Important events of the year
2013 almost came to an end and it's time to sum up. I invite you to remember the most important and most interesting events occurred in the world in the past year. The most powerful hurricane on record for solar system raged on Saturn. Impressive images of this cosmic phenomenon managed to make the spacecraft Cassini-Huygens mission. This hurricane, a diameter of about 300 km, covering the north pole of Saturn is equal to half the area of Australia.
The most powerful hurricane on Saturn resembles a huge rose surrounded by green leaves. However, it pseudocolor image April 29, 2013.
One of the major world events of late April and early May is an abdication of Queen Beatrix and the emergence of the new King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander of Orange. For the first 123 years the country was in the hands of men. After 33 years of being at the head of the Queen of the Netherlands handed over the throne to his eldest son. There was a real holiday, everything turns orange.
The new king of the Netherlands, Queen Maxima (she is originally from Argentina, the family is vitally linked with the Portuguese royal house) and their children. Amsterdam.
May 1st, International Workers' Day, Labour Day is celebrated not only in Russia but also in the United States, several European countries, Africa, Latin America and Asia. Not all marches were peaceful. In some countries, the police dispersed the demonstrators with tear gas and water cannons.
At the beginning of May 2013 the territory of the State of California in the United States embraced a strong forest fires. They threatened to kill about 4000 homes. In the struggle with the elements it was thrown more than 900 firefighters.
May 10, 2013 in Australia and the southern part of the Pacific Ocean was one of the most unusual astronomical phenomena - "Ring of Fire" - so beautifully styled the first in this year's solar eclipse. In the morning local time, the moon covered 95% of the solar disk: there was only a red-orange line. This is the same "ring of fire." The next time you see a similar phenomenon can be only 22 years later.
May 9, 2013 in the Pakistani city of Lahore burned office building LDA Plaza. The fire occurred on the seventh floor, then spread the flames higher. Killing at least 10 people, some of them jumped out of the windows.
On the night of May 9, 2013 at the station Belaya Kalitva North Caucasus Railway near Rostov from the derailed locomotive and 68 freight cars, which included a propane tank. The accident happened propane fire. The total number of victims of the fire was on the specified data 55 people, 18 of them with burns and poisonings are in the hospital. From nearby houses were evacuated, according to various estimates, up to 2 700 people.
May 9, 2013 as a result of explosion of gas cylinder on the roof of a public bus route 745, was standing near the station "River Station" in Moscow, injuring two people - a woman and a child. By a fluke in the bus at the time of the explosion was not a passenger or the driver. Moscow authorities have temporarily taken off line 50 of the bus, riding on the gas to test them.
Recently, the silhouette of the main financial city in the world will look like. Morning of May 10 2013, the tower of One World Trade Center of New World Trade Center in New York City, built on the site of the collapsed Sept. 11, 2001 in the terrorist attack, ended a huge metal mounting 124-meter spire weighing 758 tons.
541-meter high building of the New World Trade Center was the tallest in the Western Hemisphere - 1,776 feet (541 meters). By the way, this does not come from the height of the ceiling, in 1776 in Philadelphia adopted the historic document - the Declaration of Independence of the United States.
Same sex. May 11, 2013 President Francois Hollande signed into law on same-sex marriages, allowing, among other things, same-sex couples to adopt children. Thus France became the 14th country in the world where gay marriages are allowed. The law came into force on 28 May, and the 29th for the first in the history of France marrying people of the same sex. In the City Hall of Montpellier in the south of the country entered into a valid marriage to 40-year-old director of communications agency Oten Vincent and the 30-year-old civil servant Bruno Boileau.
Navy US got its first ever stroke drone. May 14, 2013 unmanned aircraft X-47B code-named Salty Dog 501 first flew from the deck of an aircraft carrier «George HW Bush ». |
May 14, 2013 lander spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-07M" landed in the Kazakh steppe, and members of the 35th expedition to the ISS safely back home to Earth. Including the commander, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield - the first Canadian who has made a spacewalk and became a major star in Earth orbit in recent years.
Chris recorded training videos, how to wash their hands in zero gravity, led the tweeter, made a lot of pictures with the views of our planet from space and recorded the first ever music video, created in space on popular hits by David Bowie "Space Odyssey" and collect on YouTube millions display.
In zero gravity, the only force that acts on a drop of water - surface tension force. Under the influence of this force drop takes the most stable form, which spent the least energy - the shape of a ball.
In mid-May 2013 Reuters photographer Ilya Naimushin lot of time documenting the lives of prisoners in Siberian prisons, including in penal colony № 17.
Prisoner Boris Kovalev, a few days before the liberation. Preparing for the competition of talents. The colony of strict regime, the Krasnoyarsk Territory
