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Uninvented nightmares

17. Charred remains of Vladimir Komarov
In 1967, cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov entrusted the mission to go into orbit - a mission that he astronaut obviously considered a failure, and agreed to it only because he feared for the lives of his close friend, Yuri Gagarin, who had to be replaced by Komarov if he refused.
When viewed from the "Soyuz-1" was found 203 error, but a report on them upstairs and did not go away - who would have the courage to bring bad news to Brezhnev, when he was determined to mark the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution with the cosmic scale?
Problem was told about himself, barely had time to ship go into orbit - the antenna is not opened, engines junk, management had a hard time. The US National Security Agency, catch the signal, overheard in a conversation with senior officials Komarov admitted that he knew that he would die. Through the Prime Minister Kosygin and his wife, Komarov relayed the message to children. The ship went on the decline, parachute did not open, the Americans were able to catch snatches of the last words of Vladimir Komarov: cosmonaut was furious until the last breath accused the government of the USSR in his death.

16. Shadows of Hiroshima
The atomic bombing of Hiroshima - one of the most notorious events in world history. The death toll ranged from 90 to 166 thousand people, half of whom were killed on the first day. We will not go into politics instead look at the terrible consequences.
When the bomb exploded, "The Kid", followed by a powerful wave of light emission. If at the time of the explosion man standing near a wall, his body prevent the spread of radiation on the surface area for him - a wall around the burnt out, but the area remained intact. Thus, the walls were "shadows" of silhouettes, footprints, serving an eternal monument to the people who once stood on these same places and moments later turned into coal. This is a terrible reminder of the war - is hell on earth.

15. Family photo Columbine school
Massacre in Columbine school, which took place in 1999, will remain forever in the memory of people, as one of the most horrific shooting incident in school history. It was this tragedy forced the international community to pay attention to issues such as harassment in schools, gun control and mental health of adolescents. Initially, it was believed that two guys shot their classmates were scored outcasts, but later found out that Eric Harris was a psychopath, and Dylan Klebold suffered from bipolar disorder. They wounded 37 people (13 of them - to death), and then shot themselves themselves.
This photo shot just a couple of weeks before slaughter. In the upper left corner you can distinguish a group of teenagers who pretend to shoot at the camera - among them are would-be assassins. Whoever shot this photo, probably thought that teenagers just play the fool, but now the picture becomes sinister meaning, because it openly makes it clear that it was on the minds of two teenagers who will soon commit mass murder.

14. Omagh bombing
Imagine that you are walking nonchalantly down the street with his little daughter and stop posing for a photo. Nothing seems to be special, just another unremarkable day. What you do not know is the fact that only a few steps away from where you poziruete worth inconspicuous red car stuffed with explosives that detonates after a few seconds.
In August 1998th, the terrorist organization Real Irish Republican Army car bomb in the street in Omagh, Northern Ireland. Terrorist attack served as a protest against the Belfast Agreement and the ceasefire of the Irish Republican Army. As a result, 29 people were killed, more than 220 were injured. It was the deadliest attack for all the conflict in Northern Ireland, which took more than thirty years.
The terrorists warned of the explosion, but as a result of misunderstanding the police inadvertently led people to the bomb, rather than away from it. Photo below found on the camera, which was pulled from the rubble - imprinted on her man with her daughter miraculously survived. Photo is relentless reminder that life can change in the blink of an eye, and is able to break out the storm even in the cloudless day.

13. Blanche Monier
At the end of the nineteenth century in the town of Poitiers in France family lived Monnier - family belonged to the very top of the middle class, it was respected in the area, and the Committee of good deeds even awarded her the award, which honors only the most honorable citizens. When disappeared 25-year-old Blanche Monier, it did not cause absolutely no suspicion. Until then, until 25 years later, the Attorney General of Paris has not received an anonymous letter stating that the house of Madame Monnier kept locked woman who lives from hand to mouth and sleeps on a mattress covered with lice and her own excrement.
When police found Blanche locked in a dark room, her weight was almost 24 kilograms, she had not seen the sun for a quarter century. The mother and brother of Blanche hid it from all over the world to avoid marriage to a man whose position they found lower social status of their families. Although Blanche and later was able to gain a little weight, she did not manage to restore mental health. The girl died in a psychiatric clinic after thirteen years after she was lucky to escape from his cage.

