or even deny you. The challenge here is not to blame, but to see that the source is you!
4. Keywords: Aggression, provocation, emotional outburst, prosecutor.
This injury is similar to a sniper sitting in a bunker, and periodically fired from there, rarely he is ready to raise a white flag. But this does not mean that these people are evil. Denial is as powerful an illusion as suppression, rejection and all the other traumas. We all live and act each of our “native” sacred wounds, and sometimes from several, even perceived from parents, for example.
Another key for all of us is that absolutely all people carry such pain in their souls, the degree is the same, only its expression is different. The second line is at first the most “blind,” but it has a great potential for compassion and acceptance.
There is a potential for very profound healing, just to see you deny it! This is not a willful effort, but a constant observation of your life. Sit still and remember the events of your life to recognize how this pattern works. Insights related to parents can be especially valuable. When did your injury activate? When did we feel that you, your nature, were not recognized?
Healing: Easing
Again, it does not relate to trauma personally. It's a wound to humanity.
Your greatest gift is relaxation, relationships can become very simple when you notice your denial.
Another word for relaxation is softness. Be gentle with your loved ones, with people, no matter how they manifest themselves. Life will be filled with a sense of lightness and deep rhythm. And anger can be redirected towards creativity! Just change its focus from personalities to external actions. You can wash dishes, start painting, etc.
It is useful to relax through breathing. Your life can live in a rhythm of relaxation. Rising anger can be expressed in many creative ways.
Ask yourself, how relaxed are you? How simple is your life? Many people notice their denial only after some serious events, when life directly plunges you into your own denial for the sole purpose of finally noticing it!Your anger is just your own reaction, it’s not often associated with a person. Your partner (or any person) is simply playing this role out of love for you to bring you into awareness. So we're all dipping into each other's traumas to come out to heal!
Here are some insights from people with the trauma of denial that will hopefully help you get to know yourself:
When people talk to you, and you do not understand what they are trying to convey to you, try the following practice: In a calm voice, without being irritated, say to the interlocutor, “Stop, I’m sorry, let’s understand a little more.” Concentrate on your breathing. Move your attention to the tip of your nose and let go of your thoughts. Rely on the speech of the interlocutor. Let it be the sound that passes through you.
Do not try to understand the words of the interlocutor. Feel the meaning of his entire speech. From the body, not the head.
For many people, the trauma of denial has turned into self-flagellation, a kind of self-denial. After a person finally saw that the cause is himself, there is a feeling of helplessness. It's easy to deny. And in the new awareness, a stupor begins. It seems to be senseless in the old way, but in a new way it is not yet clear how. Do not deny yourself, look deep, relax.
When you realize that no one wants to hurt you, that you run all the processes yourself, you will feel like a creator!
You can experience amazing joy, brightness, bliss and ease when you realize that you no longer need to protect yourself from the world, that it does not want to hurt you and is not full of idiots.
Our trauma is always the flip side of our call, our gifts and our talents. One of the powers of Denial is All-Acceptance, the amazing ability to accept and look into the depths of another’s sacred wound.
When the denial is accepted and transformed, it passes into a certain gift:
3 Genetic Trauma - Shame
On a deeper level, shame makes you feel like you’re not worth much, and you can spend your energy proving that you’re valuable. Such people may seem obsessed with work. Sometimes you don’t get to them at all.
In the beginning, it can be very uncomfortable to acknowledge and accept yourself as it is.
Everyone wants to avoid shame and not see it. Such people try to occupy their lives with affairs as much as possible so as not to realize what they really feel. They often work with others to prove their worth. Life is used as an excuse to distract from the pain they are experiencing.
They can undress others out of shame. When they are seen, they have a sense of “voice,” vulnerability, like something is wrong, no value in something. As soon as they recognize them, they immediately leave: who is in business, who is in humor, and someone gets up and runs away (physically or morally). It is believed that behind the trauma of shame lies shamelessness.
In general, where our shame is, we are. Some people are ashamed to take money for their work and their influence. Right there in shame is our talent!
It’s important for you not to leave, but to stay enough to live through your fear of “I’m worthless.” You don't have to understand those feelings. It's important not to leave. Stay in it. Let others see you naked. Recognize your worth, love yourself.
The greatest gift is humor, which grows from the contact of the intimate with their feelings. You can see the humor of life around you, laugh at who you are and how your life happens.
4 Genetic Trauma – Fear of Rejection and Betrayal
Even if you have a different injury, it is highly recommended to read the information on the trauma of rejection, and on all others too. One way or another, we all live these themes through our environment, in our lives they can be played sporadically or regularly! This information will also give you a better understanding of others. Six injuries (also known as talents) and combinations of their interactions build any close relationship.
Remember, the trauma is already imprinted in your DNA at the time of birth, but it is waiting for some external impulse, looking for a “trigger” to become an active part of your life. To do this, our most loving loved ones lose this difficult role for us. Most also experience heartbreak as a teenager because of unrequited love.