In mid-May 2013 tornado walked through dozens of vast North American territory from Texas to Illinois. Was the most powerful tornado in Oklahoma, its diameter is about 3.2 kilometers, the wind speed reached 320 km / h. 24 people were killed and destroyed buildings 1200, all affected about 33 000 people. By his strength it was like a tornado 8 Hiroshima atomic bombs.
May 30, 2013 in St. Petersburg at a session of the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee, the presentation of the medals Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi in 2014. The basis of the design of medals was taken the concept of "quilt" - the main visual element design games.
Fedor Trykolych - twice champion and silver medalist of the Paralympic Games in 2012 in London (athletics, sports blind)
May 29, 2013 marks exactly 60 years when the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay first climbed in the history of Everest. Since then, hundreds of people have repeated their way, reached the top more difficult route, or forever remain on the slope, but the date of May 29, 1953 went down in history as the day of the first ascent.
Everest - the highest peak in the world, located in the Himalayas in China. Where strong winds with a speed of 55 m / s, and the air temperature decreases at night to 60 ° C.
June 1, 2013 Moscow joined the list of cities where there is a network of bicycle rental outlets. It was organized about 30 bike rental, by August the number had reached 50. For the season 2013 in a bike we took about 46 thousand people. On 1 May 2014 the authorities plan to open about 300 new rental stations on the 5000 bike.
At the end of May 2013 began in Istanbul. Peace ecological demonstration against the felling of trees in Gezi Park - the only "green island" in the center of Istanbul - has developed into a full-scale anti-government demonstrations involving hundreds of thousands of people across Turkey. Cities clouded with tear gas by the demonstrators in the course were "Molotov cocktails" and hacked government websites in Turkey.
Acura hacked government websites, including the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the official website of the Turkish Prime Minister
Aerophotographing Jason Hawks flew by helicopter along the Mediterranean coast of Libya and Tripoli photographed from a height, as well as the world famous tourist attractions Libya - Greek and Roman ruins in Leptis Magna and Sabratha. Jason Hawkes specializes in aerial photography since 1991. He lives in the suburbs of London, and works published around the world.
Roman theater in Sabratha, Libya.
In late May, the world's largest crocodile named Cassius Clay noted 110 th birthday. The gift was the huge 20-kilogram cake chickens. In 2011, one of the most famous inhabitants of the north of Australia was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest reptile in captivity. Clay Klassius May 2013.
After several weeks of continuous rain in the Czech Republic has risen sharply the level of water in local rivers. Three people were killed and four were missing. Throughout the country, it was introduced a state of emergency. In Prague, the population was evacuated, stopped working underground were closed schools and kindergartens.
Flooding has been in several countries of Central Europe. The most serious consequences of the disaster were noted in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. City Stadt Wehlen, Germany on June 4, 2013.
"Ladoga Trophy" - is one of the most important off-road competition in Russia, which is held since 1996. Today, the country is no longer anything like it. Trophy-raid "Ladoga" is unique in the world of adventure on the complexity and length of routes, the number of participants and geography.
1200 kilometers of off-road vehicles on the 193 crew and quad biking, as well as the most beautiful places around Lake Ladoga. Most large-scale Russian 4 × 4 event held in the summer of 2013 on the expanse of Karelia and Leningrad region in the 17 th time.
Ancient Heraklion was hidden from the surface of the earth quake for several millennia. His discovery has surprised scientists. Although no Heraklion Atlantis (the Atlantis legend is much older), their stories are very similar. The Lost City was discovered under the water after 1 200 years.
In early June 2013 the world's largest social network Facebook has opened a data center on the edge of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish city of Lulea. The place was not chosen by chance: subarctic climate that helps make energy for cooling the server minimum. This is the first data center outside the United States, and Facebook calls it "one of the most efficient in the world».
It is a place where lives a social network with an audience of 1 billion users.
Exactly 50 years ago, June 16, 1963 in 12 hours 30 minutes on the MSK Soviet orbit satellite was launched spacecraft "Vostok-6", the world's first piloted by a woman - a citizen of the Soviet Union Valentina Tereshkova. She is the only woman in the world, made a space flight alone.
Callsign Tereshkova on the flight - "The Seagull"; a phrase that she uttered before the start: "Hey! Heaven, take off your hat! "(Quote from the changed Mayakovsky poem" A Cloud in Trousers »).
Valentina Tereshkova and Yuri Gagarin
Streams of water on the site and the ruins of houses - so look in mid-June, some areas in India in several northern states. This year's rainy season in India started much earlier than usual. Incessant rains have caused landslides and floods. Killing at least 130 people.
Shiva statue on the former banks of the River Ganges in Rishikesh, India, June 18, 2013.
