The most macabre sights
Tourists love to tickle your nerves. They curiously go on excursions to plague lanes and torture chambers, photographed at the memory of a stuffed Pavlov's dogs and zaspirtovannye head unabiding citizens of Vienna ... It is terrible that is unclear. It is terrible what happens as a result of human vanity. It is terrible that created the hands of a madman or an evil genius. The scary thing is that part of things left over from the wild and dark Middle Ages ...
Museum pathologist. Austria, Vienna
In the world there are dozens of museums, which exhibits not
the faint of heart. Curiosities, Mütter Museum in
Philadelphia and many others. Vienna Museum of Pathology among them -
the most famous, a real monument to pathologies, deformities, gene
mutations and harsh medieval medicine. The second title of the museum -
Tower fools. The fact that the museum is located in a former mental hospital,
in prison for lunatikov.V 17th century to modern Spitalgasse
It was a madhouse. The most hardened and cynical tourists,
has traveled the world in search of the desired dose of adrenaline, certainly
I agree - it's really scary.
Now the pleasure of visiting this place can get, or brave,
or supertsinichnye people. Among the most notable exhibits here - gynecological chair in mahogany organs preserved in alcohol,
the prepared skull mummified head exhibits clearly
showing cases of sexually transmitted diseases or pathological
increasing the genitals ...
During the war, the museum was bombed, resulting in lost
some of its exhibits. For example, the sculpture of Laocoon with
sons, material for which was from the human and animal
Ossuary - Museum-Ossuary (Sedlec, Czech Republic)
The plague has left much evidence of their relentless activity.
Several centuries ago, a large part of Europe has turned into one continuous
necropolis. At a time when the regular cemetery is full, bone
I had to dig out of the ground and impromptu warehouses.
In many provincial European towns still cellars
chapels littered with skulls of victims of the epidemic. Ossuary in the Czech Republic -
special warehouse, in the XVIII century to an analysis of "the medieval heritage»
approached with imagination and absolute cynicism. Known at the time
woodcarver created for the Prince of Schwarzenberg interior design, completely
consisting of bones. Most impressive walls
neatly stacked skulls, but the coat of arms of the Schwarzenberg, collected from
bones, and few people indifferent.
Once at the site of Prince Schwarzenberg Crypt Chapel of All Saints was
with a basement chapel peace of Jesus' agony in Gethsemane.
Nearby is the cemetery takes 3, 5 hectares on which
We found the final resting 30,000 plague victims in 1318 and Hussite
wars. Soon crowded necropolis closed, bone removed and
looking piled in heaps. Heaps stood for centuries until a half-blind monk
in 1511 he decided not to put things in order. Heaps were dismantled six
slender pyramids. When in the XVIII century, local land passed into the possession
Prince Schwarzenberg, the bones found other uses. The well-known carver
Wood Frantisek Rint, taking orders from Prince, used them as
material for interior parts and the coat of arms of the Schwarzenberg. By
It is estimated that it took about 40 thousand skeletons.
Paris Catacombs, France
It would seem that the Paris catacombs - the usual tourist trail,
no mysticism and mystery remain, however, did not happen. However,
before the start of the tour in memory of Victor Hugo's novels will be resurrected with their
dungeons, and oppressive atmosphere. The catacombs are all under
Paris, however, only a small part of them is open for tours. The rest
day and night patrols underground police, and not to protect
Catacombs (to steal it, nothing but bones) and to protect the curious
tourists. There are legends about ghosts, monsters and blind madmen in
for several generations without departing from the daylight. Nonsense, not
is not it? Now tell me, why a civilized country, in this case,
spend a lot of money for the maintenance of the special police?
Concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Auschwitz, Poland
In the former death camp Auschwitz, which killed more than 4
million people, created by the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. Login
Museum - through the famous gates, captured in hundreds of military
movies. Next - brick blocks in which prisoners were kept. In
a shock lead exposure, for example, things have been taken away by the Nazis
their victims. In the nearby Birkenau camp, there is no exposure,
the state of the camp left unchanged since the war.
Museum of Torture. Mdina, Malta
There are many famous museums of torture - in Prague, The Hague, Amsterdam ...
However, considered the worst museum in the city of Mdina, gathered
a huge collection of guillotines, tongs for pulling out nails and other
instruments of torture. In addition, the use of inquisitorial arsenal clearly
show naturalistic, almost too naturalistic wax
In Spain, in a rare museum are not exposed to the guillotine, "Spanish Boots" and other awful attributes.
But the meeting in Malta in Mdina museum is amazing the representation of diversity. Mdina - the ancient capital of Malta.
The atmosphere in town appropriate: there are almost no people quiet at
deserted streets. A few steps in the stone well and it turns
the torture in this kingdom: the rack, a vice to squeeze the skull,
tweezers for pulling out nails ... The victims and their tormentors, gallows, people
without heads - all of these characters inhabit rooms - wax, but look
terribly naturalistic. Watch your step it is necessary, otherwise
You can trip over the bag with a skeleton inside. Everything else,