Then, as we grow, the trauma of rejection turns into an arsenal of weapons and defenses within us. Out of fear of rejection, we learn to protect our hearts from this deep-seated pain.
Then we begin to reject the other, fearing that he will throw us first. Rejection isn’t just about broken relationships and divorces – rejection can be subtle! It takes a great deal of awareness and honesty to see how you do it. We manifest it through words or body language without being aware of it. It's just a few seconds when we're defending ourselves by showing the other that we don't accept it. Sometimes it’s only by a person’s reaction that we know we’ve already pushed them away.
Healing: Gentleness
Your greatest gift is tenderness. Love, first to yourself, then to others. You will learn to be gentle to yourself when you are in pain and to be gentle to others when they are. Thus, one’s own tenderness becomes a weapon in the subject of rejection and there is nothing more to fear.
Some people with this trauma constantly abandon others and in society lose the model of such a fatal heartthrob, identifying with this role as more beneficial for their self-esteem.
All rejection comes from a lack of self-love. We are afraid that we may be offended, but in reality no one else can be responsible for our openness! We open/close our hearts.
The reverse or shadow theme here is related to your desire or unwillingness to face the fear of rejection.
Such a person often carries his fear in the form of tension spreading in the chest. Many people completely forget how freedom from this sensation can be felt without even noticing its presence in the body. When your heart softens, you feel immense joy and relief at chest level. The word “softening” is key to this injury. You need to learn to be gentle and gentle with yourself when you are in pain, and to be gentle and gentle with other people when they are in pain. Remember that the trauma of rejection is universal. And its carriers can launch healing into our collective field. The greater the skill of softening the heart and shedding hard defenses you master, the easier your relationship will become. You will no longer be a victim of someone else’s need to push back, and if someone even treats you cruelly, you will have your own immediate reaction – through tenderness and gentleness to let go of the pain.
We can clearly see how one injury clings to another. Out of fear of rejection, we begin to blame the other for dislike, to feel our Invalidity if we are abandoned, to experience Separation and loneliness, etc. Essentially, the most important thing is to see that the other person acts out of trauma just like you do, that his actions are not directed against you personally, that he is at war with himself (just like you)!
Not everyone is ready to accept this knowledge, and there is no point in communicating it to everyone. The most important thing we can do for the world is to take care of ourselves and cleanse our heart of malice and resentment.
There is an important and simple key to the inner workings – to return to difficult moments in life and relive them with acceptance. This is how we heal our aura and launch new opportunities in our lives.
We need to learn to live our lives not out of trauma, without playing along with the usual patterns of defense. At first, it’s like learning to walk again, it takes time for the skill to become a part of our lives, so that emotions don’t knock us out of the state of awareness.
The fourth theme of trauma is the natural talent of the heart. Such people are able to give a sense of belonging. It's a conversation where nobody leaves. You always feel involved: somewhere it feels like being accepted into a family, as if you are already a soulmate by right of existence. It’s a really amazing feeling of comfort and warmth with such people.
At the level of society, this trauma is transformed into a Call. The moment we transform this theme into a relationship opens up an opportunity for us to express our talents in the collective.
Gifts and Manifestations:
Heart sales (director) is the one who talks. Fear of rejection can make it difficult for them, and that’s what needs to be overcome.
- They came to be an example of open communication, to speak from the heart.
- They can also be very successful in business.
The director of the film - working closely with people, diplomacy, focus, the gift to persuade. They take control and lead everyone to a common ideal, hence the parallels with sales themes.
- A strong theme of loneliness (for recreation) and social activities for the common good.
- They came to influence humanity.
- The gift of opening people's hearts.
- Sales as an excuse to open hearts.
- Make others feel connected.
Genetic Trauma 5 - Guilt
One of the most difficult in the context of shadow. At the same time, such people cannot tolerate complications and proceedings. Such people like to make everything simple and practical. Because of this, they often can not be long in a relationship, as they do something because they “should” not tolerate. Feeling a lot of pressure from others to be someone or something and either running away from it or starting to conform, and in both cases it's not for long. They come into a state of victimhood or attract people into their lives who are themselves in this role. They can also manipulate people by playing on guilt. When you say, “I can’t do it without you.”
Then comes regret and complexity at different levels. Sometimes they end up abandoning relationships altogether.
Healing: Forgiveness
It is impossible to solve this topic through the mind. It is important to start feeling the vibrations of fear in your body. But he does not become a victim of this fear. Transformation through the power of forgiveness, primarily of oneself and others. Stop feeling guilty about other people’s unjustified projections for who you are. And to forgive others for their inconsistency with their expectations. Printing out this trauma is the "Forgiveness" key.
