The State Academic Bolshoi Theatre. Four days before the opening.
October 28 after a six-year restoration of the Bolshoi Theatre opens.
Photo report was made four days ago. Let's see what awaits fans of cultural holiday.
The foyer of the administrative building. Now the whole complex of the Bolshoi Theater is connected by underground and overground passage.
From the gallery connecting the main body and administrative views of the theater square.
The new dressing room. One of 50ti. By modern standards, the theater at 1 volume of the space for the viewer should fall 4 the amount of space for the company including barns and machinery storage and dressing rooms. Before closing the ratio was 1: 1. Now more fully meet these requirements.
On the elevator control buttons 14 - 10 to -4. However, -4 floor of the theater does not stop, and go down another level 2 - on the floors of the subsidiary posted a mechanic. After the reconstruction of the theater appeared 17 elevators, of which 6 are located in the historic part.
Venetian mosaic painstakingly restored two fragments found in the course of work in the area of management. Originally part of the mosaic is made of sandstone, and women who went here in shoes with heels, knocked out the fragments. As a result, the entire floor was covered with holes. In the middle of XX century it was simply removed and thrown out and lay oak flooring.
The auditorium of the main stage can accommodate 1768 people. Before the restoration of 2,100 people.
In the first years after the opening of the restored Albert Cavos Bolshoi Theater room lit by candles and oil lamps. In order to light oil lamps chandeliers of the hall, it rises to the top in a special room.
In 1863, this chandelier was replaced by a new one with 408 gas jets. According to eyewitnesses glass lamps Gas lamps are heated to such an extent that sometimes burst and the fragments fell on the heads of the audience.
After 30 years at the Bolshoi appears electricity. Interestingly, for electric lighting Big and Small theaters in the early 1890s it was built a separate power in one of the rooms of the building of the Maly Theater. In connection with this development the gas chandelier auditorium rework under electric lights. As such, it remains to this day.
As conceived by Albert Cavos, who led in the years 1853-1856 restoration of the Bolshoi Theater burned down, to improve the acoustics of the hall ceiling is made of wooden boards, they are stretched canvas, and the canvas painting done. This work was performed Academician Alexei Titov with his disciples. In the middle of the XIX century reverent attitude to antiquity it was not, and Academician Titov could afford some liberties. He understood that in Greece has never been the muse of painting. But he threw out the pantheon of musical muse Polyhymnia muse and painted with a brush and palette. It is still present in the Bolshoi Theatre.
In the XIX century in the central part of the ceiling of the auditorium was made the hole is used to exhaust smoke and soot from candles and oil lamps. Through it, the winter in the cold air penetrated the room, and in summer on the beautiful canvas picks up moisture. Not surprisingly, the first restoration of the "Apollo and the Muses" had to make just a few years after the opening of the theater. Total ceiling knows the story of 6 large restorations.
When in 2005 the restorers went to the forest, they found the painting in a terrible state. Canvases in some places so far behind that hung from the ceiling pieces of length 1, 5 meters. Some web sites were covered cigarette paper, that further there are no gaps. In previous restorations musical pieces were cut, and the background, which was around them, performed on the new canvas. But the technology of those years are not allowed to provide the similarity of colors. There have also been strongly curved and wooden structures.
During the restoration of the wooden boards were as straight, canvases all backgrounds were replaced by new ones, do not differ in color, painting patterns restored, renovated music preserved in old paintings.
Theatrical buffet. This is a mandatory attribute of the Bolshoi Theater. He moved to the 4th floor, and now occupies a huge area. Buffet Bolshoi Theatre today is unique - it is the only place in the building where you can see the windows on both sides.
When architect Osip Bove was a passage here. Kavos is restored after a fire in the theater in 1853, did not set a goal as closely as possible to restore the theater, so some passages laying bricks, some premises nailed boards. Some of the bricks in the masonry of the XVIII century. It turned out that the answer to this riddle is simple: when Beauvais restored theater in 1825, the bricks used in the construction remaining from burnt during the invasion of Napoleon's homes.
Beethoven Hall. Before Beethoven was the main hall of the imperial lobby. This concert and rehearsal hall. Behind the wall of 70 meters to the metro station "Theatre", but there is almost perfect silence. In addition to its primary function, this room will be the recording studio of the Bolshoi Theatre.
The scene is a transformer. 5 independent sites allow you to make any room configuration. Normal state of the floor - on a par with the foyer. Within 5 minutes the floor could fall to the level of minus 20, 5 meters. Now he omitted the middle of the amphitheater. For half an hour from the lobby turns into a smooth hall for 300 people, just turns into a hall for the orchestra or orchestra and choir.
The central lobby. Tile is made in the same factory as the original in the 19th century.
Furniture expect when everything is washed and cleaned. In general, the whole theater now - harvesting place grandiose.
Fabric inserts on theater furniture also restored the surviving samples.
Vases on the railing made of alabaster - natural quartzite. It is thick and translucent.
Doors and furniture were restored. They can find the hallmarks of the 19th century.
The main hall of the imperial lobby. In the 19th century, there could not be anyone other than the emperor and his entourage.
Room Acoustics stunning whisper from one corner to the other clearly audible.
Can not sit on the furniture, it is solely for the interior, but so far no one sees ...)
Mikhail Sidorov, Advisor to the President of the Group "Amount" - the general contractor of reconstruction and restoration of the Bolshoi Theatre.
Tapestries so dilapidated that the first question was about the feasibility of recovery, restoration took them 5 years, every centimeter of tissue cleaned manually using brushes cotton.
The chandelier weighs 2 tons, diameter reaches 6, 5 meters and weighs 200 kilograms of crystal pendants. On its gilded it took 300 grams of gold leaf.
Recreating theater Kavos, being ingenious acoustics, used a lot of unusual solutions: each element works in the sound room follows the shape of a violin soundboard, all panels are made of resonance spruce in the room a lot of acoustic cavities, the ceiling and the scene itself are resonators. With this Bolshoi sound quality in the 19th century came in first place among the theaters of the world. However, during the 20th century hall is losing its unique acoustics: chipped papier-mache sealed with plaster, and even cement, resonant cavities insulated with foam, beneath the stage deck is poured concrete, etc. By 2005 Hall loses up to 50% of the acoustic properties.
Restoring acoustics took over the company, "Muller BBM," in the process of restoration is completely recreate the original sound of the theater model, each element of the hall is calculated, each panel being tested, all materials up to the upholstery of the chairs are consistent with the experts' Müller BBM ". It is hoped that the Grand will regain its fame as one of the best acoustic halls in the world.
Above the gilded panels employs 150 people, on the whole theater took four kilograms of gold thickness of 5 microns.
On stage, there is an installation of scenery to the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila," but to remove them strictly prohibited.
Atlanta, holding the royal box, also made of papier-mache.
Six upper levels of the so-called theater linked the circular corridors. Now they are restored in the form of what they conceived Albert Cavos in the XIX century.
New curtain embroidered with double-headed eagle and the word "Russia».
One of the wardrobes. Here I have to be original and instead to start a hanger, I will finish it.
Source: ridus-news.livejournal.com
Photo report was made four days ago. Let's see what awaits fans of cultural holiday.