accompanies the procession of tourists hunchback caretaker.
Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California
This removed a lot of home movies, told hundreds of stories. His
built Sarah Winchester, heiress of the weapons company. Because
terrible prophecy, or for some other reason, she went crazy.
House - the fruit of her mad fantasy. He is huge and terrifying, a healthy person
simply can not understand the intentions that have guided the lady in
forty-year period of construction. It is believed that the house is full of ghosts and
other mischief, but even if you do not believe in poltergeist, madness
Sarah Winchester certainly impress.
Castle Dracula. Transylvania, Romania
The medieval castle of the famous vampire is on the edge of a precipice.
Bran Castle, built on the edge of the gorge in the Carpathian mountains, deservedly
It has a reputation as the worst place in Rumynii.Cherez close passages,
dark rooms and echoing stone stairs you walk into the bedroom, in
where the vast four-poster bed the vampire sucked blood from
their victims. But even if the story of Dracula, you are not inclined to believe,
terrible reality you are unlikely to please. After all, in this castle lived
one of the most monstrous people of the Middle Ages, and you say, "a fairy tale» ...
Gothic silhouette of the castle, its spiers soaring into the sky, inspired
the horror of more than one century, thanks to acts of Prince Vlad IV, longer
known as Vlad Lacerator. Glory bloody monster he gained from
the descendants of his unhealthy obsession to put all the count. Road,
which leads to the castle, it is still called "Dear sharpened stakes»
Gulag, Russia
After the Gulag, in the twenty years of its existence, held by millions of people.
The camps were set difficult conditions have not been respected
basic human rights, applied severe penalties for
the slightest violation of the regime. Extremely high mortality was
hunger, disease and overwork. And now Solovki under
northern sky you can see deserted barracks, tunnels, punishment cells and
stores with clothes and shaved hair of prisoners.
Museum of executions. Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, Paris
Another museum belongs to the galaxy of the scariest museums of the world. His
Founder familiar with the subject firsthand - he served as an executioner more
ten years. The museum contains tools killings of all time, and
If at first you feel the worst is a huge guillotine,
I advise to take a closer look - much worse than might be smaller guns,
completely invisible and harmless at first glance ...
Death Valley, Tibet
This path is at a distance from the famous pilgrimage route around
Mount Kailash. Field Death Valley is strewn with bones - go here to die
Yoga, go here for the illumination, purification and acquisition of secret knowledge.
Here are just a return, not all and not in the mental
state in which the left: it is believed that in the Valley of death, the soul
It passes a kind of court, and the sinful or senseless lives here
Castle horror (London, England)
In the castle to try to observe the principle of naturalism, recreating
historical events. The atmosphere is pumped even at the expense of odors.
For example, the ruins of London after the Great Fire left, look
almost as if it just happened. The torture chambers are presented
all the torture instruments, which only applied torturers.
Something visitors can experience if you want for yourself. Or
take part in the show, which is reproduced in the 16th century court. All
It passes a lot of fun. Somewhere at the top officers of the law sitting in wigs,
unsuspecting tourists grabbed and seated on a bench
defendants. "Name?" - "Sam." "Where will?" - "Boston". "... From Boston
America? - "Guilty!»
Museum of the departed souls (Rome, Italy)
In order to verify the presence of souls of the dead on the ground, rather
visit the small museum where every exhibit is
proof of this fact. Is a museum in the sacristy del Sacro Cuore
(Chiesa del Sacro Cuore). But before that you need to ask permission from
the local priest, though it is largely a clean
All the exhibits in the museum associated with ghosts. For example, the cap with
sooty finger prints, shows how dead
It failed to punish his wife is not too pious husband. By
legend, Louise le Seneshel May 7, 1873 was the dead of night to
his wife who was sleeping peacefully, pulled off his cap several times
pinched nose.
We ate in other museums around the world to photograph exhibits strongly
is prohibited, then no one in this museum this does not prevent. Only here
show pictures of the exhibits have not yet managed to anyone.
Chertsey Museum (Kaunas, Lithuania)
The only museum in the world, in which the exclamation "Damn you!»
It can be very useful. However, among the two thousand exhibits,
collected in the museum from 23 countries, there is hardly one,
able to cause trouble the visitors. Figures devils made
of the most diverse materials: wood, leather, ceramics, metal,
plastic. The idea to create a collection of devils came up with the professor A.
Žmuidzinavičius. The modern collection, and it was put
is a collection of evil forces.
"The gates of prisoners," or "Torture Museum" (The Hague, Netherlands)
Torture Museum in Amsterdam is much more known of a similar museum in The Hague.
Although the fact that the Hague Museum Composition terrible, undeniable.
On a busy central area of The Hague is the dungeon where to
the whole kingdom in the Middle Ages were brought criminals. Attention
visitors are presented full inventory executioners.
If you keep good spirits and did not immediately retiruetes this
terrible place, the guide describes in detail how to use it.

