10 excuses women who do not want to go to the gym. It's time to change something!
All women know what to look at 100%, you must follow the rules of a healthy diet and exercise regularly. But, unfortunately, many of the fair sex, even realizing it, still sitting on the grueling diets, arguing that the fitness gym and there is absolutely no time. If your life is not the movement, you can not lose weight and be completely healthy. It's time to change something. Start today!
number 1 excuse
«Yes, what's the gym? I am a business woman, there is absolutely no time! I was assigned to manage the new project, but I have not started to do anything, have to stay at work until night. At home waiting for my beloved, kids, dog, hamster ... » em>
It happens that the time for anything lacking. But in fact, the deficit - it's just an illusion. If you save your time on something else, for example, scrolling through pages on in Friendster, watching an episode of the old series, gossip with her friends on the phone about anything, while sports there.
Write your approximate schedule and highlight it in only 2 hours per week in sports - at first it will be enough.
The excuse number two
«I would like to, of course, to do, but somehow not up to it. Perhaps someday will ... » em>
It's all clear, you have a habit of putting off all the things for later. Most likely, you have a fear of trying something new or just pure laziness. Procrastination will not ease your life, and even vice versa. Try to do something new for yourself and soon you will enter into the taste.
number excuse 3
«I wanted to go to the gym, but I have no money. And because you need to buy a beautiful shape, sneakers ... » em>
Subscribe to popular gym costs a lot of money. But because you can visit the small sports clubs, which are just gaining brand new and the prices they are always pleasant. Even if there is no money, then visit a park or a stadium near the house, where you can practice for free. Eventually, you can train at home.
By the way, to have a beautiful form for employment is very important. Many women, it's very motivating. Inexpensive but excellent in quality kit can be purchased at the supermarket brand boutiques stock.
The excuse number 4
«I after work and household chores absolutely no energy to even read a magazine. What can be bachata? » Em>
Where to take power? Change of activity - a holiday, which guarantees a surge of vitality. Physical exercise helps to improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, and most importantly - are released into the blood hormones that are responsible for lifting the mood.
The excuse number 5
«With my health just need to run to the doctor, not the training ...» em>
If you have a health problem, it is necessary, of course, consult your doctor. And he was, most likely, in addition to medication, advise and lead more active lives or prescribe exercise therapy. Sports useful for everyone, but for each load should be individualized.
The excuse number 6
«This is so boring and uninteresting!» em>
If you are boring and tedious to engage in a fitness routine, find something to their liking. The first lesson on different training most often free, try all styles and choose the most suitable. Perhaps you do not know about your talents and abilities.
The excuse number 7
«At my age too late to start doing sports. Another would be bad, because I was young this is not done, no yoga! » Em> This excuse is popular among women of all ages, and 50, and 25. Remember that if you do not do sports, then you get worse blood circulation, slow metabolism, will extra weight, swelling, shortness of breath, that is, accelerate the aging process. Think whether you such?
The excuse number 8
«I missed a workout, then the next time I go on Monday. Or Thursday. Maybe ... » em>
It happens that you attend training, but because of a missed lesson you unsettle and promised myself to start Monday. But the same Monday never comes, if you are going to think so. No excuses, one or two missed training - it's not a disaster. Already resumed classes the next day.
The excuse number 9
«I have been for a month, and no results. Waste of money ... » em>
Perhaps the result is not visible as you do only one month, and maybe you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fitness should be your lifestyle. It includes not only active exercises, but also a balanced diet, and self-care.
The excuse number 10
«I'm sure there are all slender, and here I come ... Something I do not want to be ridiculed!» em>
This is probably the most popular excuse. In fact, 90% of the visitors - ordinary women who have the same problems with the figure as you are. If you come in the room, nothing bad will happen. After a few workouts you relax and you will not pay any attention to anybody.
Do you recognize yourself? If you want to be healthy, beautiful and have a good mood, we advise you to work out, starting today.
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number 1 excuse
«Yes, what's the gym? I am a business woman, there is absolutely no time! I was assigned to manage the new project, but I have not started to do anything, have to stay at work until night. At home waiting for my beloved, kids, dog, hamster ... » em>
It happens that the time for anything lacking. But in fact, the deficit - it's just an illusion. If you save your time on something else, for example, scrolling through pages on in Friendster, watching an episode of the old series, gossip with her friends on the phone about anything, while sports there.
Write your approximate schedule and highlight it in only 2 hours per week in sports - at first it will be enough.
The excuse number two
«I would like to, of course, to do, but somehow not up to it. Perhaps someday will ... » em>
It's all clear, you have a habit of putting off all the things for later. Most likely, you have a fear of trying something new or just pure laziness. Procrastination will not ease your life, and even vice versa. Try to do something new for yourself and soon you will enter into the taste.
number excuse 3
«I wanted to go to the gym, but I have no money. And because you need to buy a beautiful shape, sneakers ... » em>
Subscribe to popular gym costs a lot of money. But because you can visit the small sports clubs, which are just gaining brand new and the prices they are always pleasant. Even if there is no money, then visit a park or a stadium near the house, where you can practice for free. Eventually, you can train at home.
By the way, to have a beautiful form for employment is very important. Many women, it's very motivating. Inexpensive but excellent in quality kit can be purchased at the supermarket brand boutiques stock.
The excuse number 4
«I after work and household chores absolutely no energy to even read a magazine. What can be bachata? » Em>
Where to take power? Change of activity - a holiday, which guarantees a surge of vitality. Physical exercise helps to improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, and most importantly - are released into the blood hormones that are responsible for lifting the mood.

The excuse number 5
«With my health just need to run to the doctor, not the training ...» em>
If you have a health problem, it is necessary, of course, consult your doctor. And he was, most likely, in addition to medication, advise and lead more active lives or prescribe exercise therapy. Sports useful for everyone, but for each load should be individualized.
The excuse number 6
«This is so boring and uninteresting!» em>
If you are boring and tedious to engage in a fitness routine, find something to their liking. The first lesson on different training most often free, try all styles and choose the most suitable. Perhaps you do not know about your talents and abilities.

The excuse number 7
«At my age too late to start doing sports. Another would be bad, because I was young this is not done, no yoga! » Em> This excuse is popular among women of all ages, and 50, and 25. Remember that if you do not do sports, then you get worse blood circulation, slow metabolism, will extra weight, swelling, shortness of breath, that is, accelerate the aging process. Think whether you such?
The excuse number 8
«I missed a workout, then the next time I go on Monday. Or Thursday. Maybe ... » em>
It happens that you attend training, but because of a missed lesson you unsettle and promised myself to start Monday. But the same Monday never comes, if you are going to think so. No excuses, one or two missed training - it's not a disaster. Already resumed classes the next day.

The excuse number 9
«I have been for a month, and no results. Waste of money ... » em>
Perhaps the result is not visible as you do only one month, and maybe you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fitness should be your lifestyle. It includes not only active exercises, but also a balanced diet, and self-care.
The excuse number 10
«I'm sure there are all slender, and here I come ... Something I do not want to be ridiculed!» em>
This is probably the most popular excuse. In fact, 90% of the visitors - ordinary women who have the same problems with the figure as you are. If you come in the room, nothing bad will happen. After a few workouts you relax and you will not pay any attention to anybody.

Do you recognize yourself? If you want to be healthy, beautiful and have a good mood, we advise you to work out, starting today.
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