10 of the best modern Russian novels
1. Pavel Sanaev — "Bury me behind a plinth"
The book blew the domestic book market and has gained not just a cult, but legendary status! A novel in which the theme of growing up though flips upside the head and acquires features of surreal humor!
The book in which Homeric funny and sophisticated evil prodiraetsya the idea of a happy childhood.
Sensitive and intelligent Sanaev understood everything correctly. Because the value of his novels is increasing, and it is guaranteed a place in the history of Russian literature.
2. Lyudmila Ulitskaya "Green tent"
"Green tent" is a novel about love, about destinies, and about characters. This is a real psychological prose. However, new work Ulitskaya wider these definitions.
"Green tent" sounds well, note the common guilt, a common misfortune and shining fragile hint of universal forgiveness is relevant to all people of the late twentieth century. It is a novel about what true maturity in the present civilization is almost never achieved, especially when wanting to fly and deploy the wings, the person presses a load of ideological, power, lead, castrating.
Childishness (or podrostkovoy) is increasingly prevalent in the modern world as the eternal state, when it was found the main thing in the person, but immature, nedobiraet. What should follow the child, ugly, accomplished or not accomplished. Formed teenage civilization, where people no longer grow up. In this book, Ulitskaya offers an innovative formula like anti-Bildungsromanа, and this formula certainly many will provide material for discussions and conversations.
And, as always with Ulitskaya, in addition to the ideological and moral message, there are still emotional painting, and one of her unique gift, which brings the book into dozens of languages to millions of readers.
3. Victor Pelevin — "Pineapple water for a beautiful lady"
Victor Pelevin is a quality premium brand in the Russian market, which over the years has proven itself flawlessly. Pelevin's books are avidly read by the students, and the oligarchs, politicians and Housewives. Quoting them at fashionable parties and in popular media, they should read the President of the Russian Federation!
Opening a new book Pelevin, You are guaranteed to receive high quality literature and topical philosophy from one of the most original and boldly-minded people of today.
To celebrate the New year in the natural period of increasing demand and search for meaningful gifts, a new book by Victor Pelevin "Pineapple water for a beautiful lady" promises to be one of the most exciting and successful events on the book market!
4. Maya Kucherskaya Is "Aunt Motya"
Maya Kucherskaya, novelist, literary critic; author of the novel "the rain God" (the prize "Student Booker") and the book "Modern Paterik. Read for fallen into despair" ("Buninskaya prize").
Aunt Motya (real name Marina) — in the past the teacher of Russian and literature, now a proofreader of the weekly newspaper and heroine of the novel Kucharski.
"Adultery is vulgar entertainment for the inhabitants of the women's novels," — says Aunt, but... suddenly finds himself in the middle of a romantic relationship. And spun: a love affair, which she is anxious and ashamed, stuffy family life, the crazy rhythm of the newspaper...
And then she finds the diary of a country teacher: leisurely life of a backwater town, pictures of the disappeared Russian life, scenes from the Nizhny Novgorod fair and tea plantations in Ceylon.
It remains only to understand where the real life with its imitation.
5. Dina Rubina "White blueberries Cordoba"
The novel by Dina Rubina "White dove of Cordoba" is a book about a real Artist, a lover of art adventurer, a forger with the soul of a true genius. A brilliant intellectual and a charming rogue male Korovin left Russia, enjoys life. Lectures about Velasquez, writes books and... fake paintings, passing them off as originals. From time to time everything goes well but only until the past will not show Cordovano your ill account. "White dove of Cordoba" is one of the best novels Dina Rubina, beloved by millions of readers in Russia and around the world!
6. Sergey Minaev — "The Chicks. A tale of false love"
In the new book "The Heifers" Sergey Minaev returns to the manner of his cult novel "duhless". Only now his main character Andrew Mirkin — a classic representative of the generation of twenty-five inhabitants of the Russian cities. He is a secular journalist and an active party-goer and womanizer. Andrew at the same time turns the two novels, deftly manipulating the girls. They are looking for love, looking for entertainment in the interiors of the Moscow clubs, restaurants, offices and bedrooms. But one day, everything around you begins to crumble and life, which had seemed so bright and successful, suddenly turns into a Thriller.
And the main character of the book — Love. She can forgive all. Or almost everything. When Love takes revenge, she does not think about the consequences. As a woman who once betrayed lover...