The foyer of the administrative building. Now the whole complex of the Bolshoi Theater is connected by underground and overground passage.

From the gallery connecting the main body and administrative views of the theater square.

The new dressing room. One of 50ti. By modern standards, the theater at 1 volume of the space for the viewer should fall 4 the amount of space for the company including barns and machinery storage and dressing rooms. Before closing the ratio was 1: 1. Now more fully meet these requirements.

On the elevator control buttons 14 - 10 to -4. However, -4 floor of the theater does not stop, and go down another level 2 - on the floors of the subsidiary posted a mechanic. After the reconstruction of the theater appeared 17 elevators, of which 6 are located in the historic part.

Venetian mosaic painstakingly restored two fragments found in the course of work in the area of management. Originally part of the mosaic is made of sandstone, and women who went here in shoes with heels, knocked out the fragments. As a result, the entire floor was covered with holes. In the middle of XX century it was simply removed and thrown out and lay oak flooring.

The auditorium of the main stage can accommodate 1768 people. Before the restoration of 2,100 people.

In the first years after the opening of the restored Albert Cavos Bolshoi Theater room lit by candles and oil lamps. In order to light oil lamps chandeliers of the hall, it rises to the top in a special room.
In 1863, this chandelier was replaced by a new one with 408 gas jets. According to eyewitnesses glass lamps Gas lamps are heated to such an extent that sometimes burst and the fragments fell on the heads of the audience.
After 30 years at the Bolshoi appears electricity. Interestingly, for electric lighting Big and Small theaters in the early 1890s it was built a separate power in one of the rooms of the building of the Maly Theater. In connection with this development the gas chandelier auditorium rework under electric lights. As such, it remains to this day.

