Old Church Slavonic (visceral) massage — an ancient Russian method of treatment
It is an ancient Russian method of treatment and diagnosis, which is based on the effects on the human body and its internal organs by pressure on the stomach, certain movements and tapping.
The word “visceral” means the internal. Massage the internal organs was practiced by our ancestors since ancient times. Great importance of visceral massage is given at present in Europe, America, China and the Philippines. Specialists noticed that due to visceral massage significantly improves blood circulation and improve functions of all internal organs.
Fifty seven million six hundred twenty three thousand nine hundred forty three
It is known that abnormalities in the body often result in spasms, congestion and prolapse of internal organs. Visceral massage addresses the stagnation in the internal organs, and improves the movement of lymph. The position of internal organs is restored through visceral massage. Metabolic processes are normalized, the body restores, eliminates functional disorders.
Professionals visceral massage found that disturbances in the body and in the organs develop in sequence, and these irregularities can be represented as a so-called “circles of interaction”. According to these laws the sequence and is performed visceral massage: specialist desired angle produces a pressure on an internal organ. When pressed on the inner body will be massaged and movement of the body in the desired direction.
Experts use cans, pots, leech, wraps for comprehensive treatment in combination with visceral massage. For example, cupping therapy (often using a special pot which is put on the abdomen during the session of the old Slavonic massage) stimulates local immunity. Due to the fact that the skin is irritation of different receptors, aktiviziruyutsya metabolism in the internal organs. Pot increases blood circulation including in the pelvis, removes toxins, improves intestinal motility, reduces pain during menstruation. In turn, many girudoterapii highly recommend objavljivanja belly in treatment when setting leeches.
Why visceral massage helps?
Diseases in humans are associated with dysfunction of internal organs. Ill in body usually occurs spasm of blood vessels and weakening of the nerve fibers. Because of this, there is venous and lymphatic stagnation, insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen, a weak outflow of metabolic products. The consequence of this develops pathogenic microflora, and the cell amoureuses. The disrupted capillaries, and there are various diseases. The function of a diseased body assumes another body, which starts with a heavier load than intended in the body. Thus, because of one diseased organ, all other internal organs.
Visceral massage is especially effective for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: indigestion, constipation, colitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids).
Visceral massage is also indicated for diseases of the liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas, respiratory tract, gynecology, cardiovascular diseases, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and osteoarthritis.
Successfully practiced visceral massage for migraines, ENT diseases, disorders of cerebral circulation and metabolism, skin diseases, and hernias.
Because the colon cleansing improves the condition and color of skin, the skin becomes more elastic and healthy.
Visceral massage is an effective prevention of diseases in healthy people: it eliminates the obesity, restores the metabolism, rejuvenates the body, prevents the appearance of pancreatitis and diabetes.
Visceral massage is used for rehabilitation after strokes and heart attacks, but also corrects the unstable emotional state of a person. Pain is also one of the indications for visceral massage.
Especially visceral massage helps people who suffer from back problems. This is because each internal organ in the abdominal cavity is inextricably linked to a certain group of muscles of the human body. And these muscle groups are inextricably linked to different parts of the spine. Visceral massage helps where manual therapy is powerless. The main cause of osteoarthritis is the functional disorders of internal organs, and that is the reason cures visceral massage.
There are contraindications to visceral massage: cancer, syphilis, thrombosis and gangrene, acute tuberculosis, infectious disease with fever, of mental illness and drug conditions; pathological disorders of the internal organ or bleeding from it.
Visceral massage is done by a specialist only after survey of the patient to identify indications, diagnosis, information on the absence of contraindications to massage.
Usually, in the beginning patients appear gurgling in the abdomen, which suggests that the outputs of bile open, and removed a spasm of the bile ducts. This is fine as the swelling goes away in the inner body, restoring circulation, and internal organ starts to work normally.
Specialist carefully and holds a visceral massage. Visceral massage is also an excellent diagnosis of disorders in the body, as when pressing, you can establish how the broken functions of organs.