Such protests Brazil has not seen in 20 years. The demonstrations in the major cities of Brazil, did not abate for the second week, Monday, June 17, 2013, reached a maximum span: in total were attended by about 200 000 people. To suppress the protests police used armored vehicles, helicopters, and cavalry troops of special purpose.
People protested against spending billions of dollars to host the World Cup in 2014, corruption and increase fares. This is against the background of the fact that for most people in the world, Brazil still continues to be associated with football.
Brazilian Facebook users to distribute leaflets, which attracted tens of thousands of census in the social network (currently more than 57 million!):
"Dear friends, take it seriously: do not come to the World Cup in 2014
Our government spent billions on construction of stadiums, which are not worth even half the money spent on them, and thus did nothing to raise the standard of living of the population. And this at a time when people are dying in the queues at the reception in hospitals. Violence against ordinary citizens transcends all borders, especially in major tourist cities such as Rio de Zhaynero and Sao Paulo. Airports, transportation, hotels can not even serve domestic needs, so it is difficult to imagine what will happen when thousands of tourists come to the World Cup. »
Rio de Janeiro, June 17 2013.
Smog in Singapore. Each year, farmers from Indonesia purify large areas with a controlled burning of forests. Raging fires emit into the air a huge amount of smoke, which smothered Malaysia and Singapore. June 20, 2013 in Singapore air pollution has reached its limit, and the authorities advised residents not to leave their homes and called on the Indonesian government to take action.
From 20 to 29 June 2013, Moscow hosted the 35th International Film Festival. The festival opened picture directed by Marc Forster, "War of the Worlds Z» with Brad Pitt. The main award - "Golden George" - received a picture of a "particle" Erdem Tepegeza. The main competition did not cause any interest among the audience or critics.
Supermoon 2013 June 22, 2013 it was possible to observe a rare phenomenon - Supermoon. Natural satellite of our planet has reached perigee - the closest point to the Earth of the lunar orbit. The distance between the Earth and the Moon was 357,000 km, which is 27,000 less than usual. As a result, the moon seem bigger, however, it was noticeable only in a telescope. Supermoon - a full moon at perigee.
Jubilee Air Show. Paris Air Show Le Bourget - this is one of the largest air shows in the world, which takes place every two years at Le Bourget airport, 12 km from Paris. This year's air show was held in the jubilee 50th time.
Protester world. In general, in mid-2013 the world observed the summer aggravation: in countries around the world in a huge amount of people took to the streets, searching for justice and a better life. Brazil and Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria, Bahrain and the United States ...
For example, in Sri Lanka Buddhist monk set himself on fire in protest against the slaughter of livestock as well as to protest against the fact that some Buddhists go to other faiths, May 24 2013.
June 26, 2013, Mikhail Khodorkovsky was 50 years old. Ten of them he spent behind bars.
At the end of June 2013 over Egypt held a huge demonstration, which was attended by more than 17 million people, only in Cairo took to the streets over 4 million demonstrators. During the clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Mursi in the capital and surrounding areas killed 16 people, more than 780 people were injured. Egypt once again became close to the new revolution. July 3, 2013, President Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the military authorities.
Tahrir Square, Cairo, June 30, 2013.
In the botanical garden of Montreal, after 10-year break, opened the largest international exhibition of garden sculptures from plants Mosaicultures Internationales de Montreal 2013. About 50 stunning works created by gardeners, artists from 25 countries were presented here from June 22 to September 29. Montreal Botanical Garden is also pleased with the visitors 22 000 species of plants and thirty thematic gardens with a variety of trees.
Cancel zero ppm. July 3, 2013 the State Duma adopted amendments to the law abolishing the zero ppm. The amendments entered into force on 1 September 2013. Ever since the Soviet era and until 2008, the marginal rate was 0.5 per thousand. In 2008, the permissible blood alcohol level was lowered to 0.3 ‰, and in exhaled air to 0.15 ppm. In 2010, both indicators have been reset to zero, and zero ppm (0.0 ‰) lasted 3 years.
In the summer of 2013 the international final of the World Team Championship on programming ACM ICPC for the first time, it was held in Russia. Sports Arena. One hundred and twenty teams. Spectators. Two cameras online broadcast. And ... the absolute silence of five hours. This is the steepest in the world team competition programmers. 35 thousand participants from 91 universities 2322 the country struggled to get to Moscow and solve 11 challenging algorithmic problems.
Train wreck in Canada. July 6, 2013 in the town of Lac-Mezhantik in the Quebec part of the 73 tankers with crude oil derailed and exploded, and at the crash site on fire. The fire was so strong that the local authorities had to evacuate 2000 residents of the town, with a population of only 6000 people. At the time of the accident five people were killed and another 40 were missing.
July 6, 2013 Airline Asiana Airlines plane crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport. Two people were killed and over 180 injured.
Source: loveopium.ru
The most powerful hurricane on Saturn resembles a huge rose surrounded by green leaves. However, it pseudocolor image April 29, 2013.