Museum pathologist. Austria, Vienna

In the world there are dozens of museums, which exhibits not
the faint of heart. Curiosities, Mütter Museum in
Philadelphia and many others. Vienna Museum of Pathology among them -
the most famous, a real monument to pathologies, deformities, gene
mutations and harsh medieval medicine. The second title of the museum -
Tower fools. The fact that the museum is located in a former mental hospital,
in prison for lunatikov.V 17th century to modern Spitalgasse
It was a madhouse. The most hardened and cynical tourists,
has traveled the world in search of the desired dose of adrenaline, certainly
I agree - it's really scary.
Now the pleasure of visiting this place can get, or brave,
or supertsinichnye people. Among the most notable exhibits here - gynecological chair in mahogany organs preserved in alcohol,
the prepared skull mummified head exhibits clearly
showing cases of sexually transmitted diseases or pathological
increasing the genitals ...
During the war, the museum was bombed, resulting in lost
some of its exhibits. For example, the sculpture of Laocoon with
sons, material for which was from the human and animal
Ossuary - Museum-Ossuary (Sedlec, Czech Republic)

The plague has left much evidence of their relentless activity.
Several centuries ago, a large part of Europe has turned into one continuous
necropolis. At a time when the regular cemetery is full, bone
I had to dig out of the ground and impromptu warehouses.
In many provincial European towns still cellars
chapels littered with skulls of victims of the epidemic. Ossuary in the Czech Republic -
special warehouse, in the XVIII century to an analysis of "the medieval heritage»
approached with imagination and absolute cynicism. Known at the time
woodcarver created for the Prince of Schwarzenberg interior design, completely
consisting of bones. Most impressive walls
neatly stacked skulls, but the coat of arms of the Schwarzenberg, collected from
bones, and few people indifferent.
Once at the site of Prince Schwarzenberg Crypt Chapel of All Saints was
with a basement chapel peace of Jesus' agony in Gethsemane.
Nearby is the cemetery takes 3, 5 hectares on which
We found the final resting 30,000 plague victims in 1318 and Hussite
wars. Soon crowded necropolis closed, bone removed and
looking piled in heaps. Heaps stood for centuries until a half-blind monk
in 1511 he decided not to put things in order. Heaps were dismantled six
slender pyramids. When in the XVIII century, local land passed into the possession
Prince Schwarzenberg, the bones found other uses. The well-known carver
Wood Frantisek Rint, taking orders from Prince, used them as
material for interior parts and the coat of arms of the Schwarzenberg. By
It is estimated that it took about 40 thousand skeletons.
Paris Catacombs, France

It would seem that the Paris catacombs - the usual tourist trail,
no mysticism and mystery remain, however, did not happen. However,
before the start of the tour in memory of Victor Hugo's novels will be resurrected with their
dungeons, and oppressive atmosphere. The catacombs are all under
Paris, however, only a small part of them is open for tours. The rest
day and night patrols underground police, and not to protect
Catacombs (to steal it, nothing but bones) and to protect the curious
tourists. There are legends about ghosts, monsters and blind madmen in
for several generations without departing from the daylight. Nonsense, not