Reverse Side 5 Injuries, CALLING:
Management (promoter, promoter) (keyword: responsibility). 5 and 6 traumas in their gifts together can completely transform our world. In a global sense, they are the vehicles of a new consciousness. You have to ask yourself, what can I do for people and for this land? There are a lot of people out there (especially now, thanks to the internet). They can be responsible for the success or failure of a company. Keyword Power (comes with forgiveness) When you see forgiveness, you will see life. They came to spread self-reinforcing knowledge. The emanation of power (each in his field, for example, through motherhood, various kinds of management). They bear responsibility humbly and easily. It's like oxygen to the soul!
Genetic Trauma 6 – Separation
Very unusual trauma, these are the most deeply sensitive and feeling people. Separation in partnership is the desire to connect, to merge, to become one with another person, as if to return to the unity of life through another. It is difficult for them even on a business trip to leave their soul mate, it seems so scary to be alone. And there is another part that constantly says “no, this person is not close enough to me, why then all this is necessary.”
A person with the trauma of separation is as if he or she is broken up inside, as if different aspects of the soul do not see or recognize each other. Then it really becomes obvious that everything begins and ends only within ourselves, and the outer world is only a reflection.
In this theme lies great wisdom and the very essence of all our sufferings, which again and again bring us back to the theme of separation with the whole, with unity, with God, with the universe. There is also the potential for profound healing.
Separation is the dilemma of human awareness in our times. Through the mind, we experience separation from existence. Our modern mindfulness is primarily in the brain, but identifies with the body and its corresponding physiological and psychological functions. Part of the process of healing our collective trauma is to evolve ourselves into a new mindfulness system that allows us to experience unbroken awareness, one with the Whole.
The trauma of separation is the latest aspect of the development of the Sacred Wound, just as the first trauma of suppression is the earliest in our history. She is always a little sidelined from the rest of the injuries, as if cut off completely from her true source. To heal, you need to become aware of your sense of separation, your detachment, and this can take a long time. It's a complicated and slow process. They are super-sensitive children, so they are often misunderstood. It carries the potential for a genetic mutation in our way of being aware, which means that such children can stand out from others. Ideally, they need time and space to find their way without any outside pressure. However, within our society, such children are quickly conditioned and their sensitivity falls asleep. So your journey will involve reawakening these early gifts.
Waking up people with this trauma topic takes a long time. There is no speed method here. Many at a conscious age begin to seek spiritual teachers to recover their gifts and opportunities. Also a very strong theme of life is loneliness, so for partnerships this trauma is not easy. Sometimes you may feel as if you are separated by a wall or doors with a powerful lock from the outside world that other people inhabit. It is important for you to see and understand that you are not a victim of the system or someone else’s mistakes.
Only you can bring yourself back into this world. You need to learn to include yourself again and again. Your life is an enriching journey of taking care of yourself. And when your heart softens again, you will want to take care of others and the world. As you learn to care about the world, the planet, and most importantly, yourself, you will see that you have so much to share. You will be the center of the transformation that awaits our planet.
Healing: Taking Care of Yourself and Others
It is important to see that you are not a victim of the system and other people’s mistakes. Just bring yourself back to life, no one else will. Start taking care of yourself to get your heart back to people, start taking care of others and the world around you. Through care, when you care, you will begin to come alive. As you learn to take care of yourself, people, and the world around you, you will be at the center of the greatest transformation that is already taking place.
You have to write down your experience in some way so that others learn from you. Of course, this is not necessarily true; life itself offers the potential to express this wisdom. People born with this realm of deep-seated trauma don’t seem to incarnate in this life as a whole. They have the feeling that part of their consciousness is left somewhere outside, and they spend their lives looking for it, wanting to connect. To some extent, that's true. They live their way in this separation from life. And for any relationship, it's a challenge, because it's like they're not entirely here yet.
Once again, you need to take care of yourself. It takes time to grow, to go through transformation, to get yourself back. Their hearts must sing again. They need to take care of themselves with the greatest compassion, allowing life to go its own way and discover, sooner or later, the meaning of what is happening.
There will come a time when you will find your home. And when that happens... it will be a great celebration and bring great wisdom. Ultimately, they will be the people who most deeply understand the collective wounds in each person. When their hearts come to life, they will understand. Such people sometimes go through long periods of loneliness, separation from others, when they do not feel real warmth. But in the end, they realize it’s all for the best. This is part of the mission they came here for.
Gifts.6 Injuries - Call
Philanthropist (investor)
Department of Love for Humanity (Robin Hood)
The gift of clear perception.
Pioneers of a new vision.
The most forward-thinking.
Invest money, energy in people and projects that are recognized as viable and serve the good of humanity. Long-term vision ensures the viability of any business.
High ideals, goals, natural generosity.
Remember, it all starts with acknowledging what you’ve noticed. It is not necessary to fight or correct, it is easy to notice, stop doing and thereby change – to show your talents and abilities to the fullest in order to continue enjoying life!
Good luck to all of us and do not forget your ancestors, address them with questions and requests, just communicate - you can always, they will always help you and prompt you. . .
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.ranibu.ru/ponyatie-roda-i-geneticheskaya-travma.html
Mostly from our ancestors, we absorb all the unconscious reactions and structure of our body, as well as those lessons and problems that they could not pass.