7. Zakhar Prilepin — "Sanka"
The seventh edition of the novel "Sanka", the most famous book by young Nizhny Novgorod writer Zakhar Prilepin.
In 2006, the novel has twice appeared in the shortlist of influential prize"national bestseller" and "Russian Booker"), and in 2007 received the award "Yasnaya Polyana" with the words "For an outstanding work of modern literature" and was voted "Best foreign novel of the year" in China. Translated into Chinese, Polish and French.
8. Alexander Terekhov — "The Germans"
Alexander Terekhov is the author of the novels "Memoirs of military service", "Ratslayer", "Babaev," bestseller "Stone bridge" (the prize "BIG BOOK", the short list of "RUSSIAN BOOKER"), translated into English and Italian.
If the hero of "the Stone bridge" immersed in the recent Stalinist past, enchanted by the secrets of the "red aristocracy", the main character of the novel "the Germans" tells the story of what is happening in our days. Eberhard, head of the press center in one of the prefectures clever and ironic skeptic, quite learned the laws of the bureaucratic elite. However, the position of the conformist suddenly turns into a sudden collapse of the career. Personal life is also not so easy: everything is subordinated to the struggle for the daughter from his first marriage.
Sharp satire of manners pushed to the limit, "thought family" expressed with startling frankness...
9. Dmitry Bykov — "X"
The story rolled on living people, as a skating rink. As a big scary wheel, someone leaving in one piece, and someone breaking in two. Man "to" the scrapping of the era and he "after the" scrapping of one man, or is unpredictable centaur, capable of heroism and villainy at the same time?
In the new novel by Dmitry Bykov "X" told a great story of the great Soviet writer who lost half of his personality on the way to glory. Bulls reveals a truly Dantean circles of hell, hidden in a soul, and even finds the magic formula of immortality...
10. Eduard Limonov "It's me, Eddie"
"It's me, Eddie" (1979) most famous composition of Eduard Limonov (b. 1943) and the most scandalous novel of all ever written in the Russian language. No one has yet managed to surpass its high degree of openness and purity of literary execution. Leading themes of the novel — tragedy of love, erotic experiences (heterosexual and homosexual), the loneliness of a Russian immigrant in America.
No person under the age of majority, reading is not recommended. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/1poetry?w=wall-38683579_105757
The book blew the domestic book market and has gained not just a cult, but legendary status! A novel in which the theme of growing up though flips upside the head and acquires features of surreal humor!
The book in which Homeric funny and sophisticated evil prodiraetsya the idea of a happy childhood.
Sensitive and intelligent Sanaev understood everything correctly. Because the value of his novels is increasing, and it is guaranteed a place in the history of Russian literature.
2. Lyudmila Ulitskaya "Green tent"
"Green tent" is a novel about love, about destinies, and about characters. This is a real psychological prose. However, new work Ulitskaya wider these definitions.
"Green tent" sounds well, note the common guilt, a common misfortune and shining fragile hint of universal forgiveness is relevant to all people of the late twentieth century. It is a novel about what true maturity in the present civilization is almost never achieved, especially when wanting to fly and deploy the wings, the person presses a load of ideological, power, lead, castrating.
Childishness (or podrostkovoy) is increasingly prevalent in the modern world as the eternal state, when it was found the main thing in the person, but immature, nedobiraet. What should follow the child, ugly, accomplished or not accomplished. Formed teenage civilization, where people no longer grow up. In this book, Ulitskaya offers an innovative formula like anti-Bildungsromanа, and this formula certainly many will provide material for discussions and conversations.
And, as always with Ulitskaya, in addition to the ideological and moral message, there are still emotional painting, and one of her unique gift, which brings the book into dozens of languages to millions of readers.
3. Victor Pelevin — "Pineapple water for a beautiful lady"
Victor Pelevin is a quality premium brand in the Russian market, which over the years has proven itself flawlessly. Pelevin's books are avidly read by the students, and the oligarchs, politicians and Housewives. Quoting them at fashionable parties and in popular media, they should read the President of the Russian Federation!
Opening a new book Pelevin, You are guaranteed to receive high quality literature and topical philosophy from one of the most original and boldly-minded people of today.
To celebrate the New year in the natural period of increasing demand and search for meaningful gifts, a new book by Victor Pelevin "Pineapple water for a beautiful lady" promises to be one of the most exciting and successful events on the book market!
