15 The man who hunted on the Internet. To death.
On the Internet you can find friends or foes. And here you can find people who, in general, spit at you, but they will join with interest to your enemies. Just think, two hundredth Like the phrase "you are fat" or fifteenth witty advice "to kill yourself up the wall." Nothing is not ... Ryan Galligan (1989 - 2003)
Classmates loved to mock 13-year-old Ryan from Vermont (USA). Especially funny it seemed to write on the Internet, he .... Perhaps the boy was overjoyed when a pretty and popular classmate named Ashley suddenly tied with him a romantic conversation in the messenger AIM. He readily shared their experiences with her, and she forwards the best friends funny quotes - this was the purpose of the false romance. Talks lasted all summer. Galligan autumn came to the school and the girl told him that he was a loser. In early October 2003, early in the morning while their parents slept, man hanged himself in the bathroom. His body was found a big sister.
Last time Ryan had corresponded online with a former classmate from elementary school. In the message " I want to commit suicide em>", an acquaintance told him: " PF-Q, for a long time, f *** it is time em>".
Megan Meyer (1992 - 2006)
14-year-old Meyer (USA) was sure that she is ugly, fat and useless. 5 weeks before her death added to buddylist on MySpace guy named Josh Evans. They corresponded cute, but soon tired of Megan Josh, he otfrendil her and began to write her shit. This amusement joined their virtual friends. Last post by Josh which read Megan was: " The world would be better off without you em>". She turned off the computer, and 20 minutes later hanged herself in a dressing room, where her mother and found.
After some time, Megan's parents learned that Josh never existed. His page, for the sake of fun, set up three women: an adult neighbor Meyer family, her daughter and a young slave.
Jessica Logan (1990 - 2008)
At age 18, American Jessica made foolish - sent her a picture of a young man in the nude. Her young man answered committed another act - very ugly. After leaving, he sent a photo of the girl her classmates. High school students from several surrounding schools inundated Jessica offensive messages on facebook and MySpace, wrote to her SMS. So much so that she began to be afraid to go to school. Jesse tried to speak out against bullying. She complained to the administration, but she was told that nothing could help and was advised to go to the media. Then she starred in the transmission of local TV, which talked about the persecution. Nobody felt remorse.
Two months later, having been at the funeral of a friend, the girl hanged herself in her bedroom.
Vitsell Hope (1996 - 2009)
Hope was only 13 when she liked the boy asked to send him a photo of her breast. Soon the photo, of course, we saw hundreds of curious schoolchildren, and on MySpace page appeared "People hate Hope." The school corridors friends defended Hope from ridicule, but the Internet she was nowhere to go. The girl was afraid to tell her parents about the cause of persecution.
She hanged herself in her room, writing in a paper diary: " With me gone. I can feel it inside. I'll try to hang himself. I hope it works em> ".
Amanda Todd (1996 - 2012)
The man persuaded Amanda to show his chest in a video chat. He made screenshots of the video and began to distribute them on the Internet. And, as if she was trying to hide from any pursuer, he always found its accounts in social networks, a new man was pretending, trying to get them to friends and again shame it among friends and strangers. Amanda has long struggled. In October 2012, she even recorded a video message with the story of its history, which watched 17 million times. But the support of the audience did not help. Less than a month after the publication of the video the girl hanged herself.
Culprit death of Amanda managed to find in the Netherlands. It turned out that 35-year-old man had an unusual hobby - he tried to persuade strangers (and strangers) from the US, the UK and the Netherlands to undress in the video chat, and then poisoned them online.
Ciara Pugsley (1997 - 2012)
15-year-old Ciara from Ireland a good student, play sports, go on courses of emergency to save lives. She hunted on ask.fm. The reasons why this happened, and have remained unknown. She hung herself in the woods near her home about a month after the anonymous harassment.
One of the latest comments Ciara was the answer to the question «How are you?" "Soon learn» em>, - she wrote.
Erin Gallagher (1999 - 2012)
Irish Erin also pursued on ask.fm. 13-year-old girl wrote frankly about himself. She warned people that commit suicide, if it is not left alone, but continued to ridicule.
Her last recording before his death: «I suppose you think that's funny, when I was f *** ing, Nakin rope around the neck because of you, because you said so». Em> older sister Erin, Shannon, hanged herself after 2 months of longing for her sister.
