10 body functions

Today we tell you about the functions of the human body, which continue to run even after a few hours or days after the smerti.

10. The growth of hair and nails Despite the fact that the body does not produce the death of the tissue to the growth of hair and nails, they continue to elongate. In fact, it is easily explained by the fact that the skin loses moisture and retreats, exposing hair. Nails while also appear longer. Due to the fact that the length of the nail is usually measured from their tips to the point of contact with the skin, with the retreat of the skin, they seem to us more dlinnymi.

9. The activity of the brain (with medicines) Modern technologies have blurred the transition between life and death: the brain may be dead, but the heart continues to pump blood. Or cardiac arrest, doctors announced the death of a patient only after brain death. This time after the cardiac arrest brain uses to search for oxygen and nutrients needed for further operation. This condition can be further extended by using medications even for a few days. Sometimes it saves the life of a patient, but more often - net.

8. Increased skin cells Another function of the human body, demonstrating that different parts of the body die at different speeds. Upon termination of the circulation of the blood brain dies almost immediately. However, other cells in the body can function because not need constant care. Skin cells can remain alive a few more dney.

Urination 7. In our opinion, urination - Shuffle, excluding some cases (when it is very funny or a terribly scary). However, refraining from urinating - involuntary function. For this feature meets a certain area of the human brain. The same section controls the regulation of breathing and heartbeat. What is easy to explain why people are intoxicated are prone to urinary incontinence. Alcohol inhibits the activity of the brain that is responsible for holding the bladder sphincter closed. Rigor mortis, causes the muscles stiffen, comes after a couple of hours after death, so soon after the death, the muscles relax, causing mocheispuskanie.

6. defecation times of emotional stress the human body is able to get rid of waste products. The body relaxes certain muscles, causing defecation. After a person's death, this mechanism is triggered gases inside organizma.

5. Digestion After the death of the body, metabolic processes inside it do not die immediately. Some times the bacteria inside the intestine continues to fulfill its rabotu.

4. erection and ejaculation Blood that our body ceases to overtake the body, accumulates in all areas of his, who are at the bottom. The relaxation of muscles after death does not last forever. Some types of muscle cells are activated due to calcium ions. Cells consumption, put out the calcium ions. After the death of the cell membranes become more permeable, the muscles contract. Rigor mortis occurs. Muscle contraction and can cause eyakulyatsiyu.

3. The movement of muscles Although brain death, many areas of the nervous system can remain active. Most reflexes can be observed, which could mean the transmission of nerve signals to the spinal cord, leading to muscle cramps and spazmam.

2. vocalization Our bodies are filled with gas and liquids that are supported by muscles and bones. When the work come bacteria occurs rot and the share of gas in the body increases. One way out of the body is gas trachea. Rigor mortis extends to the muscles of the vocal cords. Very often originate from dead pretty scary sounds: moans, sighs, svist.

1. Childbearing Earlier, when mortality exceeds all acceptable norms, women often died pregnant. The gases accumulated inside the body and relaxation of tissues led to the expulsion of non-viable fetus is already out of the body. Such cases were very rare, but documented.
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