4. Maya Kucherskaya Is "Aunt Motya"
Maya Kucherskaya, novelist, literary critic; author of the novel "the rain God" (the prize "Student Booker") and the book "Modern Paterik. Read for fallen into despair" ("Buninskaya prize").
Aunt Motya (real name Marina) — in the past the teacher of Russian and literature, now a proofreader of the weekly newspaper and heroine of the novel Kucharski.
"Adultery is vulgar entertainment for the inhabitants of the women's novels," — says Aunt, but... suddenly finds himself in the middle of a romantic relationship. And spun: a love affair, which she is anxious and ashamed, stuffy family life, the crazy rhythm of the newspaper...
And then she finds the diary of a country teacher: leisurely life of a backwater town, pictures of the disappeared Russian life, scenes from the Nizhny Novgorod fair and tea plantations in Ceylon.
It remains only to understand where the real life with its imitation.
5. Dina Rubina "White blueberries Cordoba"
The novel by Dina Rubina "White dove of Cordoba" is a book about a real Artist, a lover of art adventurer, a forger with the soul of a true genius. A brilliant intellectual and a charming rogue male Korovin left Russia, enjoys life. Lectures about Velasquez, writes books and... fake paintings, passing them off as originals. From time to time everything goes well but only until the past will not show Cordovano your ill account. "White dove of Cordoba" is one of the best novels Dina Rubina, beloved by millions of readers in Russia and around the world!
6. Sergey Minaev — "The Chicks. A tale of false love"
In the new book "The Heifers" Sergey Minaev returns to the manner of his cult novel "duhless". Only now his main character Andrew Mirkin — a classic representative of the generation of twenty-five inhabitants of the Russian cities. He is a secular journalist and an active party-goer and womanizer. Andrew at the same time turns the two novels, deftly manipulating the girls. They are looking for love, looking for entertainment in the interiors of the Moscow clubs, restaurants, offices and bedrooms. But one day, everything around you begins to crumble and life, which had seemed so bright and successful, suddenly turns into a Thriller.
And the main character of the book — Love. She can forgive all. Or almost everything. When Love takes revenge, she does not think about the consequences. As a woman who once betrayed lover...
7. Zakhar Prilepin — "Sanka"
The seventh edition of the novel "Sanka", the most famous book by young Nizhny Novgorod writer Zakhar Prilepin.
In 2006, the novel has twice appeared in the shortlist of influential prize"national bestseller" and "Russian Booker"), and in 2007 received the award "Yasnaya Polyana" with the words "For an outstanding work of modern literature" and was voted "Best foreign novel of the year" in China. Translated into Chinese, Polish and French.
8. Alexander Terekhov — "The Germans"
Alexander Terekhov is the author of the novels "Memoirs of military service", "Ratslayer", "Babaev," bestseller "Stone bridge" (the prize "BIG BOOK", the short list of "RUSSIAN BOOKER"), translated into English and Italian.
If the hero of "the Stone bridge" immersed in the recent Stalinist past, enchanted by the secrets of the "red aristocracy", the main character of the novel "the Germans" tells the story of what is happening in our days. Eberhard, head of the press center in one of the prefectures clever and ironic skeptic, quite learned the laws of the bureaucratic elite. However, the position of the conformist suddenly turns into a sudden collapse of the career. Personal life is also not so easy: everything is subordinated to the struggle for the daughter from his first marriage.
Sharp satire of manners pushed to the limit, "thought family" expressed with startling frankness...
9. Dmitry Bykov — "X"
The story rolled on living people, as a skating rink. As a big scary wheel, someone leaving in one piece, and someone breaking in two. Man "to" the scrapping of the era and he "after the" scrapping of one man, or is unpredictable centaur, capable of heroism and villainy at the same time?
In the new novel by Dmitry Bykov "X" told a great story of the great Soviet writer who lost half of his personality on the way to glory. Bulls reveals a truly Dantean circles of hell, hidden in a soul, and even finds the magic formula of immortality...
10. Eduard Limonov "It's me, Eddie"
"It's me, Eddie" (1979) most famous composition of Eduard Limonov (b. 1943) and the most scandalous novel of all ever written in the Russian language. No one has yet managed to surpass its high degree of openness and purity of literary execution. Leading themes of the novel — tragedy of love, erotic experiences (heterosexual and homosexual), the loneliness of a Russian immigrant in America.
No person under the age of majority, reading is not recommended. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/1poetry?w=wall-38683579_105757
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