One of the major world events of late April and early May is an abdication of Queen Beatrix and the emergence of the new King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander of Orange. For the first 123 years the country was in the hands of men. After 33 years of being at the head of the Queen of the Netherlands handed over the throne to his eldest son. There was a real holiday, everything turns orange.
The new king of the Netherlands, Queen Maxima (she is originally from Argentina, the family is vitally linked with the Portuguese royal house) and their children. Amsterdam.

May 1st, International Workers' Day, Labour Day is celebrated not only in Russia but also in the United States, several European countries, Africa, Latin America and Asia. Not all marches were peaceful. In some countries, the police dispersed the demonstrators with tear gas and water cannons.

At the beginning of May 2013 the territory of the State of California in the United States embraced a strong forest fires. They threatened to kill about 4000 homes. In the struggle with the elements it was thrown more than 900 firefighters.

May 10, 2013 in Australia and the southern part of the Pacific Ocean was one of the most unusual astronomical phenomena - "Ring of Fire" - so beautifully styled the first in this year's solar eclipse. In the morning local time, the moon covered 95% of the solar disk: there was only a red-orange line. This is the same "ring of fire." The next time you see a similar phenomenon can be only 22 years later.

May 9, 2013 in the Pakistani city of Lahore burned office building LDA Plaza. The fire occurred on the seventh floor, then spread the flames higher. Killing at least 10 people, some of them jumped out of the windows.

On the night of May 9, 2013 at the station Belaya Kalitva North Caucasus Railway near Rostov from the derailed locomotive and 68 freight cars, which included a propane tank. The accident happened propane fire. The total number of victims of the fire was on the specified data 55 people, 18 of them with burns and poisonings are in the hospital. From nearby houses were evacuated, according to various estimates, up to 2 700 people.

