5 kinds of belly: Find your and make it flat!
You have to register in the gym, I sat on a diet, do not eat supper after 18:00, and "things are there," flat tummy and still is the subject of your dreams? Just go to the mirror! All you need to do is carefully examine your tummy. I do not like? And now study our story, find a suitable description and read how to get rid of the belly, and with them all of their complexes!
One of the best specialists in the formation of the beautiful and slender body DMSPA James believes that the world is no universal recipe, how to make a flat stomach. According DMSPA, to each of the 5 types of stomach needs a special approach.
So, let's break together.
Type 1. "spare wheel»
This type of stomach have people leading a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who are emotionally attached to sweets.
If you found in his passion for bakery, chocolate and sugar - it probably already is the owner of not only the stomach with wrinkles, but also full hips. Fortunately, with such a belly goodbye is very simple: just a little bit to adjust your daily diet.
Give up the semi-finished products, sugar, salt, preservatives. Forget flavor enhancers and low-calorie snacks. Remember, your diet should be only natural and wholesome food. Opt for eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts. Meat can be consumed, but only home, no shops "stuffed" chicken and pork. And the last rule - to move more! If you can not do in the gym, daily stroll in the park or the waterfront. And begin, finally, to do exercises in the morning!
A little advice: before the end of a hard day treat yourself to another piece of cake, apply it for a couple of seconds to the abdomen and imagine now that your stomach looks that way!
Type 2. "Stress tummy»
If you - a perfectionist (you always just a little, or not as it should be), then most likely your stomach looks that way. Usually perfectionists suffer frequent bloating. If you have a belly fat in it is concentrated in the navel. You're not entirely convinced that this is your type of belly? Feel it. "Stress tummy" is always hard, not soft.
If you eat irregularly and anything, you drink more than two cups of coffee a day're rugged lifestyle - your stomach looks like this:
First, start to get enough sleep! If a woman has little or bad sleep, the body breaks down its production of the hormone responsible for appetite and metabolism. That is why there is a tendency to overeat or hunting to eat something sweet - this way compensated for energy production. Start doing yoga, meditation, every day before going to bed a hot bath with a couple of drops of essential oil of lemon balm or lavender. Drink no more than two cups of coffee a day and remember that heavy exercise is not for you! A grueling workout in the gym preferring a leisurely stroll through the city.
A little advice: Drink as much mineral water and chamomile tea. This will not only help to calm down and relax, but will "start" the process of burning fat.
Type 3. "small dog»
Such tummy appears, seemingly from different people: from giperzabotlivyh mothers, desperate careerists and those who daily exhausting yourself at the gym. In this case, one reason for all - the excessive burden of the back, which is why the abdominal muscles as if spilling forth.
To get rid of the stomach, it is necessary to base the correct and balanced diet. Add fiber to your diet, bran cereal, fruits and vegetables. From sit-ups will have to abstain until they not only do not help, and bend the spine even more. Pick up for several asanas of yoga to maintain the muscles of the back, it will help much more effective than the load in the gym.
A little advice: take care of your stomach. Drink plenty of fluids, eat fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish and chicken.
Type 4. "Moomin Tummy»
If your stomach is of this type, most likely you not so long ago gave birth to a baby. The belly is almost absent, but there are huge folds of fat? Do not worry: after 6-8 weeks of your stomach itself will return the previous form. According to James, the main mistake of all pregnant women - the desire as quickly as possible to escape the gym. Give your body a break and do two-three months break. Let your body adapt yourself!
However useful dietary habits better maintained. Every day to eat "good" fats: nuts, butter, olives. Even better, while eating accustom themselves to drink cod liver oil - so you will not last only health, but also the youth. You absolutely contraindicated squats. Otherwise - Earn stretch.
A little advice: Get used to sleep during the day. Before going to bed at night you can do a little stretching.
Type 5. "Tummy-cloud»
If you regularly suffer from bloating, then you have an upset stomach, which in 99% of cases are caused by food intolerance or allergies. If you have a chronic - it's time to diversify your diet! First of all, give up wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, pastries, pizza, cakes and cereals). Yeast (muffins, pastries) and milk (cheese, milk, butter) can also cause bloating. Try to eat more meat, fish, eggs, and raw vegetables. Learn, finally, lunch, and chew food and drink more fluids.
A little advice: the best thing you can do for your stomach - is to love the breathing exercises. Every morning, lie on your back, try to relax and begin to breathe deeply stomach (and not breast!). Do a time at least ten breaths and ten breaths - and soon you will not recognize himself in the mirror.
