Dreams - one of the most mysterious and unexplored areas of the human psyche

Dreams - one of the most mysterious and unexplored areas of the human psyche. Initially, all the bad dreams human scientists are divided into a sleep night terrors and nightmares. It would seem that it is the same, but no. Night fear - it is a dream, which penetrates into the deep sleep phase, where it is not supposed to be. Such horror usually comes in an hour or two after falling asleep, that is, in the first half of the night, and despite the simple plot and short view (typically 1-2 minutes) can often frighten the sleeper to a pulp. Somnology suggest that at this time a person perceives a completely new, fundamentally different streams of information.

Nightmare usually comes in REM sleep, and consists of difficult twists in the plot, "a horror film." After awakening people do not remember much, but a sense of terror and distress after the "viewing" are long. Often such a dream leads to the fact that sleep jumps out of bed screaming, with his forehead covered with sweat, and heart palpitations. In this case, the blood is thrown adrenaline, teeth chattering. After calming a person can safely sleep and in the morning did not remember the nightmare. However, the causes of nightmares are still not fully understood. But very well understood the consequences of their permanent "viewing." Among the most frequently mentioned reasons - in the first place overload and exhaustion of the body, as has long been known that people with high nervous and mental stresses are much more susceptible to suffering koshmarami.

Permanent daytime congestion and nightmares so adversely affect the person that a large percentage of deaths occur during sleep yet because night terrors. Night "horror" is sometimes persecute people for years, repeating almost every night. At the same time, can repeat the same haunting dream. In this case, consultation with a specialist is required. Most of the cases suffering from nightmares are not a pathology, but it is better to visit a specialist who might help get rid of them. Also, nightmares may occur after taking certain medications to lower blood pressure and to treat Parkinson's disease.
Source: po4emu.ru/index.php?id=255