As conceived by Albert Cavos, who led in the years 1853-1856 restoration of the Bolshoi Theater burned down, to improve the acoustics of the hall ceiling is made of wooden boards, they are stretched canvas, and the canvas painting done. This work was performed Academician Alexei Titov with his disciples. In the middle of the XIX century reverent attitude to antiquity it was not, and Academician Titov could afford some liberties. He understood that in Greece has never been the muse of painting. But he threw out the pantheon of musical muse Polyhymnia muse and painted with a brush and palette. It is still present in the Bolshoi Theatre.
In the XIX century in the central part of the ceiling of the auditorium was made the hole is used to exhaust smoke and soot from candles and oil lamps. Through it, the winter in the cold air penetrated the room, and in summer on the beautiful canvas picks up moisture. Not surprisingly, the first restoration of the "Apollo and the Muses" had to make just a few years after the opening of the theater. Total ceiling knows the story of 6 large restorations.
When in 2005 the restorers went to the forest, they found the painting in a terrible state. Canvases in some places so far behind that hung from the ceiling pieces of length 1, 5 meters. Some web sites were covered cigarette paper, that further there are no gaps. In previous restorations musical pieces were cut, and the background, which was around them, performed on the new canvas. But the technology of those years are not allowed to provide the similarity of colors. There have also been strongly curved and wooden structures.
During the restoration of the wooden boards were as straight, canvases all backgrounds were replaced by new ones, do not differ in color, painting patterns restored, renovated music preserved in old paintings.

Theatrical buffet. This is a mandatory attribute of the Bolshoi Theater. He moved to the 4th floor, and now occupies a huge area. Buffet Bolshoi Theatre today is unique - it is the only place in the building where you can see the windows on both sides.

When architect Osip Bove was a passage here. Kavos is restored after a fire in the theater in 1853, did not set a goal as closely as possible to restore the theater, so some passages laying bricks, some premises nailed boards. Some of the bricks in the masonry of the XVIII century. It turned out that the answer to this riddle is simple: when Beauvais restored theater in 1825, the bricks used in the construction remaining from burnt during the invasion of Napoleon's homes.

Beethoven Hall. Before Beethoven was the main hall of the imperial lobby. This concert and rehearsal hall. Behind the wall of 70 meters to the metro station "Theatre", but there is almost perfect silence. In addition to its primary function, this room will be the recording studio of the Bolshoi Theatre.

The scene is a transformer. 5 independent sites allow you to make any room configuration. Normal state of the floor - on a par with the foyer. Within 5 minutes the floor could fall to the level of minus 20, 5 meters. Now he omitted the middle of the amphitheater. For half an hour from the lobby turns into a smooth hall for 300 people, just turns into a hall for the orchestra or orchestra and choir.

The central lobby. Tile is made in the same factory as the original in the 19th century.

Furniture expect when everything is washed and cleaned. In general, the whole theater now - harvesting place grandiose.

Fabric inserts on theater furniture also restored the surviving samples.

Vases on the railing made of alabaster - natural quartzite. It is thick and translucent.

Doors and furniture were restored. They can find the hallmarks of the 19th century.

The main hall of the imperial lobby. In the 19th century, there could not be anyone other than the emperor and his entourage.

Room Acoustics stunning whisper from one corner to the other clearly audible.

Can not sit on the furniture, it is solely for the interior, but so far no one sees ...)

Mikhail Sidorov, Advisor to the President of the Group "Amount" - the general contractor of reconstruction and restoration of the Bolshoi Theatre.

Tapestries so dilapidated that the first question was about the feasibility of recovery, restoration took them 5 years, every centimeter of tissue cleaned manually using brushes cotton.

The chandelier weighs 2 tons, diameter reaches 6, 5 meters and weighs 200 kilograms of crystal pendants. On its gilded it took 300 grams of gold leaf.

Recreating theater Kavos, being ingenious acoustics, used a lot of unusual solutions: each element works in the sound room follows the shape of a violin soundboard, all panels are made of resonance spruce in the room a lot of acoustic cavities, the ceiling and the scene itself are resonators. With this Bolshoi sound quality in the 19th century came in first place among the theaters of the world. However, during the 20th century hall is losing its unique acoustics: chipped papier-mache sealed with plaster, and even cement, resonant cavities insulated with foam, beneath the stage deck is poured concrete, etc. By 2005 Hall loses up to 50% of the acoustic properties.

Restoring acoustics took over the company, "Muller BBM," in the process of restoration is completely recreate the original sound of the theater model, each element of the hall is calculated, each panel being tested, all materials up to the upholstery of the chairs are consistent with the experts' Müller BBM ". It is hoped that the Grand will regain its fame as one of the best acoustic halls in the world.

Above the gilded panels employs 150 people, on the whole theater took four kilograms of gold thickness of 5 microns.

On stage, there is an installation of scenery to the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila," but to remove them strictly prohibited.

Atlanta, holding the royal box, also made of papier-mache.

Six upper levels of the so-called theater linked the circular corridors. Now they are restored in the form of what they conceived Albert Cavos in the XIX century.

New curtain embroidered with double-headed eagle and the word "Russia».

One of the wardrobes. Here I have to be original and instead to start a hanger, I will finish it.

Source: ridus-news.livejournal.com