Jessica Laney (1996 - 2012)
Jessica Young (Florida) was an easy victim. She candidly wrote on the Internet that she had no friends, her brother had not spoken to her father does not notice, but her mother scolds. Instead of support it has received reports that it has a fat whore, and shall kill myself.
When someone asked Jessica on the Internet about how to be, if you want to kill yourself, she replied: " I promise pain will pass, the school is over and you can go on condemning m ***** in. Should not be doing that! Things will get better em> ".
Joshua Unsworth (1998 - 2013)
The Englishman Joshua Unsworth hanged himself in his parents' garden. Until this month hounded him, mocking his origin (farmer's son) and failures in dealing with the girls.
Joshua tried to fight. Last time to comment, "No one loves you," he replied: "Let me say that I learned that word - it's only words, so that no matter what you think of me, miserable you are a man, can you tell me it is in person, or here, and know that I do not care ". em>
Daniel Perry (1996 - 2013)
17-year-old Scot Daniel Perry repeatedly offered to "kill himself" by anonymous users. But the last straw was a joke on Skype: Perry was persuaded to go to the video chat to talk with the "girl", which allegedly wants to see him naked. Then he began to demand of money for something that no one show screenshots of conversations.
That's the last thing he wrote his interlocutors before jumping off the bridge.
- you cut their hands? em>
- Sometimes. Why do you want to know? Are you condemn me? Em>
Hanna Smith (1999 - 2013)
The parents of 14-year-old Hannah Smith did not suspect anything. Usually, it was fun, energetic girl and her bad mood in recent days adults blamed on laziness and unwillingness to go to school. The girl was disturbed eczema. She asked the Board of the Internet for treatment, but instead was the victim of anonymous harassment and, as a result, hanged herself.
When the parents looked into account daughter, they found a lot of comments like:
- Everyone will be happy when you die em>
- Drink bleach em>
- Go Die em>
Rebecca Ann Sedwick (2001 - 2013)
12-year-old Rebecca year poisoned 15-year-old schoolchildren. Mother daughter had to be transferred to another school close to her FB page, pick up her cell phone, which then still had to return for communication. The girl has got yourself an account to ask.fm, and applications and Kik Voer, in which the mother did not understand. Shortly before the death of Rebecca, everything seemed to get by. Rebecca was in a good mood, a good student, was going to go in a circle singing. On the day of her death, she changed her name to messenger on "This dead girl" sent a farewell message to two best friends and left the phone at home. Then Rebecca went to an abandoned cement factory and reset the wall. The girl was afraid that his mother will select the phone again when the daughter complains about harassment.
Cause of persecution and has not been established, but it turned out that shortly before smertiRebekka corresponded with someone trying to sound cheerful:
- You do not need anyone em>
- Lol. I know very em>
- Seriously, you deserve death em>
- lying :))) Well, I do not care! em>
Fёbe Prince (1995 - 2010)
15-year-old immigrant from Ireland, studied at an American high school. At home she has had time to participate in the persecution of classmates, but realized it was wrong, and publicly apologized to cease such activities. But her ex-girlfriend is not easy. To this was added the envy of American history classmates to what Fёbe meets-high school football player. Woman attacked Twitter, facebook, and on Kreygliste Formspringe, insulted her and threatened her with death.
After Fёbe hanged, so the girls went, that overwhelmed even the vile messages in Facebook page created to honor the memory of the girl.
An Kee (1995 - 2013)
One Chinese Ahn Ki, suspecting nothing, went into a small clothing store. A few days later it turned out that the shop owners have written about it in his blog, calling her a thief. They posted her picture with the camera and asked volunteers to gather information about the girl. Volunteers found many. Soon Ahn was known about all the way up her address. When rumors about the theft went to school, she asked for leave from classes for two days, went to the river and throw off the bridge.
Before his death, An Qi left a message in the blog owners store: « I'm not afraid of the river for the first time em>».
Nagy (2000 - 2014)
In 14 years, Italian Nadia has got yourself an account under the name Amnesia, to complain about the world on the mountain of separation from loved ones. Instead of sympathy, she began to receive "witty" tips such as "kill yourself", "no one likes you," "You're crazy." She jumped from the 10th floor of an abandoned hotel and crashed.
In his suicide letter she wrote to relatives: " I'm sorry I disappointed you all em>".