Are you wondering how much this will help you know your ancestors before the 7th generation? Whoever has the information has the situation.

1 Generation - We Are Ourselves
Generation 2 - Our Parents
Number 2 is the number of the moon. Through the second generation, our attitude to the surrounding world, resonance with this world, emotions, perception and most importantly, it forms Our Childhood of the first 7 years. For the first seven years, we are programmed and inculcated with our habits, inclinations, the way we talk and communicate, the basics of partner and personal relationships, and most importantly, responsibility. If the child was not brought up and not shown what responsibility is, everything was decided for him and protected everywhere - then such a person falls into the most difficult series of misunderstandings of himself and other people in real life, which leads to rather sad consequences.
How this will manifest itself in a child’s life depends almost half on our parents.
Based on the relationship with the second generation, it is possible to determine to what extent the Popes and Mothers opened the way to the world, or closed it. Therefore, the relationship with parents is very important, understanding who they are, how they grew up and in what environment they were brought up, what they carried and what they aspired to.
Generation 3 – Two Grandparents, Two Grandparents
The number 4 is the number of Mercury. This generation has a more complex agenda. The four ancestors form a square or vara (protection). Assimilation of information, its comprehension, intellectual abilities, inclinations, contacts are transmitted to us in the third generation. Talents are passed on from our grandparents.
If we consider each ancestor separately on the 4 elements, or primary elements, which are Fire, Earth, Air and Water, it looks like this.
The father’s grandfather embodies the element of Fire – our creative beginning, initiative, active initiatives. My father's grandmother is Mother Earth. This is our relationship to the material side of life.
The wrong life of a grandmother (greed or waste) will create material problems for grandchildren.
The mother's grandfather represents the element of Air. And this is our contacts, communications, information, communication.
My mother’s grandmother is associated with the element of water. It gives us everything secret, hidden, incomprehensible, as well as fears and complexes. She is the guardian of our family, protecting us from the beginning.
Fire is maternal grandmother, Earth is maternal grandfather, Air is paternal grandmother, Water is paternal grandfather.

4 generations
These are 8 ancestors associated with the planet Venus. These are the eight corners of the world, the veil that extends over us. Each fourth-generation ancestor determines our orientation in space. Righteous forefathers will help in the path associated with their direction, thereby indicating the place of power for us. The unjust will hinder and destroy our program.
The starting point here will be the place of birth.
Venus helps us to love, acquire material goods, strengthen and multiply them. And if our ancestors of the fourth generation were beautiful, harmonious, correctly treated the material and earned well, then in our lives there will be harmony and well-being.
5 generations
In the fifth generation, we have 16 ancestors. For us, this is the core generation, associated with balance, law enforcement or evasion. In the fifth generation, we determine what problems we pay for. The fifth-generation ancestors also communicate with the earth, one of the 16 landscapes where there may be a place of power for us.
The righteousness of our ancestors protects us from temptation and helps us to do good deeds. Negative behavior of ancestors leads to the fall, descendants can make the same mistakes as ancestors.
This generation is also associated with willpower, energy, drive, ability to achieve, win. Or silence, paralysis of will, misdirection.
6 generations
In 6 generations 32 ancestors. They shape the harmony of our lives. We have 32 teeth associated with these ancestors. Crooked and affected teeth indicate the problems of ancestors. If we have problems with a tooth (it is deformed or sick), then the normal relationship with the corresponding ancestor is disturbed. We are beginning to get not the best from him, but the worst.
In extreme moments of life, we are protected by the spirits of our ancestors. They help us to hear and understand the world around us: pay attention to weather conditions, the movement of clouds, the flight of birds, various signs. They manifest themselves through signs, or rather, they direct our consciousness to what we should pay attention to.
And we pay attention to this, we do not pass by, and therefore we think about something, that is, intuition, some process that helps us to avoid trouble.
Our ancestors are the guardians of our family. They are the guardians of our children. The lower jaw is the ancestors of the mother, the upper - the father. Compare which teeth are better on the top or bottom. Based on this, you can understand which kind you have purer, what you need to focus on: paternal heredity or maternal.
However, the sixth generation level will only work if you have all your wisdom teeth. The absence of wisdom teeth indicates the absence of a magnet of attraction of all ancestors of the 6th generation.
The sixth generation is associated with Jupiter. Through this generation, we are connected with the great, enormous forces that unite many people, with power, traditions, commandments, teachings.
7 generations
It includes 64 ancestors. The seventh generation is associated with the planet Saturn. These are the strongest ancestors, ancestors-magicians, each of whom pours us a piece of his power.
There are 64 streams of invisible forces that enable us to change, to become different, to become a magician.
64 is a number that is reflected in genetics. Genetic triplets can only be composed 64 times in various combinations.
Each of the ancestors of the seventh tribe can be represented as one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, which in its original form was completely different and belonged to the Aryans. It was presented in binary codes 1 and 0. The main male ancestor is six units, the main female ancestor is six zeros.