May 9, 2013 as a result of explosion of gas cylinder on the roof of a public bus route 745, was standing near the station "River Station" in Moscow, injuring two people - a woman and a child. By a fluke in the bus at the time of the explosion was not a passenger or the driver. Moscow authorities have temporarily taken off line 50 of the bus, riding on the gas to test them.

Recently, the silhouette of the main financial city in the world will look like. Morning of May 10 2013, the tower of One World Trade Center of New World Trade Center in New York City, built on the site of the collapsed Sept. 11, 2001 in the terrorist attack, ended a huge metal mounting 124-meter spire weighing 758 tons.
541-meter high building of the New World Trade Center was the tallest in the Western Hemisphere - 1,776 feet (541 meters). By the way, this does not come from the height of the ceiling, in 1776 in Philadelphia adopted the historic document - the Declaration of Independence of the United States.

Same sex. May 11, 2013 President Francois Hollande signed into law on same-sex marriages, allowing, among other things, same-sex couples to adopt children. Thus France became the 14th country in the world where gay marriages are allowed. The law came into force on 28 May, and the 29th for the first in the history of France marrying people of the same sex. In the City Hall of Montpellier in the south of the country entered into a valid marriage to 40-year-old director of communications agency Oten Vincent and the 30-year-old civil servant Bruno Boileau.

Navy US got its first ever stroke drone. May 14, 2013 unmanned aircraft X-47B code-named Salty Dog 501 first flew from the deck of an aircraft carrier «George HW Bush ». |

May 14, 2013 lander spacecraft "Soyuz TMA-07M" landed in the Kazakh steppe, and members of the 35th expedition to the ISS safely back home to Earth. Including the commander, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield - the first Canadian who has made a spacewalk and became a major star in Earth orbit in recent years.
Chris recorded training videos, how to wash their hands in zero gravity, led the tweeter, made a lot of pictures with the views of our planet from space and recorded the first ever music video, created in space on popular hits by David Bowie "Space Odyssey" and collect on YouTube millions display.
In zero gravity, the only force that acts on a drop of water - surface tension force. Under the influence of this force drop takes the most stable form, which spent the least energy - the shape of a ball.

In mid-May 2013 Reuters photographer Ilya Naimushin lot of time documenting the lives of prisoners in Siberian prisons, including in penal colony № 17.
Prisoner Boris Kovalev, a few days before the liberation. Preparing for the competition of talents. The colony of strict regime, the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In mid-May 2013 tornado walked through dozens of vast North American territory from Texas to Illinois. Was the most powerful tornado in Oklahoma, its diameter is about 3.2 kilometers, the wind speed reached 320 km / h. 24 people were killed and destroyed buildings 1200, all affected about 33 000 people. By his strength it was like a tornado 8 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

May 30, 2013 in St. Petersburg at a session of the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee, the presentation of the medals Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi in 2014. The basis of the design of medals was taken the concept of "quilt" - the main visual element design games.
Fedor Trykolych - twice champion and silver medalist of the Paralympic Games in 2012 in London (athletics, sports blind)

May 29, 2013 marks exactly 60 years when the New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay first climbed in the history of Everest. Since then, hundreds of people have repeated their way, reached the top more difficult route, or forever remain on the slope, but the date of May 29, 1953 went down in history as the day of the first ascent.
Everest - the highest peak in the world, located in the Himalayas in China. Where strong winds with a speed of 55 m / s, and the air temperature decreases at night to 60 ° C.

June 1, 2013 Moscow joined the list of cities where there is a network of bicycle rental outlets. It was organized about 30 bike rental, by August the number had reached 50. For the season 2013 in a bike we took about 46 thousand people. On 1 May 2014 the authorities plan to open about 300 new rental stations on the 5000 bike.

