How to eliminate shifting of the internal organs: the old Slavonic abdominal massage
Currently proven that almost every disease starts with a vascular spasm and blood flow disorders (the underlying causes of this are not considered here). The displacement of the bodies, the tension of the tissues occurs very often, since childhood.
If these stresses are not addressed, they accumulate and lead to various diseases. Drug treatment is often aimed at eliminating the symptoms and not the cause of the disease.
Old Slavonic abdominal massage aimed at removing the causes of disease: displacement of organs, stress in the tissues.
This text describes a simple and gentle massage technique, the massage part is the belly, which are safe to do yourself and loved ones (following the three rules).
More complex manipulations, let the experts do!
Making only the first round of the massage (described below), You will still get results, just not as "fast", for example, with a serious illness, instead of two weeks with a specialist, You will heal yourself for 1-2-3 months. You're in a hurry? Sick leave earned by years of "hard work".
Make someone this massage I recommend only after You have received a positive result, either out of necessity (a close relative is ill).
Rules of massage:
1) To light pain! Severe pain can not stand it, loosen the press until a light pain!
2) One click no more than three minutes! It is very important not to cause ischemia (oxygen starvation in the tissues). Ischemia is more often than growing a sharp pain in the area where You cut off blood flow (not always at hand, and below).
If the pain is gone, return the hand without waiting for three minutes.
If the pain is not gone in three minutes, still moving his hand. After we will return to this point to work with her again.
3) Gently press gently hand clean. Soft does not mean weak.
The order of the massage:
1) First point are looking for this: from the navel to the bottom 1/3-delayed sternum, two fingers to the right (not the length and
the width of the fingers). This reflex point of the gall bladder.
Press it vertically (description given that the person is lying on his back, partially bending the knees). To easy the pain. Sometimes at hand like a small gurgling brook, it is poured from the gall bladder into the gut.
The main signs of full gallbladder: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples, and often in front of the head, crunching in your knees when you squat, the pain in my knees (mostly right). As well as digestive disorders, chronic diseases of a nasopharynx (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids, and varices, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the scapula, diseases of the joints. Removal of the gallbladder stops the digestion and disintegration of the joints. In this case, you need to do daily massage of the liver, which increases, assumes the function of the gallbladder. Possible endocrine disorders (thyroid dysfunction), decreased libido, disorder of the menstrual cycle.
Clicking this point the symptoms disappear, for instance, is a headache in my temples or the front
of the head, or "swayed" in transport, the joints oiled again, and the risk of injury is reduced
at times (in sports).
2) From the first point prozhimaet line right up to the 1/3 of the left ribs.
The projection of the pancreas. Iron itself is quite deep, and during the massage to get to it is possible often only after considerable time (a week of daily massages), until relax all the overlying tissue. If problems in gland caused by stretching its ligaments with the stomach and omentum of the small intestine, the abdominal massage is the only effective method of treatment.
Press each point vertically.
The characteristic pathology of the pancreas − diabetes (increase or decrease in blood sugar levels), allergies, skin rashes, a tendency to infectious diseases, growth retardation in children.
3) Right-upper quadrant. The region of the liver.
Beginning two fingers below the angle of the rib. Do not press vertically along the ribs and under the ribs, and under an angle of 45°, as if deep into.
Double-go through all the quadrant top to bottom. If when pressed, nausea, nausea, click on the first point and hold until the disappearance of pain and symptoms gall bladder crowded. Then continue the massage of the liver.
Symptoms of excess of the liver: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, yellowness of the skin, dry throat and soreness of the eyes, irritability, insomnia.
Symptoms of insufficient liver function: bowel disorder, pelvic pain, pale skin, and weakness and fatigue, depression, decreased vision and twilight blindness. Women possible uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids.
4) the Left upper quadrant. Also push inland in an angle of 45 passing through each point from top to bottom.
The reflex area of the spleen. When violations in the spleen of possible nasal and other bleeding (including uterine), hemorrhagic manifestations. Dryness and paleness of the lips, changes in taste sensations.
All the above massage together forms the "roof house".
5) the Next point: from the corner of the right pelvic bone up to the navel by 1/3. The region of the ileocecal valve, the location of the transition of the small intestine in fat.
Same here — the cecum, the Appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Swelling of the valve often leads to bloating (bacteria penetrate through the broken valve from the colon to thin where they should not be), and it is sufficient to remove the swelling by pressing and ingest two teaspoons dill seed with water, the bloating disappears. In Eastern medicine, the small intestine has a strong connection with the heart.
Bloating is pressed the diaphragm and lying over her heart, which leads to various heart diseases, heart attacks and sudden death syndrome (fell asleep and did not Wake up, the heart has stopped, and turns out to be just something you ate in the evening).
6) Further along the spiral. A big revolution. Prosima each point, up to right ribs; left ribs from a fall down the lower abdomen. Forced quite hollow, somewhere 30º to the horizontal plane, so as not to put pressure on the perirenal space.