You see, even a brief review of seven generations shows how important information about our ancestors is, what a huge role they play in our destiny, how many mysteries and mysteries about our lives. It makes you think about a lot. In due time, each of us will also become an ancestor: first, the second generation will give birth to their children, then the third generation, passing on the acquired abilities during life to their grandchildren, then the fourth generation, becoming one of the directions.
Birth genetic trauma is in everyone – it must be recognized and healed!
Birth trauma is the unconscious first reaction to any action outside and outside. In general, the set of main problems and birth factors that interfere with us during life can be divided into six components.
There are 6 types of major injuries:
1. Trauma of suppression.
2. The trauma of denial.
3. Trauma of shame.
4. Trauma of rejection.
5. Guilt trauma.
6. Trauma of separation.
We all have genetic trauma in us. Through the prism of our trauma, we build numerous layers of defenses that literally seal the gifts hidden within us. Over time, we get used to living this way, and recognizing our trauma becomes increasingly difficult.
1 Genetic trauma - Suppression
The trauma of suppression is familiar to many. This is the very archetype of the game of victim and persecutor, the despot and his poor maid. With the trauma of suppression, you may find yourself on different sides, or you may be stuck in one of the extremes. You are either depressed or you are suppressed. And every time you have a resentment or a desire to blame someone, look honestly and candidly as you provoke such situations as you like to suppress yourself from the inside, playing over and over again childish patterns.
The trauma of suppression has a favorite scheme for life - to find the person or situation that will put you in maximum restraint, to become unhappy in it. To at some point break all the “ways” and break free to feel pleasure in contrast! But only to find a situation in which you suppress yourself.
Remember, suppression is an absolute illusion, which of course looks like an absolute reality if it’s your own trauma. Learn to recognize it, take it as part of your life, let it play out, but stay conscious.
On the other hand, suppression is limitless creativity!
The flip side of this trauma is boundless creative energy, and the gene key shows you where your creative nature can unfold. Don't suppress your talents!
Suppression is the first of all injuries. On a collective level, it expresses a hidden and repressed fear. Very few people willingly look into the source of their suffering. Our world offers so many distractions to keep this wound securely locked!
Yet life constantly invites us to explore the nature of suffering, the greatest reflection of which is death. Our human way of responding to suffering is through shallow breathing and closure, cut off from our own feelings and from others. However, a more powerful and effective approach is to open your heart and fully embrace what life has to offer. When you look at all the first lines, you can always think about it. Fear makes us shrink. It's like a snake wrapping around your body. At some very deep level, you remain self-absorbed.
Healing: Honesty
Look carefully and honestly at the shadow of this sphere and consider it as an archetype that mankind has suppressed for centuries. All your life you have been called to deal with the trauma of suppression don’t take it personally, it’s just in your nature, watch it.
Admit what is happening to you and tell your loved ones about it. Open your heart and go deep, without fear of being controlled and suppressed. To unblock this topic, it is extremely important to be honest with yourself. Allow yourself to breathe deeper.
Look at your life and tell yourself how happy you are. Ask yourself what is missing. Ask yourself what hurts you the most. When you learn to live with the answers to these questions, it will be a very powerful inclusion for you. No more pretending that everything is okay! This is where honesty begins with yourself.
But you need to remember that to be completely honest with other people should be very careful. It doesn't always make sense. Sometimes kindness is more important than truth. After all, it's your truth. However, it should never be an excuse for lying within yourself.
2 Genetic Trauma - Denial
There are most misunderstandings and questions, we will try to put out as much as possible all the information that is available on this topic.
The subject of this trauma is an exploration of the nature of anger.
Key to you. Pay attention to why you are angry with other people. This is where the secret of your denial is buried.
1. Denial doesn't hold back. It always looks outward, blaming the other.
2. Your life is full of signs,So it's time for you to look inside and look for the reason there, but denial can be very stubborn in finding the culprits, or rather, it doesn't even have time to look anywhere, it immediately falls on the person / circumstances.
3. Others can provoke you. They deny your point of view or even deny you. The challenge here is not to blame, but to see that the source is you!
4. Keywords: Aggression, provocation, emotional outburst, prosecutor.
This injury is similar to a sniper sitting in a bunker, and periodically fired from there, rarely he is ready to raise a white flag. But this does not mean that these people are evil. Denial is as powerful an illusion as suppression, rejection and all the other traumas. We all live and act each of our “native” sacred wounds, and sometimes from several, even perceived from parents, for example.
Another key for all of us is that absolutely all people carry such pain in their souls, the degree is the same, only its expression is different. The second line is at first the most “blind,” but it has a great potential for compassion and acceptance.
There is a potential for very profound healing, just to see you deny it! This is not a willful effort, but a constant observation of your life. Sit still and remember the events of your life to recognize how this pattern works. Insights related to parents can be especially valuable. When did your injury activate? When did we feel that you, your nature, were not recognized?