Classmates loved to mock 13-year-old Ryan from Vermont (USA). Especially funny it seemed to write on the Internet, he .... Perhaps the boy was overjoyed when a pretty and popular classmate named Ashley suddenly tied with him a romantic conversation in the messenger AIM. He readily shared their experiences with her, and she forwards the best friends funny quotes - this was the purpose of the false romance. Talks lasted all summer. Galligan autumn came to the school and the girl told him that he was a loser. In early October 2003, early in the morning while their parents slept, man hanged himself in the bathroom. His body was found a big sister.
Last time Ryan had corresponded online with a former classmate from elementary school. In the message " I want to commit suicide em>", an acquaintance told him: " PF-Q, for a long time, f *** it is time em>".
Megan Meyer (1992 - 2006)

14-year-old Meyer (USA) was sure that she is ugly, fat and useless. 5 weeks before her death added to buddylist on MySpace guy named Josh Evans. They corresponded cute, but soon tired of Megan Josh, he otfrendil her and began to write her shit. This amusement joined their virtual friends. Last post by Josh which read Megan was: " The world would be better off without you em>". She turned off the computer, and 20 minutes later hanged herself in a dressing room, where her mother and found.
After some time, Megan's parents learned that Josh never existed. His page, for the sake of fun, set up three women: an adult neighbor Meyer family, her daughter and a young slave.
Jessica Logan (1990 - 2008)

At age 18, American Jessica made foolish - sent her a picture of a young man in the nude. Her young man answered committed another act - very ugly. After leaving, he sent a photo of the girl her classmates. High school students from several surrounding schools inundated Jessica offensive messages on facebook and MySpace, wrote to her SMS. So much so that she began to be afraid to go to school. Jesse tried to speak out against bullying. She complained to the administration, but she was told that nothing could help and was advised to go to the media. Then she starred in the transmission of local TV, which talked about the persecution. Nobody felt remorse.
Two months later, having been at the funeral of a friend, the girl hanged herself in her bedroom.
Vitsell Hope (1996 - 2009)

Hope was only 13 when she liked the boy asked to send him a photo of her breast. Soon the photo, of course, we saw hundreds of curious schoolchildren, and on MySpace page appeared "People hate Hope." The school corridors friends defended Hope from ridicule, but the Internet she was nowhere to go. The girl was afraid to tell her parents about the cause of persecution.
She hanged herself in her room, writing in a paper diary: " With me gone. I can feel it inside. I'll try to hang himself. I hope it works em> ".
Amanda Todd (1996 - 2012)

The man persuaded Amanda to show his chest in a video chat. He made screenshots of the video and began to distribute them on the Internet. And, as if she was trying to hide from any pursuer, he always found its accounts in social networks, a new man was pretending, trying to get them to friends and again shame it among friends and strangers. Amanda has long struggled. In October 2012, she even recorded a video message with the story of its history, which watched 17 million times. But the support of the audience did not help. Less than a month after the publication of the video the girl hanged herself.
Culprit death of Amanda managed to find in the Netherlands. It turned out that 35-year-old man had an unusual hobby - he tried to persuade strangers (and strangers) from the US, the UK and the Netherlands to undress in the video chat, and then poisoned them online.
Ciara Pugsley (1997 - 2012)

15-year-old Ciara from Ireland a good student, play sports, go on courses of emergency to save lives. She hunted on ask.fm. The reasons why this happened, and have remained unknown. She hung herself in the woods near her home about a month after the anonymous harassment.
One of the latest comments Ciara was the answer to the question «How are you?" "Soon learn» em>, - she wrote.
Erin Gallagher (1999 - 2012)

Irish Erin also pursued on ask.fm. 13-year-old girl wrote frankly about himself. She warned people that commit suicide, if it is not left alone, but continued to ridicule.
Her last recording before his death: «I suppose you think that's funny, when I was f *** ing, Nakin rope around the neck because of you, because you said so». Em> older sister Erin, Shannon, hanged herself after 2 months of longing for her sister.
Jessica Laney (1996 - 2012)