At the end of May 2013 began in Istanbul. Peace ecological demonstration against the felling of trees in Gezi Park - the only "green island" in the center of Istanbul - has developed into a full-scale anti-government demonstrations involving hundreds of thousands of people across Turkey. Cities clouded with tear gas by the demonstrators in the course were "Molotov cocktails" and hacked government websites in Turkey.

Acura hacked government websites, including the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the official website of the Turkish Prime Minister
Aerophotographing Jason Hawks flew by helicopter along the Mediterranean coast of Libya and Tripoli photographed from a height, as well as the world famous tourist attractions Libya - Greek and Roman ruins in Leptis Magna and Sabratha. Jason Hawkes specializes in aerial photography since 1991. He lives in the suburbs of London, and works published around the world.
Roman theater in Sabratha, Libya.

In late May, the world's largest crocodile named Cassius Clay noted 110 th birthday. The gift was the huge 20-kilogram cake chickens. In 2011, one of the most famous inhabitants of the north of Australia was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest reptile in captivity. Clay Klassius May 2013.

After several weeks of continuous rain in the Czech Republic has risen sharply the level of water in local rivers. Three people were killed and four were missing. Throughout the country, it was introduced a state of emergency. In Prague, the population was evacuated, stopped working underground were closed schools and kindergartens.

Flooding has been in several countries of Central Europe. The most serious consequences of the disaster were noted in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. City Stadt Wehlen, Germany on June 4, 2013.

"Ladoga Trophy" - is one of the most important off-road competition in Russia, which is held since 1996. Today, the country is no longer anything like it. Trophy-raid "Ladoga" is unique in the world of adventure on the complexity and length of routes, the number of participants and geography.
1200 kilometers of off-road vehicles on the 193 crew and quad biking, as well as the most beautiful places around Lake Ladoga. Most large-scale Russian 4 × 4 event held in the summer of 2013 on the expanse of Karelia and Leningrad region in the 17 th time.

Ancient Heraklion was hidden from the surface of the earth quake for several millennia. His discovery has surprised scientists. Although no Heraklion Atlantis (the Atlantis legend is much older), their stories are very similar. The Lost City was discovered under the water after 1 200 years.

In early June 2013 the world's largest social network Facebook has opened a data center on the edge of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish city of Lulea. The place was not chosen by chance: subarctic climate that helps make energy for cooling the server minimum. This is the first data center outside the United States, and Facebook calls it "one of the most efficient in the world».
It is a place where lives a social network with an audience of 1 billion users.

Exactly 50 years ago, June 16, 1963 in 12 hours 30 minutes on the MSK Soviet orbit satellite was launched spacecraft "Vostok-6", the world's first piloted by a woman - a citizen of the Soviet Union Valentina Tereshkova. She is the only woman in the world, made a space flight alone.
Callsign Tereshkova on the flight - "The Seagull"; a phrase that she uttered before the start: "Hey! Heaven, take off your hat! "(Quote from the changed Mayakovsky poem" A Cloud in Trousers »).
Valentina Tereshkova and Yuri Gagarin

Streams of water on the site and the ruins of houses - so look in mid-June, some areas in India in several northern states. This year's rainy season in India started much earlier than usual. Incessant rains have caused landslides and floods. Killing at least 130 people.
Shiva statue on the former banks of the River Ganges in Rishikesh, India, June 18, 2013.

Such protests Brazil has not seen in 20 years. The demonstrations in the major cities of Brazil, did not abate for the second week, Monday, June 17, 2013, reached a maximum span: in total were attended by about 200 000 people. To suppress the protests police used armored vehicles, helicopters, and cavalry troops of special purpose.
People protested against spending billions of dollars to host the World Cup in 2014, corruption and increase fares. This is against the background of the fact that for most people in the world, Brazil still continues to be associated with football.
Brazilian Facebook users to distribute leaflets, which attracted tens of thousands of census in the social network (currently more than 57 million!):
"Dear friends, take it seriously: do not come to the World Cup in 2014
Our government spent billions on construction of stadiums, which are not worth even half the money spent on them, and thus did nothing to raise the standard of living of the population. And this at a time when people are dying in the queues at the reception in hospitals. Violence against ordinary citizens transcends all borders, especially in major tourist cities such as Rio de Zhaynero and Sao Paulo. Airports, transportation, hotels can not even serve domestic needs, so it is difficult to imagine what will happen when thousands of tourists come to the World Cup. »
Rio de Janeiro, June 17 2013.