Healing: Easing
Again, it does not relate to trauma personally. It's a wound to humanity.
Your greatest gift is relaxation, relationships can become very simple when you notice your denial.
Another word for relaxation is softness. Be gentle with your loved ones, with people, no matter how they manifest themselves. Life will be filled with a sense of lightness and deep rhythm. And anger can be redirected towards creativity! Just change its focus from personalities to external actions. You can wash dishes, start painting, etc.
It is useful to relax through breathing. Your life can live in a rhythm of relaxation. Rising anger can be expressed in many creative ways.
Ask yourself, how relaxed are you? How simple is your life? Many people notice their denial only after some serious events, when life directly plunges you into your own denial for the sole purpose of finally noticing it!Your anger is just your own reaction, it’s not often associated with a person. Your partner (or any person) is simply playing this role out of love for you to bring you into awareness. So we're all dipping into each other's traumas to come out to heal!
Here are some insights from people with the trauma of denial that will hopefully help you get to know yourself:
- “The trauma of denial is simple: I'm smart and all the morons are around. And no one understands me.”
- I am the whole world with your stupid wrong opinion.
- “Sometimes I'm not interested at all, What is going on inside people.”
- Trauma? What kind of injury? I don't have any injuries! I don't care if everyone has it and I don't.
- How! What can I deny if he is not right!!!
When people talk to you, and you do not understand what they are trying to convey to you, try the following practice: In a calm voice, without being irritated, say to the interlocutor, “Stop, I’m sorry, let’s understand a little more.” Concentrate on your breathing. Move your attention to the tip of your nose and let go of your thoughts. Rely on the speech of the interlocutor. Let it be the sound that passes through you.
Do not try to understand the words of the interlocutor. Feel the meaning of his entire speech. From the body, not the head.
For many people, the trauma of denial has turned into self-flagellation, a kind of self-denial. After a person finally saw that the cause is himself, there is a feeling of helplessness. It's easy to deny. And in the new awareness, a stupor begins. It seems to be senseless in the old way, but in a new way it is not yet clear how. Do not deny yourself, look deep, relax.
When you realize that no one wants to hurt you, that you run all the processes yourself, you will feel like a creator!
You can experience amazing joy, brightness, bliss and ease when you realize that you no longer need to protect yourself from the world, that it does not want to hurt you and is not full of idiots.
Our trauma is always the flip side of our call, our gifts and our talents. One of the powers of Denial is All-Acceptance, the amazing ability to accept and look into the depths of another’s sacred wound.
When the denial is accepted and transformed, it passes into a certain gift:
- Passion, orientation to relationships with people, courage, sometimes provocation, fluidity (fluids) and the ability to respond.
- Lack of effort, conductor of information into the world.
- A muse for myself and others.
- Looking for the right message and direction (idea, dance) to bring it to the world.
- Genetic talent (connects people with the right ideas)
- It is a great joy for you to find a person or an idea or product that you want to bring into the world.
- They often deal with the shadows of the world, but they have interest and excitement.
- Make something noticeable to others, show value.
- You just have to be well dressed and people will follow you.
- A catalyst, a spark that hits others.
3 Genetic Trauma - Shame
On a deeper level, shame makes you feel like you’re not worth much, and you can spend your energy proving that you’re valuable. Such people may seem obsessed with work. Sometimes you don’t get to them at all.
In the beginning, it can be very uncomfortable to acknowledge and accept yourself as it is.
Everyone wants to avoid shame and not see it. Such people try to occupy their lives with affairs as much as possible so as not to realize what they really feel. They often work with others to prove their worth. Life is used as an excuse to distract from the pain they are experiencing.
They can undress others out of shame. When they are seen, they have a sense of “voice,” vulnerability, like something is wrong, no value in something. As soon as they recognize them, they immediately leave: who is in business, who is in humor, and someone gets up and runs away (physically or morally). It is believed that behind the trauma of shame lies shamelessness.
In general, where our shame is, we are. Some people are ashamed to take money for their work and their influence. Right there in shame is our talent!
It’s important for you not to leave, but to stay enough to live through your fear of “I’m worthless.” You don't have to understand those feelings. It's important not to leave. Stay in it. Let others see you naked. Recognize your worth, love yourself.
The greatest gift is humor, which grows from the contact of the intimate with their feelings. You can see the humor of life around you, laugh at who you are and how your life happens.
4 Genetic Trauma – Fear of Rejection and Betrayal
Even if you have a different injury, it is highly recommended to read the information on the trauma of rejection, and on all others too. One way or another, we all live these themes through our environment, in our lives they can be played sporadically or regularly! This information will also give you a better understanding of others. Six injuries (also known as talents) and combinations of their interactions build any close relationship.
Remember, the trauma is already imprinted in your DNA at the time of birth, but it is waiting for some external impulse, looking for a “trigger” to become an active part of your life. To do this, our most loving loved ones lose this difficult role for us. Most also experience heartbreak as a teenager because of unrequited love.
