7 keys to the novel "The Master and Margarita", revealing the secrets of this book

mysticism and mystery envelop novel "Master and Margarita", is partly to blame for what the author himself, who made the heroes of romance - and quite charming characters - all kinds of evil. Site offers a dive into the special atmosphere of the beautiful Bulgakov proizvedeniya.Rasskazyvaet LiveJournal blogger Toomth:
seven keys are collected in our survey, which reveal some of the key moments of the novel, lifting the veil of secrecy, and illustrations of the different editions of the novel Bulgakov.
1. Literary mistifikatsiya

Scientists do know that Bulgakov enthusiastically studied German mysticism period of the XIX century. It was after reading a treatise on God, demonology Christian and Jewish faith, legends about the devil, the writer decided the creation of the book, and all this has a mention in the product. Its novel the writer has changed several times.
The first time the book was written in the 1928-1929 years. It was invented by several names: "Juggler with the hoof", "black magician" ... And no Master and Margarita. The central character of the first edition of the novel was the devil, and, in fact, the book is strongly reminiscent of "Faust." This is only a book never saw the light, and we know very little about it, as the ban by a play called "The Cabal of Hypocrites", Bulgakov decided to burn the manuscript.
The second novel was called "Satan, or the Grand Chancellor." The main hero of the work becomes a fallen angel. In this edition of Bulgakov has come up with the Master and Margarita, it was a place for Woland with his entourage, but she did not see the light.
The name "The Master and Margarita," the writer picked up for a third of the manuscript, which was released by publishing houses, unfortunately, was unable to finish the work of Bulgakov.
2. The Many Faces of Voland

If you read the novel, no-brainer, it seems that Woland is a positive character who became the patron of art and love, the hero, who is trying to fight the evils inherent in the people. < But Woland is the Tempter, and a careful reading becomes noticeable its diversity. In fact Voland is a Satan, a rethinking of Christ, the new Messiah, so the hero, which Bulgakov described it in his first unpublished manuscripts.
< br> To understand the diversity of Woland is possible only with careful reading of "The Master and Margarita." Only then you will notice the similarity with the Scandinavian hero Odin, turned into the devil's Christian traditions, or the god Wotan, who was worshiped old Germanic pagan tribes. < Voland has a portrait resemblance to Mason and great magician Count Cagliostro, who could predict the future and remember the events of a thousand years ago.
Attentive readers will certainly remember a time when officials remembered the name of the magician, and speculated that his name Faland. Indeed, in tune with Woland, but not only is it interesting. Few people know that Falandom in Germany called hell.
3. Sweet Satan
Notable characters with ambiguous past in "Master and Margarita" began Behemoth, Azazello and Koroviev-Fagot. The writer presented them as instruments of justice used by the devil.
Image Azazello killer demon and the demon of the waterless desert, the writer took from the Old Testament. So it is in these books called fallen angels, who taught people to create ornaments and weapons. And he taught women to paint his face, that the biblical books ranked among the lascivious arts, because it is this character Bulgakov pushed Margarita on a dark path, giving her cream. Azazello - this is an absolute evil, which poisons and kills lovers Meigel

Every reader of the novel is remembered for a lifetime Hippo. It werecat that for Voland is a favorite clown. The prototype of this character was the mythological beast described in the Old Testament, the devil of gluttony mystical legends. In drawing up the image of the cat Behemoth writer used the information learned in the study of the history of Anne Dezanzh. She lived in the XVII century and, allegedly, was possessed by seven devils immediately. One of them was a demon of the rank of Thrones, named Behemoth. They depict him as a monster with the head of an elephant and scary fangs. On hippo demon like a short tail, a huge belly and thick hind legs, and his hands were human.
< The only person in the devil's retinue Voland was Koroviev-Fagot. The researchers can not accurately set who is the prototype of Bulgakov's character, but suggest that its roots go back to God Vitsliputsli. The assumption is built on the basis of a call Homeless and Berlioz, which mentions the name of the Aztec god of war, who sacrificed. If you believe the legends about Faust, it is not easy Vitsliputsli spirit of hell and Satan's first assistant.
4. Queen Margot
This character is very much like the last wife of Bulgakov. The writer also emphasized in the book "The Master and Margarita" special relationship with this character French Queen Margot, the wife of Henry IV. On the way to the ball fat Satan finds Marguerite and calls her "the queen of light," and then he mentions a wedding in Paris, which, as a result, became a bloody St. Bartholomew's night. Bulgakov writes about and the Parisian publisher Gessar that in "Master and Margarita" novel takes part in the massacre of St. Bartholomew. Historic Queen Margaret was a patron of poets and writers - Bulgakov in his book, spoke about the love of Marguerite to the brilliant writer Master
5.. Moscow - Ershalaim

In the novel, a lot of mysteries and one of them is the time at which events are developing "The Master and Margarita». You can not find a single date on which it was possible to continue to maintain the report. Refers to the action of 1-7 May 1929, which accounted for Holy Week. In parallel, "Pilatova chapters" action developed during the week 29 or 30, in Yershalaim, which also describes the Holy Week. In the first part of the novel's action in these stories develop in parallel, in the second part they begin to intertwine with each other and then to merge into a single story. At this time, the story takes on integrity, goes into the underworld. Yershalaim now move to Moscow.
6. Kabbalistic roots
When studying novel experts came to the conclusion that in the writing of the work Bulgakov keen not only Kabbalistic teachings. In the mouth Voland you can sometimes hear the concept of Jewish mysticism.
There in the book when Woland says that the nothing and can never ask, especially strong. According to him, people will give and offer. This cabalistic teachings forbid accept anything if it does not give the Creator. The Christian faith is allowed to ask for alms. Hasidim believe that human beings are created in God's image and therefore it is necessary to constantly work.
"The light" is traced in the product and the concept. It is throughout the book is accompanied by Woland. Moonlight disappears only after Satan and his entourage disappear. To interpret the light can be different, for example, there are teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. If you look at everything a little differently, it becomes clear that this concept coincides with the basic idea of kabbalistic teachings on which the Torah is light. The idea of Kabbalah says that only by human desires depends on the achievement of "the light of life", which coincides with the basic idea of a novel about the independent choice of the person.
7. Last rukopis

By writing the last book edition, which eventually was released by publishing houses, Bulgakov began in 1937. Until his death, the writer worked on the creation of this product. In the novel, it took 12 years, and yet it turned out to be incomplete. Scientists can not understand the reason.
They suggest that the author himself felt a little knowledgeable in early Christian texts and Jewish demonology, an amateur in some areas. < His latest novel Bulgakov gave his last vitality. The last change was the introduction of novel phrases Margarita about writers, walking behind the coffin. It is February 13, 1940, and a month later Mr Mikhail died. His last words of the novel was the phrase "To know, to know ...»
via toomth.livejournal.com/3043307.html
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