23 unbeatable quote from the cult novel "The Master and Margarita." Eternal masterpiece of literature!
Today, the famous novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of world literature. Mysterious, covered mysticism work to date is the focus of the discussions of eminent philosophers, literary critics, as well as the true connoisseurs of belles-lettres. Due to the unusual structure of the novel "The Master and Margarita" is a many-voiced and combines the features of a farce, burlesque, satire, travesty, mysticism, parables, and even melodrama. This literary creation contains many allusions to the Scriptures and in common with the "Faust" by Goethe's great. On the "Master and Margarita" You can even write laudatory odes mountains, but the fact remains - in spite of all sorts of accusations of blasphemy writer and sharp criticism from the church, this book is deservedly beloved by millions of readers around the world.
Today, the team has decided to join the site and beauty store for you 23 with nothing comparable quotes from the genius of the novel "The Master and Margarita" ... There is nothing in this world is eternal, but the manuscript, as you know, do not burn!
Did you know?
- The very first version of the product was such potential options titles: "Black Magician", "touring", "The Juggler with the hoof", "Hoof engineer", "Son of Vladimir." And in a later revision was a version of the name, as "Satan».
- March 18, 1930 after receiving the news about the banning of the play "The Cabal of Hypocrites," the author with his own hands destroyed the first version of the novel. But in 1931, the work on "Master and Margarita" has resumed.
- In the early editions of the novel Voland name Astaroth.
- In "Master and Margarita" contains some hidden dating. Master - one of the most autobiographical characters. On it was written: Master - is a «a man of about thirty-eight». I> the same age in 1929 was to Bulgakov. 1929 - the start of work on a novel.
- Apartments Bulgakov repeatedly searched the NKVD, as they were aware of the existence of the draft, "The Master and Margarita».
- The writer created his literary work in the atmosphere of Moscow 30s, during the fall of spirituality, morals and the destruction of religious traditions.
- Bulgakov wrote "Master and Margarita", a total of more than 10 years.
- According to the writer's widow, Elena Sergeevna, Bulgakov's last words of the novel "The Master and Margarita" before he died were: «to know ... to know». I>
- The setting of the novel - st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, d. 10, kv. 50 - in the 80 years it has become very popular. At the entrance to this address constantly going to different young people. Now there are two museums dedicated to the works of Bulgakov.
This cult book simply is entirely possible to disassemble the quotes! It is an eternal work of art, which will undoubtedly be counted more than one generation. Share these unique quotes with your friends!
via ofigenno ru
Today, the team has decided to join the site and beauty store for you 23 with nothing comparable quotes from the genius of the novel "The Master and Margarita" ... There is nothing in this world is eternal, but the manuscript, as you know, do not burn!

Did you know?

- The very first version of the product was such potential options titles: "Black Magician", "touring", "The Juggler with the hoof", "Hoof engineer", "Son of Vladimir." And in a later revision was a version of the name, as "Satan».
- March 18, 1930 after receiving the news about the banning of the play "The Cabal of Hypocrites," the author with his own hands destroyed the first version of the novel. But in 1931, the work on "Master and Margarita" has resumed.
- In the early editions of the novel Voland name Astaroth.
- In "Master and Margarita" contains some hidden dating. Master - one of the most autobiographical characters. On it was written: Master - is a «a man of about thirty-eight». I> the same age in 1929 was to Bulgakov. 1929 - the start of work on a novel.
- Apartments Bulgakov repeatedly searched the NKVD, as they were aware of the existence of the draft, "The Master and Margarita».
- The writer created his literary work in the atmosphere of Moscow 30s, during the fall of spirituality, morals and the destruction of religious traditions.
- Bulgakov wrote "Master and Margarita", a total of more than 10 years.
- According to the writer's widow, Elena Sergeevna, Bulgakov's last words of the novel "The Master and Margarita" before he died were: «to know ... to know». I>
- The setting of the novel - st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, d. 10, kv. 50 - in the 80 years it has become very popular. At the entrance to this address constantly going to different young people. Now there are two museums dedicated to the works of Bulgakov.
This cult book simply is entirely possible to disassemble the quotes! It is an eternal work of art, which will undoubtedly be counted more than one generation. Share these unique quotes with your friends!
via ofigenno ru
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