And one more round around the navel, somewhere in the 5-6 cm from the navel press at a steeper angle of about 60º to the horizontal plane, small round.
If you mentally draw a vertical axis through the navel, all the depression will be deeper in the direction of the axis. It is important not to shift the body (intestine) in an unnatural direction.
Here we want to mention that gynecology women starts under the stomach and small intestine. Swelling in these organs, impairs blood flow to the pelvic organs, which leads to various problems. A gynecologist treats below, working only with the consequences of inadequate blood supply without eliminating the cause. Why trips to the gynecologist to become a regular, complicating life for the whole body's side effects of drugs and manipulation, the effects of operations, etc.
7) the Navel. To push upright. Through him, we can remove the swelling from the blood vessels, improving blood flow to the pelvic organs, kidneys, lower extremities.
Paragraphs 5,6, and 7 are combined into a "spiral".
A few common words. Massaging the abdomen, we do not treat yourself or a loved one, we just help the body to heal itself. Where there is good blood flow, destroyed any infections, diseases leave, restoring normal movement and the work of the authority. Another important think to let You know that all diseases come on the prepared soil: parasites in edematous intestine and organs deprived of protection; influenza and cancer appear developing in the shift of blood pH to the acid side; mushrooms, liquefaction of tissues, and various hernia when copper deficiency, swelling with a lack of fluid in the body. And so on and so forth.
This massage need to make for yourself every day, once at night, lying in bed, when you're not in a hurry. Lay down, bend your knees and do abdominal massage. Preferably in the state Alive. For independent work ideal plastic half-liter bottle, will press the tube.
When pain of the stomach is completely gone, it is enough to do massage as a prevention, once in two or three weeks, or in some discomfort. For example, You today on the occasion and poison your body with alcohol at will, suggest the next day to do the massage to the consequences of poisoning quickly gone. Or something you ate.
I recommend to view the movies or books Akulova A. T.
Well to massage each other. And support, and exchange, and results faster.
As I wrote above, the feeling is the result of the state of our soul. What programs (images) imprinted on it, and such is our life. A very important psychological component. As an example, I propose to close my eyes and intentionally cause feelings of resentment and anger. And stay in this state for at least a minute. Remember responses in the body at this moment, tension, pressure, pain. And remember your health problems. The connection is obvious.published
Author: Svetoyar Vakhnin
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves,
as a feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/otvedstvennost?w=wall-60843289_1560
If these stresses are not addressed, they accumulate and lead to various diseases. Drug treatment is often aimed at eliminating the symptoms and not the cause of the disease.
Old Slavonic abdominal massage aimed at removing the causes of disease: displacement of organs, stress in the tissues.

This text describes a simple and gentle massage technique, the massage part is the belly, which are safe to do yourself and loved ones (following the three rules).
More complex manipulations, let the experts do!
Making only the first round of the massage (described below), You will still get results, just not as "fast", for example, with a serious illness, instead of two weeks with a specialist, You will heal yourself for 1-2-3 months. You're in a hurry? Sick leave earned by years of "hard work".
Make someone this massage I recommend only after You have received a positive result, either out of necessity (a close relative is ill).
Rules of massage:
1) To light pain! Severe pain can not stand it, loosen the press until a light pain!
2) One click no more than three minutes! It is very important not to cause ischemia (oxygen starvation in the tissues). Ischemia is more often than growing a sharp pain in the area where You cut off blood flow (not always at hand, and below).
If the pain is gone, return the hand without waiting for three minutes.
If the pain is not gone in three minutes, still moving his hand. After we will return to this point to work with her again.
3) Gently press gently hand clean. Soft does not mean weak.
The order of the massage:

1) First point are looking for this: from the navel to the bottom 1/3-delayed sternum, two fingers to the right (not the length and
the width of the fingers). This reflex point of the gall bladder.
Press it vertically (description given that the person is lying on his back, partially bending the knees). To easy the pain. Sometimes at hand like a small gurgling brook, it is poured from the gall bladder into the gut.
The main signs of full gallbladder: dizziness, nausea, pain in the temples, and often in front of the head, crunching in your knees when you squat, the pain in my knees (mostly right). As well as digestive disorders, chronic diseases of a nasopharynx (including rhinitis, sinusitis), hemorrhoids, and varices, pain in the neck, right shoulder and under the scapula, diseases of the joints. Removal of the gallbladder stops the digestion and disintegration of the joints. In this case, you need to do daily massage of the liver, which increases, assumes the function of the gallbladder. Possible endocrine disorders (thyroid dysfunction), decreased libido, disorder of the menstrual cycle.
Clicking this point the symptoms disappear, for instance, is a headache in my temples or the front
of the head, or "swayed" in transport, the joints oiled again, and the risk of injury is reduced
at times (in sports).
2) From the first point prozhimaet line right up to the 1/3 of the left ribs.