Then, as we grow, the trauma of rejection turns into an arsenal of weapons and defenses within us. Out of fear of rejection, we learn to protect our hearts from this deep-seated pain.
Then we begin to reject the other, fearing that he will throw us first. Rejection isn’t just about broken relationships and divorces – rejection can be subtle! It takes a great deal of awareness and honesty to see how you do it. We manifest it through words or body language without being aware of it. It's just a few seconds when we're defending ourselves by showing the other that we don't accept it. Sometimes it’s only by a person’s reaction that we know we’ve already pushed them away.
Healing: Gentleness
Your greatest gift is tenderness. Love, first to yourself, then to others. You will learn to be gentle to yourself when you are in pain and to be gentle to others when they are. Thus, one’s own tenderness becomes a weapon in the subject of rejection and there is nothing more to fear.
Some people with this trauma constantly abandon others and in society lose the model of such a fatal heartthrob, identifying with this role as more beneficial for their self-esteem.
All rejection comes from a lack of self-love. We are afraid that we may be offended, but in reality no one else can be responsible for our openness! We open/close our hearts.
The reverse or shadow theme here is related to your desire or unwillingness to face the fear of rejection.
Such a person often carries his fear in the form of tension spreading in the chest. Many people completely forget how freedom from this sensation can be felt without even noticing its presence in the body. When your heart softens, you feel immense joy and relief at chest level. The word “softening” is key to this injury. You need to learn to be gentle and gentle with yourself when you are in pain, and to be gentle and gentle with other people when they are in pain. Remember that the trauma of rejection is universal. And its carriers can launch healing into our collective field. The greater the skill of softening the heart and shedding hard defenses you master, the easier your relationship will become. You will no longer be a victim of someone else’s need to push back, and if someone even treats you cruelly, you will have your own immediate reaction – through tenderness and gentleness to let go of the pain.
We can clearly see how one injury clings to another. Out of fear of rejection, we begin to blame the other for dislike, to feel our Invalidity if we are abandoned, to experience Separation and loneliness, etc. Essentially, the most important thing is to see that the other person acts out of trauma just like you do, that his actions are not directed against you personally, that he is at war with himself (just like you)!
Not everyone is ready to accept this knowledge, and there is no point in communicating it to everyone. The most important thing we can do for the world is to take care of ourselves and cleanse our heart of malice and resentment.
There is an important and simple key to the inner workings – to return to difficult moments in life and relive them with acceptance. This is how we heal our aura and launch new opportunities in our lives.
We need to learn to live our lives not out of trauma, without playing along with the usual patterns of defense. At first, it’s like learning to walk again, it takes time for the skill to become a part of our lives, so that emotions don’t knock us out of the state of awareness.
The fourth theme of trauma is the natural talent of the heart. Such people are able to give a sense of belonging. It's a conversation where nobody leaves. You always feel involved: somewhere it feels like being accepted into a family, as if you are already a soulmate by right of existence. It’s a really amazing feeling of comfort and warmth with such people.
At the level of society, this trauma is transformed into a Call. The moment we transform this theme into a relationship opens up an opportunity for us to express our talents in the collective.
Gifts and Manifestations:
Heart sales (director) is the one who talks. Fear of rejection can make it difficult for them, and that’s what needs to be overcome.
- They came to be an example of open communication, to speak from the heart.
- They can also be very successful in business.
The director of the film - working closely with people, diplomacy, focus, the gift to persuade. They take control and lead everyone to a common ideal, hence the parallels with sales themes.
- A strong theme of loneliness (for recreation) and social activities for the common good.
- They came to influence humanity.
- The gift of opening people's hearts.
- Sales as an excuse to open hearts.
- Make others feel connected.
Genetic Trauma 5 - Guilt
One of the most difficult in the context of shadow. At the same time, such people cannot tolerate complications and proceedings. Such people like to make everything simple and practical. Because of this, they often can not be long in a relationship, as they do something because they “should” not tolerate. Feeling a lot of pressure from others to be someone or something and either running away from it or starting to conform, and in both cases it's not for long. They come into a state of victimhood or attract people into their lives who are themselves in this role. They can also manipulate people by playing on guilt. When you say, “I can’t do it without you.”
Then comes regret and complexity at different levels. Sometimes they end up abandoning relationships altogether.
Healing: Forgiveness
It is impossible to solve this topic through the mind. It is important to start feeling the vibrations of fear in your body. But he does not become a victim of this fear. Transformation through the power of forgiveness, primarily of oneself and others. Stop feeling guilty about other people’s unjustified projections for who you are. And to forgive others for their inconsistency with their expectations. Printing out this trauma is the "Forgiveness" key.