12. The last shower Travis Alexander
In 2013, the media worldwide headlines about the trial of Jodi Arias. She was accused of killing a sales agent Travis Alexander in 2008.
Alexander's body was found in his shower. The man had suffered more than twenty five stab wounds, after which the killer cut his throat and shot in the head. Suspicion fell on Arias in connection with the information that Travis was trying to break up with her, but she continued to pursue him.
Broken camera with this image was found hidden in a washing machine at Alexander House, and police were able to recover some deleted photos. On some couple was captured in interesting poses, and the picture below was taken at 17:29 on the day of the murder. In pictures shot minutes later, Alexander was lying in blood on the floor, which means that this photo was taken a few moments before Arias broke and attacked her lover.

11. A tourist in the background
In March this year Sailor Gilliams and Brandy Vega went hiking in the Santa Barbara County, California. Unfortunately, their chosen path was poorly lit, and the pair have repeatedly fallen and mutilated. Hours cries pleading for help failed, and then left the Vega girlfriend and went for help. On the way a young man stumbled, flew with rocky cliff to his death.
The next day, this area has welcomed another group of tourists who enthusiastically photographed on a background of nature. They did not notice that the background of the photo face in the dirt with a broken arm, ankle fractures and several lay Sailor (pictured can be distinguished by its red curly hair). You can imagine what it was like her despair - help to see so close, but yet so far from hopeless.
Ultimately, tourists still found Sailor and called the emergency services. The girl helped, but it is not difficult to guess that the death of a friend she would never forget.

10. The eruption of Mount St. Helens
Robert Landsburg, American photographer from Portland, was 48 years old when in 1980 he died. Mount St. Helens has been a favorite for the subject, he often visited Washington to capture on film originating from the volcano changes. Interest to this volcano and killed him, but not before the photographer managed to make this incredible shot.
The morning of 18 May, the day of the eruption, Landsburg was only a few kilometers from the summit. Photographer perfectly familiar with the nature of volcanoes, knew that he could not be saved from closing in on him a giant ash cloud, so stayed where he was and continued to take pictures, then put away the camera in a backpack and lay on top of him to protect them from damage.
His buried under ash body was found 17 days later -under it, almost unscathed, lay camera. A fitting end for a man who gave his life for his beloved work.

9. Catch your own killer ... on film.
Again - imagine you celebrate New Year with his family, celebrating a new turn calendar with those you most of all roads, and ask skuchkovalis favorite to capture a moment of joy on film. I'm so did every one of us. But if you're reading this now, I can say with absolute probability that none of you have ever seen, as your killer enters the frame for a split second before pulling the trigger and tear off your life.
That's what happened with the Philippine adviser Reynaldo Dagsa, who had recently arrested who assisted her future killer for stealing a car. Right in the photo you can also see his accomplice, he stands directly behind Reynaldo wife, his daughter and mother in law.
The only bright spot in this story - a snapshot helped quickly to arrest the murderer, and this time in jail, he went on a much longer period than for stealing cars.

8. Autograph for killer
This image, for sure, is familiar to all. It music legend John Lennon, signs a copy of his album Double Fantasy for Mark David Chapman, the man who would kill him in less than six hours.
Initially, Chempmen was a big fan of the Beatles and Lennon adored, but after moved in religion and became an ardent Christian, he turned away from the favorite group, enraged by the words of John, the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus." It just infuriated hypocrisy Lennon relative wealth, as his wealth directly contradicted his own lyrics «Imagine». And the fact that he did not support the lifestyle that he himself had advocated, Chapman and does considered an insult to the people whom Lennon on this very way of life inspired.
When Lennon came out of his apartment, heading to a recording studio, Chapman stopped him and asked for an autograph. Neither unsuspecting musician signed a record and went about his business. A few hours later, when Lennon returned to the studio, Chapman saw him, they shouted after "Hey, Mr. Lennon!", And then shot him five times. Chapman remained at the scene of the crime - when the police arrived, he was sitting on the pavement and serene reading "The Catcher in the Rye».

