12 statements of the enemies of the Russian soldier
February 28, 1915 in the German ring in the August woods of East Prussia died rearguard of the 20th Corps of the 10th Russian Army. Soldiers and officers, having spent ammunition, went to a bayonet attack and were almost at point-blank shot by German artillery and machine guns. More than 7,000 died surrounded by the rest captured. Russian admired the courage of the Germans. The German war correspondent Brandt wrote: "Trying to break was complete madness, but madness is sacred - heroism, which showed a Russian soldier as we know it since the days of Skobelev, Pleven assault, battles in the Caucasus and the storming of Warsaw! Russian soldiers can fight very well, it carries all sorts of deprivation and can be persistent, even if it inevitably faces certain death at the same time! »
We have compiled a selection of the characteristics of the fighting qualities of our soldiers and officers by their opponents.
1. Robert Wilson, a British officer, The War of 1812:
"Bayonet is the true Russian weapons. Some Englishmen can argue with them the exclusive right to these things weapons. But inasmuch as Russian soldiers selected from a large number of people, with great attention to its solid quality, and their shelf should have much more superiority.
Russian bravery in the field is unparalleled. The most difficult thing for the human mind (in 1807) was that to operate during the Russian retreat. When General Bennigsen, trying to escape the attack of the enemy, withdrew by Yankov, during the dark nights of the Polish winter, despite the superiority of the French forces, extends to 90 thousand people, the indignation of the Russian soldiers were so boldly, the requirement of the battle so strongly and persistently, and started from of confusion became so great that General Bennigsen was forced to promise to fulfill their demand ».
2. Tadeuchi Sakurai, a Japanese lieutenant, a member of the storming of Port Arthur:
"... In spite of all our resentment against Russian, we still recognize their courage and bravery, and their stubborn defense within 58 hours deserves deep respect and praise ...
Among those killed in the trenches we found a Russian soldier with a bandaged head, apparently already wounded in the head, after tying it again rose to the ranks of his comrades, and continued to fight until the new bullet did not put him to death ... »
3. French naval officer, witness the battle of the "Varyag" and "Korean»:
"Fight" Varyag "and" Korean ", breast shells met with six large Japanese ships and mines with eight torpedo boats, will remain unforgettable event of this century. The heroism of the Russian sailors not only gave the Japanese the possibility to seize both vessels, but prompted to leave the Russian battle only after the enemy squadron was dealt a defeat. One of the Japanese destroyers sunk. The Japanese wanted to hide it, and sent his men cut off the mast and the pipe that protruded from under the water even on the day after the fight, but the officers of foreign vessels have witnessed this fact, and so the Japanese can not deny it. With foreign ships have seen, besides, that the battleship "Assam" were inflicted serious damage: between his tube show the fire, and then the ship lurched heavily. Not wanting to leave anything Japanese, Russian merchant ship crew "Songhua" gave it a fire and asked for shelter at the "Pascal" (French ship), who took the command ».
4. Steiner, witness the death of the 20th Corps of the 10th Russian Army, World:
"He is a Russian soldier, stand loss and keeps even when death is imminent for him».
5. Background Pozek General, World:
"Russian cavalry was a worthy opponent. Personnel was great ... Russian cavalry never shied away from a fight on horseback and on foot. Russian often went on the attack on our machine guns and artillery, even when their attack was doomed to defeat. They did not pay any attention to the strength of our fire, nor their loss »
6. German party fighting on the Eastern Front, World:
"... Within a few hours the entire front edge of the Russian has been under fire of our heavy artillery. Trenches were just plowed and razed to the ground, it seemed to live there no more. But our infantry went on the attack. And then Russian positions come alive: here and there heard the shots typical Russian rifles. And now figures in gray uniforms are displayed everywhere - up to the Russian breakaway counter attack ... Our infantry undecided slows the pace of the offensive ... You hear the signal to sail ... »
7. Military Observer Austrian newspaper Pester Loyd, World:
"It would be ridiculous to speak with contempt of the Russian pilots. Russian pilots more dangerous enemies than the French. Russian pilots are cold-blooded. The Russian attacks, maybe planlessness as well as the French, but in the air Russian pilots steadfast and can carry heavy losses without any panic, the Russian pilot there is a terrible enemy ».
8. Franz Halder, Colonel General, Chief of Staff of Land Forces, World War II:
"Data from the front confirms that Russian everywhere fighting to the last man ... It is striking that the capture of the artillery batteries, etc. prisoner shall be few. Part of Russian fighting until they were killed, others fled, throwing off the uniforms and try to get out of the environment under the guise of peasants ».
"It should be noted the persistence of certain compounds in the Russian battle. There have been cases where the garrisons of pillboxes blew himself up along with pillboxes, not wanting to surrender ».
9. Ludwig von Kleist, Field Marshal, World:
"Russian from the very beginning showed himself as a first-class soldiers, and our success in the first months of the war were due to a better preparation. Having gained combat experience, they have become first-class soldiers. They fought with exceptional tenacity, had amazing stamina ... »
10. Erich von Manstein, Field Marshal, World:
"It often happened that the Soviet soldiers raised their hands to show that they give us into captivity, and after our Marines approached them, they again resorted to arms; wounded or feign death and then shot in the rear of our troops ».
11. Gunther Blumentritt, General, Chief of Staff of the 4th Army, World War II:
"Russian soldiers prefer melee. His ability to endure without flinching deprivation is a true surprise. This is a Russian soldier, whom we have learned and imbued with respect to which a quarter of a century ago ».
