The list of "enemies of the people" appeared on the Internet

The Russian Prosecutor General's office began checking on the fact of the appearance of the Web "list of enemies of the Russian people." He published one of the extremist sites. Among the defenders were unwanted, law enforcement officials and judges of the Supreme Court.
In each of the list gathered detailed dossier listing work and home telephone numbers, address, and other personal data. In addition to the regular issue of how personal information is snared, there is another question about the safety of those who are on this list.
At this time, on behalf of the Russian people made extremely nationalist organization, which in a recent publication complained of a lack of attention. The "enemies list" are the human rights activists, as well as participants of anti-extremist centers, the judges of the Supreme Court, and just people who for one reason or another did not like nationalists.
Direct calls to violence on this page is not, but in other sections of the site, according to the newspaper "Kommersant", was published, that the enemy should not be spared. Unlike previous lists that others were to publicly read out, and the stigma is collected online real-base.
Tatyana Chernysheva, Acting Head of Media Relations of the Russian Federation Prosecutor General's Office: "The internet reception Prosecutor General's Office received a complaint from a group of citizens in connection with the placement of one of the sites of the nationalist wing" list of enemies of the Russian people, "which includes well-known human rights defenders and political figures.
In this incident started checking. The audit will be given a legal assessment of the facts available on the Internet relevant material. "
About the website owner knows little. He was a member for a year in the United States, as well as the contact person listed citizen who lives there. Russian human rights activists believe that the state should not leave such actions without response.
Lyudmila Alexeyeva, a representative of the Moscow Helsinki Group, "I see no reason to die because of what I shoot some wit, because it seems to him that my presence in this world prevents him. Main itself is not a threat, but that the authorities allow these people to threaten its law-abiding citizens. As far as I know, for these threats, these fascist nationalists do not carry any punishment. "
Data were recorded on the enemies of the page, in February-March this year. When the blogger Savva Terentyev from Syktyvkar in his Internet blog called to deal with unscrupulous policemen (without specifying their names and addresses), the prosecutor's office had the two months to make it a criminal case.
About how the Internet affects appeals to the audience, says Alexander Koptseva case, who in 2006 massacred in the Moscow synagogue. He said he committed the crime under the influence of books and publications on the Internet.
Vladimir Lukin, Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia: "I'm not a big believer too harsh crackdown on the Internet. Fight to the Internet - it's like to struggle with spots on the sun. It is impossible and ridiculous. But it is necessary to create conditions so that those who clearly violate Russian laws on the Internet, were responsible for this. "
In the list of enemies of the extreme nationalists turned judges who overturned the acquittal Eduard Ulman. He was accused of shooting civilians in Chechnya, as well as some journalists. Publication of such an extensive list says that this organization on its own can not do. Obviously, friends have considerably less than enemies.
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