7. James Bulger
James Bulger - boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England. He was kidnapped a month before his third birthday, the kidnappers tortured and then killed. James disappeared during a hike through the mall, while his mother was shopping in a butcher shop.
Kidnappers were two boys of ten years, Robert Thompson and Jon Venebls who skipped school that day, that they generally did with surprising regularity. According to one of them, especially devilish couple planned to take away some of the child and push him on the roadway. Surveillance system spotted as these little monsters looked closely at several children in the day, as well as stolen some things - sweets, batteries, paint.
Photo below - a frame with recording surveillance system, which Thompson and Venebls gone Bulger's hand out of the store. At first glance, the scene is unremarkable - two boys younger brother are packed with people at the mall. But the truth of this frame - chilling horror.
This pair of little monsters forced James to go four kilometers towards its own destruction, up along the steep bank on railroad tracks near the station Walton; Anfield. There they began to mock the baby, tortured, which I did not raise his hand to write, and then eventually killed him desyatikilogrammovym iron rod. The fact that through such atrocities was a small child, especially at the hands of these same children who are eligible to mess with toys, not kill kids - just incomprehensible.

6. The diver at the bottom
At first glance, this picture does not differ nothing special - a pair of divers swims at a depth, examining the nature of the sea. But it is worth a closer look, and you can see that one of them lies motionless on the seabed. Without context, it is still not too disturbing picture, but, in fact, the story behind it, shall we say, quite stunning.
Taken Gary Stemper, and in the foreground is his wife. Two other divers - is Tina Watson and rescue diver. Tina and her husband Gabe, a couple from Alabama, arrived in Australia on their honeymoon, to dive on the Great Barrier Reef. But Tina was not destined to rise to the surface alive.
According to Gabe, Tina tightened strong currents, and when he swam to her to help his wife accidentally knocked off his mask, and at the time when he corrected gear, Tina already sank too quickly. Gabe swam for help, and later said that his wife dive deeper it prevented some problem with the ear, and in general, to a situation he was not prepared. Contradictions in the testimony led to the investigation and the prosecutor Queensland suggested that Watson cut off the air supply in the equipment of his wife, holding her in a wrestling capture up until she lost consciousness, and then again switched on the oxygen cylinder and only rose to the surface.
The investigation in June 2008th led to the charges against him in the Australian court, where Watson confessed to manslaughter and was sentenced, but then the US Attorney's Office accused him of trying to get the money after the death of his wife. According to the prosecutor, Watson was going to get $ 220 thousand for insurance. Followed by the appeal trial in Alabama and another strange incident when a hidden camera spotted as Watson removes the flowers from the grave of Tina. As a result, the court considered all of the evidence for the prosecution inconclusive, and Watson left to live out his days in shame and blame - a man who may have killed his own wife on the ocean floor.

5. Heaven's Gate is not on board the spacecraft
Heaven's Gate - UFO sect religious millenarians (see: fanatics ebanatiki), founded in California in the 70s. Guided by a firm hand and very unsteady mind Marshall Applewhite, the organization believed that soon the earth will be completely destroyed, and the only way out - is to leave it immediately. In order to evacuate the planet, they needed to get to the alien ship, which, in their opinion, was flying the comet Hale-Bopp.
In March 1997th, Applewhite convinced 38 lunatics to commit suicide with the help of kokteylchik poisons and self-strangulation - and only because their souls will be able to leave the body, move on the spaceship and reach a higher level of existence, it is inconceivable to humans.
Decomposing in the spring heat sectarians found in a rented mansion in San Diego. All the bodies were lying on the bunk beds, completely hidden under the purple cloth, and each in his pocket were carefully prepared by $ 5.75 to "charge for moving interplanetary." Also, they were all wearing the same black T-shirt, sweatpants and sneakers Nike. It is assumed that the mass suicide occurred in three phases - three groups for three days. Among the dead was the brother of actress Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura in the original Star Trek series. Photo below - the terrible moment of discovery and a sad example of the lack of boundaries of the human stupidity.

4. Johnstown
Since we're talking about mass suicide, not to mention the most notorious incident in Johnstown. The project sect "Peoples Temple", led by a charismatic leader Jim Jones, a huge crowd of followers in 918 people committed suicide. It is the largest mass suicide in history, and a terrible reminder of the power of the cult of personality.
Prior to September 11, 2011 in the US was the tragedy that claimed more lives as a result of a deliberate act. Some witnesses described the event as a massacre rather than a suicide. At the direction of Jones was prepared tank filled with grape drink «Flavor Aid», to which was added a mixture of cyanide and Valium - the killer drink children were injected in the mouth with a syringe.
Recorded on the day the 44-minute "death strip" captured most of this horror. Photo below conveys the scale entrained in the day lives - it can be seen that the body literally accumulate in the pyramid of death.

3. Pogo the Clown