Smotritelnitsy museums

American photographer tried to consider the workers of Russian museums. So well they fit into interer.Vo visiting famous museums Andy Friberg drew attention to the employees who sit in the halls, which are remarkably consistent with the picture, for which they are looked after, and even supplement them, themselves become exhibits. Andy was so shocked by this observation that not only take pictures but also spoke with each of the women learned that rangers often choose themselves, have any pictures of them sit.
March 25 - Day of Culture. Website publishing pictures custodians of museums, which can be just as interesting as the paintings with which they sit.

Stroganov Palace, State Russian Museum

Masks mummies, 2. BC

"Adoration of the Shepherds", Veronese, Hermitage

"Konchalovsky Portrait of a Family", The State Tretyakov Gallery

"Before the dancing," Kugach State Tretyakov Gallery

"Still Life", Matisse, Hermitage

"Deesis row", Andrei Rublev and Daniel Black,
The State Tretyakov Gallery

"Self Portrait", Kazimir Malevich, the Russian Museum

"Cause" Viggo Wallenskold, State Russian Museum

"Snack", Ralph Goings, State Russian Museum

"The sign on the tree," Infante, State Tretyakov Gallery

"Running", Alexander Deineka, State Russian Museum

"Stalin and Voroshilov," Alexander Gerasimov,
The State Tretyakov Gallery

"Portrait", AP Jurgenson and fragment "Stepan Razin", Surikov,
The State Russian Museum

"Portrait of a Girl" Bashkirtseva, State Russian Museum

"The philosophers," Nesterov, the State Tretyakov Gallery

"Portrait of Baroness von Hildenbandt" Repin,
The State Tretyakov Gallery

"Portrait of Jacob Matveyevich Evreinov" Unknown artist,
The State Tretyakov Gallery
"Portrait of a ballerina IP Degas' Nathan Altman,
The State Tretyakov Gallery

"Portrait of Mary Boskherts" Van Dyck,
State Museum of Fine Arts named after AS Pushkin
In total, the project was made 36 shots in four major museums: the Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Hermitage and the State Museum of Fine Arts named after AS Pushkin. Photos have been decorated in a book called «Guardians».
via guardiansbook.com/