is not it? Now tell me, why a civilized country, in this case,
spend a lot of money for the maintenance of the special police?
Concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Auschwitz, Poland

In the former death camp Auschwitz, which killed more than 4
million people, created by the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau. Login
Museum - through the famous gates, captured in hundreds of military
movies. Next - brick blocks in which prisoners were kept. In
a shock lead exposure, for example, things have been taken away by the Nazis
their victims. In the nearby Birkenau camp, there is no exposure,
the state of the camp left unchanged since the war.
Museum of Torture. Mdina, Malta

There are many famous museums of torture - in Prague, The Hague, Amsterdam ...
However, considered the worst museum in the city of Mdina, gathered
a huge collection of guillotines, tongs for pulling out nails and other
instruments of torture. In addition, the use of inquisitorial arsenal clearly
show naturalistic, almost too naturalistic wax
In Spain, in a rare museum are not exposed to the guillotine, "Spanish Boots" and other awful attributes.
But the meeting in Malta in Mdina museum is amazing the representation of diversity. Mdina - the ancient capital of Malta.
The atmosphere in town appropriate: there are almost no people quiet at
deserted streets. A few steps in the stone well and it turns
the torture in this kingdom: the rack, a vice to squeeze the skull,
tweezers for pulling out nails ... The victims and their tormentors, gallows, people
without heads - all of these characters inhabit rooms - wax, but look
terribly naturalistic. Watch your step it is necessary, otherwise
You can trip over the bag with a skeleton inside. Everything else,
accompanies the procession of tourists hunchback caretaker.
Winchester Mystery House, San Jose, California

This removed a lot of home movies, told hundreds of stories. His
built Sarah Winchester, heiress of the weapons company. Because
terrible prophecy, or for some other reason, she went crazy.
House - the fruit of her mad fantasy. He is huge and terrifying, a healthy person
simply can not understand the intentions that have guided the lady in
forty-year period of construction. It is believed that the house is full of ghosts and
other mischief, but even if you do not believe in poltergeist, madness
Sarah Winchester certainly impress.
Castle Dracula. Transylvania, Romania

The medieval castle of the famous vampire is on the edge of a precipice.
Bran Castle, built on the edge of the gorge in the Carpathian mountains, deservedly
It has a reputation as the worst place in Rumynii.Cherez close passages,
dark rooms and echoing stone stairs you walk into the bedroom, in
where the vast four-poster bed the vampire sucked blood from
their victims. But even if the story of Dracula, you are not inclined to believe,
terrible reality you are unlikely to please. After all, in this castle lived
one of the most monstrous people of the Middle Ages, and you say, "a fairy tale» ...
Gothic silhouette of the castle, its spiers soaring into the sky, inspired
the horror of more than one century, thanks to acts of Prince Vlad IV, longer
known as Vlad Lacerator. Glory bloody monster he gained from
the descendants of his unhealthy obsession to put all the count. Road,
which leads to the castle, it is still called "Dear sharpened stakes»
Gulag, Russia