Jessica Young (Florida) was an easy victim. She candidly wrote on the Internet that she had no friends, her brother had not spoken to her father does not notice, but her mother scolds. Instead of support it has received reports that it has a fat whore, and shall kill myself.
When someone asked Jessica on the Internet about how to be, if you want to kill yourself, she replied: " I promise pain will pass, the school is over and you can go on condemning m ***** in. Should not be doing that! Things will get better em> ".
Joshua Unsworth (1998 - 2013)

The Englishman Joshua Unsworth hanged himself in his parents' garden. Until this month hounded him, mocking his origin (farmer's son) and failures in dealing with the girls.
Joshua tried to fight. Last time to comment, "No one loves you," he replied: "Let me say that I learned that word - it's only words, so that no matter what you think of me, miserable you are a man, can you tell me it is in person, or here, and know that I do not care ". em>
Daniel Perry (1996 - 2013)

17-year-old Scot Daniel Perry repeatedly offered to "kill himself" by anonymous users. But the last straw was a joke on Skype: Perry was persuaded to go to the video chat to talk with the "girl", which allegedly wants to see him naked. Then he began to demand of money for something that no one show screenshots of conversations.
That's the last thing he wrote his interlocutors before jumping off the bridge.
- you cut their hands? em>
- Sometimes. Why do you want to know? Are you condemn me? Em>
Hanna Smith (1999 - 2013)

The parents of 14-year-old Hannah Smith did not suspect anything. Usually, it was fun, energetic girl and her bad mood in recent days adults blamed on laziness and unwillingness to go to school. The girl was disturbed eczema. She asked the Board of the Internet for treatment, but instead was the victim of anonymous harassment and, as a result, hanged herself.
When the parents looked into account daughter, they found a lot of comments like:
- Everyone will be happy when you die em>
- Drink bleach em>
- Go Die em>
Rebecca Ann Sedwick (2001 - 2013)

12-year-old Rebecca year poisoned 15-year-old schoolchildren. Mother daughter had to be transferred to another school close to her FB page, pick up her cell phone, which then still had to return for communication. The girl has got yourself an account to ask.fm, and applications and Kik Voer, in which the mother did not understand. Shortly before the death of Rebecca, everything seemed to get by. Rebecca was in a good mood, a good student, was going to go in a circle singing. On the day of her death, she changed her name to messenger on "This dead girl" sent a farewell message to two best friends and left the phone at home. Then Rebecca went to an abandoned cement factory and reset the wall. The girl was afraid that his mother will select the phone again when the daughter complains about harassment.
Cause of persecution and has not been established, but it turned out that shortly before smertiRebekka corresponded with someone trying to sound cheerful:
- You do not need anyone em>
- Lol. I know very em>
- Seriously, you deserve death em>
- lying :))) Well, I do not care! em>
Fёbe Prince (1995 - 2010)

15-year-old immigrant from Ireland, studied at an American high school. At home she has had time to participate in the persecution of classmates, but realized it was wrong, and publicly apologized to cease such activities. But her ex-girlfriend is not easy. To this was added the envy of American history classmates to what Fёbe meets-high school football player. Woman attacked Twitter, facebook, and on Kreygliste Formspringe, insulted her and threatened her with death.
After Fёbe hanged, so the girls went, that overwhelmed even the vile messages in Facebook page created to honor the memory of the girl.
An Kee (1995 - 2013)

One Chinese Ahn Ki, suspecting nothing, went into a small clothing store. A few days later it turned out that the shop owners have written about it in his blog, calling her a thief. They posted her picture with the camera and asked volunteers to gather information about the girl. Volunteers found many. Soon Ahn was known about all the way up her address. When rumors about the theft went to school, she asked for leave from classes for two days, went to the river and throw off the bridge.
Before his death, An Qi left a message in the blog owners store: « I'm not afraid of the river for the first time em>».
Nagy (2000 - 2014)

In 14 years, Italian Nadia has got yourself an account under the name Amnesia, to complain about the world on the mountain of separation from loved ones. Instead of sympathy, she began to receive "witty" tips such as "kill yourself", "no one likes you," "You're crazy." She jumped from the 10th floor of an abandoned hotel and crashed.
In his suicide letter she wrote to relatives: " I'm sorry I disappointed you all em>".