"The behavior of Russian troops even in the first battle was in striking contrast with the behavior of Poles and Western allies in the defeat. Even surrounded by Russian heavy fighting continued. Where roads were not, in most cases, Russian remained inaccessible. They are always trying to break through to the east ... Our environment Russian rarely successful ».
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We have compiled a selection of the characteristics of the fighting qualities of our soldiers and officers by their opponents.

1. Robert Wilson, a British officer, The War of 1812:
"Bayonet is the true Russian weapons. Some Englishmen can argue with them the exclusive right to these things weapons. But inasmuch as Russian soldiers selected from a large number of people, with great attention to its solid quality, and their shelf should have much more superiority.
Russian bravery in the field is unparalleled. The most difficult thing for the human mind (in 1807) was that to operate during the Russian retreat. When General Bennigsen, trying to escape the attack of the enemy, withdrew by Yankov, during the dark nights of the Polish winter, despite the superiority of the French forces, extends to 90 thousand people, the indignation of the Russian soldiers were so boldly, the requirement of the battle so strongly and persistently, and started from of confusion became so great that General Bennigsen was forced to promise to fulfill their demand ».
2. Tadeuchi Sakurai, a Japanese lieutenant, a member of the storming of Port Arthur:
"... In spite of all our resentment against Russian, we still recognize their courage and bravery, and their stubborn defense within 58 hours deserves deep respect and praise ...
Among those killed in the trenches we found a Russian soldier with a bandaged head, apparently already wounded in the head, after tying it again rose to the ranks of his comrades, and continued to fight until the new bullet did not put him to death ... »
3. French naval officer, witness the battle of the "Varyag" and "Korean»:
"Fight" Varyag "and" Korean ", breast shells met with six large Japanese ships and mines with eight torpedo boats, will remain unforgettable event of this century. The heroism of the Russian sailors not only gave the Japanese the possibility to seize both vessels, but prompted to leave the Russian battle only after the enemy squadron was dealt a defeat. One of the Japanese destroyers sunk. The Japanese wanted to hide it, and sent his men cut off the mast and the pipe that protruded from under the water even on the day after the fight, but the officers of foreign vessels have witnessed this fact, and so the Japanese can not deny it. With foreign ships have seen, besides, that the battleship "Assam" were inflicted serious damage: between his tube show the fire, and then the ship lurched heavily. Not wanting to leave anything Japanese, Russian merchant ship crew "Songhua" gave it a fire and asked for shelter at the "Pascal" (French ship), who took the command ».
4. Steiner, witness the death of the 20th Corps of the 10th Russian Army, World:
"He is a Russian soldier, stand loss and keeps even when death is imminent for him».
5. Background Pozek General, World:
"Russian cavalry was a worthy opponent. Personnel was great ... Russian cavalry never shied away from a fight on horseback and on foot. Russian often went on the attack on our machine guns and artillery, even when their attack was doomed to defeat. They did not pay any attention to the strength of our fire, nor their loss »
6. German party fighting on the Eastern Front, World:
"... Within a few hours the entire front edge of the Russian has been under fire of our heavy artillery. Trenches were just plowed and razed to the ground, it seemed to live there no more. But our infantry went on the attack. And then Russian positions come alive: here and there heard the shots typical Russian rifles. And now figures in gray uniforms are displayed everywhere - up to the Russian breakaway counter attack ... Our infantry undecided slows the pace of the offensive ... You hear the signal to sail ... »
7. Military Observer Austrian newspaper Pester Loyd, World:
"It would be ridiculous to speak with contempt of the Russian pilots. Russian pilots more dangerous enemies than the French. Russian pilots are cold-blooded. The Russian attacks, maybe planlessness as well as the French, but in the air Russian pilots steadfast and can carry heavy losses without any panic, the Russian pilot there is a terrible enemy ».
8. Franz Halder, Colonel General, Chief of Staff of Land Forces, World War II:
"Data from the front confirms that Russian everywhere fighting to the last man ... It is striking that the capture of the artillery batteries, etc. prisoner shall be few. Part of Russian fighting until they were killed, others fled, throwing off the uniforms and try to get out of the environment under the guise of peasants ».
"It should be noted the persistence of certain compounds in the Russian battle. There have been cases where the garrisons of pillboxes blew himself up along with pillboxes, not wanting to surrender ».
9. Ludwig von Kleist, Field Marshal, World:
"Russian from the very beginning showed himself as a first-class soldiers, and our success in the first months of the war were due to a better preparation. Having gained combat experience, they have become first-class soldiers. They fought with exceptional tenacity, had amazing stamina ... »
10. Erich von Manstein, Field Marshal, World:
"It often happened that the Soviet soldiers raised their hands to show that they give us into captivity, and after our Marines approached them, they again resorted to arms; wounded or feign death and then shot in the rear of our troops ».
11. Gunther Blumentritt, General, Chief of Staff of the 4th Army, World War II:
"Russian soldiers prefer melee. His ability to endure without flinching deprivation is a true surprise. This is a Russian soldier, whom we have learned and imbued with respect to which a quarter of a century ago ».
"The behavior of Russian troops even in the first battle was in striking contrast with the behavior of Poles and Western allies in the defeat. Even surrounded by Russian heavy fighting continued. Where roads were not, in most cases, Russian remained inaccessible. They are always trying to break through to the east ... Our environment Russian rarely successful ».
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