After the Gulag, in the twenty years of its existence, held by millions of people.
The camps were set difficult conditions have not been respected
basic human rights, applied severe penalties for
the slightest violation of the regime. Extremely high mortality was
hunger, disease and overwork. And now Solovki under
northern sky you can see deserted barracks, tunnels, punishment cells and
stores with clothes and shaved hair of prisoners.
Museum of executions. Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, Paris

Another museum belongs to the galaxy of the scariest museums of the world. His
Founder familiar with the subject firsthand - he served as an executioner more
ten years. The museum contains tools killings of all time, and
If at first you feel the worst is a huge guillotine,
I advise to take a closer look - much worse than might be smaller guns,
completely invisible and harmless at first glance ...
Death Valley, Tibet

This path is at a distance from the famous pilgrimage route around
Mount Kailash. Field Death Valley is strewn with bones - go here to die
Yoga, go here for the illumination, purification and acquisition of secret knowledge.
Here are just a return, not all and not in the mental
state in which the left: it is believed that in the Valley of death, the soul
It passes a kind of court, and the sinful or senseless lives here
Castle horror (London, England)

In the castle to try to observe the principle of naturalism, recreating
historical events. The atmosphere is pumped even at the expense of odors.
For example, the ruins of London after the Great Fire left, look
almost as if it just happened. The torture chambers are presented
all the torture instruments, which only applied torturers.
Something visitors can experience if you want for yourself. Or
take part in the show, which is reproduced in the 16th century court. All
It passes a lot of fun. Somewhere at the top officers of the law sitting in wigs,
unsuspecting tourists grabbed and seated on a bench
defendants. "Name?" - "Sam." "Where will?" - "Boston". "... From Boston
America? - "Guilty!»
Museum of the departed souls (Rome, Italy)

In order to verify the presence of souls of the dead on the ground, rather
visit the small museum where every exhibit is
proof of this fact. Is a museum in the sacristy del Sacro Cuore
(Chiesa del Sacro Cuore). But before that you need to ask permission from
the local priest, though it is largely a clean
All the exhibits in the museum associated with ghosts. For example, the cap with
sooty finger prints, shows how dead
It failed to punish his wife is not too pious husband. By
legend, Louise le Seneshel May 7, 1873 was the dead of night to
his wife who was sleeping peacefully, pulled off his cap several times
pinched nose.
We ate in other museums around the world to photograph exhibits strongly
is prohibited, then no one in this museum this does not prevent. Only here
show pictures of the exhibits have not yet managed to anyone.
Chertsey Museum (Kaunas, Lithuania)

The only museum in the world, in which the exclamation "Damn you!»
It can be very useful. However, among the two thousand exhibits,
collected in the museum from 23 countries, there is hardly one,
able to cause trouble the visitors. Figures devils made
of the most diverse materials: wood, leather, ceramics, metal,
plastic. The idea to create a collection of devils came up with the professor A.
Žmuidzinavičius. The modern collection, and it was put
is a collection of evil forces.
"The gates of prisoners," or "Torture Museum" (The Hague, Netherlands)

Torture Museum in Amsterdam is much more known of a similar museum in The Hague.
Although the fact that the Hague Museum Composition terrible, undeniable.
On a busy central area of The Hague is the dungeon where to
the whole kingdom in the Middle Ages were brought criminals. Attention
visitors are presented full inventory executioners.
If you keep good spirits and did not immediately retiruetes this
terrible place, the guide describes in detail how to use it.