After a few sessions of visceral massage, the patient begins to feel much better both physically and psychologically. Because disease processes in the body that make us tired and depressed. In the treatment process, improves mood, and even memory, hearing and vision, as the internal organs begin to work as they should.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/ekoduh?w=wall-21293291_35126
The word “visceral” means the internal. Massage the internal organs was practiced by our ancestors since ancient times. Great importance of visceral massage is given at present in Europe, America, China and the Philippines. Specialists noticed that due to visceral massage significantly improves blood circulation and improve functions of all internal organs.
Fifty seven million six hundred twenty three thousand nine hundred forty three
It is known that abnormalities in the body often result in spasms, congestion and prolapse of internal organs. Visceral massage addresses the stagnation in the internal organs, and improves the movement of lymph. The position of internal organs is restored through visceral massage. Metabolic processes are normalized, the body restores, eliminates functional disorders.
Professionals visceral massage found that disturbances in the body and in the organs develop in sequence, and these irregularities can be represented as a so-called “circles of interaction”. According to these laws the sequence and is performed visceral massage: specialist desired angle produces a pressure on an internal organ. When pressed on the inner body will be massaged and movement of the body in the desired direction.
Experts use cans, pots, leech, wraps for comprehensive treatment in combination with visceral massage. For example, cupping therapy (often using a special pot which is put on the abdomen during the session of the old Slavonic massage) stimulates local immunity. Due to the fact that the skin is irritation of different receptors, aktiviziruyutsya metabolism in the internal organs. Pot increases blood circulation including in the pelvis, removes toxins, improves intestinal motility, reduces pain during menstruation. In turn, many girudoterapii highly recommend objavljivanja belly in treatment when setting leeches.
Why visceral massage helps?
Diseases in humans are associated with dysfunction of internal organs. Ill in body usually occurs spasm of blood vessels and weakening of the nerve fibers. Because of this, there is venous and lymphatic stagnation, insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen, a weak outflow of metabolic products. The consequence of this develops pathogenic microflora, and the cell amoureuses. The disrupted capillaries, and there are various diseases. The function of a diseased body assumes another body, which starts with a heavier load than intended in the body. Thus, because of one diseased organ, all other internal organs.
Visceral massage is especially effective for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: indigestion, constipation, colitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids).
Visceral massage is also indicated for diseases of the liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas, respiratory tract, gynecology, cardiovascular diseases, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and osteoarthritis.
Successfully practiced visceral massage for migraines, ENT diseases, disorders of cerebral circulation and metabolism, skin diseases, and hernias.
Because the colon cleansing improves the condition and color of skin, the skin becomes more elastic and healthy.
Visceral massage is an effective prevention of diseases in healthy people: it eliminates the obesity, restores the metabolism, rejuvenates the body, prevents the appearance of pancreatitis and diabetes.
Visceral massage is used for rehabilitation after strokes and heart attacks, but also corrects the unstable emotional state of a person. Pain is also one of the indications for visceral massage.
Especially visceral massage helps people who suffer from back problems. This is because each internal organ in the abdominal cavity is inextricably linked to a certain group of muscles of the human body. And these muscle groups are inextricably linked to different parts of the spine. Visceral massage helps where manual therapy is powerless. The main cause of osteoarthritis is the functional disorders of internal organs, and that is the reason cures visceral massage.
There are contraindications to visceral massage: cancer, syphilis, thrombosis and gangrene, acute tuberculosis, infectious disease with fever, of mental illness and drug conditions; pathological disorders of the internal organ or bleeding from it.
Visceral massage is done by a specialist only after survey of the patient to identify indications, diagnosis, information on the absence of contraindications to massage.
Usually, in the beginning patients appear gurgling in the abdomen, which suggests that the outputs of bile open, and removed a spasm of the bile ducts. This is fine as the swelling goes away in the inner body, restoring circulation, and internal organ starts to work normally.
Specialist carefully and holds a visceral massage. Visceral massage is also an excellent diagnosis of disorders in the body, as when pressing, you can establish how the broken functions of organs.
After a few sessions of visceral massage, the patient begins to feel much better both physically and psychologically. Because disease processes in the body that make us tired and depressed. In the treatment process, improves mood, and even memory, hearing and vision, as the internal organs begin to work as they should.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/ekoduh?w=wall-21293291_35126
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