Smog in Singapore. Each year, farmers from Indonesia purify large areas with a controlled burning of forests. Raging fires emit into the air a huge amount of smoke, which smothered Malaysia and Singapore. June 20, 2013 in Singapore air pollution has reached its limit, and the authorities advised residents not to leave their homes and called on the Indonesian government to take action.

From 20 to 29 June 2013, Moscow hosted the 35th International Film Festival. The festival opened picture directed by Marc Forster, "War of the Worlds Z» with Brad Pitt. The main award - "Golden George" - received a picture of a "particle" Erdem Tepegeza. The main competition did not cause any interest among the audience or critics.

Supermoon 2013 June 22, 2013 it was possible to observe a rare phenomenon - Supermoon. Natural satellite of our planet has reached perigee - the closest point to the Earth of the lunar orbit. The distance between the Earth and the Moon was 357,000 km, which is 27,000 less than usual. As a result, the moon seem bigger, however, it was noticeable only in a telescope. Supermoon - a full moon at perigee.

Jubilee Air Show. Paris Air Show Le Bourget - this is one of the largest air shows in the world, which takes place every two years at Le Bourget airport, 12 km from Paris. This year's air show was held in the jubilee 50th time.

Protester world. In general, in mid-2013 the world observed the summer aggravation: in countries around the world in a huge amount of people took to the streets, searching for justice and a better life. Brazil and Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria, Bahrain and the United States ...
For example, in Sri Lanka Buddhist monk set himself on fire in protest against the slaughter of livestock as well as to protest against the fact that some Buddhists go to other faiths, May 24 2013.

June 26, 2013, Mikhail Khodorkovsky was 50 years old. Ten of them he spent behind bars.

At the end of June 2013 over Egypt held a huge demonstration, which was attended by more than 17 million people, only in Cairo took to the streets over 4 million demonstrators. During the clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Mursi in the capital and surrounding areas killed 16 people, more than 780 people were injured. Egypt once again became close to the new revolution. July 3, 2013, President Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the military authorities.
Tahrir Square, Cairo, June 30, 2013.

In the botanical garden of Montreal, after 10-year break, opened the largest international exhibition of garden sculptures from plants Mosaicultures Internationales de Montreal 2013. About 50 stunning works created by gardeners, artists from 25 countries were presented here from June 22 to September 29. Montreal Botanical Garden is also pleased with the visitors 22 000 species of plants and thirty thematic gardens with a variety of trees.

Cancel zero ppm. July 3, 2013 the State Duma adopted amendments to the law abolishing the zero ppm. The amendments entered into force on 1 September 2013. Ever since the Soviet era and until 2008, the marginal rate was 0.5 per thousand. In 2008, the permissible blood alcohol level was lowered to 0.3 ‰, and in exhaled air to 0.15 ppm. In 2010, both indicators have been reset to zero, and zero ppm (0.0 ‰) lasted 3 years.

In the summer of 2013 the international final of the World Team Championship on programming ACM ICPC for the first time, it was held in Russia. Sports Arena. One hundred and twenty teams. Spectators. Two cameras online broadcast. And ... the absolute silence of five hours. This is the steepest in the world team competition programmers. 35 thousand participants from 91 universities 2322 the country struggled to get to Moscow and solve 11 challenging algorithmic problems.

Train wreck in Canada. July 6, 2013 in the town of Lac-Mezhantik in the Quebec part of the 73 tankers with crude oil derailed and exploded, and at the crash site on fire. The fire was so strong that the local authorities had to evacuate 2000 residents of the town, with a population of only 6000 people. At the time of the accident five people were killed and another 40 were missing.

July 6, 2013 Airline Asiana Airlines plane crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport. Two people were killed and over 180 injured.
Source: loveopium.ru