Already define the type of belly? Then you simply must try for yourself our advice and report the results. Share this article with friends and arrange a real competition in the pursuit of a flat tummy. Nice to be easy, you just need to start!
via takprosto cc

One of the best specialists in the formation of the beautiful and slender body DMSPA James believes that the world is no universal recipe, how to make a flat stomach. According DMSPA, to each of the 5 types of stomach needs a special approach.
So, let's break together.
Type 1. "spare wheel»
This type of stomach have people leading a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who are emotionally attached to sweets.
If you found in his passion for bakery, chocolate and sugar - it probably already is the owner of not only the stomach with wrinkles, but also full hips. Fortunately, with such a belly goodbye is very simple: just a little bit to adjust your daily diet.
Give up the semi-finished products, sugar, salt, preservatives. Forget flavor enhancers and low-calorie snacks. Remember, your diet should be only natural and wholesome food. Opt for eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts. Meat can be consumed, but only home, no shops "stuffed" chicken and pork. And the last rule - to move more! If you can not do in the gym, daily stroll in the park or the waterfront. And begin, finally, to do exercises in the morning!
A little advice: before the end of a hard day treat yourself to another piece of cake, apply it for a couple of seconds to the abdomen and imagine now that your stomach looks that way!
Type 2. "Stress tummy»
If you - a perfectionist (you always just a little, or not as it should be), then most likely your stomach looks that way. Usually perfectionists suffer frequent bloating. If you have a belly fat in it is concentrated in the navel. You're not entirely convinced that this is your type of belly? Feel it. "Stress tummy" is always hard, not soft.
If you eat irregularly and anything, you drink more than two cups of coffee a day're rugged lifestyle - your stomach looks like this:
First, start to get enough sleep! If a woman has little or bad sleep, the body breaks down its production of the hormone responsible for appetite and metabolism. That is why there is a tendency to overeat or hunting to eat something sweet - this way compensated for energy production. Start doing yoga, meditation, every day before going to bed a hot bath with a couple of drops of essential oil of lemon balm or lavender. Drink no more than two cups of coffee a day and remember that heavy exercise is not for you! A grueling workout in the gym preferring a leisurely stroll through the city.
A little advice: Drink as much mineral water and chamomile tea. This will not only help to calm down and relax, but will "start" the process of burning fat.
Type 3. "small dog»
Such tummy appears, seemingly from different people: from giperzabotlivyh mothers, desperate careerists and those who daily exhausting yourself at the gym. In this case, one reason for all - the excessive burden of the back, which is why the abdominal muscles as if spilling forth.
To get rid of the stomach, it is necessary to base the correct and balanced diet. Add fiber to your diet, bran cereal, fruits and vegetables. From sit-ups will have to abstain until they not only do not help, and bend the spine even more. Pick up for several asanas of yoga to maintain the muscles of the back, it will help much more effective than the load in the gym.
A little advice: take care of your stomach. Drink plenty of fluids, eat fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish and chicken.
Type 4. "Moomin Tummy»
If your stomach is of this type, most likely you not so long ago gave birth to a baby. The belly is almost absent, but there are huge folds of fat? Do not worry: after 6-8 weeks of your stomach itself will return the previous form. According to James, the main mistake of all pregnant women - the desire as quickly as possible to escape the gym. Give your body a break and do two-three months break. Let your body adapt yourself!
However useful dietary habits better maintained. Every day to eat "good" fats: nuts, butter, olives. Even better, while eating accustom themselves to drink cod liver oil - so you will not last only health, but also the youth. You absolutely contraindicated squats. Otherwise - Earn stretch.
A little advice: Get used to sleep during the day. Before going to bed at night you can do a little stretching.
Type 5. "Tummy-cloud»
If you regularly suffer from bloating, then you have an upset stomach, which in 99% of cases are caused by food intolerance or allergies. If you have a chronic - it's time to diversify your diet! First of all, give up wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, pastries, pizza, cakes and cereals). Yeast (muffins, pastries) and milk (cheese, milk, butter) can also cause bloating. Try to eat more meat, fish, eggs, and raw vegetables. Learn, finally, lunch, and chew food and drink more fluids.
A little advice: the best thing you can do for your stomach - is to love the breathing exercises. Every morning, lie on your back, try to relax and begin to breathe deeply stomach (and not breast!). Do a time at least ten breaths and ten breaths - and soon you will not recognize himself in the mirror.
Already define the type of belly? Then you simply must try for yourself our advice and report the results. Share this article with friends and arrange a real competition in the pursuit of a flat tummy. Nice to be easy, you just need to start!
via takprosto cc
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