The projection of the pancreas. Iron itself is quite deep, and during the massage to get to it is possible often only after considerable time (a week of daily massages), until relax all the overlying tissue. If problems in gland caused by stretching its ligaments with the stomach and omentum of the small intestine, the abdominal massage is the only effective method of treatment.
Press each point vertically.
The characteristic pathology of the pancreas − diabetes (increase or decrease in blood sugar levels), allergies, skin rashes, a tendency to infectious diseases, growth retardation in children.
3) Right-upper quadrant. The region of the liver.
Beginning two fingers below the angle of the rib. Do not press vertically along the ribs and under the ribs, and under an angle of 45°, as if deep into.
Double-go through all the quadrant top to bottom. If when pressed, nausea, nausea, click on the first point and hold until the disappearance of pain and symptoms gall bladder crowded. Then continue the massage of the liver.
Symptoms of excess of the liver: pain in the right hypochondrium, headaches, yellowness of the skin, dry throat and soreness of the eyes, irritability, insomnia.
Symptoms of insufficient liver function: bowel disorder, pelvic pain, pale skin, and weakness and fatigue, depression, decreased vision and twilight blindness. Women possible uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids.
4) the Left upper quadrant. Also push inland in an angle of 45 passing through each point from top to bottom.
The reflex area of the spleen. When violations in the spleen of possible nasal and other bleeding (including uterine), hemorrhagic manifestations. Dryness and paleness of the lips, changes in taste sensations.
All the above massage together forms the "roof house".
5) the Next point: from the corner of the right pelvic bone up to the navel by 1/3. The region of the ileocecal valve, the location of the transition of the small intestine in fat.
Same here — the cecum, the Appendix, the beginning of the ascending colon. Swelling of the valve often leads to bloating (bacteria penetrate through the broken valve from the colon to thin where they should not be), and it is sufficient to remove the swelling by pressing and ingest two teaspoons dill seed with water, the bloating disappears. In Eastern medicine, the small intestine has a strong connection with the heart.
Bloating is pressed the diaphragm and lying over her heart, which leads to various heart diseases, heart attacks and sudden death syndrome (fell asleep and did not Wake up, the heart has stopped, and turns out to be just something you ate in the evening).
6) Further along the spiral. A big revolution. Prosima each point, up to right ribs; left ribs from a fall down the lower abdomen. Forced quite hollow, somewhere 30º to the horizontal plane, so as not to put pressure on the perirenal space.
And one more round around the navel, somewhere in the 5-6 cm from the navel press at a steeper angle of about 60º to the horizontal plane, small round.
If you mentally draw a vertical axis through the navel, all the depression will be deeper in the direction of the axis. It is important not to shift the body (intestine) in an unnatural direction.
Here we want to mention that gynecology women starts under the stomach and small intestine. Swelling in these organs, impairs blood flow to the pelvic organs, which leads to various problems. A gynecologist treats below, working only with the consequences of inadequate blood supply without eliminating the cause. Why trips to the gynecologist to become a regular, complicating life for the whole body's side effects of drugs and manipulation, the effects of operations, etc.
7) the Navel. To push upright. Through him, we can remove the swelling from the blood vessels, improving blood flow to the pelvic organs, kidneys, lower extremities.
Paragraphs 5,6, and 7 are combined into a "spiral".
A few common words. Massaging the abdomen, we do not treat yourself or a loved one, we just help the body to heal itself. Where there is good blood flow, destroyed any infections, diseases leave, restoring normal movement and the work of the authority. Another important think to let You know that all diseases come on the prepared soil: parasites in edematous intestine and organs deprived of protection; influenza and cancer appear developing in the shift of blood pH to the acid side; mushrooms, liquefaction of tissues, and various hernia when copper deficiency, swelling with a lack of fluid in the body. And so on and so forth.
This massage need to make for yourself every day, once at night, lying in bed, when you're not in a hurry. Lay down, bend your knees and do abdominal massage. Preferably in the state Alive. For independent work ideal plastic half-liter bottle, will press the tube.
When pain of the stomach is completely gone, it is enough to do massage as a prevention, once in two or three weeks, or in some discomfort. For example, You today on the occasion and poison your body with alcohol at will, suggest the next day to do the massage to the consequences of poisoning quickly gone. Or something you ate.
I recommend to view the movies or books Akulova A. T.
Well to massage each other. And support, and exchange, and results faster.
As I wrote above, the feeling is the result of the state of our soul. What programs (images) imprinted on it, and such is our life. A very important psychological component. As an example, I propose to close my eyes and intentionally cause feelings of resentment and anger. And stay in this state for at least a minute. Remember responses in the body at this moment, tension, pressure, pain. And remember your health problems. The connection is obvious.published
Author: Svetoyar Vakhnin
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves,
as a feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
Put LIKES and share with your FRIENDS! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/otvedstvennost?w=wall-60843289_1560