Gua Sha: diagnostics of slagging of the organism
Massage Guasha: DIAGNOSIS "SLAGGING" of the BODY
Before the start of the massage guasha experts on this type of treatment is to first diagnose the level of the "filling" of the body with toxins and impurities. The results of the "slagging" can be assessed in two ways: by the number of petechiae (hemorrhage) and their color.
Eighteen million six hundred seventy one thousand eight hundred sixty
Diagnostics "slagging" of the body with the help of friction a scraper for the skin Chinese masseurs offer the following:
1. The first method of diagnosis — the number of small hemorrhages in 1 square inch of surface exposed to friction scraper. By any stretch of the back, the masseur begins to RUB the scraped the skin, applying slight pressure. If, after several movements of the scraper appears dense point rash (small hemorrhages, petechiae), it would mean that the "slagging" of toxins and decomposition products of the person's overly strong. Logically such a conclusion is perfectly fair. The greater the amount of slag contained within the capillaries of the skin, the more ruptures of the capillaries will occur with a slight power scraper impact on the skin.
2. The second method of diagnosis is by coloring small hemorrhages. With the diagnostic test spots "Sha" which consists of small petechial hemorrhages, can be different color:
If the impact of the scraper shows the weak slagging of the body (diagnosed "slagging" of the body average or second degree), then the patient will be enough to go through 6 sessions. If the research intensity of the color zone "Sha" with the diagnostic indicates a strong slagging of the body (diagnosed "slagging" of the body higher or first degree), the patient will have to visit the massage gua-Sha 10 – 15 times.
4. Vietnamese doctors suggested to diagnose "the degree of slagging of the body" by rubbing a scraper on the skin of the palm. Then on the skin of the palm may not appear to be petechiae and hyperemia. However, the quality of such a diagnosis was much worse than using the friction of a scraper for the skin of the back.
The palm is rough and thick skin. In addition, the toxins from the skin of the palm is constantly squeezed in the course of the labour activity. For example, after the pressure handle of screwdriver on hand, all the toxins from the skin of the palm of your hand will be driven. Therefore, diagnosis of the degree of slagging of the body on the palm is not accurate and revealing. In addition, after the diagnosis by the skin of the palm of the patient for 2 days not able to work this by hand, as will experience pain in the palm of your hand.
©Valery Molostov, "Chinese scraping massage GUA SHA»
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_12544%2Fall
Before the start of the massage guasha experts on this type of treatment is to first diagnose the level of the "filling" of the body with toxins and impurities. The results of the "slagging" can be assessed in two ways: by the number of petechiae (hemorrhage) and their color.
Eighteen million six hundred seventy one thousand eight hundred sixty
Diagnostics "slagging" of the body with the help of friction a scraper for the skin Chinese masseurs offer the following:
1. The first method of diagnosis — the number of small hemorrhages in 1 square inch of surface exposed to friction scraper. By any stretch of the back, the masseur begins to RUB the scraped the skin, applying slight pressure. If, after several movements of the scraper appears dense point rash (small hemorrhages, petechiae), it would mean that the "slagging" of toxins and decomposition products of the person's overly strong. Logically such a conclusion is perfectly fair. The greater the amount of slag contained within the capillaries of the skin, the more ruptures of the capillaries will occur with a slight power scraper impact on the skin.
- If multiple friction scraper cause abundant melkotochechnye hemorrhage, then diagnosed "slagging" of the body of the highest or first degree. Such "slagging" of the body can be eliminated only over 10 – 15 sessions massage gua-Sha.
- If the rash as small petechial hemorrhages occur only after the friction of a scraper for 1 minute, diagnosed the slagging of the body or medium of the second degree. The slagging" of the body, the average degree can be solved in 6 sessions of massage gua-Sha.
- If the rash as small petechial hemorrhages occur after friction scraper for 3 minutes, diagnosed the slagging of the body or lower in the third degree. Low degree of slagging of the body does not require treatment with massage gua-Sha, so the therapist advises such a person to carry out the procedure due to the lack of toxins in the skin of the back, so disappears the feasibility of the treatment.
2. The second method of diagnosis is by coloring small hemorrhages. With the diagnostic test spots "Sha" which consists of small petechial hemorrhages, can be different color:
- pale pink spots "Sha" indicates hypochromic anemia or to a large blood loss (emptiness of blood and CHI energy) or in the absence of toxins in the body, then diagnosed "slagging" of the body of the lower or third degree.
- Bright red spots "Sha" confirms the presence of a small amount of toxins in the body is diagnosed then the "slagging" of the body or medium of the second degree.
- Purple red color spots "Sha" indicates that the amount of toxins in the blood is high, and most of these toxins of infectious Genesis is diagnosed then the "slagging" of the body of the highest or first degree.
- Black shade red color spots "Sha" refers to the number of toxins in the blood is extremely high, which may even threaten the life of the patient, then diagnosed "slagging" of the body highly.
If the impact of the scraper shows the weak slagging of the body (diagnosed "slagging" of the body average or second degree), then the patient will be enough to go through 6 sessions. If the research intensity of the color zone "Sha" with the diagnostic indicates a strong slagging of the body (diagnosed "slagging" of the body higher or first degree), the patient will have to visit the massage gua-Sha 10 – 15 times.
4. Vietnamese doctors suggested to diagnose "the degree of slagging of the body" by rubbing a scraper on the skin of the palm. Then on the skin of the palm may not appear to be petechiae and hyperemia. However, the quality of such a diagnosis was much worse than using the friction of a scraper for the skin of the back.
The palm is rough and thick skin. In addition, the toxins from the skin of the palm is constantly squeezed in the course of the labour activity. For example, after the pressure handle of screwdriver on hand, all the toxins from the skin of the palm of your hand will be driven. Therefore, diagnosis of the degree of slagging of the body on the palm is not accurate and revealing. In addition, after the diagnosis by the skin of the palm of the patient for 2 days not able to work this by hand, as will experience pain in the palm of your hand.
©Valery Molostov, "Chinese scraping massage GUA SHA»
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_12544%2Fall
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