Reverse Side 5 Injuries, CALLING:
Management (promoter, promoter) (keyword: responsibility). 5 and 6 traumas in their gifts together can completely transform our world. In a global sense, they are the vehicles of a new consciousness. You have to ask yourself, what can I do for people and for this land? There are a lot of people out there (especially now, thanks to the internet). They can be responsible for the success or failure of a company. Keyword Power (comes with forgiveness) When you see forgiveness, you will see life. They came to spread self-reinforcing knowledge. The emanation of power (each in his field, for example, through motherhood, various kinds of management). They bear responsibility humbly and easily. It's like oxygen to the soul!
Genetic Trauma 6 – Separation
Very unusual trauma, these are the most deeply sensitive and feeling people. Separation in partnership is the desire to connect, to merge, to become one with another person, as if to return to the unity of life through another. It is difficult for them even on a business trip to leave their soul mate, it seems so scary to be alone. And there is another part that constantly says “no, this person is not close enough to me, why then all this is necessary.”
A person with the trauma of separation is as if he or she is broken up inside, as if different aspects of the soul do not see or recognize each other. Then it really becomes obvious that everything begins and ends only within ourselves, and the outer world is only a reflection.
In this theme lies great wisdom and the very essence of all our sufferings, which again and again bring us back to the theme of separation with the whole, with unity, with God, with the universe. There is also the potential for profound healing.
Separation is the dilemma of human awareness in our times. Through the mind, we experience separation from existence. Our modern mindfulness is primarily in the brain, but identifies with the body and its corresponding physiological and psychological functions. Part of the process of healing our collective trauma is to evolve ourselves into a new mindfulness system that allows us to experience unbroken awareness, one with the Whole.
The trauma of separation is the latest aspect of the development of the Sacred Wound, just as the first trauma of suppression is the earliest in our history. She is always a little sidelined from the rest of the injuries, as if cut off completely from her true source. To heal, you need to become aware of your sense of separation, your detachment, and this can take a long time. It's a complicated and slow process. They are super-sensitive children, so they are often misunderstood. It carries the potential for a genetic mutation in our way of being aware, which means that such children can stand out from others. Ideally, they need time and space to find their way without any outside pressure. However, within our society, such children are quickly conditioned and their sensitivity falls asleep. So your journey will involve reawakening these early gifts.
Waking up people with this trauma topic takes a long time. There is no speed method here. Many at a conscious age begin to seek spiritual teachers to recover their gifts and opportunities. Also a very strong theme of life is loneliness, so for partnerships this trauma is not easy. Sometimes you may feel as if you are separated by a wall or doors with a powerful lock from the outside world that other people inhabit. It is important for you to see and understand that you are not a victim of the system or someone else’s mistakes.
Only you can bring yourself back into this world. You need to learn to include yourself again and again. Your life is an enriching journey of taking care of yourself. And when your heart softens again, you will want to take care of others and the world. As you learn to care about the world, the planet, and most importantly, yourself, you will see that you have so much to share. You will be the center of the transformation that awaits our planet.
Healing: Taking Care of Yourself and Others
It is important to see that you are not a victim of the system and other people’s mistakes. Just bring yourself back to life, no one else will. Start taking care of yourself to get your heart back to people, start taking care of others and the world around you. Through care, when you care, you will begin to come alive. As you learn to take care of yourself, people, and the world around you, you will be at the center of the greatest transformation that is already taking place.
You have to write down your experience in some way so that others learn from you. Of course, this is not necessarily true; life itself offers the potential to express this wisdom. People born with this realm of deep-seated trauma don’t seem to incarnate in this life as a whole. They have the feeling that part of their consciousness is left somewhere outside, and they spend their lives looking for it, wanting to connect. To some extent, that's true. They live their way in this separation from life. And for any relationship, it's a challenge, because it's like they're not entirely here yet.
Once again, you need to take care of yourself. It takes time to grow, to go through transformation, to get yourself back. Their hearts must sing again. They need to take care of themselves with the greatest compassion, allowing life to go its own way and discover, sooner or later, the meaning of what is happening.
There will come a time when you will find your home. And when that happens... it will be a great celebration and bring great wisdom. Ultimately, they will be the people who most deeply understand the collective wounds in each person. When their hearts come to life, they will understand. Such people sometimes go through long periods of loneliness, separation from others, when they do not feel real warmth. But in the end, they realize it’s all for the best. This is part of the mission they came here for.
Gifts.6 Injuries - Call
Philanthropist (investor)
Department of Love for Humanity (Robin Hood)
The gift of clear perception.
Pioneers of a new vision.
The most forward-thinking.
Invest money, energy in people and projects that are recognized as viable and serve the good of humanity. Long-term vision ensures the viability of any business.
High ideals, goals, natural generosity.
Remember, it all starts with acknowledging what you’ve noticed. It is not necessary to fight or correct, it is easy to notice, stop doing and thereby change – to show your talents and abilities to the fullest in order to continue enjoying life!
Good luck to all of us and do not forget your ancestors, address them with questions and requests, just communicate - you can always, they will always help you and prompt you. . .
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: www.ranibu.ru/ponyatie-roda-i-geneticheskaya-travma.html
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